Second opinion
When you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, there is often great uncertainty. A lot of information has to be processed and decisions made - for example about the best and appropriate treatment for the disease. Here, a second opinion can often provide security and further clarity.
During our general consultation hours we offer you such a presentation for a second opinion. In addition to a detailed anamnesis and a physical examination, the previous diagnostics and therapy are reviewed and discussed. An interdisciplinary team of UCCH senior physicians will discuss each new patient. If necessary, your medical history will also be presented and discussed in one of our interdisciplinary tumor boards. You will receive a report on these consultations and the recommendation of the tumor board.
Please note
For preparation we need the following information and documents, which you should send to us in advance:
- Please use our registration form for new patients
- All important medical reports and discharge letters on your tumor disease and previous treatment
- Fine tissue examination (histology, pathological findings) of the tumor (initial diagnosis and further findings, if applicable) including additional staining and, if applicable, molecular genetic examinations
- OP report, if available
- Written findings from CT and MRT images
- Please bring CT and MRT images on CD to the appointment
- Most current laboratory results
- Information if an interpreter is required
- Letter of referral
Please do not staple the findings together and use paper printed on one side only. This will save us work and valuable time.
The statutory health insurance covers the costs for the second opinion via a referral form. If you have already made use of this service in the current quarter, the second opinion will be billed as an Individual Health Service (IGeL).
You can contact us as follows to submit your documents: