Epidemiology and tumor documentation
The evaluation of population and regional data in reference to occurrence, risk factors, diagnoses and treatments of cancer is a central and close to the patient way of cancer research. It is divided into several subparts, which are narrowly connected.
Clinical and genetic cancer epidemiology
An important mission in cancer epidemiology is the identification of risk factors for cancer with the aim to use the results in new concepts for cancer prevention. Large epidemiological projects are also carried out at the Hubertus Wald Tumor Center to investigate life style and genetic factors in order to find risks for developing cancer and other chronical diseases. Furthermore, clinical-epidemiological projects are as well used to explore influencing factors on prognosis and life quality for cancer patients to gain new findings for tertiary cancer prevention.
Oncological health care research
At the UCCH oncological health care research is understood as a joint work by numerous research partners. That way innovative research approaches are possible, which focus on the complete cancer patient, and valuable contributions can be made to improve treatment pathways, quality standards and life quality of patients.
Clinical cancer registration
Besides the exploration of occurrence and risk factors of cancer, the Hubertus Wald Tumor Center has the goal to ensure current oncological care standards. The main tool for this purpose is the Clinical Cancer Registry of the Hubertus Wald Tumor Center, in which information about the treatment quality is gathered in order to develop and proof measures in quality improvement.
Ethnical and medical aspects in cancer treatment
The Hubertus Wald Tumor Center offers an exceptional team of researchers and experts in the field, who evaluate impact and framework conditions of modern cancer treatment from an ethical and medical law view in accordance to scientific criteria.
Epidemiological projects
National Cohort
National Cohort
The National Cohort (NaKo) is a nation-wide long-term health study with 200,000 adults. If you are interested in taking part in this health study or if you like to get further information about the National Cohort in Hamburg, please click on the following link:
The National Cohort in Hamburg (in German)
Hamburg City Health Study (HCHS)
Hamburg City Health Study (HCHS)
The Hamburg City Health Study (HCHS) is the largest mono-centric medical long-term study world-wide. The study was initiated by the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. It is a study from people in Hamburg for people in Hamburg, to jointly contribute to a healthier city.
Hamburg City Health Study (in German)