Welcome to the Department of Nuclear Medicine
We offer the full range of modern nuclear medicine diagnostic methods.
As a result of our close cooperation with the "Ambulanzzentrum des UKE GmbH" our diagnostic procedures are available for state-insured patients.
The special features of our possibilities include the so-called multimodal methods where our processes are carried out simultaneously with a computer tomography. In the area of PET/CT examinations we have also innovative diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals available for investigating patients with prostate cancer and neuroendocrine tumors. The results of these sophisticated diagnostic methods are discussed with our colleagues from the radiology department in regular interdisciplinary clinical conferences.
The medical opportunities offered by our clinic also include diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases. For carrying out the potentially necessary radioiodine therapy we have five beds available. Our patient terminals with Internet and TV should help to make the days of inpatient stay pleasant.