Patient Advisory Board
The UCCH Research Patient Advisory Board advises the UCCH Board of Directors and the physicians and scientists working at the UCCH on the strategic development and implementation of cancer research and care in our network.
The Patient Advisory Board is given the opportunity to review UCCH's patient orientation for sustainability and to contribute to ensuring that research and patient care at UCCH is substantially oriented towards patient benefit and takes the patient perspective into account.
The Patient Advisory Board usually meets twice a year and is given the opportunity to receive further training in specific research topics. The selection of topics is based on the wishes of the Patient Advisory Board members and is also aligned with the strategic issues at UCCH. The members of the Patient Advisory Board use this information to prepare topic-related statements and recommendations to the UCCH Board of Directors, thus supporting the work of the Cancer Center in using their experience to clarify the patient's perspective and draw attention to unforeseen risks in the implementation of research projects.
The members are composed of 12 patient representatives or parents of children with cancer. Hereby patients are included, who had different types of cancer and are of different age groups, in order to be able to contribute the widest possible range of experience.
Members of the Patient Advisory Board
(in alphabetical order)
- Ernst-Günther Carl, Selbsthilfegruppe Prostatakrebs Pinneberg
- Ariane Fischer, Angehörigengruppe der SHG Speiseröhrenkrebs
- Ulrike Göbel, Aplastische Anämie & PNH e.V.
- Dorothee Iversen, Fördergemeinschaft Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg e.V.
- Otmar Kodalle, Selbsthilfegruppe Speiseröhrenkrebs
- Heide Lakemann, Frauenselbsthilfe nach Krebs e.V.
- Jürgen Martens, Multiples Myelom Selbsthilfegruppe Hamburg
- Ines Moegling, NetzwerkStatt Krebs
- Hayriye Oguz, BRCA-Netzwerk
- Kai-Uwe Parsons Galka, Förderverein für Knochenmarktransplantation in Hamburg e.V.
- Fabia von Blücher, CAYA
- Katrin Wemheuer, Sherpa-Initiative des Fördervereins für Knochenmarktransplantation in Hamburg e.V.
Coordination and requests
Avin Hell, Communication and Public Relations