Fifth Framework of the European Union
The EUROFAMCARE Consortium
The pan European Network

EUROFAMCARE - InternationalAdvisory Board

Robert Anderson, European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Loughlinstown, Co Dublin, Ireland, Tel: ++35 31 282 6888, Fax: ++35 31 282 6456, rma@eurofound.ie, www.eurofound.ie

Prof. Dr. Janet Askham, King's College London, Institute of Gerontology, Age Concern, Strand, WC2R2LS London, Great Britain, Tel: ++44 20 7836 5454, janet.m.askham@kcl.ac.uk, aciog@kcl.ac.uk, www.kcl.ac.uk

Dr. Stephane Jacobzone, OECD, Social Policy Division, 2 Rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France, Tel: ++33 1 45 24 85 56, Fax: ++33 1 45 24 90 98, stephane.jacobzone@oecd.org, www1.oecd.org/els/health/canconf/jacobzone_bio.htm

Dr. Kai Leichsenring, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Berggasse 70, 1090 Vienna, Austria, Tel: ++43 1 319 45 05 0, Fax: ++43 1 319 45 05 19, leichsenring@euro.centre.org, www.euro.centre.org

Prof. Dr. Jozef Pacolet, Catholic University of Leuven, Higher Institute of Labour Studies, Social and Economic Policy, Van Evenstraat 2a, 3000 Leuven, Belgium, Tel: ++32 16 32 31 49, Fax: ++32 16 32 31 34, Jozef.Pacolet@hiva.kuleuven.ac.be, www.kuleuven.ac.be/hiva

Marja Pijl, The Netherlands Platform Older People and Europe (NPOE), Post address: Postbus 222, 3500 AE Utrecht, The Netherlands, Independent Researcher, Utenbroekestraat 35, 2597 PH The Hague, The Netherlands, Tel: ++31 70 324 17 24, Fax: ++31 70 324 17 24, pijl.ma@tref.nl, www.npoe.nl

Prof. Dr. Joseph Troisi, International Institute on Aging (INIA), University of Malta, Institute of Gerontology, Tal-Croqq, Msida, MSD 06, Malta, Tel: ++356 32 90 22 37, Fax: ++356 31 95 26, joseph.troisi@um.edu.mt, www.maltamigration.com/settlement/personalities/troisijoseph.shtml, www.inia.org.mt

Dr. Lis Wagner, c/o WHO European Office, WHO, Scherfigsvej, 2100 Copenhagen, www.who.dk - Farvergaardsvejen 24, 3210 Vejby, Denmark Tel: ++45 4870 6595, Fax: ++45 4870 6585, LW@city.dk


EUROFAMCARE was funded by European Union - Contract: QLK6-CT-2002-02647