Fifth Framework of the European Union
The EUROFAMCARE Consortium
The pan European Network

Description of Workpackage 2

NASUR: Development of a Joint Family Care Assessment, User's Guide, Translation and Adaptation


To develop an integrated family carer and care-recipient assessment package, translated into six languages (English, German, Greek, Swedish, Italian, Polish), incorporating:

COPE Index; CAMI; physical and mental health status indices (BADL, Barthel-Index, IADL,MMSE etc.), information about costs of services for supporting family carers of elderly people in Europe and about overall care expenses both for professional and family care.

To develop a questionnaire for telephone-interviews with service providers.

To develop a Users Guide, translated into 6 European languages

Methodolody and study materials

  1. Identification of assessment instruments; establishing availability in required languages, developing questions and interview guidelines for service providers related to the assessment.
  2. Translation protocol
  3. Development of an integrated assessment package in English
  4. Development of a user's guide in English
  5. Development of a coding guide in English
  6. Monitoring of partners' translation activity of 4-6: double back translation from English into Italian, Greek, Swedish, German and Polish in order to establish linguistic equivalence. Cross-cultural face validation will be achieved through engagement with care practitioners and carers in the UK, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Greece and Poland.






EUROFAMCARE was funded by European Union - Contract: QLK6-CT-2002-02647