Research Group on Migration and Psychosocial Health (MiPH)
- Description
- Team
- Projects
- Bibliography
- Supervision of theses
Flight, migration and immigration are global phenomena. The health impacts, challenges, solutions, as well as effective interventions for individuals, healthcare and society are diverse and complex.
The interdisciplinary Research Group for Migration and Psychosocial Health (AGPM) at the University Medical Center Hamburg engages in different research activities focusing on the topics of "migration and health" from different perspectives. In terms of content, epidemiological issues, together with structural quality, quality of processes and outcome quality in the health care of people with a history of flight and migration as well as in other areas of society (civil protection, social work) are investigated. The research areas of the AGPM include:
- Connection between migration/flight and health/resilience
- Multilingualism in healthcare
- Intercultural healthcare research
- Intercultural competencies of healthcare professionals
- Intercultural openness in the healthcare system
- Culture- and language-sensitive interventions and assessment tools
- Multilingualism in providing quality mental health care to migrants needs, resources and practices (MiM2M)
- Development and implementation of a digital platform for the promotion of access to mental healthcare for low language proficient third-country nationals in Europe (MHEALTH4ALL)
Quality assurance
The AGPM also conducts applied research as part of quality assurance initiatives. In the "BetweenLanguages" project, quality standards for the qualification of interpreters in the community settings are developed. This project establishes a scientific basis for the professionalization of interpreters in the German healthcare and community settings. In the "Culture-sensitive Psychotherapy" project, guidelines for intercultural competencies in the training of psychotherapists have been developed. These quality assurance measures serve as guidance for researchers, lecturers, experts, as well as providers and participants of training programs.
Public Relations
In order to improve the healthcare of people with a history of flight and migration, the AGPM also organizes specialist conferences (e.g., “Interpreting in Health and Community Services - Perspectives, qualification & future developments”)
Educational Measures
The AGPM develops and evaluates intercultural educational measures (lectures, seminars, workshops) for various target groups (medical and psychology students, (prospective) specialists and psychotherapists, healthcare providers, professionals in the healthcare of people with a history of flight and migration, etc.) on topics such as "Cultural Diversity in Physician-Patient Communication," "Intercultural Competencies in Psychotherapy," "Intercultural Basic Competencies," "Emergency Assistance in Hamburg," "Intercultural Coaching for Refugee Professionals," etc.
Consultation: We support the planning, application, and implementation of research projects on the topics of "Migration and Health."
External Evaluation and Quality Assurance: As an independent research institution, we develop and evaluate treatment options, interventions, and measures as part of quality assurance.
Internship: Interested students of psychology, medicine, nursing and health sciences, as well as related fields of study, can complete research-related internships with us.
Qualification Work: After completing an internship, there is the possibility of supervision for bachelor's and master's theses as well as dissertations.
Network: Since we can learn a lot from each other and achieve more together, networking between research, healthcare, and education is very important to us. The AGPM is connected (inter)nationally with scientists, experts, and practitioners, as well as with healthcare providers, scientific societies, and migrant organizations in the field of culture- and language-sensitive healthcare and research.
If you are interested in getting in touch with us or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Email:
Phone:+49 (0) 40 7410 - 59743
TeamProf. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych.Mike Oliver Mösko
- Head of research group
PhoneE-mailIvette Alejandra Abanto RamosM. Sc.- Visiting scientist
- Psychologist
PhoneE-mailSaskia Hanft-RobertM. Sc.-Psych.- Research fellow
PhoneE-mailAnnika KreienbrinckM.Sc. Epidemiology- Research fellow
PhoneE-mailMuhammed-Talha TopçuM. Sc. Psychologie- Visiting scientist
E-mailformer members
- Uyen Thanh Mai (guest scientist, USA)
- Oriana Handtke, M. Sc.
- Dr. rer. biol. hum. Sanna Higgen, M. Sc.
- Christoph Breitsprecher, M.A.
- Atena Sazegar, M. Sc.-Psych.
- Heide Lindtner-Rudolph, M. A.
- Jessica Terese Mueller, M.A.-Psych., M.A.
- Demet Dingoyan, Dipl.-Psych.
- Sidra Khan-Gökkaya
- Juliette Maggu, Dipl.-Psych.
- Dr. Benjamin Schilgen, M. Sc.
Ongoing projects
- Multilingualism in providing quality mental health care to migrants needs, resources and practices (MiM2M) , Volkswagen Foundation
- Development and implementation of a digital platform for the promotion of access to mental healthcare for low language proficient third-country nationals in Europe (MHEALTH4ALL) , EU-Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
- Agency in multilingual health communication - Next Generation Partnerships – Thematic Networks Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), 07/2023 – 06/2026
- Ensuring low-threshold oncological care for people with a Turkish migration background - the native language guide model , Deutsche Krebshilfe, 07/2023 – 06/2025
Finished projects
- Multilingualism in providing quality mental health care to migrants – needs, resources and practices (MiM2M) , pilot study, Volkswagen Foundation 11/2020-09/2021
- ZwischenSprachen IV - Qualitätsoptimierung für Fachkräfte und SprachmittlerInnen , EU-Asyl-, Migrations- und Integrationsfonds (AMIF), 07/2020 - 11/2022
- ZwischenSprachen – Curriculum zur bundesweiten Mindestqualifizierung von SprachmittlerInnen in der sozialen Arbeit , EU-Asyl-, Migrations- und Integrationsfonds (AMIF), 07/2019 - 09/2022
- Establishing an international interdisciplinary research network on Multilingualism in Health Care, Ministry of Science, Research and Equality, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, 01/2019-08/2021
- Lehrfilme zur Stärkung der kommunikativen Kompetenzen von Nutzern von Sprachmittlern ,EU-Asyl-, Migrations- und Integrationsfonds (AMIF), 07/2018-06/2020
- Mehrsprachigkeit in der ambulanten Versorgung in Hamburg
- Mehrsprachigkeit in der ambulanten diabetologischen Versorgung in Deutschland
- Gesunde Vielfalt - Hamburger Curriculum zur Stärkung Interkultureller Kompetenzen in der PatientInnenversorgung (Robert Bosch Stiftung & UKE-Akademie für Bildung und Karriere, 11/2017-10/2018)
- Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Präventionsprogramms zur Förderung der Resilienz geflüchteter Kinder für den Schulunterricht , HBS, 08/2017-07/2020
- Multilingualität in der ambulanten psychiatrischen und psychotherapeutischen Versorgung ,Psychotherapeutenkammer Hamburg, Ärztekammer Hamburg, Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer, 02/2017-01/2019
- ZwischenSprachen - Qualitätsstandards zur Qualifizierung von Sprachmittlern für die Sozialarbeit , EU-Asyl-, Migrations- und Integrationsfonds (AMIF), 07/2016-06/2018
- Mehrsprachigkeit in der medizinischen Regelversorgung , Uni Hamburg, 07/2015-06/2016
- Interkulturelle Barrieren und Ressourcen bei der Inanspruchnahme und in der Versorgung von PatientInnen mit Migrationshintergrund in der stationären Rehabilitation von Menschen mit psychischen / psychosomatischen Erkrankungen , VFFR, BGW 02/2015-02/2018
- Integration von Geflüchteten in die Patientenversorgung , ESF, 02/2017-12/2020
- Arbeits- und Gesundheitssituation von Pflegekräften mit Migrationshintergrund , BGW, 01/2016-12/2018
- Rettung, Hilfe & Kultur 2 - Interkulturelle Kompetenz im Bevölkerungsschutz , Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe, 05/2013-01/2016
- Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation eines Interkulturellen Kompetenztrainings für Psychotherapeuten , Europäischer Integrationsfonds, 03/2013-02/2014
- Entwicklung von Leitlinien für Trainings interkultureller Kompetenz von Ärztlichen und Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten , Europäischer Integrationsfonds, 03/2012-02/2013
- Orientation of the health care system towards the needs of migrants with mental disorders , Volkswagen-Stiftung, 11/2009-06/2013
- Interkulturelle Öffnung der Gesundheitsversorgung in der Metropolregion Hamburg , 04/2014-06/2014
- Entwicklung und Evaluation eines klinischen ethno-kulturell sensitiven psychometrischen Status- und Verlaufs Instruments und eines Instruments zur Messung der Patientenzufriedenheit , 07/2008-01/2009
- Fachtagung "Migration und Gesundheit" vom 04. Dezember 2006: Ergebnisse, Vorträge und Poster , 10/2006-02/2007
- Gartner, K., Mösko, M., Becker, J.C. & Hanft-Robert, S. (2024). Psychotherapy With Migrant Patients: Exploring the Attitudes of Psychotherapists Towards Interpreter-Mediated Psychotherapy. Transcultural Psychiatry, 1–13, doi: 10.1177/13634615241227337
- Gutiérrez, R.L., Díaz, C.P., Aranda, C. Á, … Hanft-Robert, S. ... Mösko, M. & Schouten, B. (2024). MentalHealth4All: mapping and assessing existing multilingual resources in mental healthcare. Onomázein. doi: 10.7764/onomazein.ne13.05
- Hanft-Robert, S., Lindberg, L. G., Mösko, M., & Carlsson, J. (2023). A balancing act: how interpreters affect the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy with trauma-affected refugees - a qualitative study with therapists. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1175597. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1175597
- Adedeji, A., Langel, C., Feick, A., Borges Greibaum, M. S., Rahimi, M., & Hanft-Robert, S. (2023). Work-Life Balance and Mental Health Outcomes for Generation Z in Germany. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 65(12), 987–991. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002934
- Hanft-Robert, S., Kreienbrink, A., & Mösko, M. (2023). Community Interpreting in Germany - Interpreters’ working conditions and qualification. The European Journal of Public Health, 33(Suppl 2), ckad160.1710. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.1710
- Shongwe, L., Hanft-Robert, S., Cossie, Q., Sithole, P., Roos, T. & Swartz, L. (2023) Role of security guards in healthcare settings: a protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open;13:e069546. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069546
- Adedeji, A., Olawa, B., Hanft-Robert, S., Olonisakin, T.T., Akintunde, T.Y., Buchcik, J. & Boehnke, K. (2023). Examining the Pathways from General Trust Through Social Connectedness to Subjective Wellbeing. Applied Research Quality Life 18, 2619–2638. doi: 10.1007/s11482-023-10201-z
- Handtke O, Günther LV, Mösko M (2022). Assessing the psychosocial work environment of migrant and non-migrant workers in inpatient mental health centres: A feasibility study. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0275003.
- Hanft-Robert, S., Emch-Fassnacht, L., Higgen, S., Pohontsch, N., Breitsprecher, C., Müller, M., ... & Mösko, M. (2022). Training service providers to work effectively with interpreters through educational videos: A qualitative study. Interpreting. doi: 10.1075/intp.00090.han.
- Higgen, S., Mueller, J. T., & Mösko, M. (2021). Universal mental health interventions for young students in adverse environments–a systematic review of evaluated interventions. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 27(3), 281-293.
- Higgen, S. & Mösko, M. (2021). Development and pilot evaluation of a universal intervention – Enhancing resilience in culturally and linguistically diverse primary school classrooms. International Journal of Educational Research, 108. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101757
- Hanft-Robert, S., Pohontsch, N. J., Uhr, C., Redlich, A. & Metzner, F. (2021). Therapeutic Alliance in Interpreter-Mediated Psychotherapy from the Perspective of Refugee Patients: Results of Qualitative Interviews. Verhaltenstherapie. doi:10.1159/000517136
- Hanft-Robert, S., Tabi, K., Gill, H., Endres, A., & Krausz, R. M. (2021). Mental health mobile apps for patients: Psychiatrists’ concerns. European Psychiatry, 64(Suppl 1), S346. doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2021.928
- Bäärnhielm, S., Mösko, M., Vaage, A. B. (2021). Separate or integrated services?, in Dinesh Bhugra (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry, Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press 2021, p. 439 - 448, doi: 10.1093/med/9780198833741.003.0052,
- Mösko M (2020). Mehrsprachigkeit in der Gesundheitsversorgung. In Ingrid Gogolin, Antje Hansen, Sarah McMonagle, Dominique Rauch, Paul Leseman (Hg.): Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung, 369-375. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
- Higgen S, Mösko M (2020). Mental health and cultural and linguistic diversity as challenges in school? An interview study on the implications for students and teachers. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0236160.
- Khan-Gökkaya S, Mösko M (2020). Interkulturelles Coaching für geflüchtete Fachkräfte in
Gesundheitsberufen: Entwicklung, Durchführung und Evaluation. Organisationsberat Superv Coach (2020) 27:383–399 - Breitsprecher C., Mueller J. T., Mösko M (2020) Qualitätsstandards und Mindestanforderungen für die Qualifizierung von Dolmetscher*innen für die soziale Arbeit in Deutschland. Hamburg: Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf. ISBN 978-3-00-064135-0
- Handtke O, Imgart H, Krenge S, Kuhnert J, Schneider J, Mösko M (2020). Barrieren und Ressourcen in der Behandlung von PatientInnen mit Migrationshintergrund in der psychosomatischen Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation: DOI: 10.1055/a-1270-2100
- Khan-Gökkaya S, Mösko M (2020). Process- and outcome evaluation of an orientation programme for refugee health professionals. Med Education Online; 25(1): 1811543. doi: 10.1080/10872981.2020.1811543
- Breitsprecher C, Mueller JT, Mösko M (2020) Quality standards and minimum requirements for the qualification of interpreters in social work settings in Germany. Hamburg: Universitätsklinikum Hamburg–Eppendorf. ISBN 978-3-00-066148-8
- Khan-Gökkaya S, Mösko M (2020). Labour Market Integration of Refugee HealthProfessionals in Germany: Challenges and Strategies. International Migration. doi: 10.1111/imig.12752
- Higgen S, Mösko M (in prep.). Mental health and cultural and linguistic diversity as challenges in school? An interview study on the implications for students and teachers. PLoS ONE 15(7):e0236160.
- Lambert L, Karow A, Gallinat J, Lüdecke D, Kraft V, Rohenkohl A, Schröter R, Finter C, Siem AK, Tlach L, Werkle N, Bargel S, Ohm G, Hoff M, Peter H, Scherer M, Mews C, Pruskil S, Härter M, Dirmaier J, Schulte-Markwort M, Löwe B, Briken P, Peper H, Schweiger M, Mösko M, Bock T, Wittzack M, Meyer HJ, Konnopka A, König H, Wegscheider K, Daubmann A, Peth J, König HH, Schulz H (2020). Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating an evidence-based, stepped and coordinated care service model for mental disorders (RECOVER). BMJ Open. 10:e036021. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036021
- Schilgen B, Nienhaus A, Mösko M (2020). Extent of psychosocial distress among immigrant and non-immigrant homecare nurses – A comparative cross sectional survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 3;17(5). doi: 10.3390/ijerph17051635.
- Handtke O, Günter L, Mösko M (2020). Work-related stress factors and resources of staff in inpatient mental health centres – an explorative cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. bmjopen-2019-032911.R1
- Khan-Gökayya S, Higgen S, Mösko M (2019). Qualification programmes for immigranthealth professionals: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 14(11): e0224933.
- Schilgen B, Handtke O, Nienhaus A, Mösko M (2019). Work-related barriers and resources of migrant and autochthonous homecare nurses in Germany: A qualitative comparative study
APPL NURS RES;46:57-66. DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2019.02.008
- Khan-Gökkaya, S., & Mösko, M. (2018). 1.10-P1 Systematic Review on international qualification programmes for the labour market integration of refugees and immigrant health professionals. The European Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_1), cky048-001.
- Mösko, M., Maggu, J., Bührig, K., & Schulz, H. (2018). 3.5-O8 Multilingualism in the hospital in Germany-demands, resources and practices. The European Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_1), cky047-116.
- Mueller, J., Breitsprecher, C., Schulz, H., & Mösko, M. (2018). 4.5-O5 Training in community interpreting: a systematic review of evaluated programmes. The European Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_1), cky047-152.
- Schilgen, B., Nienhaus, A., Handtke, O., Schulz, H., & Mösko, M. (2018). 6.2-O5 Health situation of migrant and minority nurses: a systematic review. The European Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_1), cky047-204.
- Janssen-Kallenberg, H., Schulz, H., Kluge, U., Strehle, J., Wittchen, H., Wolfradt, U., Koch-Gromus, U., Heinz, A., Dingoyan, D., Mösko M. (2017). Acculturation and other risk factors of depressive disorders in individuals with Turkish migration backgrounds. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1-12), 264.
- Dingoyan, D., Schulz, H., Kluge, U., Penka, S., Vardar, A., von Wolff, A., Strehle, J., Wittchen, H., Koch, U., Heinz, A., Mösko, M. (2017). Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders among first and second generation individuals with Turkish migration backgrounds in Germany. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 177.
- Schilgen, B., Nienhaus, A., Handtke, O., Schulz, H., & Mösko, M. (2017). Health situation of migrant and minority nurses: A systematic review. PloS One, 12(6), e0179183.
- Dingoyan, D., Mösko, M., Imamoğlu, Y., von Wolff, A., Strehle, J., Wittchen, H.-U., Schulz, H., Koch‐Gromus, U., Heinz, A., Kluge, U. (2017). Development and feasibility of the computerized Turkish edition of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview [DIA‐X/CIDI version 2.8 (TR)]. International journal of methods in psychiatric research, 26(3), e1533.
- Mösko, M., Dingoyan, D., Penka, S., Vardar, A., Schulz, H., Koch, U., Heinz, A., Kluge, U. (2016). Prevalence of mental disorders and health service utilization among individuals with Turkish migration backgrounds in Germany: a study protocol for an epidemiological investigation. Open Journal of Psychiatry, 6(03), 237-252.
- Baschin, K., Wormeck, I., & Mösko, M. (2016). Guidelines for Trainings in Inter-/Transcultural Competence for Psychotherapists. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie, 66(2), 67-73.
- Bäärnhielm, S. & Mösko, M. (2015). Cross Cultural Communication with Traumatized Immigrants. In Schouler-Ocak, M (ed.), Trauma and Migration - Cultural Factors in Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatized Immigrants. Berlin: Springer, 39-55.
- Bernhard, G., Knibbe, R., von Wolff, A., Dingoyan, D., Schulz, H., & Mösko, M. (2015). Development and psychometric evaluation of an instrument to assess cross-cultural competence of healthcare professionals (CCCHP). PloS One, 10(12), e0144049.
- Penka, S., Faißt, H., Vardar, A., Borde, T., Mösko, M., Dingoyan, D., Schulz, H., Koch, U., Kluge, U. Heinz, A. (2015). The current state of intercultural opening in psychosocial services - The results of an assessment in an inner-city district of Berlin. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie, 65(9-10), 353-362.
- Metzner, F., Schwinn, A., Mösko, M., & Pawils, S. (2015). Families with migrant backgrounds as target group of early interventions: results of a social early warning system in a metropolitan region. Das Gesundheitswesen, 77(10), 742-748.
- Rapp, M. A., Kluge, U., Penka, S., Vardar, A., Aichberger, M. C., Mundt, A. P., Schouler-Ocak, M., Mösko, M., Butler, J., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Heinz, A. (2015). When local poverty is more important than your income: mental health in minorities in inner cities. World Psychiatry, 14(2), 249-250.
- Mösko, M. (2015). Cross-cultural Opening - a long way to achieve substantial changes in the German mental health care system. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 92(1), 79-88.
- Mösko, M. (2014). Cross-cultural trainings as a module in the process of cross-cultural opening in mental health care service: needs, concepts, examples and developments. Nervenheilkunde, 2(6), 445-450.
- Mösko, M., Gil‐Martinez, F., & Schulz, H. (2013). Cross‐Cultural Opening in German Outpatient Mental Healthcare Service: An Exploratory Study of Structural and Procedural Aspects. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 20(5), 434-446.
- Odening, D., Jeschke, K., Hillenbrand, D. & Mösko, M. (2013). The Current State of Intercultural Opening in Psychosocial Services. The Results of an Assessment in an Inner-City District of Berlin. Verhaltenstherapie & Psychosoziale Praxis, 53-72.
- Dingoyan, D., Schulz, H., & Mösko, M. (2012). The willingness to participate in health research studies of individuals with Turkish migration backgrounds: barriers and resources. European Psychiatry, 27, S4-S9.
- Bäärnhielm, S., & Mösko, M. (2012). Cross-cultural training in mental health care–challenges and experiences from Sweden and Germany. European Psychiatry, 27, S70-S75.
- Mösko, M., Baschin, K., Längst, G. von Lersner, U. (2012). Interkulturelle Trainings für die psychosoziale Versorgung - Bedarf, Konzepte und Herausforderungen. Psychotherapeut, (1)15-21.
- Mösko, M., Pradel, S., & Schulz, H. (2011). The care of people with a migration background in psychosomatic rehabilitation. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 54(4), 465-474.
- Mösko, M., Rabung, S., Tingir, B., Pradel, S., Dippel, A., Winkeler, M., Schneider, J., Dahlbender, R., Koch, E., Schouler-Ocak, M., Koch-Gromus, U., Schulz, H. (2011). Psychometric analysis of the Turkish speaking version of the" Hamburg Modules for the Assessment of Psychosocial Health"(T-HEALTH-49). Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 61(12), 503-511.
- Harfst, T., Ghods, C., Mösko, M., & Schulz, H. (2009). Measuring positive behaviour and experience in inpatients with mental disorders - the Hamburg Self-Care Questionnaire (HamSCQ). Die Rehabilitation, 48(5), 277-282.
- Mösko, M., Schneider, J., Koch, U., & Schulz, H. (2008). Does a Turkish migration background influence treatment outcome? Results of a prospective inpatient healthcare study. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 58(3-4), 176-182.
Supervision of theses
Ongoing theses
- Hanft-Robert, Saskia (Psychology). Overcoming Language Barriers: Interpreting Practices in Social and Health Care for Migrants. Promotion, PhD.
- Kreienbrinck, Annika (Global/public health). Multilingualism in providing quality mental healthcare - needs, usability and efficiency of technological tools. Promotion, PhD.
Finished theses
- Handtke, Oriana (Psychologie). Interkulturelle Barrieren und Ressourcen bei der Inanspruchnahme und in der Versorgung von Patienten mit Migrationshintergrund in der stationären psychosomatischen Rehabilitation. Promotion, PhD.
- Müller, Jessica Terese (Psychologie). Qualitätsstandards zur Qualifizierung von Sprachmittlern in der sozialen Arbeit mit Flüchtlingen: Überblick, Bedarfsanalyse, Entwicklung. Promotion, PhD.
- Higgen, Sanna (Psychologie). Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Präventionsprogramms zur Förderung der Resilienz geflüchteter Kinder für den Schulunterricht. Promotion, PhD.
- Khan-Gökkaya, Sidra (Public Health). Berufliche Integration von Geflüchteten in die Gesundheitsversorgung: Bedarfe, Konzepte und Wirksamkeit. Promotion, PhD
- Schilgen, Benjamin (Public Health). Arbeits- und Gesundheitssituation von Pflegenden mit Migrationshintergrund. Promotion, PhD.
- Suarez, Greey (Psychologie). Systematic Review of methods and results of Cross-Cultural Competence Training in Health Care. Diplomarbeit, Dipl.-Psych.
- Dingoyan, Demet (Psychologie). Psychische Störungen bei Menschen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland: Barrieren, Methoden und Ergebnisse. Promotion, Dr. phil.
- Khan, Sidra (2016). Psychotherapeutische Versorgung von Flüchtlingen in Hamburg – eine qualitative Analyse. Masterarbeit, Internationale Migration und Interkulturelle Beziehungen.
- Vanessa Müller (2016). Prävalenz und Risikofaktoren für Angststörungen bei Menschen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland. Masterarbeit, Psychologie.
- Müller-Stephan, Marlene (2016). Rettung, Hilfe und Kultur – Eine kritische Evaluation der Schulungen für Migranten und Flüchtlinge über das deutsche Bevölkerungsschutzsystem. Bachelorarbeit Psychologie.
- Holst, Silke (2016). Konzeption, Durchführung und Evaluation eines interkulturellen Trainings für Mitarbeitende einer Klinik der psychosomatischen Rehabilitation. Diplomarbeit, Psychologie.
- Petak, Flora (2015). Migration background in inpatient psychotherapy: difficulties and resources. Masterarbeit, Psychologie.
- Hedder, Jönna Dorle (2015). Psychosoziale Gesundheit und Inanspruchnahme von Gesundheitsleistungen von Menschen peruanischer Herkunft in Hamburg. Masterarbeit, Psychologie.
- Kallenberg, Hanna (2015). Risk factors of depressive disorders and symptom severity in individuals of Turkish migration background. Masterarbeit, Psychologie.
- Zoha Assadi Gohar (2014). Psychosoziale Gesundheit und Inanspruchnahme von Gesundheitsleistungen bei Menschen mit iranischem Migrationshintergrund in Hamburg. Diplomarbeit, Psychologie.
- Jakovljevic, Milka (2014). Interkulturelle Öffnung und multilinguale Behandlungsmöglichkeiten in der bundesweiten stationären psychotherapeutischen Versorgung. Diplomarbeit, Psychologie.
- Wissert, Katharina (2014). Einflussfaktoren auf die Inanspruchnahme psychosozialer Versorgungsleistungen von Menschen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund. Diplomarbeit, Psychologie.
- Loerbroks, Lotta (2013). Struktur- und Prozessqualität (trans-) kultureller Trainings im Gesundheitswesen: Ergebnisse einer systematischen Literaturrecherche. Bachelorarbeit, Psychologie.
- Risch, Rebekka (2012). Risk of mood and anxiety disorders among migrants – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Masterarbeit, Psychologie.
- Längst, Gerda (2012). Development and psychometric evaluation of an instrument (IKG) to measure cross-cultural competence of healthcare professionals. Masterarbeit, Psychologie.
- Odening, Diana (2012). Stand der interkulturellen Öffnung in der ambulanten psychotherapeutischen Versorgung. Diplomarbeit, Psychologie.
- Jordan, Constanze (2011). Inanspruchnahme gesundheitlicher Versorgungsangebote durch Menschen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund. Masterarbeit, Psychologie.
- Topal, Nazan (2011). Diagnostische Validität psychischer Störungen bei psychosomatischen Patienten mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund. Diplomarbeit, Psychologie.
- Gil-Martinez, Fernanda (2009). Ambulante psychotherapeutische Versorgung von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Hamburg. Eine Erkundungsuntersuchung. Diplomarbeit, Psychologie.