Welcome to the BLOIS Lab Deutsche Version

The Glycoimmunology Research group is committed to studying the galectin-glycan signaling networks in health and early disease development associated with pregnancy.

Our aim is,

to contribute to the understanding of disease aetiology and pathogenesis during pregnancy with a strong focus in glycobiology of the feto-maternal immune interactions and the vasculature.

We are a highly collaborative team. Please do not hesitate to contact Prof Blois should you be interested in more details regarding our research, possibilities for student research projects, fellowship opportunities or potential research collaborations. These are the fields we are currently working on:

Placental galectin-glycan signaling networks

Implication of placental galectin-glycan signaling networks for pregnancy outcome

Galectins in cardiovascular disease

Galectins in cardiovascular disease associated with pregnancy disorders

  • Avenue

    Klinik und Poliklinik für Geburtshilfe und Pränatalmedizin

    Labor für Glyco-Immunologie und Reproduktion


    Martinistr. 52

    20251 Hamburg

  • Map (building)

    You will find our laboratory in building N27 (blue area)

    UKE map (PNG 166 KB)

    UKE map (PDF) (PDF 113 KB)