Das Europäische Projekt-Netzwerk besteht aus Wissenschaftlern aus insgesamt 23 Ländern (die sechs Länder der Kerngruppe mit eingeschlossen).
Prof. Dr. Chantal Van Audenhove, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, LUCAS, Kapucijnenvoer 35, 3000 Leuven, Tel: ++32 16 33 69 10, Fax: ++32 16 33 69 22, chantal.vanaudenhove@med.kuleuven.ac.be
Bernadette Van den Heuvel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, LUCAS, Kapucijnenvoer 35, 3000 Leuven, Bernadette.Van.Den.Heuvel@GVAGROUP.be
Dr. Anja Declercq, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, LUCAS, Kapucijnenvoer 35, 3000 Leuven, Tel: ++32 16 33 69 18, Fax: ++32 16 33 69 22, Anja.Declercq@med.kuleuven.ac.be
Dr. Lilia Dimova, Agency for Social Analyses (ASA), 1, Macedonia Sq., 1040 Sofia, lilia.dimova@consultant.bg
Dr. George W. Leeson, Weysesgade 51, 2100 Copenhagen, Tel: ++45 3920 9747, letuf@post8.tele.dk, george.leeson@sociology.oxford.ac.uk
Dr. Terttu Parkatti, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Health Sciences, P.O. Box 35, 40014 Jyväskylä, Tel: ++358 14 260 2156, Fax: ++358 14 260 2189, parkatti@sport.jyu.fi, www.jyu.fi/liikunta
Dr. Hannelore Jani-Le Bris, de senectute, Le Monastère - 2, Allée des Cèdres, 92410 Ville d'Avray, Tel: ++33 1 41 15 14 59, jani.de.senectute@wanadoo.fr
Brigid Barron, Caring for Carers Ireland, abbey arcade, abbey street, Ennis Co. Clare, Tel: ++353 65 68 66515, Fax: ++353 65 6867710, caringforcarers@eircom.net, bbarron.ennis@eircom.net
Mary McMahon, Caring for Carers Ireland, abbey arcade, abbey street, Ennis Co. Clare, Tel: ++ 353 65 6822076, mcmcmahon@eircom.net
Prof. Dr. Dieter Ferring, University of Luxembourg, Campus Walferdange - Bâtiment XII, Route de Diekirch, L-7220 Walferdange, Tel: ++352 466644 6646, Fax: ++352 466644 9900, dieter.ferring@uni.lu; http://www.uni.lu/recherche/flshase/integrative_research_unit_social_and_individual_development_inside
Prof. Dr. Germain Weber, Universität Wien, Institut für Psychologie, AG Klinische Psychologie, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, Tel: ++43 1 4277 478 97, Fax: ++43 1 4277 478 99, germain.weber@univie.ac.at
Prof. Dr. Joseph Troisi, University of Malta, Institute of Gerontology, Tal-Croqq, MSD 06 Msida, Tel: ++356 21 3290 2237, Fax: ++356 21 319526, joseph.troisi@um.edu.mt
Prof. Dr. Kees Knipscheer, Free University, Department of Sociology and Social Gerontology, De Boelelaan 1081 C, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Tel: ++31 20 444 6783, Fax: ++31 20 444 6810, cpm.knipscheer@fsw.vu.nl
Prof. Dr. Kirsten Thorsen, NOVA, Munthesgt. 29, 0260 Oslo, Tel: ++47 25 41 200, Fax: ++47 22 54 1201, Kirsten.Thorsen@nova.no
Reidun Ingebretsen, NOVA, Munthesgt. 29, 0260 Oslo, reidun.ingebretsen@nova.no
Dr. Josef Hörl, Uni Wien, Institut für Soziologie, Sozialgerontologie und Lebenslaufforschung, Alser Straße 33, 1080 Wien, Tel: ++43 4277 481 15, Fax: ++43 4277 9481, josef.hoerl@univie.ac.at
Dr. Liliana Sousa, Universidade de Aveiro, S.A. Ciências da Saúde, Campus Universitario de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Tel: ++351 234 372 440, Fax: ++351 234 401597, lilianax@cs.ua.pt
Daniela Figueiredo, Universidade de Aveiro, S.A. Ciências da Saúde, Campus Universitario de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, danielaf@cs.ua.pt
Astrid Stuckelberger, PhD, Public Health - Department of Community Health and Medicine, University of Geneva - CMU - IMSP, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Tel: ++41 22 379 59 13, Fax: -59 12, mobile: ++41 76 391 36 21, astrid.stuckelberger@imsp.ch, www.imsp.ch
Simona Hvalic Touzery, Anton Trstenjak Institute, Resljeva 11, P.O.Box 4443, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tel.: ++386 1 433 93 01 simona.hvalic@guest.arnes.si
Arantza Larizgoitia Jauregi, C/ Sabino Arana 7 3D, 48100 Mungia, Bizkaia, Tel: ++34 94 615 51 37, Fax: ++34 94 674 45 96, perurrutia@euskalnet.net
Prof. Iva Holmerová, Centre of Gerontology, 182 00 Praha 8, Iva.Holmerova@gerontocentrum.cz
Dr. Zsuzsa Széman, Head of the Welfare Mix Team, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Uri u. 49, H-1014 Budapest, ++36 1 224 67 46, fax: ++36 1 224 67 45, szemanzs@elender.hu