The development of a Standardised Evaluation Protocol STEP as the basis for the National Background Reports NABAREs (WP 11 and 13).
Greece will develop the initial proposal for the STEP. STEP will be discussed, modified and agreed on at the first meeting of the partners. It will contain categories and criteria reflecting the individual national situations of family carers of elderly people in relation to the (non-)existence, (non-)familiarity, (non-)availability, (non-)use and (non-)acceptability of supporting services. Furthermore, political, ethical, cultural, religious, economic (see WP 9) and gender aspects will be important criteria for inclusion in STEP. STEP will also include questions concerning all available information about the overall expenses of care in the respective country (per dependent person and overall) and on services for supporting family carers of elderly people in Europe. The protocol for the report of AGE may differ from STEP as this report focuses on "European policies and activities" at a higher level (see WP 12).
The core group members will use STEP in a pilot phase. On the basis of these experiences STEP will be modified before being used in the pan-European group, if necessary.
No 2: Standardised Evaluation Protocol (STEP for NABARE) (first version).