Welcome to gesa-K

"Health literacy, self-help activities and health care experience of people with cancer" ("Gesundheitskompetenz, Selbsthilfeaktivitäten und Versorgungserfahrung von Menschen mit Krebs" - short gesa-K) is a cooperation project between the Institute of Medical Sociology (IMS) at the Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) and the House of Cancer Self-Help - Federal Association (HKSH-BV). The project is funded by the German Cancer Aid.

This website serves for communication and information about the project gesa-K. The project-information can be found under "Project", information about the researchers involved under "Team", and the information about the surveys under "Surveys".

Throughout the project we will publish all project developments and results of this study in form of presentations and publications here on this website.

We started the main survey in the gesa-K project on 15 October 2020, asking more than 1,100 people affected by cancer about their experiences of their condition and their received care until 13 September 2021. For questions and suggestions feel free to contact us!

Research Team (IMS):

Dr. Christopher Kofahl (Project Manager)
Dr. Jens Klein
Elâ Ziegler, M.Phil.
David Cebulla


Elâ Ziegler, M.Phil.
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Institute of Medical Sociology
Martinistraße 52, W37
20246 Hamburg

Phone: (040) 7410 54868
E-Mail: e.ziegler@uke.de