MuMi „Förderung der Mundgesundheitskompetenz und Mundgesundheit von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund“ (English Translation: “Promotion of oral health & oral health literacy of people with migration backgrounds”) is a cooperation project between the Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics (PDP) and the Institute of Medical Sociology (IMS) at the University Medical Center Hamburg (UKE).
We have developed an interactive oral health prevention program that can be accessed using a phone or tablet that can be downloaded from the Google or Apple Store. The app is available in the following languages: German, English, Turkish, Russian, and Arabic.
This app serves as mobile platform for information and training to improve oral health. To do this, content that is included in this app include questionnaires, videos, pictograms, and a reminder system (“Have you use interdental brushes today?”).
We have develop a short questionnaire that measures oral health literacy.
Oral health literacy is defined as “the ability to find, understand, and evaluate health information to make decisions about one’s health" 1.
This questionnaire was developed so that it may be easily administered at our participating dentist offices. The oral health literacy questionnaire is available in five languages.
In addition to measuring oral literacy, cooperating dentists from the Hamburg district “Mitte” will measure the following clinical outcomes of our participants:
DMFT (decayed, missing, and filled teeth)
SBI (sulcus bleeding index)
API (approximal plaque index)
1 Robert Koch Institute (2015) Allgemeines zu Gesundheitskompetenz (Health Literacy).
Project Management:
PD Dr. Ghazal Aarabi, M.Sc. (Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics)
Dr. Christopher Kofahl (Institute of Medical Sociology)
Contact Person:
Berit Lieske, M.Sc.
Address: Martinistraße 52, Gebäude Ost 58, 20246, Hamburg
Telephone: (040) 7410 - 55332