- Speaker's committee / Board
- Advisory board
- Experienced advisory board
- Members
Speaker's committee / Board
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Härter (Department of Medical Psychology, UKE)
- Dr. Andreas Meusch (TK)
- Prof. Dr. Susanne Busch (Department Pflege und Management,Leitung Competence Center Gesundheit, CCG HAW Hamburg)
- Thomas Bott (AOK Rheinland/Hamburg - Die Gesundheitskasse)
Advisory board
- Prof. Jürgen Unützer, Institut für Psychiatrie und Verhaltensforschung, Universität Washington, Seattle, USA
- Prof. Paul McCrone, Institut für Psychiatrie, Psychologie & Neurowissenschaften, King’s College London, GB
- Prof. Eileen F. S. Kaner, Institut für Gesundheit und Gesellschaft, Universität Newcastle, GB
- Prof. Birgit Watzke, Psychologisches Institut, Universität Zürich, SUI
- Prof. Wolfgang Hoffmann, Institut für Community Medicine, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
- Prof. Doris Schaeffer, Institut für Pflegewissenschaft, Universität Bielefeld
- Prof. Michel Wensing, Abteilung Allgemeinmedizin und Versorgungsforschung, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Prof. Trudy van der Weijden (Institute of General Practice, Maastricht University, NL) was part of the scientific advisory board during the first funding phase from 2017-2020.
Experienced advisory board
The Hamburg Network for Health Services Research (HAM-NET) would like to include the perspective and experiences of patients more strongly in the second funding phase. For this purpose, an advisory board of experienced patients, relatives and practitioners was founded in October 2020, which is active in an advisory capacity in the three current research projects.
The advisory board consists of people who have experience as patients and relatives in the health care system and who have already gained experience in working on research projects. The experienced persons understand the main task of the advisory board to be "to speak as a representative for the others [affected persons]" and thus to advise and cooperate in the research process. The term "experienced" makes it possible to include people who have no experience of their own illness, but are relatives or caregivers. At present, the Experienced Persons Advisory Board consists of six experienced persons and three researchers who coordinate the Advisory Board.
In an iterative process, the Experienced Persons Advisory Board has developed a joint concept and procedure for meaningful research participation. Parallel to the participation process, it was worked out in which project activities (within the three HAM-NET projects) the experienced researchers would like to participate. In return for their participation, the experienced researchers are to be compensated for their efforts and receive research training.
In addition to work in the advisory board and in the sub-projects, participation in other research activities (e.g. HAM-NET meetings, Patient:innentag) also took place. In the future, the focus will be on evaluation as well as expansion and stabilisation of the infrastructure of the Experienced Persons Advisory Board.
DGPM - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Medizin und Ärztliche Psychotherapie (DGPM) e.V.
HAG - Hamburgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gesundheitsförderung e.V.
Hamburg - Sozialbehörde (Behörde für Arbeit, Gesundheit, Soziales, Familie und Integration)
HAW - Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
HCHE - Hamburg Center for Health Economics
LApK Hamburg - Angehörige psychisch erkrankter Menschen, Landesverband Hamburg e.V.
LPE - Landesverband Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e.V. Hamburg