Dr. rer. nat.
Maurice Meseke
  • Scientist
Working area


N61 , 3rd Floor, Room number 308
German (Mother tongue)

Curriculum vitae



Distal Dendritic Enrichment of HCN1 Channels in Hippocampal CA1 Is Promoted by Estrogen, but Does Not Require Reelin
Meseke M, Neumüller F, Brunne B, Li X, Anstötz M, Pohlkamp T, Rogalla M, Herz J, Rune G, Bender R
ENEURO. 2018;5(5):.

Reelin and aromatase cooperate in ovarian follicle development
Meseke M, Pröls F, Schmahl C, Seebo K, Kruse C, Brandt N, Fester L, Zhou L, Bender R, Rune G
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):8722.


Reelin promotes microtubule dynamics in processes of developing neurons.
Meseke M, Cavus E, Förster E
HISTOCHEM CELL BIOL. 2013;139(2):283-297.

A 3D-matrigel/microbead assay for the visualization of mechanical tractive forces at the neurite-substrate interface of cultured neurons.
Meseke M, Förster E
J BIOMED MATER RES A. 2013;101(6):1726-1733.

Reelin and the Cdc42/Rac1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor αPIX/Arhgef6 promote dendritic Golgi translocation in hippocampal neurons
Meseke M, Rosenberger G, Förster E
EUR J NEUROSCI. 2013;37(9):1404-12.


Congruence of vascular network remodeling and neuronal dispersion in the hippocampus of reelin-deficient mice.
Lindhorst T, Kurz H, Sibbe M, Meseke M, Förster E
HISTOCHEM CELL BIOL. 2012;137(5):629-639.

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