About the department

For several years our department ist specialised in the treatment of children and adolescents with malignant disorders (leukemia and solid tumors), disorders of the blood and disorders of hemostasis. Our department is one of the biggest centers in germany and the only department in Hamburg for these matters. We serve modern diagnostic procedures and innovative treatment concepts recommended by our expert association GPOH (Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie).

We have great expertise in the treatment of leukemias, brain tumors, bone tumors and other solid tumors. A special focus are stemcell- and bone marrow transplantations in leukemias, solid tumors, blood disorders, immune deficiencies and metabolic disorders. Another main emphasis is the treatment of inborn errors of the immune system and hemostasis such as hemophilia an von-Willebrand-Syndrome in children and adolescents.

Our department has been certified as pedatric oncology center by Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft since 15.02.2021. This certification was last confirmed in an annual audit in June 2024.

In all fields we also treat international patients, please see more information at the homepage of the International Office of the UKE.

Our department is coordinating trial center of two big trials for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children and adolescents (COALL) and for treatment of children and adolescents with malignant brain tumors medulloblastoma, supratentorial PNET and ependymoma (HIT-MED, HIT2000, PNET5). Located in our department is also the coordinating trial center for the Choroid-Plexus-Tumor Registry and for the international trial for treatment of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH-2004 und EURO-HIT-HLH). Furthermore our department is participating in the national study group for treatment for sickle cell anemia.

Besides evidence based modern therapy protocolls in trials of the GPOH we offer new treatment options including phase I/II-studies.
We profit from patient treatment next to laboratories and research. The aim of our research with modern methods in molecular biology is for diagnostic and therapeutic benefit for our patients. Therefore we have a close collaboration with the Forschungsinstitut Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg e.V. Furthermore we conduct projects for invastigating late effects after cancer treatment.

The team of our psychologists and social workers provides treatment offers in psychological treatment as well as music and art therapy, innovative multi-media-projects and advice in social matters.

Since 2022 our department is a full member of European Referencenetwork ERN PaedCan ERN PaedCan and one of its partner in the research project ERN PaedCan-Y7-Y10.

Out department is strongly supported by the "Fördergemeinschaft Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg e.V." and the support group for parents in Hamburg.

Auszeichnung für Kinder
Logo - Zertifizierung als Kinderonkologisches Zentrum
ERN PaedCan