Studying estrogen effects in an in vitro-model of traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Hemmat H, Bongarts L, Meiringer P, Bender R
Brain Organoid and Systems Neuroscience Journal. 2024;2:31-42.
Hypoxia culture of testicular tissue from 10-year-old sickle cell disease patient
Kopylow K, Hamurcu H, Ceglarek U, Biemann R, Holstermann B, Brunne B, Soave A, Salzbrunn A, Braunger B, Schneider S
J Reprodmed Endokrinol. 2024;21(6):278-285.
Germ Cell Maintenance and Sustained Testosterone and Precursor Hormone Production in Human Prepubertal Testis Organ Culture with Tissues from Boys 7 Years+ under Conditions from Adult Testicular Tissue
Aden N, Bleeke M, Kordes U, Brunne B, Holstermann B, Biemann R, Ceglarek U, Soave A, Salzbrunn A, Schneider S, Kopylow K
CELLS-BASEL. 2023;12(3):.
Integration naturwissenschaftlicher und medizinischer Grundlagen im Hamburger Modellstudiengang Zahnmedizin iMED DENT
Bender R, Bruhn N, Eisenbarth S, Lemke R, Pantke C, Hampe W, Schwoerer A
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2023;66(12):1353-1362.
An information-theoretic quantification of the content of communication between brain regions
Celotto M, Bím J, Tlaie A, De Feo V, Toso A, Lemke S, Chicharro D, Nili H, Bieler M, Hanganu-Opatz I, Donner T, Brovelli A, Panzeri S
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2023;36:.
Acute Circadian Disruption Due to Constant Light Promotes Caspase 1 Activation in the Mouse Hippocampus
Ketelauri P, Scharov K, von Gall C, Johann S
CELLS-BASEL. 2023;12(14):.
GPER1 deficiency causes sex-specific dysregulation of hippocampal plasticity and cognitive function
Koitmäe A, Karsten Y, Li X, Morellini F, Rune G, Bender R
J ENDOCRINOL. 2023;258(3):.
Sexually differentiated microglia and CA1 hippocampal synaptic connectivity
Prengel T, Brunne B, Habiballa M, Rune G
J NEUROENDOCRINOL. 2023;35(5):e13276.
Deep Characterization and Comparison of Different Retrovirus-like Particles Preloaded with CRISPR/Cas9 RNPs
Wichmann M, Maire C, Nuppenau N, Habiballa M, Uhde A, Kolbe K, Schröder T, Lamszus K, Fehse B, Głów D
INT J MOL SCI. 2023;24(14):11399.
Sex neurosteroids: Hormones made by the brain for the brain
Fester L, Rune G
NEUROSCI LETT. 2021;753:135849.
Expression and Cell Type-specific Localization of Inflammasome Sensors in the Spinal Cord of SOD1(G93A) Mice and Sporadic Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Patients
Hummel C, Leylamian O, Pösch A, Weis J, Aronica E, Beyer C, Johann S
NEUROSCIENCE. 2021;463:288-302.
Sex-specific Regulation of Spine Density and Synaptic Proteins by G-protein-coupled Estrogen Receptor (GPER)1 in Developing Hippocampus
Li X, Johann S, Rune G, Bender R
NEUROSCIENCE. 2021;472:35-50.
Neural sex steroids and hippocampal synaptic plasticity
Brandt N, Fester L, Rune G
VITAM HORM. 2020;114:125-143.
Sex-specific features of spine densities in the hippocampus
Brandt N, Löffler T, Fester L, Rune G
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):11405.
Sex-dependency of oestrogen-induced structural synaptic plasticity: Inhibition of aromatase versus application of estradiol in rodents
Brandt N, Rune G
EUR J NEUROSCI. 2020;52(1):2548-2559.
Sex-specific Difference of Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity in Response to Sex Neurosteroids
Brandt N, Vierk R, Fester L, Anstötz M, Zhou L, Heilmann L, Kind S, Steffen P, Rune G
CEREB CORTEX. 2020;30(4):2627-2641.
The intrinsic cell type-specific excitatory connectivity of the developing mouse subiculum is sufficient to generate synchronous epileptiform activity
Fiske M, Anstötz M, Welty L, Maccaferri G
J PHYSIOL-LONDON. 2020;598(10):1965-1985.
GPER1 Signaling Initiates Migration of Female V-SVZ-Derived Cells
Haumann I, Sturm M, Anstötz M, Rune G
ISCIENCE. 2020;23(5):101077.
Podocytes Produce and Secrete Functional Complement C3 and Complement Factor H
Mühlig A, Keir L, Abt J, Heidelbach H, Horton R, Welsh G, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Licht C, Coward R, Fester L, Saleem M, Oh J
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2020;11:1833.
Selective Inactivation of Reelin in Inhibitory Interneurons Leads to Subtle Changes in the Dentate Gyrus But Leaves Cortical Layering and Behavior Unaffected
Pahle J, Muhia M, Wagener R, Tippmann A, Bock H, Graw J, Herz J, Staiger J, Drakew A, Kneussel M, Rune G, Frotscher M, Brunne B
CEREB CORTEX. 2020;30(3):1688-1707.
Invariable stoichiometry of ribosomal proteins in mouse brain tissues with aging
Amirbeigiarab S, Kiani P, Velazquez Sanchez A, Krisp C, Kazantsev A, Fester L, Schlüter H, Ignatova Z
P NATL ACAD SCI USA. 2019;116(45):22567-22572.
Integrity of Cajal-Retzius cells in the reeler-mouse hippocampus
Anstötz M, Karsak M, Rune G
Neural Correlates of Anesthesia in Newborn Mice and Humans
Chini M, Gretenkord S, Kostka J, Pöpplau J, Cornelissen L, Berde C, Hanganu-Opatz I, Bitzenhofer S
Sex hormones modulate pathogenic processes in experimental traumatic brain injury
Gölz C, Kirchhoff F, Westerhorstmann J, Schmidt M, Hirnet T, Rune G, Bender R, Schäfer M
J NEUROCHEM. 2019;150(2):173-187.
Correction: Culturing and patch clamping of Jurkat T cells and neurons on Al2O3 coated nanowire arrays of altered morphology
Harberts J, Zierold R, Fendler C, Koitmäe A, Bayat P, Fernandez-Cuesta I, Loers G, Diercks B, Fliegert R, Guse A, Ronning C, Otnes G, Borgström M, Blick R
RSC ADV. 2019;9(24):13614.
Culturing and patch clamping of Jurkat T cells and neurons on Al2O3 coated nanowire arrays of altered morphology
Harberts J, Zierold R, Fendler C, Koitmäe A, Bayat P, Fernandez-Cuesta I, Loers G, Diercks B, Fliegert R, Guse A, Ronning C, Otnes G, Borgström M, Blick R
RSC ADV. 2019;9(20):11194-11201.
Thrombospondin Type 1 Domain-Containing 7A Localizes to the Slit Diaphragm and Stabilizes Membrane Dynamics of Fully Differentiated Podocytes
Herwig J, Skuza S, Sachs W, Sachs M, Failla A, Rune G, Meyer T, Fester L, Meyer-Schwesinger C
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2019;30(5):824-839.
Cognitive impairment and autistic-like behaviour in SAPAP4-deficient mice
Schob C, Morellini F, Ohana O, Bakota L, Hrynchak M, Brandt R, Brockmann M, Cichon N, Hartung H, Hanganu-Opatz I, Kraus V, Scharf S, Herrmans-Borgmeyer I, Schweizer M, Kuhl D, Wöhr M, Vörckel K, Calzada-Wack J, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Hrabě de Angelis M, Garner C, Kreienkamp H, Kindler S
TRANSL PSYCHIAT. 2019;9(1):7.
Glutamatergic drive along the septo-temporal axis of hippocampus boosts prelimbic oscillations in the neonatal mouse
Ahlbeck J, Song L, Chini M, Bitzenhofer S, Hanganu-Opatz I
ELIFE. 2018;7:e33158.
Expression of TRPV1 channels by Cajal-Retzius cells and layer-specific modulation of synaptic transmission by capsaicin in the mouse hippocampus
Anstötz M, Lee S, Maccaferri G
J PHYSIOL-LONDON. 2018;596(16):3739-3758.
Erratum to "Experience-Dependent Regulation of Cajal-Retzius Cell Networks in the Developing and Adult Mouse Hippocampus"
Anstötz M, Lee S, Neblett T, Rune G, Maccaferri G
CEREB CORTEX. 2018;28(2):691.
Multisensory integration in rodent tactile but not visual thalamus
Bieler M, Xu X, Marquardt A, Hanganu-Opatz I
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):15684.
WITHDRAWN: P.2.002 Glutamatergic dysfunction within neonatal prefrontal circuitry in a genetic-environmental model of mental disorders
Chinin M, Lindemann C, Pöpplau J, Xu X, Ahlbeck J, Bitzenhofer S, Hanganu-Opatz I
EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM. 2018;28 Suppl 1:S22.
Neurodegeneration and NLRP3 inflammasome expression in the anterior thalamus of SOD1(G93A) ALS mice
Debye B, Schmülling L, Zhou L, Rune G, Beyer C, Johann S
BRAIN PATHOL. 2018;28(1):14-27.
Distal Dendritic Enrichment of HCN1 Channels in Hippocampal CA1 Is Promoted by Estrogen, but Does Not Require Reelin
Meseke M, Neumüller F, Brunne B, Li X, Anstötz M, Pohlkamp T, Rogalla M, Herz J, Rune G, Bender R
ENEURO. 2018;5(5):.
Reelin and aromatase cooperate in ovarian follicle development
Meseke M, Pröls F, Schmahl C, Seebo K, Kruse C, Brandt N, Fester L, Zhou L, Bender R, Rune G
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):8722.
Influence of human acute wound fluid on the antibacterial efficacy of different antiseptic polyurethane foam dressings: An in vitro analysis
Rembe J, Fromm-Dornieden C, Böhm J, Stuermer E
WOUND REPAIR REGEN. 2018;26(1):27-35.
Prenatal Immune and Endocrine Modulators of Offspring's Brain Development and Cognitive Functions Later in Life
Schepanski S, Buss C, Hanganu-Opatz I, Arck P
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2018;9:2186.
Tapered Fibers Combined With a Multi-Electrode Array for Optogenetics in Mouse Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Sileo L, Bitzenhofer S, Spagnolo B, Pöpplau J, Holzhammer T, Pisanello M, Pisano F, Bellistri E, Maglie E, De Vittorio M, Ruther P, Hanganu-Opatz I, Pisanello F
Effects of the experimental administration of oral estrogen on prefrontal functions in healthy young women
Sommer T, Richter K, Singer F, Derntl B, Rune G, Diekhof E, Bayer J
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2018;235(12):3465-3477.
Dynamics, ultrastructure and gene expression of human in-vitro organized testis cells from testicular sperm extraction biopsies
von Kopylow K, Schulze W, Salzbrunn A, Schaks M, Schäfer E, Roth B, Schlatt S, Spiess A
MOL HUM REPROD. 2018;24(3):123-134.
Experience-Dependent Regulation of Cajal-Retzius Cell Networks in the Developing and Adult Mouse Hippocampus
Anstötz M, Lee S, Neblett T, Rune G, Maccaferri G
CEREB CORTEX. 2017;1-16.
Sex-dependent regulation of aromatase-mediated synaptic plasticity in the basolateral amygdala
Bender R, Zhou L, Vierk R, Brandt N, Keller A, Gee C, Schäfer M, Rune G
J NEUROSCI. 2017;37(6):1532-1545.
Rate and Temporal Coding Convey Multisensory Information in Primary Sensory Cortices
Bieler M, Sieben K, Cichon N, Schildt S, Röder B, Hanganu-Opatz I
ENEURO. 2017;4(2):UNSP e0037.
Visual-tactile processing in primary somatosensory cortex emerges before cross-modal experience
Bieler M, Sieben K, Schildt S, Röder B, Hanganu-Opatz I
SYNAPSE. 2017;71(6):UNSP e21958.
Methodological Approach for Optogenetic Manipulation of Neonatal Neuronal Networks
Bitzenhofer S, Ahlbeck J, Hanganu-Opatz I
Layer-specific optogenetic activation of pyramidal neurons causes beta-gamma entrainment of neonatal networks
Bitzenhofer S, Ahlbeck J, Wolff A, Wiegert J, Gee C, Oertner T, Hanganu-Opatz I
NAT COMMUN. 2017;8:14563.
Synaptopodin is regulated by aromatase activity
Fester L, Zhou L, Ossig C, Labitzke J, Bläute C, Bader M, Vollmer G, Jarry H, Rune G
J NEUROCHEM. 2017;140(1):126-139.
Presynaptic localization of GluK5 in rod photoreceptors suggests a novel function of high affinity glutamate receptors in the mammalian retina
Haumann I, Junghans D, Anstötz M, Frotscher M
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(2):e0172967.
Accuracy of Latarjet graft and screw position after using novel drill guide
Klatte T, Hartel M, Weiser L, Hoffmann M, Wehrenberg U, Heinemann A, Rueger J, Briem D
EUR J TRAUMA EMERG S. 2017;43(5):645-649.
Neocortical Layer 6B as a Remnant of the Subplate - A Morphological Comparison
Marx M, Qi G, Hanganu-Opatz I, Kilb W, Luhmann H, Feldmeyer D
CEREB CORTEX. 2017;27(2):1011-1026.
Early-life stress impairs recognition memory and perturbs the functional maturation of prefrontal-hippocampal-perirhinal networks
Reincke S, Hanganu-Opatz I
SCI REP-UK. 2017;7:42042.
The serine protease inhibitor neuroserpin is required for normal synaptic plasticity and regulates learning and social behavior
Reumann R, Vierk R, Zhou L, Gries F, Kraus V, Mienert J, Romswinkel E, Morellini F, Ferrer I, Nicolini C, Fahnestock M, Rune G, Glatzel M, Galliciotti G
LEARN MEMORY. 2017;24(12):650-659.
Glutamatergic deficit and schizophrenia-like negative symptoms: new evidence from ketamine-induced mismatch negativity alterations in healthy male humans
Thiebes S, Leicht G, Curic S, Steinmann S, Polomac N, Andreou C, Eichler I, Eichler L, Zöllner C, Gallinat J, Hanganu-Opatz I, Mulert C
J PSYCHIATR NEUROSCI. 2017;42(4):273-283.
Developmental Profile, Morphology, and Synaptic Connectivity of Cajal-Retzius Cells in the Postnatal Mouse Hippocampus
Anstötz M, Huang H, Marchionni I, Haumann I, Maccaferri G, Lübke J
CEREB CORTEX. 2016;26(2):855-872.
Post mortem CT scans as a supplementary teaching method in gross anatomy
Buenting M, Mueller T, Raupach T, Luers G, Wehrenberg U, Gehl A, Anders S
ANN ANAT. 2016;208:165-169.
Control of aromatase in hippocampal neurons
Fester L, Brandt N, Windhorst S, Pröls F, Bläute C, Rune G
J STEROID BIOCHEM. 2016;160:9-14.
Interdependent Conductances Drive Infraslow Intrinsic Rhythmogenesis in a Subset of Accessory Olfactory Bulb Projection Neurons
Gorin M, Tsitoura C, Kahan A, Watznauer K, Drose D, Arts M, Mathar R, O'Connor S, Hanganu-Opatz I, Ben-Shaul Y, Spehr M
J NEUROSCI. 2016;36(11):3127-44.
Thalamic and Entorhinal Network Activity Differently Modulates the Functional Development of Prefrontal-Hippocampal Interactions
Hartung H, Brockmann M, Pöschel B, De Feo V, Hanganu-Opatz I
J NEUROSCI. 2016;36(13):3676-90.
From Shortage to Surge: A Developmental Switch in Hippocampal-Prefrontal Coupling in a Gene-Environment Model of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Hartung H, Cichon N, De Feo V, Riemann S, Schildt S, Lindemann C, Mulert C, Gogos J, Hanganu-Opatz I
CEREB CORTEX. 2016;26(11):4265-4281.
Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-3-kinase-A controls morphology of hippocampal dendritic spines
Köster J, Leggewie B, Blechner C, Brandt N, Fester L, Rune G, Schweizer M, Kindler S, Windhorst S
CELL SIGNAL. 2016;28(1):83-90.
Spindle Activity Orchestrates Plasticity during Development and Sleep
Lindemann C, Ahlbeck J, Bitzenhofer S, Hanganu-Opatz I
NEURAL PLAST. 2016;5787423.
Balancing family with a successful career in neuroscience
Poirazi P, Belin D, Gräff J, Hanganu-Opatz I, López-Bendito G
EUR J NEUROSCI. 2016;44(2):1797-803.
Aromatase Expression in the Hippocampus of AD Patients and 5xFAD Mice
Prange-Kiel J, Dudzinski D, Pröls F, Glatzel M, Matschke J, Rune G
NEURAL PLAST. 2016;9802086.
Erratum to: Comparison of hemostatic dressings for superficial wounds using a new spectrophotometric coagulation assay
Rembe J, Böhm J, Fromm-Dornieden C, Schäfer N, Maegele M, Fröhlich M, Stuermer E
J TRANSL MED. 2016;14(1):218.
Comparing two polymeric biguanides: chemical distinction, antiseptic efficacy and cytotoxicity of polyaminopropyl biguanide and polyhexamethylene biguanide
Rembe J, Fromm-Dornieden C, Schäfer N, Böhm J, Stuermer E
J MED MICROBIOL. 2016;65(8):867-876.
Oestradiol synthesized by female neurons generates sex differences in neuritogenesis
Ruiz-Palmero I, Ortiz-Rodriguez A, Melcangi R, Caruso D, Garcia-Segura L, Rune G, Arevalo M
SCI REP-UK. 2016;6:31891.
Phenylketonuria: Direct and indirect effects of phenylalanine
Schlegel G, Scholz R, Ullrich K, Santer R, Rune G
EXP NEUROL. 2016;281:28-36.
Autoantibodies against thrombospondin type 1 domain-containing 7A induce membranous nephropathy
Tomas N, Hoxha E, Reinicke A, Fester L, Helmchen U, Gerth J, Bachmann F, Budde K, Nolte F, Zahner G, Rune G, Lambeau G, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Stahl R
J CLIN INVEST. 2016;126(7):2519-32.
The road to independence. How to get funding in neuroscience
Yaksi E, Poirazi P, Hanganu-Opatz I
EUR J NEUROSCI. 2016;43(5):603-7.
Resting-state theta-band connectivity and verbal memory in schizophrenia and in the high-risk state
Andreou C, Leicht G, Nolte G, Polomac N, Moritz S, Karow A, Hanganu-Opatz I, Engel A, Mulert C
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2015;161(2-3):299-307.
Increased Resting-State Gamma-Band Connectivity in First-Episode Schizophrenia
Andreou C, Nolte G, Leicht G, Polomac N, Hanganu-Opatz I, Lambert M, Engel A, Mulert C
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2015;41(4):930-939.
The effect of estrogen synthesis inhibition on hippocampal memory
Bayer J, Rune G, Schultz H, Tobia M, Mebes I, Katzler O, Sommer-Blöchl T
Oscillatory activity in developing prefrontal networks results from theta-gamma-modulated synaptic inputs.
Bitzenhofer S, Sieben K, Spehr M, Hanganu-Opatz I
CELL REP. 2015;11(3):486-497.
Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia impairs juvenile recognition memory by disrupting the maturation of prefrontal-hippocampal networks
Domnick N, Gretenkord S, De Feo V, Sedlacik J, Brockmann M, Hanganu-Opatz I
EXP NEUROL. 2015;273:202-14.
Cetylpyridinium chloride and miramistin as antiseptic substances in chronic wound management - prospects and limitations
Fromm-Dornieden C, Rembe J, Schäfer N, Böhm J, Stuermer E
J MED MICROBIOL. 2015;64(Pt 4):407-414.
Introduction to the Special Issue on Multisensory Development and Plasticity
Gori M, Hanganu-Opatz I
MULTISENS RES. 2015;28(1-2):31-32.
You are not alone: selecting your group members and leading an outstanding research team
Hanganu-Opatz I, Mameli M, Káradóttir R, Spires-Jones T
EUR J NEUROSCI. 2015;42(12):3012-7.
Unraveling Cross-Modal Development in Animals: Neural Substrate, Functional Coding and Behavioral Readout
Hanganu-Opatz I, Rowland B, Bieler M, Sieben K
MULTISENS RES. 2015;28(1-2):33-69.
Hippocampal synaptic connectivity in phenylketonuria
Horling K, Schlegel G, Schulz S, Vierk R, Ullrich K, Santer R, Rune G
HUM MOL GENET. 2015;4(24):1007-1018.
Event-related potential evidence for a dynamic (re-)weighting of somatotopic and external coordinates of touch during visual-tactile interactions
Ley P, Steinberg U, Hanganu-Opatz I, Röder B
EUR J NEUROSCI. 2015;41(11):1466-74.
Treatment during a vulnerable developmental period rescues a genetic epilepsy
Marguet S, Le-Schulte V, Merseburg A, Neu A, Eichler R, Jakovcevski I, Ivanov A, Hanganu-Opatz I, Bernard C, Morellini F, Isbrandt D
NAT MED. 2015;21(12):1436-44.
Retroperitoneal anatomy of the iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, genitofemoral, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve: consequences for prevention and treatment of chronic inguinodynia
Reinpold W, Schroeder A, Schroeder M, Berger C, Rohr M, Wehrenberg U
HERNIA. 2015;19(4):539-48.
Comparison of hemostatic dressings for superficial wounds using a new spectrophotometric coagulation assay
Rembe J, Böhm J, Fromm-Dornieden C, Schäfer N, Maegele M, Fröhlich M, Stuermer E
J TRANSL MED. 2015;13:375.
Neonatal Restriction of Tactile Inputs Leads to Long-Lasting Impairments of Cross-Modal Processing
Sieben K, Bieler M, Röder B, Hanganu-Opatz I
PLOS BIOL. 2015;13(11):Art. e1002304.
Structure-function-behavior relationship in estrogen-induced synaptic plasticity
Vierk R, Bayer J, Freitag S, Muhia M, Kutsche K, Wolbers T, Kneussel M, Sommer-Blöchl T, Rune G
HORM BEHAV. 2015;74:139-48.
Morphology, input-output relations and synaptic connectivity of Cajal-Retzius cells in layer 1 of the developing neocortex of CXCR4-EGFP mice
Anstötz M, Cosgrove K, Hack I, Mugnaini E, Maccaferri G, Lübke J
BRAIN STRUCT FUNCT. 2014;219(6):2119-39.
Oscillatory coupling within neonatal prefrontal-hippocampal networks is independent of selective removal of GABAergic neurons in the hippocampus
Bitzenhofer S, Hanganu-Opatz I
Geschlecht und Effekte von Steroidhormonen im Zentralnervensystem (ZNS)
Brandt N, Vierk R, Fester L, Zhou L, Imholz P, Rune G
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2014;57(9):1054-60.
Unsupervised classification of neocortical activity patterns in neonatal and pre-juvenile rodents
Cichon N, Denker M, Grün S, Hanganu-Opatz I
Articular cartilage chondrocytes express aromatase and use enzymes involved in estrogen metabolism
Schicht M, Ernst J, Nielitz A, Fester L, Tsokos M, Guddat S, Bräuer L, Bechmann J, Delank K, Wohlrab D, Paulsen F, Claassen H
ARTHRITIS RES THER. 2014;16(2):.
Hippocampal estradiol synthesis and its significance for hippocampal synaptic stability in male and female animals
Vierk R, Brandt N, Rune G
NEUROSCIENCE. 2014;(274):24-32.
Nedd4-2 regulates surface expression and may affect N-glycosylation of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN)-1 channels
Wilkars W, Wollberg J, Mohr E, Han M, Chetkovich D, Bähring R, Bender R
FASEB J. 2014;28(5):2177-90.
Oestradiol-induced synapse formation in the female hippocampus: roles of oestrogen receptor subtypes
Zhou L, Fester L, Haghshenas S, de Vrese X, von Hacht R, Gloger S, Brandt N, Bader M, Vollmer G, Rune G
J NEUROENDOCRINOL. 2014;26(7):439-47.
Estrogen and the male hippocampus: genetic variation in the aromatase gene predicting serum estrogen is associated with hippocampal gray matter volume in men
Bayer J, Rune G, Kutsche K, Schwarze U, Kalisch R, Büchel C, Sommer-Blöchl T
HIPPOCAMPUS. 2013;23(2):117-21.
Sexual dimorphism in estrogen-induced synaptogenesis in the adult hippocampus
Brandt N, Vierk R, Rune G
INT J DEV BIOL. 2013;57(5):351-6.
Hypoxia-ischemia disrupts directed interactions within neonatal prefrontal-hippocampal networks
Brockmann M, Kukovic M, Schönfeld M, Sedlacik J, Hanganu-Opatz I
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(12):e83074.
Estradiol responsiveness of synaptopodin in hippocampal neurons is mediated by estrogen receptor β
Fester L, Labitzke J, Hinz R, Behem C, Horling K, Bernhard T, Bader M, Vollmer G, Rune G
J STEROID BIOCHEM. 2013;138:455-61.
Praxistest für Rettungsmediziner
Hess T, Püschel K, Wehrenberg U, Kerner T
Hamb Ärztebl. 2013;08:24-25.
Neonatal cholinergic lesion alters the acoustic structure of infant rat vocalization but not the early cognitive development.
Krüger H, Hanganu-Opatz I
DEV PSYCHOBIOL. 2013;55(3):294-308.
Reelin promotes microtubule dynamics in processes of developing neurons.
Meseke M, Cavus E, Förster E
HISTOCHEM CELL BIOL. 2013;139(2):283-297.
A 3D-matrigel/microbead assay for the visualization of mechanical tractive forces at the neurite-substrate interface of cultured neurons.
Meseke M, Förster E
J BIOMED MATER RES A. 2013;101(6):1726-1733.
Reelin and the Cdc42/Rac1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor αPIX/Arhgef6 promote dendritic Golgi translocation in hippocampal neurons
Meseke M, Rosenberger G, Förster E
EUR J NEUROSCI. 2013;37(9):1404-12.
Endocrine regulation of estrogen synthesis in the hippocampus?
Prange-Kiel J, Schmutterer T, Fester L, Zhou L, Imholz P, Brandt N, Vierk R, Jarry H, Rune G
PROG HISTOCHEM CYTO. 2013;48(2):49-64.
Oscillatory entrainment of primary somatosensory cortex encodes visual control of tactile processing.
Sieben K, Röder B, Hanganu-Opatz I
J NEUROSCI. 2013;33(13):5736-5749.
HCN1 subunits contribute to the kinetics of I(h) in neonatal cortical plate neurons
Stoenica L, Wilkars W, Battefeld A, Stadler K, Bender R, Strauss U
DEV NEUROBIOL. 2013;73(10):785-97.
High-frequency stimulation of the substantia nigra induces serotonin-dependent depression-like behavior in animal models
Tan S, Hartung H, Schievink S, Sharp T, Temel Y
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2013;73(2):e1-3.
Steroids in the brain: regulators of brain plasticity and protectors against neuronal damage.
Beyer C, Rune G
J STEROID BIOCHEM. 2012;131(1-2):1.
Estrogen-regulated synaptogenesis in the hippocampus: sexual dimorphism in vivo but not in vitro.
Fester L, Prange-Kiel J, Zhou L, von Blittersdorf B, Böhm J, Jarry H, Schumacher M, Rune G
J STEROID BIOCHEM. 2012;131(1-2):24-29.
Vascular wall cells contribute to tumourigenesis in cutaneous neurofibromas of patients with neurofibromatosis type 1. A comparative histological, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study.
Friedrich R, Holstein A, Middendorff R, Davidoff M
ANTICANCER RES. 2012;32(5):2139-2158.
ZD7288 enhances long-term depression at early postnatal medial perforant path-granule cell synapses.
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The 27-kDa heat shock protein (HSP27) is a reliable hippocampal marker of full development of pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus.
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Congruence of vascular network remodeling and neuronal dispersion in the hippocampus of reelin-deficient mice.
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Makorin ring zinc finger protein 1 (MKRN1), a novel poly(A)-binding protein-interacting protein, stimulates translation in nerve cells.
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Zur zerebralen Wirkung von Östrogenen
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Dysregulation of Rho GTPases in the αPix/Arhgef6 mouse model of X-linked intellectual disability is paralleled by impaired structural and synaptic plasticity and cognitive deficits.
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Upregulation of presynaptic mGluR2, but not mGluR3 in the epileptic medial perforant path.
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The Role of Brain-Derived Estrogen in the Female Hippocampus
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Aromatase inhibition abolishes LTP generation in female but not in male mice.
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Regulation of axonal HCN1 trafficking in perforant path involves expression of specific TRIP8b isoforms.
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Primary retinal pathology in multiple sclerosis as detected by optical coherence tomography
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Estrogen synthesis in the hippocampus.
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A phase III study evaluating the efficacy and safety of MBP8298 in secondary progressive MS
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Posttranscriptional regulation of the p85α adapter subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in human leukemia cells
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Structural plasticity of perisynaptic astrocyte processes involves ezrin and metabotropic glutamate receptors.
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Deletion of the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel auxiliary subunit TRIP8b impairs hippocampal Ih localization and function and promotes antidepressant behavior in mice.
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Tau-induced defects in synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory are reversible in transgenic mice after switching off the toxic Tau mutant.
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Reversibility of Tau-related cognitive defects in a regulatable FTD mouse model.
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J MOL NEUROSCI. 2011;45(3):432-437.
Roles of 17ß-estradiol involve regulation of reelin expression and synaptogenesis in the dentate gyrus.
Bender R, Zhou L, Wilkars W, Fester L, Lanowski J, Paysen D, König A, Rune G
CEREB CORTEX. 2010;20(12):2985-2995.
Emerging topics in Reelin function.
Förster E, Bock H, Herz J, Chai X, Frotscher M, Zhao S
EUR J NEUROSCI. 2010;31(9):1511-1518.
Expression of neuron-specific enolase in irradiated salivary glands of the rat: a pilot study.
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Postembryonic development of centrally generated flight motor patterns in the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta.
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Aromatase inhibitors induce spine synapse loss in the hippocampus of ovariectomized mice.
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ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2010;151(3):1153-1160.
Reelin acts as a stop signal for radially migrating neurons by inducing phosphorylation of n-cofilin at the leading edge.
Chai X, Förster E, Zhao S, Bock H, Frotscher M
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Reelin stabilizes the actin cytoskeleton of neuronal processes by inducing n-cofilin phosphorylation at serine3.
Chai X, Förster E, Zhao S, Bock H, Frotscher M
J NEUROSCI. 2009;29(1):288-299.
The neuroendocrine Leydig cells and their stem cell progenitors, the pericytes.
Davidoff M, Middendorff R, Müller D, Holstein A
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Cholesterol-promoted synaptogenesis requires the conversion of cholesterol to estradiol in the hippocampus.
Fester L, Zhou L, Bütow A, Huber C, von Lossow R, Prange-Kiel J, Jarry H, Rune G
The opposing roles of estradiol on synaptic protein expression in hippocampal cultures.
Fester L, Zhou L, Voets C, Ossig C, Disteldorf E, Peters C, Bläute F, Prange-Kiel J, Dudzinski D, Jarry H, Rune G
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2009;34(1):123-129.
Role of Reelin in the development and maintenance of cortical lamination.
Frotscher M, Chai X, Bock H, Haas C, Förster E, Zhao S
Postnatal expression pattern of HCN channel isoforms in thalamic neurons: relationship to maturation of thalamocortical oscillations.
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Exogenous reelin prevents granule cell dispersion in experimental epilepsy.
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EXP NEUROL. 2009;216(2):390-397.
NKCC1-dependent GABAergic excitation drives synaptic network maturation during early hippocampal development.
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J NEUROSCI. 2009;29(11):3419-3430.
Estrus cyclicity of spinogenesis: underlying mechanisms.
Prange-Kiel J, Fester L, Zhou L, Jarry H, Rune G
J NEURAL TRANSM. 2009;116(11):1417-1425.
Reelin and Notch1 cooperate in the development of the dentate gyrus.
Sibbe M, Förster E, Basak O, Taylor V, Frotscher M
J NEUROSCI. 2009;29(26):8578-8585.
HCN1 channels constrain DHPG-induced LTD at hippocampal Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses.
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Differential effects of octopamine and tyramine on the central pattern generator for Manduca flight.
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Hyperpolarization activated cyclic-nucleotide gated (HCN) channels in developing neuronal networks.
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c-erbAalpha and c-erbaAbeta in the Leydig cell repopulation by ethane-1,2-dimethanesulphonate model of mature rats.
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INSLF3-LGR8 ligand-receptor system in testes of mature rats after exposure to ethane dimethanesulphonate (short communication).
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The dissection course - necessary and indispensable for teaching anatomy to medical students.
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ANN ANAT. 2008;190(1):16-22.
The potential for beta-structure in the repeat domain of tau protein determines aggregation, synaptic decay, neuronal loss, and coassembly with endogenous Tau in inducible mouse models of tauopathy.
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The fragile X syndrome protein represses activity-dependent translation through CYFIP1, a new 4E-BP.
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CELL. 2008;134(6):1042-1054.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone regulates spine density via its regulatory role in hippocampal estrogen synthesis.
Prange-Kiel J, Jarry H, Schoen M, Kohlmann P, Lohse C, Zhou L, Rune G
J CELL BIOL. 2008;180(2):417-426.
Mechanisms of seizure-induced 'transcriptional channelopathy' of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated (HCN) channels.
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High level of endostatin in epididymal epithelium: protection against primary malignancies in this organ?
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HISTOCHEM CELL BIOL. 2008;130(3):527-535.
Activity-dependent heteromerization of the hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic-nucleotide gated (HCN) channels: role of N-linked glycosylation.
Zha Q, Brewster A, Richichi C, Bender R, Baram T
J NEUROCHEM. 2008;105(1):68-77.
Epileptogenesis in the developing brain: what can we learn from animal models?
Bender R, Baram T
EPILEPSIA. 2007;48(5):2-6.
Localization of HCN1 channels to presynaptic compartments: novel plasticity that may contribute to hippocampal maturation.
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J NEUROSCI. 2007;27(17):4697-4706.
Quantitative analysis and subcellular distribution of mRNA and protein expression of the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels throughout development in rat hippocampus.
Brewster A, Chen Y, Bender R, Yeh A, Shigemoto R, Baram T
CEREB CORTEX. 2007;17(3):702-712.
The beta-propensity of Tau determines aggregation and synaptic loss in inducible mouse models of tauopathy.
Eckermann K, Mocanu M, Khlistunova I, Biernat J, Nissen A, Hofmann A, Schönig K, Bujard H, Haemisch A, Mandelkow E, Zhou L, Rune G, Mandelkow E
J BIOL CHEM. 2007;282(43):31755-31765.
Development of cell and fiber layers in the dentate gyrus.
Frotscher M, Zhao S, Förster E
PROG BRAIN RES. 2007;163:133-142.
Lymphatic reprogramming of microvascular endothelial cells by CEA-related cell adhesion molecule-1 via interaction with VEGFR-3 and Prox1.
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noxin, a novel stress-induced gene involved in cell cycle and apoptosis.
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MOL CELL BIOL. 2007;27(15):5430-5444.
Neuroprotection by estradiol: a role of aromatase against spine synapse loss after blockade of GABA(A) receptors.
Zhou L, Lehan N, Wehrenberg U, Disteldorf E, von Lossow R, Mares U, Jarry H, Rune G
EXP NEUROL. 2007;203(1):72-81.
Proliferation and apoptosis of hippocampal granule cells require local oestrogen synthesis.
Fester L, Ribeiro-Gouveia V, Prange-Kiel J, von Schassen C, Böttner M, Jarry H, Rune G
J NEUROCHEM. 2006;97(4):1136-1144.
Recent progress in understanding the role of Reelin in radial neuronal migration, with specific emphasis on the dentate gyrus.
Förster E, Jossin Y, Zhao S, Chai X, Frotscher M, Goffinet A
EUR J NEUROSCI. 2006;23(4):901-909.
Laminating the hippocampus.
Förster E, Zhao S, Frotscher M
NAT REV NEUROSCI. 2006;7(4):259-267.
Inhibition of hippocampal estrogen synthesis causes region-specific downregulation of synaptic protein expression in hippocampal neurons.
Prange-Kiel J, Fester L, Zhou L, Lauke H, Carrétero J, Rune G
HIPPOCAMPUS. 2006;16(5):464-471.
Direct and indirect effects of estrogen on rat hippocampus.
Prange-Kiel J, Rune G
NEUROSCIENCE. 2006;138(3):765-772.
Synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus: effects of estrogen from the gonads or hippocampus?
Rune G, Lohse C, Prange-Kiel J, Fester L, Frotscher M
NEUROCHEM RES. 2006;31(2):145-155.
Oestrogen synthesis in the hippocampus: role in axon outgrowth.
von Schassen C, Fester L, Prange-Kiel J, Lohse C, Huber C, Böttner M, Rune G
J NEUROENDOCRINOL. 2006;18(11):847-856.
Rescue of the reeler phenotype in the dentate gyrus by wild-type coculture is mediated by lipoprotein receptors for Reelin and Disabled 1.
Zhao S, Chai X, Bock H, Brunne B, Förster E, Frotscher M
J COMP NEUROL. 2006;495(1):1-9.
Catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes in the adult and prenatal human testis.
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HISTOCHEM CELL BIOL. 2005;124(3-4):313-323.
Progenitor cells of the testosterone-producing Leydig cells revealed.
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Hippocampal synapses depend on hippocampal estrogen synthesis.
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J NEUROSCI. 2004;24(26):5913-5921.
Reelin is a positional signal for the lamination of dentate granule cells.
Zhao S, Chai X, Förster E, Frotscher M
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Fyn tyrosine kinase is a critical regulator of disabled-1 during brain development.
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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase interacts with the adaptor protein Dab1 in response to Reelin signaling and is required for normal cortical lamination.
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J BIOL CHEM. 2003;278(40):38772-38779.
Reelin controls granule cell migration in the dentate gyrus by acting on the radial glial scaffold.
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Reelin signaling directly affects radial glia morphology and biochemical maturation.
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Understanding spermatogenesis is a prerequisite for treatment.
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Malformation of the radial glial scaffold in the dentate gyrus of reeler mice, scrambler mice, and ApoER2/VLDLR-deficient mice.
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J COMP NEUROL. 2003;460(1):56-65.
Different signals control laminar specificity of commissural and entorhinal fibers to the dentate gyrus.
Zhao S, Förster E, Chai X, Frotscher M
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Dentate granule cells in reeler mutants and VLDLR and ApoER2 knockout mice.
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EXP NEUROL. 2002;176(1):12-24.
Reelin, Disabled 1, and beta 1 integrins are required for the formation of the radial glial scaffold in the hippocampus.
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Reelin and ApoE receptors cooperate to enhance hippocampal synaptic plasticity and learning.
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