Research abroad
Travel funding (University of Hamburg)
In addition to the financial support by the Faculty of Medicine, there is the opportunity to obtain sponsorship of travel expenses from the foundation funds of the University of Hamburg. The objective is to promote scientific qualified junior staff and students. Funding applies for example for journeys to conferences or training sessions. The decision on the funding is made by the University of Hamburg, Department of Research Management and Funding. The leaflet how to apply can be found on the homepage of the University of Hamburg. Preliminary to the submission of travel support for the Medical Faculty to the University of Hamburg, an examination by the Research Dean's Office will be performed and stating a vote for or against an encouragement. This vote will be forwarded to the University of Hamburg, together with your application documents for decision. Please send your application to the Research Dean's Office of the Medical Faculty, Mr. Rainer Floigl . Your complete application must allow six weeks of handling before your departure and shall include:
- Letter of application
- Details of the person and position at the UKE
- Information about the type of journey, targets and schedule
- Cost report (all expenses incurring in connection with the travel expenses)
- Confirmation of acceptance of own contribution
- Letter of recommendation of the supervisor (doctorate students)
Travel Grants for Scientific Researchers
In order to strengthen the international network of the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, the expert panel "International" awards a number of scholarships for travel expenses academic staff of UKE on behalf of the Medical Faculty. These scholarships are funded by the Deanery and provided to researchers to support the preparation and development of international research projects.
For scientific collaborations with non-European institutions, researchers can apply for travel grants up to € 2,000; for cooperation with European countries up to € 1,000 are available. Please use the following form and send it to the specified dates to the expert committee "International" (contact information provided on the form).
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Travel Scholarship leaflet -
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Travel Scholarship Application Form
German Academic Exchange Service
The German Academic Exchange Service e. V. (DAAD) is a joint organization of German universities and student association for the care of their international relations and at the same time the world's largest funding agency for the international exchange of students and academics. The DAAD supports a wide variety of projects, including a semester abroad, doctoral studies, internships or guest lecturers. The DAAD is also the national agency for the coordination and implementation of the Erasmus program. The varied program is explained in detail on the pages of the DAAD.