Our comprehensive range of lifestyle advice and support complements the information on medical aftercare.
The positive effects of regular exercise and balanced nutrition in cancer patients have been investigated and proven in studies. Not only can disease-related and therapy-related symptoms be improved, but therapy-related long-term side effects are also positively influenced by a healthy lifestyle.
Therefore, it is of particular importance to us to motivate and support you with regard to a healthy and conscious lifestyle.
Nutritional counselling
The aim of nutritional counselling is to draw up a plan for a healthy and balanced diet based on personal eating habits. In doing so, disease-related deficits and intolerances are taken into account. On this basis, a nutrition plan can be drawn up, taking into account the joint agreement on objectives. The aim is to have a positive influence on the quality of life also through food intake and to contribute to the reduction of oncological and cardiovascular risk.
Nutritional counselling is based on the recommendations of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), the German Society for Nutritional Medicine (DGEM) and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), taking into account guidelines on cardiovascular and oncological risk factors, but without disregarding the individual patient and his or her nutritional needs.
Head and contact
- Research fellow
- Dietician
Sports counselling
The UCCH offers a wide range of sports and exercise options to accompany therapy and for the time after cancer therapy. We offer a varied and individually adapted training program under expert guidance and supervision as part of the aftercare after curative chemotherapy, but also for patients in curative/palliative disease situations under ongoing chemotherapy or in the therapy-free intervals.
We would like to advise you so that you can manage to move more in your everyday life and find a sports program that you enjoy.
Our goal is to ensure that every patient at UCCH takes part in exercise programs. A large number of oncological patients have benefited greatly from participation.
In order to find the programme that suits everyone individually, the needs are determined in a consultation with patients and, if necessary, their relatives, and a goal is discussed. An individual movement plan is drawn up, taking into account personal movement restrictions that may be caused by illness, and sports activities are arranged.
Outpatient physiotherapy of the UKE