Facts and figures about the UKE

  • Facts & Figures 2023

    Annual surplus2.038 TEUR
    Total income1.593.791 TEUR
    EBITDA15.794 TEUR

    Total patients

    of which outpatients454.747
    of which inpatients95.077
    of which by emergency room123.452

    Total employees

    Total students3.462
    of which dental and human medicine students3.231
    of which students of midwifery231
    Professorships (without third party funded positions)141

    Facts & Figures 2022

    Annual surplus2.598 TEUR
    Total income1.496.769 TEUR
    EBITDA20.717 TEUR

    Total patients

    of which outpatients453.870
    of which inpatients89.074
    of which by emergency room121.759

    Total employees 1)

    of which dental and human medicine students3.227
    of which students of midwifery177
    Professorships 2)132

    1) since 2019 including all trainees and temporary staff
    2) without third party funded positions

    Archive of annual reports

    The annual report gives an overview of the strategies, activities and achievements of the UKE (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf). Everybody has access to the annual consolidated financial statement comprising the financial and income statements.

    Previous annual reports

  • February 1880 First constructional drawings for the Neues Allgemeines Krankenhaus (NAK) - New General Hospital - by Assistant Professor Heinrich Curschmann
    Last summer 1884 Start of construction of the epidemics department of the NAK – New General Hospital (completion and move-in in February 1885)
    May 1885 Start of construction of the entire complex of buildings of the NAK – New General Hospital (55 pavilions)
    1st March 1889 Opening of the NAK – New General Hospital
    19th May 1889 A delegation of politicians from Hamburg inaugurates the New Hospital
    1910 Completion of foundation phase of the NAK – New General Hospital. The new hospital is complete
    1910 - 2008 Seven periods of extension and reconstruction (inter alia 1903 and 1913: extension and conversion of the surgery pavilions, today building O36)
    1910 - 1934 The Medical Director at the time, Ludolph Brauer, has the hospital expanded to become a research facility
    1926 Opening of the institutional buildings of the pathology (today's Fritz Schumacher-Haus – Fritz Schumacher House)
    1934 The New General Hospital is officially recognized as a University Hospital
    1939 - 1945 About one third of the buildings is destroyed during the Second World War
    After 1945 Reconstruction of i. a. the Orthopedic Clinic, Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology and the Neurological Clinic. The typical pavilion architecture is replaced by big clinic buildings with auditorium, library and laboratory (i. a. Gynecological Clinic, Psychiatric Clinic, Ophthalmic Clinic)
    12th December 2008 Completion of the New Clinical Center, today's main building (with termination of the seventh construction period)
    2009 - 2014 Eighth construction phase Eppendorf Health Park (i.a. hotel and health center)
    As from autumn 2014 Ninth building phase starts with the new construction of the Pediatric Clinic
    14th September 2017 Opening of the Children's UKE, the Werner and Michael Otto University Children's Hospital
    27th August 2018 Demolition of old buildings marks the start of construction work on the UKE's Future Plan 2050

Media center

Please find the latest annual report and the editions of “wissen + forschen“ (publication) in our media center.

About the UKE

Learn more about the UKE (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf), its board and history.