Alexander Konnopka
Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Volkw.
Alexander Konnopka
  • Head of working group
Working area


W37 , 6th Floor, Room number 6034
German (Mother tongue)

Curriculum vitae


  • 2024
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  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
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  • 2017
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Internet-based transdiagnostic treatment for emotional disorders in Arabic- and Farsi-speaking refugees: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Boettcher J, Heinrich M, Boettche M, Burchert S, Glaesmer H, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Heeke C, Hernek M, Knaevelsrud C, Konnopka A, Muntendorf L, Nilles H, Nohr L, Pohl S, Paskuy S, Reinhardt I, Sierau S, Stammel N, Wirz C, Renneberg B, Wagner B
TRIALS. 2024;25(1):13.

Barriers to healthcare predict reduced health-related quality of life in autistic adults without intellectual disability
David N, Rahlff P, König H, Dückert S, Gewohn P, Erik F, Vogeley K, Schöttle D, Konnopka A, Schulz H, Peth J
AUTISM. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];13623613241275406.

Assessing oral health-related quality of life among older people in home-based care - survey results of the InSEMaP study in Germany
Koenig A, Porzelt S, Behrens-Potratz A, Stratmeyer P, Schellhammer S, Schmage P, Konnopka C, Scherer M, Konnopka A, Zimmermann T
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2024;24:734.

Gesundheitsökonomische Folgen psychosomatischer Erkrankungen
Konnopka A, König H
2024. Psychosomatik - neurobiologisch fundiert und evidenzbasiert. Egle U, Heim C, Strauß B, von Känel R (eds.). 2. ed. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 47-57.

Stepped, evidence-based and integrated care service model vs. usual care for mental disorders: a randomized controlled trial (RECOVER)
Lambert M, König H, Karow A, König H, Rohenkohl A, Luedecke D, Schröter R, Finter C, Tlach L, Schindler A, Peter H, Scherer M, Mews C, Härter M, Bindt C, Löwe B, Briken P, Peper H, Schweiger M, Mösko M, Bock T, Deister A, Correll C, Ozga A, Pepić A, Zapf A, Gallinat J, Peth J, Konnopka A, Schulz H
PSYCHIAT RES. 2024;339:116007.

The Development of a New Approach for the Harmonized Multi-Sectoral and Multi-Country Cost Valuation of Services: The PECUNIA Reference Unit Cost (RUC) Templates
Mayer S, Berger M, Perić N, Fischer C, Konnopka A, Brodszky V, Evers S, Hakkaart-van Roijen L, Ruiz Guitérrez Colosia M, Salvador-Carulla L, Park A, Thorn J, García-Pérez L, Simon J
APPL HEALTH ECON HEA. 2024;22(6):783-796.

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in an assertive community treatment structure (ACT): testing integrated care borderline (ICB) in a randomized controlled trial (RECOVER)
Schindler A, Warkentin H, Bierbrodt J, König H, Konnopka A, Pepic A, Peth J, Lambert M, Gallinat J, Karow A, König H, Härter M, Schulz H, Rohenkohl A, Krog K, Biedermann S, Schäfer I
BORDER PERS DIS EMOT. 2024;11(1):18.

Health-related quality of life in family caregivers of autistic adults
Dückert S, Bart S, Gewohn P, König H, Schöttle D, Konnopka A, Rahlff P, Erik F, Vogeley K, Schulz H, David N, Peth J
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2023;14(14):1290407.

Barriers and needs in mental healthcare of adults with autism spectrum disorder in Germany: a qualitative study in autistic adults, relatives, and healthcare providers
Dückert S, Gewohn P, König H, Schöttle D, Konnopka A, Rahlff P, Erik F, Vogeley K, Schulz H, David N, Peth J
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2023;23:528.

Multidimensional Burden on Family Caregivers of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Scoping Review
Dückert S, Gewohn P, König H, Schöttle D, Konnopka A, Rahlff P, Vogeley K, Schulz H, David N, Peth J
REV J AUTISM DEV DIS. 2023 [Epub ahead of print].

Validation of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) questionnaires for patients with anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, stress-related, somatoform and personality disorders in Germany
Grochtdreis T, König H, Gallinat J, Konnopka A, Schulz H, Lambert M, Karow A, Dams J
J PSYCHIATR RES. 2023;157:202-211.

Psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) measures in patients with affective disorders
Grochtdreis T, König H, Keetharuth A, Gallinat J, Konnopka A, Schulz H, Lambert M, Karow A, Dams J
EUR J HEALTH ECON. 2023;24(4):499-512.

The identification of economically relevant health and social care services for mental disorders in the PECUNIA project
Hinck P, Gutierrez-Colosía M, Duval C, König H, Simon J, Fischer C, Mayer S, Salvador-Carulla L, Brodszky V, Roijen L, Evers S, Park A, Hollingworth W, Konnopka A

Excess costs of mental disorders by level of severity
König H, König H, Gallinat J, Lambert M, Karow A, Peth J, Schulz H, Konnopka A
SOC PSYCH PSYCH EPID. 2023;58(6):973-985.

Cost-Effectiveness of Inter-Professional Collaboration to Reduce Hospitalisations in Nursing Home Residents: Results from the German Interprof ACT Trial
Muntendorf L, Balzer K, Friede T, Hummers E, König H, Müller C, Scherer M, Steyer L, Tetzlaff B, Pfeiffer S, Konnopka A
INT J INTEGR CARE. 2023;23(2):8.

Kostensätze zur monetären Bewertung des Ressourcenverbrauchs psychischer Erkrankungen im Justizsektor: Ergebnisse des PECUNIA-Projekts für Deutschland
Muntendorf L, König H, Janssen L, Pokhilenko I, Drost R, Simon J, García-Pérez L, Brodszky V, Roijen L, Park A, Evers S, Konnopka A
GESUNDH QUAL. 2023;28(1):47-53.

Development of an Instrument for the Assessment of Health-Related Multi-sectoral Resource Use in Europe: The PECUNIA RUM
Pokhilenko I, Janssen L, Paulus A, Drost R, Hollingworth W, Thorn J, Noble S, Simon J, Fischer C, Mayer S, Salvador-Carulla L, Konnopka A, Hakkaart van Roijen L, Brodszky V, Park A, Evers S
APPL HEALTH ECON HEA. 2023;21(2):155-166.

International comparability of reference unit costs of education services: when harmonizing methodology is not enough (PECUNIA project)
Pokhilenko I, Kast T, Janssen L, Evers S, Paulus A, Simon J, Mayer S, Berger M, Konnopka A, Muntendorf L, Brodszky V, García-Pérez L, Park A, Salvador-Carulla L, Drost R
EXPERT REV PHARM OUT. 2023;23(1):135-141.

Blended-ALMAMAR app for inpatient mental health care for refugees: study protocol for a multicenter implementation study within the I-REACH consortium (Internet based REfugee mentAl healtH Care)
Reinhardt I, Schmidt L, Reske D, Zielasek J, Braun G, Böttche M, Boettcher J, Burchert S, Glaesmer H, Knaevelsrud C, Konnopka A, Muntendorf L, Nohr L, Paskuy S, Renneberg B, Sierau S, Stammel N, Wagner B, Wirz T, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E
BMC HEALTH SERV RES. 2023;23(1):.

Development of an interprofessional person-centred care concept for persons with care needs living in their own homes (interprof HOME): study protocol for a mixed-methods study
Tetzlaff B, Scherer M, Balzer K, Steyer L, Köpke S, Friede T, Maurer I, Weber C, König H, Konnopka A, Ruppel T, Mazur A, Hummers E, Mueller C
BMJ OPEN. 2023;13(7):.

Interaction of Systemic Morbidity and Oral Health in Ambulatory Patients in Need of Home Care (InSEMaP): an observational study at the sector boundary between dental and general practice care in Germany
Zimmermann T, Koenig A, Porzelt S, Schmage P, Konnopka C, Schellhammer S, Behrens-Potratz A, Ijeoma Okoro E, Henken E, Stratmeyer P, Beikler T, König H, Scherer M, Konnopka A
BMJ OPEN. 2023;13(3):.

Patient-centered placement matching of alcohol-dependent patients based on a standardized intake assessment: process evaluation within an exploratory randomized controlled trial
Buchholz A, Berner M, Dams J, Rosahl A, Hempleman J, König H, Konnopka A, Kriston L, Piontek D, Reimer J, Röhrig J, Scherbaum N, Silkens A, Kraus L
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2022;22(1):60.

Mixed-methods investigation of barriers and needs in mental healthcare of adults with autism and recommendations for future care (BarrierfreeASD): study protocol
David N, Dückert S, Gewohn P, König H, Rahlff P, Erik F, Vogeley K, Schöttle D, Konnopka A, Schulz H, Peth J
BMJ OPEN. 2022;12(8):e061773.

Magnitude of terminological bias in international health services research: a disambiguation analysis in mental health
Gutierrez-Colosia M, Hinck P, Simon J, Konnopka A, Fischer C, Mayer S, Brodszky V, Hakkart-van Roijen L, Evers S, Park A, König H, Hollingworth W, Salinas-Perez J, Salvador-Carulla L

Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte von Übergewicht und Adipositas: Krankheitskosten und Kosteneffektivität am Beispiel von Werberegulierungen
Lehnert T, Konnopka A, König H
Adipositas. 2022;16(2):76-84.

In Search for Comparability: The PECUNIA Reference Unit Costs for Health and Social Care Services in Europe
Mayer S, Berger M, Konnopka A, Brodszky V, Evers S, Hakkaart-van Roijen L, Guitérrez-Colosia M, Salvador-Carulla L, Park A, Hollingworth W, García-Pérez L, Simon J
INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2022;19(6):.

Studienptotokoll „Interaktionen von Systemischen Erkrankungen und Mundgesundheit bei ambulanter Pflegebedürftigkeit“ : InSEMaP
Zimmermann T, Porzelt S, Koenig A, Schmage P, Schellhammer S, Konnopka C, Behrens-Potratz A, Konnopka A
2022. GMS german medical science. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, .

From Formative Research to Cultural Adaptation of a Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioural Intervention for Arabic-Speaking Refugees in Germany
Böttche M, Kampisiou C, Stammel N, El-Haj-Mohamad R, Heeke C, Burchert S, Heim E, Wagner B, Renneberg B, Böttcher J, Glaesmer H, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Zielasek J, Konnopka A, Murray L, Knaevelsrud C
Clinical Psychology in Europe. 2021;3(Spec Issue):e4623.

Kosten der Depression in Deutschland: Systematische Übersichtsarbeit
Eden J, Konnopka A, König H
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2021;48(6):290-300.

Excess costs of type 2 diabetes and their sociodemographic and clinical determinants: a cross-sectional study using data from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1)
König H, Rommel A, Baumert J, Schmidt C, König H, Brettschneider C, Konnopka A
BMJ OPEN. 2021;11:.

The Excess Costs of Depression and the Influence of Sociodemographic and Socioeconomic Factors: Results from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS)
König H, Rommel A, Thom J, Schmidt C, König H, Brettschneider C, Konnopka A
PHARMACOECONOMICS. 2021;39(6):667-680.

Cost-Effectiveness of Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Thrombolysis for Patients With Stroke With Unknown Time of Onset
Muntendorf L, Konnopka A, König H, Boutitie F, Ebinger M, Endres M, Fiebach J, Thijs V, Lemmens R, Muir K, Nighoghossian N, Pedraza S, Simonsen C, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
VALUE HEALTH. 2021;24(11):1620-1627.

The Excess Costs of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Sontheimer N, Konnopka A, König H
J ALZHEIMERS DIS. 2021;83(1):333-354.

Patient-Centered Placement Matching of Alcohol-Dependent Patients Based on a Standardized Intake Assessment: Primary Outcomes of an Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial
Buchholz A, Dams J, Rosahl A, Hempleman J, König H, Konnopka A, Kraus L, Kriston L, Piontek D, Reimer J, Röhrig J, Scherbaum N, Silkens A, Berner M
EUR ADDICT RES. 2020;26(3):109-121.

Patient-reported health-related quality of life after stroke thrombectomy in clinical practice
Deb-Chatterji M, Konnopka A, Flottmann F, Leischner H, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
NEUROLOGY. 2020;95(12):e1724-e1732.

Rationale and Design of the Hamburg City Health Study
Jagodzinski A, Johansen C, Koch-Gromus U, Aarabi G, Adam G, Anders S, Augustin M, der Kellen R, Beikler T, Behrendt C, Betz C, Bokemeyer C, Borof K, Briken P, Busch C, Büchel C, Brassen S, Debus E, Eggers L, Fiehler J, Gallinat J, Gellißen S, Gerloff C, Girdauskas E, Gosau M, Graefen M, Härter M, Harth V, Heidemann C, Heydecke G, Huber T, Hussein Y, Kampf M, von dem Knesebeck O, Konnopka A, König H, Kromer R, Kubisch C, Kühn S, Loges S, Löwe B, Lund G, Meyer C, Nagel L, Nienhaus A, Pantel K, Petersen E, Püschel K, Reichenspurner H, Sauter G, Scherer M, Scherschel K, Schiffner U, Schnabel R, Schulz H, Smeets R, Sokalskis V, Spitzer M, Terschüren C, Thederan I, Thoma T, Thomalla G, Waschki B, Wegscheider K, Wenzel J, Wiese S, Zyriax B, Zeller T, Blankenberg S
EUR J EPIDEMIOL. 2020;35(2):169-181.

Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Konnopka A, König H
PHARMACOECONOMICS. 2020;38(1):25-37.

Gesundheitsökonomische Folgen psychosomatischer Erkrankungen
Konnopka A, König H
2020. Psychosomatik – Neurobiologisch fundiert und evidenzbasiert. Egle U, Heim C, Strauß B, von Känel R (eds.). 1. ed. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 68-77.

Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating an evidence-based, stepped and coordinated care service model for mental disorders (RECOVER)
Lambert M, Karow A, Gallinat J, Lüdecke D, Kraft V, Rohenkohl A, Schröter R, Finter C, Siem A, Tlach L, Werkle N, Bargel S, Ohm G, Hoff M, Peter H, Scherer M, Mews C, Pruskil S, Lüke J, Härter M, Dirmaier J, Schulte-Markwort M, Löwe B, Briken P, Peper H, Schweiger M, Mösko M, Bock T, Wittzack M, Meyer H, Deister A, Michels R, Herr S, Konnopka A, König H, Wegscheider K, Daubmann A, Zapf A, Peth J, König H, Schulz H
BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(5):e036021.

(Pharmaco)economic evaluations for mental health related services: the PECUNIA project
Simon J, Konnopka A, Brodszky V, Evers S, Hakkaart-van Roijen L, Serrano-Pérez P, Salvador-Carulla L, Park A, Hollingworth W
EUR J PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020;30(Supplement_5):ckaa166.574.

The allocation of resources in the care for patients with panic disorder in Germany: an excess cost analysis informing policy and science
Brettschneider C, Bleibler F, Hiller T, Konnopka A, Breitbart J, Margraf J, Gensichen J, König H

Out-of-pocket-payments and the financial burden of 502 cancer patients of working age in Germany: results from a longitudinal study
Büttner M, König H, Löbner M, Briest S, Konnopka A, Dietz A, Riedel-Heller S, Singer S
SUPPORT CARE CANCER. 2019;27(6):2221-2228.

Health-related quality of life measured with the EQ-5D-5L: estimation of normative index values based on a representative German population sample and value set
Grochtdreis T, Dams J, König H, Konnopka A
EUR J HEALTH ECON. 2019;20(6):933-944.

The excess costs of Depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis
König H, König H, Konnopka A

Excess costs of alcohol-dependent patients in German psychiatric care compared with matched non-alcohol-dependent individuals from the general Population: a secondary analysis of two datasets
Dams J, Buchholz A, Kraus L, Reimer J, Scherbaum N, Konnopka A, König H
BMJ OPEN. 2018;8:e020563.

FIMPsy – Fragebogen zur Inanspruchnahme medizinischer und nicht medizinischer Versorgungsleistungen bei psychischen Erkrankungen: Entwicklung und Verwendung
Grupp H, König H, Riedel-Heller S, Konnopka A
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2018;45(2):87-94.

Die Kosten von Übergewicht und Adipositas in Deutschland – ein systematischer Literaturüberblick
Konnopka A, Dobroschke A, Lehnert T, König H
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2018;80(5):471-481.

Excess costs of social anxiety disorder in Germany
Dams J, König H, Bleibler F, Hoyer J, Wiltink J, Beutel M, Salzer S, Herpertz S, Willutzki U, Strauß B, Leibing E, Leichsenring F, Konnopka A
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2017;213:23-29.

Risk Factors for Postoperative Pain Intensity in Patients Undergoing Lumbar Disc Surgery: A Systematic Review
Dorow M, Löbner M, Stein J, Konnopka A, Meisel H, Günther L, Meixensberger J, Stengler K, König H, Riedel-Heller S
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(1):e0170303.

Excess costs from functional somatic syndromes in Germany - An analysis using entropy balancing
Grupp H, Kaufmann C, König H, Bleibler F, Wild B, Szecsenyi J, Herzog W, Schellberg D, Schäfert R, Konnopka A
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2017;97:52-57.

Kostensätze zur monetären Bewertung von Versorgungsleistungen bei psychischen Erkrankungen
Grupp H, König H, Konnopka A
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2017;79(1):48-57.

The "no problems"-problem: an empirical analysis of ceiling effects on the EQ-5D 5L
Konnopka A, Koenig H
QUAL LIFE RES. 2017;26(8):2079-2084.

Choosing the right rehabilitation setting after herniated disc surgery: Motives, motivations and expectations from the patients' perspective
Löbner M, Stein J, Luppa M, Konnopka A, Meisel H, Günther L, Meixensberger J, Stengler K, Angermeyer M, König H, Riedel-Heller S
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(8):e0183698.

The Course of Pain Intensity in Patients Undergoing Herniated Disc Surgery: A 5-Year Longitudinal Observational Study
Dorow M, Löbner M, Stein J, Pabst A, Konnopka A, Meisel H, Günther L, Meixensberger J, Stengler K, König H, Riedel-Heller S
PLOS ONE. 2016;11(5):e0156647.

Long-term cost-effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy versus psychodynamic therapy in social anxiety disorder
Egger N, Konnopka A, Beutel M, Herpertz S, Hiller W, Hoyer J, Salzer S, Stangier U, Strauss B, Willutzki U, Wiltink J, Leibing E, Leichsenring F, König H
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2016;33(12):1114-1122.

Cost-effectiveness of focal psychodynamic therapy and enhanced cognitive-behavioural therapy in out-patients with anorexia nervosa
Egger N, Wild B, Zipfel S, Junne F, Konnopka A, Schmidt U, de Zwaan M, Herpertz S, Zeeck A, Löwe B, von Wietersheim J, Tagay S, Burgmer M, Dinkel A, Herzog W, König H
PSYCHOL MED. 2016;46(16):3291-3301.

Health care utilisation and costs in the general population in Germany
Grupp H, König H, Konnopka A
HEALTH POLICY. 2016;120(2):159-169.

Cost-utility of a specific collaborative group intervention for patients with functional somatic syndromes
Konnopka A, König H, Kaufmann C, Egger N, Wild B, Szecsenyi J, Herzog W, Schellberg D, Schaefert R
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2016;90:43-50.

Übergewicht und Adipositas als Public Health-Problem
Lehnert T, Konnopka A, König H
Public Health Forum. 2016;24(2):135-138.

Short-term cost-effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy in social anxiety disorder: Results from the SOPHO-NET trial
Egger N, Konnopka A, Beutel M, Herpertz S, Hiller W, Hoyer J, Salzer S, Stangier U, Strauss B, Willutzki U, Wiltink J, Leichsenring F, Leibing E, König H
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2015;180:21-28.

Health burden and costs of obesity and overweight in Germany: an update
Lehnert T, Streltchenia P, Konnopka A, Riedel-Heller S, König H
EUR J HEALTH ECON. 2015;16(9):957-967.

Estimating the lifetime cost of childhood obesity in Germany: Results of a Markov Model
Sonntag D, Ali S, Lehnert T, Konnopka A, Riedel-Heller S, König H
PEDIATR OBES. 2015;10(6):416-422.

The responsiveness of the EQ-5D and time trade-off scores in schizophrenia, affective disorders, and alcohol addiction
Sonntag M, König H, Konnopka A
HEALTH QUAL LIFE OUT. 2015;13:114.

Determinants of direct and indirect costs in anorexia nervosa
Stuhldreher N, Wild B, König H, Konnopka A, Zipfel S, Herzog W
INT J EAT DISORDER. 2015;48(1):139-46.

Placement matching of alcohol-dependent patients based on a standardized intake assessment: rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial
Buchholz A, Friedrichs A, Berner M, König H, Konnopka A, Kraus L, Kriston L, Küfner H, Piontek D, Rist F, Röhrig J
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2014;14:286.

Cost measurement of mental disorders in Germany
Grupp H, König H, Konnopka A
J MENT HEALTH POLICY. 2014;17(1):3-8.

Determinanten direkter Kosten bei persistierender Positivsymptomatik psychotischer Erkrankungen
Konnopka A, Stuhldreher N, Klingberg S, Wittorf A, Bechdolf A, Müller B, Sartory G, Wagner M, Wiedemann G, Wölwer W, Heinrich S, König H
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2014;41(4):215-20.

Inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation after herniated disc surgery? - Setting-specific preferences, participation and outcome of rehabilitation
Löbner M, Luppa M, Konnopka A, Meisel H, Günther L, Meixensberger J, Stengler K, Angermeyer M, König H, Riedel-Heller S
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(3):e89200.

The costs of social anxiety disorder: the role of symptom severity and comorbidities
Stuhldreher N, Leibing E, Leichsenring F, Beutel M, Herpertz S, Hoyer J, Konnopka A, Salzer S, Strauss B, Wiltink J, König H
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2014;165:87-94.

The health burden and costs of incident fractures attributable to osteoporosis from 2010 to 2050 in Germany--a demographic simulation model.
Bleibler F, Konnopka A, Benzinger P, Rapp K, König H
OSTEOPOROSIS INT. 2013;24(3):835-847.

Validity and responsiveness of the EQ-5D in assessing and valuing health status in patients with somatoform disorders.
Brettschneider C, König H, Herzog W, Kaufmann C, Schaefert R, Konnopka A

Die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen--Teil 2: Krankheitslast, Defizite des deutschen Versorgungssystems, Effektivität und Effizienz von "Early Intervention Services"
Karow A, Bock T, Naber D, Löwe B, Schulte-Markwort M, Schäfer I, Gumz A, Degkwitz P, Schulte B, König H, Konnopka A, Bauer M, Bechdolf A, Correll C, Juckel G, Klosterkötter J, Leopold K, Pfennig A, Lambert M
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2013;81(11):628-38.

Association of costs with somatic symptom severity in patients with medically unexplained symptoms
Konnopka A, Kaufmann C, König H, Heider D, Wild B, Szecsenyi J, Herzog W, Heinrich S, Schaefert R
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2013;75(4):370-5.

Die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen--Teil 1: Häufigkeit, Störungspersistenz, Belastungsfaktoren, Service-Inanspruchnahme und Behandlungsverzögerung mit Konsequenzen
Lambert M, Bock T, Naber D, Löwe B, Schulte-Markwort M, Schäfer I, Gumz A, Degkwitz P, Schulte B, König H, Konnopka A, Bauer M, Bechdolf A, Correll C, Juckel G, Klosterkötter J, Leopold K, Pfennig A, Karow A
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2013;81(11):614-27.

Economic costs of overweight and obesity
Lehnert T, Sonntag D, Konnopka A, Riedel-Heller S, König H
BEST PRACT RES CL EN. 2013;27(2):105-15.

Co-morbid mental health conditions in cancer patients at working age - prevalence, risk profiles, and care uptake
Singer S, Szalai C, Briest S, Brown A, Dietz A, Einenkel J, Jonas S, Konnopka A, Papsdorf K, Langanke D, Löbner M, Schiefke F, Stolzenburg J, Weimann A, Wirtz H, König H, Riedel-Heller S

The estimation of utility weights in cost-utility analysis for mental disorders: a systematic review
Sonntag M, König H, Konnopka A
PHARMACOECONOMICS. 2013;31(12):1131-54.

Reliability, validity and responsiveness of the EQ-5D in assessing and valuing health status in patients with social phobia
Sonntag M, Konnopka A, Leichsenring F, Salzer S, Beutel M, Herpertz S, Hiller W, Hoyer J, Joraschky P, Nolting B, Pöhlmann K, Stangier U, Strauss B, Willutzki U, Wiltink J, Leibing E, König H
HEALTH QUAL LIFE OUT. 2013;11:215.

[Costs of diseases with long-term survival].
Brettschneider C, Konnopka A, König H
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2012;55(4):468-473.

Kostenmessung bei Krankheiten mit Langzeitüberleben
Brettschneider C, Konnopka A, König H
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2012;55(4):468-73.

Psychiatric comorbidity as predictor of costs in back pain patients undergoing disc surgery: a longitudinal observational study.
Konnopka A, Löbner M, Luppa M, Heider D, Heinrich S, Riedel-Heller S, Meisel H, Günther L, Meixensberger J, König H

Economics of medically unexplained symptoms: a systematic review of the literature.
Konnopka A, Schaefert R, Heinrich S, Kaufmann C, Luppa M, Herzog W, König H
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2012;81(5):265-275.

Epidemiologische und gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte
Lehnert T, Konnopka A, Riedel-Heller S, König H
2012. Adipositas-Management: Versorgung, Betreuung und Behandlung in Anästhesie, Chirurgie, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin. Mwv Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges: 2-9.

The long-term cost-effectiveness of obesity prevention interventions: systematic literature review.
Lehnert T, Sonntag D, Konnopka A, Riedel-Heller S, König H
OBES REV. 2012;13(6):537-553.

Bandscheibenoperation, Rehabilitation, Rückkehr in den Beruf – Einflussfaktoren auf die berufliche Wiedereingliederung bei Patienten nach Bandscheibenvorfall
Löbner M, Luppa M, Konnopka A, Meisel H, Günther L, Meixensberger J, Stengler K, Angermeyer M, König H, Riedel-Heller S
PHYS MED REHAB KUROR. 2012;22(05):271-278.

The course of depression and anxiety in patients undergoing disc surgery: a longitudinal observational study.
Löbner M, Luppa M, Matschinger H, Konnopka A, Meisel H, Günther L, Meixensberger J, Angermeyer M, König H, Riedel-Heller S
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2012;72(3):185-194.

Age- and gender-specific prevalence of depression in latest-life--systematic review and meta-analysis.
Luppa M, Sikorski C, Luck T, Ehreke L, Konnopka A, Wiese B, Weyerer S, König H, Riedel-Heller S
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2012;136(3):212-221.

Health service utilization and costs of depressive symptoms in late life - a systematic review.
Luppa M, Sikorski C, Motzek T, Konnopka A, König H, Riedel-Heller S
CURR PHARM DESIGN. 2012;18(36):5936-5957.

Cost-of-illness studies and cost-effectiveness analyses in eating disorders: a systematic review.
Stuhldreher N, Konnopka A, Wild B, Herzog W, Zipfel S, Löwe B, König H
INT J EAT DISORDER. 2012;45(4):476-491.

[Economic aspects of prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents].
König H, Lehnert T, Riedel-Heller S, Konnopka A
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2011;54(5):611-620.

Health burden and costs of obesity and overweight in Germany.
Konnopka A, Bödemann M, König H
EUR J HEALTH ECON. 2011;12(4):345-352.

Effects of psychiatric comorbidity on costs in patients undergoing disc surgery: a cross-sectional study.
Konnopka A, Heinrich S, Zieger M, Luppa M, Riedel-Heller S, Meisel H, Günther L, Meixensberger J, König H
SPINE J. 2011;11(7):601-609.

[Diabetes mellitus and comorbid depression: economic findings from a systematic literature review].
Lehnert T, Konnopka A, Riedel-Heller S, König H
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2011;38(8):369-375.

[Health economic aspects of physical-mental comorbidity].
Lehnert T, Konnopka A, Riedel-Heller S, König H
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2011;54(1):120-127.

Die Bestimmung von Krankheitskosten im Alter: Möglichkeiten der Messung und Bewertung des Ressourcenverbrauchs
Leicht H, Heinrich S, Rudolph A, Konnopka A, König H
Klin Diagn Eval. 2010;3(3):322-341.

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