
SynTagMA, a new tool to label high Ca2+ spines. Green are inactive spines, magenta active, cyan blobs are the presynaptic terminals we activated with Channelrhodopsin. Silver spheres are regions of interest, automatically detected. This piece of tissue is alive, not fixed! Perez-Alvarez A et. (2019) Freeze-frame imaging of synaptic activity using SynTagMA. bioRxiv, DOI 10.1101/538041

New neuron-specific optogenetic tools

We have deposited a number of neuron-specific optogenetic tools at including

ER-GFP, labels the endoplasmic reticulum in neurons ( Plasmid #22285 ), see Holbro et al. 2009

Ratio-sypHy, a ratiometric release indicator ( Plasmid #44268 ), see Rose et al., 2013 .

slowChloC, the first chloride-conducting channelrhodopsin ( Plasmid #52494 ), see Wietek el al., 2014

iChloC, an improved light-gated chloride channel with near perfect anion selectivity ( Plasmid #66709 ), see Wietek el al., 2015 .

We have also deposited a floxed construct for selective inhibition of cre-expressing cells ( Plasmid #70762 ).

RhGC, a light-activated guanylyl-cyclase with zero dark activity ( Plasmid #66779 ), see Scheib el al., 2015

preSynTagMA, a presynaptic marker of activity (Plasmid #119738 ), see Nature Commun .

postSynTagMA, a PSD-tageted marker of activity ( Plasmid #119736 ), see Nature Commun .

PACmn, a photoactivatable adenylyl cylcase, membrane-targeted, with no dark activity ( Plasmid #165491 ), see BMC Biol .

Other published constructs are available on request.

Information on current research