UCCH and UCCSH "NORD-Seminar" series
In order to promote networking and exchange of scientists and physicians of the University Cancer Center Hamburg (UCC Hamburg) and the University Cancer Center Schleswig-Holstein (UCC SH) in Kiel and Lübeck in the field of cancer research, the three sites hold the joint virtual "NORD-Seminar" (NORD = Northern Oncology Research & Development) since April 2021. The lectures within this seminar series are organized alternately by Hamburg, Kiel and Lübeck and there are primarily talks by speakers from these three sites on their research projects. In addition, close cooperation partners of the Hamburg, Kiel and Lübeck researchers are occasionally invited for guest lectures.
Time: Tuesdays at 17:00
Event format: Online seminar (access links available in program below)
UCC Hamburg:
Dr. Natascha Kömm (
n.koemm@uke.de )
Dr. Inga Melzer (
i.melzer@uke.de )
Prof. Dr. Timo Gemoll (
timo.gemoll@uksh.de )
Dr. Sarah Habig (
sarah.habig@uksh.de )
Prof. Dr. Susanne Sebens (
susanne.sebens@uksh.de )