Clinical Health Care Research in Oncology
- Description
- Team
- Projects
- Publications
- Theses
Health care research is a multidisciplinary field of inquiry, both basic and applied, that examines the use, costs, quality, accessibility, delivery, organization, financing, and outcomes of health care services to increase knowledge and understanding of the structure, processes, and effects of health services for individuals and populations (IOM, 1995)
Studies of the research group Clinical Health Care Research in Oncology deal with identification of deficits in health care, development and implementation of innovative health care concepts and evaluation of new health care programs for oncological patients. Analysis of needs, structures of health care and its processes, of provided health services and optimization of health and quality of life are tasks of clinical health care research in oncology.
TeamDr. phil. Dipl.-Psych.Christiane Bleich
- Head of research group
PhoneE-mailDr. rer. biol. hum.Frederike BokemeyerM. Sc. Psych.- Research fellow
PhoneE-mailPh.D.Lukas Lange-DrenthM. Sc.- Research fellow
PhoneE-mailPhoneE-mailProf. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych.Holger Schulz- Research fellow
Current and recently completed projects:
- Effectiveness of Case Management as a cross-sectoral health care provision for women with breast cancer (CMPBreast)
- Implementation and evaluation of guided chat groups in psychosocial aftercare for outpatients with prostate cancer (eNaMartini)
- Nationwide survey and analysis of the psychooncological care (UPDATE)
- Development of a short scale for measuring health-related quality of life for cancer patients and analysis of implementation (PRO-ONK Routine) (Main applicant; further applicants C. Bokemeyer, L. Kriston, V. Müller, N. Kröger, C. Petersen)
- Safety and patient-related use of new medicines in oncology, register for Health Care Research in oncology (ReVOn) (Cooperation partners of the Deutsche Stiftung für Versorgungsforschung)
- Needs, symptoms and problems of patients in specialized outpatient and inpatient palliative care in Hamburg (SAUSPV, together with Karin Oechsle, II. Medical Clinic, UKE and Frank Schulz-Kindermann, Department of Medical Psychology, UKE)
- Analysis of care for oncological patients from the point of view of professionals (VERSPRO)
- Examining and optimizing the disease specific internet search behavior of cancer patients (EOI-KP)
- Participation in the Hamburg City Health Study (HCHS)
Projects in preparation:
- Analysis of the care of oncological patients from the point of view of patients (VERSPAT)
- Analysis of the care of oncological patients in the northern region of Germany – register survey (KRB)
- Care atlas of oncology: Hamburg, Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Schleswig Holstein and Niedersachsen (ATLAS)
- Bleich C., Büscher C., Melchior H., Grochocka A., Thorenz A., Schulz H., Koch U., Watzke B. (2016). Effectiveness of case management as a cross-sectoral healthcare provision for women with breast cancer. Psychooncology. 2016 May 6. doi: 10.1002/pon.4139. [Epub ahead of print]
- Lange, L., Fink, J., Bleich, C., Graefen, M. & Schulz, H. (submitted) Implementation and evaluation of guided chat groups in psychosocial aftercare for outpatients with prostate cancer. Internet Interventions.
- Mehnert, A., Brahler, E., Faller, H., Harter, M., Keller, M., Schulz, H., Wegscheider, K., Weis, J., Boehncke, A., Hund, B., Reuter, K., Richard, M., Sehner, S., Sommerfeldt, S., Szalai, C., Wittchen, H. U. & Koch, U. (2014). Four-week prevalence of mental disorders in patients with cancer across major tumor entities. J Clin Oncol; 32(31), 3540-3546.
- Wegscheider K., Drabik A., Bleich C., Schulz H. (2016). Nutzenbewertung aus Sicht der Versorgungsforschung und der Epidemiologie. Bundesgesundheitsblatt; 58(3):298-307.
- Wernher I., Bjerregaard F., Tinsel I., Bleich C., Boczor S., Kloppe T., Scherer M., Härter M., Niebling W., König H., Hüll M. (2014). Collaborative treatment of late-life depression in primary care (GermanIMPACT): study protocol of a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Trials;15:351.
- Predictors of use of psychosocial support offers for patients with breast cancer (J. Gornisch, master's thesis, completed)
- Importance of Patient Reported Outcomes in selected oncological S3-guidelines – a qualitative analysis (F. Bokemeyer, bachelor thesis, completed)
- Analysis of care for oncological patients from the point of view of practitioner (B. Stevens, doctoral thesis)