PhD Theses

  • Alina Kopold (2024). Threat in relation to time and space: Identification and characterization of individual trajectories in defensive circuits
  • Koen Frohlichs (2024). Do multidimensional representations of personality support learning?
  • Benjamin Kuper-Smith (2023). Losses and gains in social dilemmas
  • Maren Klingelhöfer-Jens (2023). The robustness of fear: Challenges of methodological heterogeneity in fear conditioning research
  • Alina Dinu (2021). Dissociable Category Learning Systems
  • Julia Jablonowski (2021). Neurocognitive Mechanism underlying Incidental Associative Learning
  • Judith Beck (2020). The effects of weight, age and insulin on neurobehavioral memory function
  • Mari Feldhaus (2020). Context of pain Perception: How individual traits predict nocebo effects and how treatment dosage order influences treatment success
  • Lena Tiedemann (2020). Metabolic-hedonic regulation of food processing in the human brain
  • Tessa Rusch (2019). Modeling Models of Other Minds: A Neuro-Computational Characterization of Theory of Mind Processes during Cooperative Interaction
  • Maike Möller (2019). The trigeminal Autonomic Reflex in Primary Headache: Insights from Trigger- and Modulation Studies
  • Karima Chakroun (2019). Dopaminergic modulation of the explore/exploit trade-off in human decision making
  • Albert End (2019). Characterization of the Mechanisms of Social Attention
  • Sam Chien (2019). Modulation of Learning during Human Decision-Making
  • Dirk Schümann (2018). Dissociable effects of arousal on long-term episodic memory
  • Lei Zhang (2018). Behavioral and neurocomputational foundations of social influence in human decision-making
  • Alexandra Timmermann (2018). Modulation of central pain processing through negative expectation and temporal contrast effects
  • Missanga Van de Sand (2018). Itching for More - Itch and the Nocebo Effect in the Central Nervous System
  • Signe-Luise Winterling (2018). The Relevance of Oscillatory Pre-Stimulus Activity in Memory Formation
  • Phillip Taesler (2018). The Influence of Pre-Stimulus Oscillatory Brain States on Pain
  • Arvina Gahl (2018). Experiencing pain - the impact of variability on pain perception and the placeboeffect
  • Uli Bromberg (2017). Reward related decision-making in adolescence
  • Julia Hebestreit (2017). Brain imaging of preventive migraine medication: Pharmacological modulation of nociceptive trigeminal processing
  • Cordula Hölig (2017). Cerebral Correlates of Person Recognition in Sighted and Blind Humans
  • Tineke Steiger (2017). The influence of age-dependent structural and functional brain changes on learning and memory
  • Manuel Kuhn (2017). Fearing Nature, Nurture and Thyself: Inter-individual differences shape the neurobiology of fear processing and anxious temperament
  • Nora Herweg (2017). Memory and the dopaminergic system: Neural mechanisms and modulatory variables
  • Roland Eßer (2016). The effect of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on brain structure and the neural processing of acute dyspnea anticipation and perception
  • Laura Sasse (2016). Psychophysiological investigation of the mechanisms underlying successful cognitive and emotional aging
  • Antonius Wiehler (2016). Temporal discounting in populations with reduced impulse control: Insights from behavior and functional magnetic resonance imaging
  • Robert Scharfenort (2016). Investigation of the neural mechanisms underlying return of fear and their relation to individual differences
  • Yasar Goedecke (2015). Untersuchung der mikroskopischen Struktur weißer Substanz mit Doppel-Wellenvektor-Diffusionsgewichteter MRT-Bildgebung
  • Inga Kröger (2015). Pharmacological Modulation of trigeminal nociceptive stimulation
  • Isabel Ellerbrock (2015). Central networks and cognitive control of long-term habituation to pain
  • Lieven Schenk (2015). Der Einfluss von Kontextfaktoren auf die Verarbeitung von Placeboeffekten
  • Heidrun Schultz (2015). Functional Organization of the Medial Temporal Lobe
  • Katharina Schwarz (2015). Between Pain and Math-How Expectations ShapeCognitive Processes from Neural Activity to Behaviour
  • Johann Sung-Cheul Kim (2015). Attentional and Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Trade-Off Effects of Negative Emotion on Memory
  • Judith Peth (2014). Emotional modulation of memory encoding and retrieval in the Concealed Information Test
  • Stephan Geuter (2014). Cognitive Modulation and Physiological Assessment of Pain
  • Thore Apitz (2014). The influence of motivation on neural category processing
  • Kerstin Luedtke (2014). Effectiveness of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in patients with chronic low back pain
  • Janine Bayer (2013). Ovarian steroids and their influence on hippocampal memory function and morphology
  • Sebastian Gluth (2013). Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Value-based Learning and Decision Making in Complex Environments
  • Niklas Stein (2013). Development and Validation of a Less Noise-sensitive DTI-based Fiber Tractography Approach Empolying Cubic Hermite Splines and Global Connectivity Information
  • Sofia Schneider (2013). Individual differences in emotional and incentive processing and the disposition for mental disorders in adolescents
  • Karolina Raczka (2012). Beteiligung d. NPSR1 Polymorphismus an d.Interpretation von Angstreaktionen bei Angstkonditionierung sowie Beteiligung des DAT1 an d. Angstextinktion
  • Rea Rodriguez-Raecke (2012). Die neuronal Modulation chronischer Schmerzen-Untersuchungen mit FMRT und VBM
  • Neda Salari (2012). Functional dissociation of ongoing oscillatory brain states revealed by a custom-developed BrainComputer Interface
  • Ulrike Schwarze (2012). Modulating the efficiency of memory formation: Insights from temporal lobe epilepsy and nociceptive arousal
  • Marie Luise Mechias (2012). Cognitive emotion regulation through reappraisal in an anticipatory anxiety paradigm
  • Anna Kaiser (2012). Subjective, Expressive and Neural Components in Emotion Processing: a Holistic Approach to Human Emotions
  • Sabrina Boll (2012). Neural correlates of learning and emotion: Insights into the human amygdala
  • Martin Busch (2012). Single-Voxel-1H-MR-Spektroskopie beliebig geformter Voxel mit 2D-ortsselektiven Hochfrequenzpulsen am menschlichen Gehirn
  • Eszter Schoell (2011). Modulation of the neural processing of thermal stimuli as measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging
  • Corinna Klinge (2011). The blinds’ brain - a study in plasticity
  • Anne Stankewitz (2010). Neuronale Verarbeitung von trigeminal-nozizeptiven & olfaktorischen Stimuli bei Migränikern im interiktalen & iktalen Erkrankungsintervall Eine funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT)-Studie
  • Mareike Menz (2010). From dynamic sensorimotor interaction to conceptual action representation
  • Andreas Marschner (2010). Neuronal Correlates of Human Associative Learning
  • Falk Eippert (2010). The role of the descending pain control system in fear conditioning and analgesia
  • Adam McNamara (2008). The dynamics of learning assessed with functional magnetic resonance imaging
  • Melanie Jonas (2007). The link between observation and execution of biological movement : behavioural correlates and the underlying neural network
  • Jane Klemen (2007). The influence of task demands on response properties of human posterior parietal and lateral occipital cortex
  • Tobias Sommer-Blöchl (2006). The Memory for Object-Location Associations: Encoding -Storage -Retrieval
  • Jan Gläscher (2005). The role of the amygdala in the temporal integration of stimuli predicting aversive outcomes
  • Thomas Wolbers (2005). A matter of strategy: Neural foundations of strategic effects during mental rotation and navigational learning