- Oberärztin Station K1b
- Hygiene expert
- Senior physician staff
- Medical Specialist in Pediatrics and Youth Medicine, with focus on Childrens' Hematology and Oncology
Areas of expertise
Pediatric hematology and oncology
Palliative medicine
Classification of Brain Tumors by Nanopore Sequencing of Cell-Free DNA from Cerebrospinal Fluid
Afflerbach A, Rohrandt C, Brändl B, Sönksen M, Hench J, Frank S, Börnigen D, Alawi M, Mynarek M, Winkler B, Ricklefs F, Synowitz M, Dührsen L, Rutkowski S, Wefers A, Müller F, Schoof M, Schüller U
CLIN CHEM. 2024;70(1):250-260.
Abdominal Aspergillosis – an Underdiagnosed Disease? Three Cases of Abdominal Aspergillosis in Severely Immunocompromised Infants
Hauch R, Jankofsky M, Klohs S, Herden U, Blohm M, Winkler B
KLIN PADIATR. 2024;236(3):189-192.
Suizidhilfe durch Ärzt*innen - zwischen Dürfen, Können und Sollen
Winkler B
2024. Ethik des assistierten Suizids. Bozzaro C, Richter G, Rehmann-Sutter C (eds.). 1. ed. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 59-71.
Long-Term Antibody Response to SARS-CoV-2 in Children
Dunay G, Barroso M, Woidy M, Danecka M, Engels G, Hermann K, Neumann F, Paul K, Beime J, Escherich G, Fehse K, Grinstein L, Haniel F, Haupt L, Hecher L, Kehl T, Kemen C, Kemper M, Kobbe R, Kohl A, Klokow T, Nörz D, Olfe J, Schlenker F, Schmiesing J, Schrum J, Sibbertsen F, Stock P, Tiede S, Vettorazzi E, Zazara D, Zapf A, Lütgehetmann M, Oh J, Mir T, Muntau A, Gersting S
J CLIN IMMUNOL. 2023;43(1):46-56.
Correction: Impact of COVID-19 Related Restrictions on Infections in Children with Cancer or after Hematopoietic SCT
Hauch R, Hinrichs M, Ruhwald R, Schrum J, Rutkowski S, Woessmann W, Winkler B
KLIN PADIATR. 2023;235(3):e1-e2.
Impact of COVID-19 Related Restrictions on Infections in Children with Cancer or after Hematopoietic SCT: A Monocentric, Retrospective Study
Hauch R, Hinrichs M, Ruhwald R, Schrum J, Rutkowski S, Woessmann W, Winkler B
KLIN PADIATR. 2023;235(3):159-166.
Antimicrobial use in pediatric oncology and hematology in Germany and Austria, 2020/2021: a cross-sectional, multi-center point-prevalence study with a multi-step qualitative adjudication process
Papan C, Reifenrath K, Last K, Attarbaschi A, Graf N, Groll A, Hübner J, Laws H, Lehrnbecher T, Liese J, Martin L, Tenenbaum T, Vieth S, von Both U, Wagenpfeil G, Weichert S, Hufnagel M, Simon A
LANCET REG HEALTH-EU. 2023;28:100599.
Long-term survival of an adolescent glioblastoma patient under treatment with vinblastine and valproic acid illustrates importance of methylation profiling
Kresbach C, Bronsema A, Guerreiro H, Rutkowski S, Schüller U, Winkler B
CHILD NERV SYST. 2022;38(2):479-483.
Successful Stem Cell Apheresis Using Spectra Optia in a 6 kg Child With Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor
Brust P, Schubert C, Blohm M, Winkler B
J PEDIAT HEMATOL ONC. 2020;42(7):e692-e695.
Relapse of a group 4 medulloblastoma after 18 years as proven by histology and DNA methylation profiling
Ricklefs F, Fritzsche F, Winkler B, Meissner B, Dührsen L, Westphal M, Rutkowski S, Martens T, Schüller U
CHILD NERV SYST. 2019;35(6):1029-1033.
Subgroup-specific immune and stromal microenvironment in medulloblastoma
Bockmayr M, Mohme M, Klauschen F, Winkler B, Budczies J, Rutkowski S, Schüller U
ONCOIMMUNOLOGY. 2018;7(9):e1462430.
Diffusionsgewichtete MRT und 18F-FDG-PET-CT bei Kindern mit mediastinalam Lymphom vor und nach zwei Zyklen Chemotherapie
Kupka M, Stoffels M, Regier M, Berliner C, Klutmann S, Winkler B, Groth M, Adam G, Herrmann J
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 2018;190(S 01):40-41.
Hypereosinophilia as Presenting Symptom of a Pre-B-ALL
Maier S, Zoghbi A, Escherich G, Winkler B
KLIN PADIATR. 2018;230(3):160-161.
Comparison of immune reconstitution after allogeneic versus autologous stem cell transplantation in 182 patients
Wiegering V, Eyrich M, Winkler B, Schlegel P
J PEDIAT HEMATOL ONC. 2018;41(5):e302-e307.
Kaposiformes Hämangioendotheliom mit Kasabach-Merritt-Syndrom: erfolgreiche Therapie mit Sirolimus
Reichel A, Hamm H, Wiegering V, Wiewrodt B, Neubauer H, Ernestus K, Winkler B
J DTSCH DERMATOL GES. 2017;15(3):329-331.
Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma with Kasabach-Merritt syndrome: successful treatment with sirolimus
Reichel A, Hamm H, Wiegering V, Wiewrodt B, Neubauer H, Ernestus K, Winkler B
J DTSCH DERMATOL GES. 2017;15(3):329-331.
Lineage switch under blinatumomab treatment of relapsed common acute lymphoblastic leukemia without MLL rearrangement
Zoghbi A, Zur Stadt U, Winkler B, Müller I, Escherich G
PEDIATR BLOOD CANCER. 2017;64(11):11.
The minimum required level of donor chimerism in hereditary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
Hartz B, Marsh R, Rao K, Henter J, Jordan M, Filipovich L, Bader P, Beier R, Burkhardt B, Meisel R, Schulz A, Winkler B, Albert M, Greil J, Karasu G, Woessmann W, Corbaciologlu S, Gruhn B, Holter W, Kühl J, Lang P, Seidel M, Veys P, Löfstedt A, Ammann S, Ehl S, Janka G, Müller I, Lehmberg K
BLOOD. 2016;127(25):3281-90.
Fast MR Imaging of the Paediatric Abdomen with CAIPIRINHA-Accelerated T1w 3D FLASH and with High-Resolution T2w HASTE: A Study on Image Quality
Li M, Winkler B, Pabst T, Bley T, Köstler H, Neubauer H
GASTROENT RES PRACT. 2015;2015:693654.
Immunotherapy with the trifunctional anti-CD20 x anti-CD3 antibody FBTA05 (Lymphomun) in paediatric high-risk patients with recurrent CD20-positive B cell malignancies
Schuster F, Stanglmaier M, Woessmann W, Winkler B, Siepermann M, Meisel R, Schlegel P, Hess J, Lindhofer H, Borkhardt A, Buhmann R
BRIT J HAEMATOL. 2015;169(1):90-102.
Formula-feeding is associated with shift towards Th1 cytokines
Winkler B, Aulenbach J, Meyer T, Wiegering A, Eyrich M, Schlegel P, Wiegering V
EUR J NUTR. 2015;54(1):129-138.
Hit the mark with diffusion-weighted imaging: metastases of rhabdomyosarcoma to the extraocular eye muscles
Hassold N, Warmuth-Metz M, Winkler B, Kreissl M, Ernestus K, Beer M, Neubauer H
BMC PEDIATR. 2014;14:57.
Impaired B-cell reconstitution in children after chemotherapy for standard or medium risk acute precursor B-lymphoblastic leukemia
Wiegering V, Frank J, Freudenberg S, Morbach H, Schlegel P, Eyrich M, Winkler B
LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA. 2014;55(4):870-875.
Thrombosis as a complication of central venous access in pediatric patients with malignancies: a 5-year single-center experience
Wiegering V, Schmid S, Andres O, Wirth C, Wiegering A, Meyer T, Winkler B, Schlegel P, Eyrich M
BMC hematology. 2014;14(1):18.
Recurrent somatic alterations of FGFR1 and NTRK2 in pilocytic astrocytoma
Jones D, Hutter B, Jäger N, Korshunov A, Kool M, Warnatz H, Zichner T, Lambert S, Ryzhova M, Quang D, Fontebasso A, Stütz A, Hutter S, Zuckermann M, Sturm D, Gronych J, Lasitschka B, Schmidt S, Seker-Cin H, Witt H, Sultan M, Ralser M, Northcott P, Hovestadt V, Bender S, Pfaff E, Stark S, Faury D, Schwartzentruber J, Majewski J, Weber U, Zapatka M, Raeder B, Schlesner M, Worth C, Bartholomae C, von Kalle C, Imbusch C, Radomski S, Lawerenz C, van Sluis P, Koster J, Volckmann R, Versteeg R, Lehrach H, Monoranu C, Winkler B, Unterberg A, Herold-Mende C, Milde T, Kulozik A, Ebinger M, Schuhmann M, Cho Y, Pomeroy S, von Deimling A, Witt O, Taylor M, Wolf S, Karajannis M, Eberhart C, Scheurlen W, Hasselblatt M, Ligon K, Kieran M, Korbel J, Yaspo M, Brors B, Felsberg J, Reifenberger G, Collins V, Jabado N, Eils R, Lichter P, Pfister S
NAT GENET. 2013;45(8):927-932.
Lower TGFß serum levels and higher frequency of IFNγ-producing T cells during early immune reconstitution in surviving children after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
Wiegering V, Winkler B, Haubitz I, Wölfl M, Schlegel P, Eyrich M
PEDIATR BLOOD CANCER. 2013;60(1):121-128.
Diffusion-weighted MRI for detection and differentiation of musculoskeletal tumorous and tumor-like lesions in pediatric patients
Neubauer H, Evangelista L, Hassold N, Winkler B, Schlegel P, Köstler H, Hahn D, Beer M
WORLD J PEDIATR. 2012;8(4):342-349.
Immune function in newly diagnosed children with malignancy
Wiegering V, Schlegel P, Winkler B
J PEDIAT HEMATOL ONC. 2012;34(7):559-64.
TH1 predominance is associated with improved survival in pediatric medulloblastoma patients
Wiegering V, Eyrich M, Rutkowski S, Wölfl M, Schlegel P, Winkler B
CANCER IMMUNOL IMMUN. 2011;60(5):693-703.
Immune function in children under chemotherapy for standard risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - a prospective study of 20 paediatric patients
Eyrich M, Wiegering V, Lim A, Schrauder A, Winkler B, Schlegel P
BRIT J HAEMATOL. 2009;147(3):360-370.
Transient loss of consciousness in pediatric recipients of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)-cryopreserved peripheral blood stem cells independent of morphine co-medication
Schlegel P, Wölfl M, Schick J, Winkler B, Eyrich M
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2009;94(10):1473-1475.
Age-related changes in intracellular cytokine expression in healthy children
Wiegering V, Eyrich M, Wunder C, Günther H, Schlegel P, Winkler B
EUR CYTOKINE NETW. 2009;20(2):75-80.
Onset of thymic recovery and plateau of thymic output are differentially regulated after stem cell transplantation in children
Eyrich M, Wollny G, Tzaribaschev N, Dietz K, Brügger D, Bader P, Lang P, Schilbach K, Winkler B, Niethammer D, Schlegel P
BIOL BLOOD MARROW TR. 2005;11(3):194-205.
Impaired T-cell activation and cytokine productivity after transplantation of positively selected CD34+ allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells
Eyrich M, Leiler C, Croner T, Lang P, Schumm M, Mascher B, Schilbach K, Klingebiel T, Handgretinger R, Niethammer D, Schlegel P
HEMATOL J. 2004;5(4):329-40.
Lamina propria plasma cells in inflammatory bowel disease: intracellular detection of immunoglobulins using flow cytometry
Dorn I, Schlenke P, Mascher B, Stange E, Seyfarth M
IMMUNOBIOLOGY. 2002;206(5):546-57.
Intracellular cytokine repertoire in different T cell subsets from patients with sarcoidosis
Möllers M, Aries S, Drömann D, Mascher B, Braun J, Dalhoff K
THORAX. 2001;56(6):487-493.
Increased numbers of CCR5+ interferon-gamma- and tumor necrosis factor-alpha-secreting T lymphocytes in multiple sclerosis patients
Strunk T, Bubel S, Mascher B, Schlenke P, Kirchner H, Wandinger K
ANN NEUROL. 2000;47(2):269-273.
Expression and kinetics of cytokines determined by intracellular staining using flow cytometry
Mascher B, Schlenke P, Seyfarth M
J IMMUNOL METHODS. 1999;223(1):115-21.
Polymorphisms in the tumor necrosis factor genes in Wegener's granulomatosis
Mascher B, Schmitt W, Csernok E, Tatsis E, Reil A, Gross W, Seyfarth M
EXP CLIN IMMUNOGENET. 1997;14(3):226-33.
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