- Senior physician
- Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine and Pneumology
- Internistic intensive care medicine
Areas of expertise
Internal medicine
Sex-specific Genetic Determinants of Right Ventricular Structure and Function
Harbaum L, Hennigs J, Pott J, Ostermann J, Sinning C, Sau A, Sieliwonczyk E, Ng F, Rhodes C, Tello K, Klose H, Gräf S, Wilkins M
AM J RESP CRIT CARE. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];211(1):113-23.
Right ventricular strain to systolic pulmonary artery pressure ratio in response to treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension
Pott J, Csengeri D, Ostermann J, Klose H, Sinning C, Harbaum L
ERJ OPEN RES. 2024;10(4):.
Clinical phenotyping of plasma thrombospondin-2 reveals relationship to right ventricular structure and function in pulmonary hypertension
Dittrich A, Mienert J, Pott J, Engels L, Sinning C, Hennigs J, Klose H, Harbaum L
ERJ OPEN RES. 2023;9(2):.
Genetische Diagnostik und molekulare Ansätze bei pulmonalarterieller Hypertonie
Eichstaedt C, Bikou O, Sommer N, Schermuly R, Pullamsetti S, Weissmann N, Harbaum L, Tabeling C, Wißmüller M, Foris V, Kuebler W, Hinderhofer K, Olschewski A, Kwapiszewska G
PNEUMOLOGIE. 2023;77(11):862-870.
Gezielte medikamentöse Therapie der pulmonalarteriellen Hypertonie bei Patient*innen ohne Komorbiditäten
Klose H, Harbaum L, Richter M, Lichtblau M, Marra A, Kabitz H, Harutyunova S, Milger-Kneidinger K, Lange T
PNEUMOLOGIE. 2023;77(11):890-900.
Transcription factors in the pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension-Current knowledge and therapeutic potential
Körbelin J, Matuszcak C, Runge J, Harbaum L, Klose H, Hennigs J
FRONT CARDIOVASC MED. 2023;9:1036096.
Residual risk identified in routine noninvasive follow-up assessments in pulmonary arterial hypertension
Ostermann J, Pott J, Hennigs J, Roedl K, Sinning C, Harbaum L, Klose H
ERJ OPEN RES. 2023;9(3):.
Mining the Plasma Proteome for Insights into the Molecular Pathology of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Harbaum L, Rhodes C, Wharton J, Lawrie A, Karnes J, Desai A, Nichols W, Humbert M, Montani D, Girerd B, Sitbon O, Boehm M, Novoyatleva T, Schermuly R, Ghofrani H, Toshner M, Kiely D, Howard L, Swietlik E, Gräf S, Pietzner M, Morrell N, Wilkins M
AM J RESP CRIT CARE. 2022;205(12):1449-1460.
Respiratory muscle dysfunction in long-COVID patients
Hennigs J, Huwe M, Hennigs A, Oqueka T, Simon M, Harbaum L, Körbelin J, Schmiedel S, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Addo M, Kluge S, Klose H
INFECTION. 2022;50(5):1391-1397.
Organbezogene Folgeerscheinungen von COVID‑19 bei Erwachsenen
Hennigs J, Oqueka T, Harbaum L, Klose H
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2022;65(4):462-470.
Das intimale Sarkom der Pulmonalarterie – Fallbericht einer seltenen Differenzialdiagnose der chronisch thromboembolischen pulmonalen Hypertonie
Pott J, Gräfin zu Reventlow P, Simon M, Steurer S, Harbaum L, Henes F, Klose H
PNEUMOLOGIE. 2022;76(9):633-638.
Using the Plasma Proteome for Risk Stratifying Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Rhodes C, Wharton J, Swietlik E, Harbaum L, Girerd B, Coghlan J, Lordan J, Church C, Pepke-Zaba J, Toshner M, Wort S, Kiely D, Condliffe R, Lawrie A, Gräf S, Montani D, Boucly A, Sitbon O, Humbert M, Howard L, Morrell N, Wilkins M
AM J RESP CRIT CARE. 2022;205(9):1102-1111.
Mendelian randomisation and experimental medicine approaches to interleukin-6 as a drug target in pulmonary arterial hypertension
Toshner M, Church C, Harbaum L, Rhodes C, Villar Moreschi S, Liley J, Jones R, Arora A, Batai K, Desai A, Coghlan J, Gibbs J, Gor D, Gräf S, Harlow L, Hernandez-Sanchez J, Howard L, Humbert M, Karnes J, Kiely D, Kittles R, Knightbridge E, Lam B, Lutz K, Nichols W, Pauciulo M, Pepke-Zaba J, Suntharalingam J, Soubrier F, Trembath R, Schwantes-An T, Wort S, Wilkins M, Gaine S, Morrell N, Corris P
EUR RESPIR J. 2022;59(3):.
Risk assessment in pulmonary hypertension based on routinely measured laboratory parameters
Yogeswaran A, Tello K, Lund J, Klose H, Harbaum L, Sommer N, Oqueka T, Hennigs J, Grimminger F, Seeger W, Ghofrani H, Richter M, Gall H
J HEART LUNG TRANSPL. 2022;41(3):400-410.
Genetic evidence for a causative effect of airflow obstruction on left ventricular filling: a Mendelian randomisation study
Harbaum L, Hennigs J, Simon M, Oqueka T, Watz H, Klose H
RESP RES. 2021;22(1):.
The application of 'omics' to pulmonary arterial hypertension
Harbaum L, Rhodes C, Otero-Núñez P, Wharton J, Wilkins M
BRIT J PHARMACOL. 2021;178(1):108-120.
Non-Invasive Risk Prediction Based on Right Ventricular Function in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Qaderi V, Weimann J, Harbaum L, Schrage B, Knappe D, Hennigs J, Sinning C, Schnabel R, Blankenberg S, Kirchhof P, Klose H, Magnussen C
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(21):.
Positioning imatinib for pulmonary arterial hypertension: A phase I/II design comprising dose finding and single-arm efficacy
Wilkins M, Mckie M, Law M, Roussakis A, Harbaum L, Church C, Coghlan J, Condliffe R, Howard L, Kiely D, Lordan J, Rothman A, Suntharalingam J, Toshner M, Wort S, Villar S
PULM CIRC. 2021;11(4):20458940211052823.
Upregulation of DDAH2 Limits Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Ventricular Hypertrophy During Chronic Hypoxia in Ddah1 Knockout Mice
Hannemann J, Glatzel A, Hillig J, Zummack J, Schumacher U, Lüneburg N, Harbaum L, Böger R
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2020;11:597559.
Blood carbon dioxide tension and risk in pulmonary arterial hypertension
Harbaum L, Fuge J, Kamp J, Hennigs J, Simon M, Sinning C, Oqueka T, Grimminger J, Olsson K, Hoeper M, Klose H
INT J CARDIOL. 2020;318:131-137.
Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension phenotypes determined by cluster analysis from the COMPERA registry
Hoeper M, Pausch C, Grünig E, Klose H, Staehler G, Huscher D, Pittrow D, Olsson K, Vizza C, Gall H, Benjamin N, Distler O, Opitz C, Gibbs J, Delcroix M, Ghofrani H, Rosenkranz S, Ewert R, Kaemmerer H, Lange T, Kabitz H, Skowasch D, Skride A, Jureviciene E, Paleviciute E, Miliauskas S, Claussen M, Behr J, Milger K, Halank M, Wilkens H, Wirtz H, Pfeuffer-Jovic E, Harbaum L, Scholtz W, Dumitrescu D, Bruch L, Coghlan G, Neurohr C, Tsangaris I, Gorenflo M, Scelsi L, Vonk-Noordegraaf A, Ulrich S, Held M
J HEART LUNG TRANSPL. 2020;39(12):1435-1444.
Whole Blood RNA Profiles Associated with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Clinical Outcome
Rhodes C, Otero-Núñez P, Wharton J, Swietlik E, Kariotis S, Harbaum L, Dunning M, Elinoff J, Errington N, Thomson A, Iremonger J, Coghlan J, Corris P, Howard L, Kiely D, Church C, Pepke-Zaba J, Toshner M, Wort S, Desai A, Humbert M, Nichols W, Southgate L, Trégouët D, Trembath R, Prokopenko I, Gräf S, Morrell N, Wang D, Lawrie A, Wilkins M
AM J RESP CRIT CARE. 2020;202(4):586-594.
Mendelian randomisation analysis of red cell distribution width in pulmonary arterial hypertension
Ulrich A, Wharton J, Thayer T, Swietlik E, Assad T, Desai A, Gräf S, Harbaum L, Humbert M, Morrell N, Nichols W, Soubrier F, Southgate L, Trégouët D, Trembath R, Brittain E, Wilkins M, Prokopenko I, Rhodes C
EUR RESPIR J. 2020;55(2):.
Impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on pulmonary hypertension out-patient clinics in Germany: a multi-centre study
Yogeswaran A, Gall H, Tello K, Grünig E, Xanthouli P, Ewert R, Kamp J, Olsson K, Wißmüller M, Rosenkranz S, Klose H, Harbaum L, Lange T, Opitz C, Waelde A, Milger K, Sommer N, Seeger W, Ghofrani H, Richter M
PULM CIRC. 2020;10(3):2045894020941682.
Reduced plasma levels of small HDL particles transporting fibrinolytic proteins in pulmonary arterial hypertension
Harbaum L, Ghataorhe P, Wharton J, Jiménez B, Howard L, Gibbs J, Nicholson J, Rhodes C, Wilkins M
THORAX. 2019;74(4):380-389.
The P2-receptor-mediated Ca2+ signalosome of the human pulmonary endothelium - implications for pulmonary arterial hypertension
Hennigs J, Lüneburg N, Stage A, Schmitz M, Körbelin J, Harbaum L, Matuszcak C, Mienert J, Bokemeyer C, Böger R, Kiefmann R, Klose H
PURINERG SIGNAL. 2019;15(3):299-311.
Genetic determinants of risk in pulmonary arterial hypertension: international genome-wide association studies and meta-analysis
Rhodes C, Batai K, Bleda M, Haimel M, Southgate L, Germain M, Pauciulo M, Hadinnapola C, Aman J, Girerd B, Arora A, Knight J, Hanscombe K, Karnes J, Kaakinen M, Gall H, Ulrich A, Harbaum L, Cebola I, Ferrer J, Lutz K, Swietlik E, Ahmad F, Amouyel P, Archer S, Argula R, Austin E, Badesch D, Bakshi S, Barnett C, Benza R, Bhatt N, Bogaard H, Burger C, Chakinala M, Church C, Coghlan J, Condliffe R, Corris P, Danesino C, Debette S, Elliott C, Elwing J, Eyries M, Fortin T, Franke A, Frantz R, Frost A, Garcia J, Ghio S, Ghofrani H, Gibbs J, Harley J, He H, Hill N, Hirsch R, Houweling A, Howard L, Ivy D, Kiely D, Klinger J, Kovacs G, Lahm T, Laudes M, Machado R, Ross R, Marsolo K, Martin L, Moledina S, Montani D, Nathan S, Newnham M, Olschewski A, Olschewski H, Oudiz R, Ouwehand W, Peacock A, Pepke-Zaba J, Rehman Z, Robbins I, Roden D, Rosenzweig E, Saydain G, Scelsi L, Schilz R, Seeger W, Shaffer C, Simms R, Simon M, Sitbon O, Suntharalingam J, Tang H, Tchourbanov A, Thenappan T, Torres F, Toshner M, Treacy C, Noordegraaf A, Waisfisz Q, Walsworth A, Walter R, Wharton J, White R, Wilt J, Wort S, Yung D, Lawrie A, Humbert M, Soubrier F, Trégouët D, Prokopenko I, Kittles R, Gräf S, Nichols W, Trembath R, Desai A, Morrell N, Wilkins M
LANCET RESP MED. 2019;7(3):227-238.
Pathobiology, pathology and genetics of pulmonary hypertension: Update from the Cologne Consensus Conference 2018
Olschewski A, Berghausen E, Eichstaedt C, Fleischmann B, Grünig E, Grünig G, Hansmann G, Harbaum L, Hennigs J, Jonigk D, Kuebler W, Kwapiszewska G, Pullamsetti S, Stacher E, Weissmann N, Wenzel D, Schermuly R
INT J CARDIOL. 2018;272S(S1):4-10.
Endoscopic lung volume reduction coil treatment in patients with very low FEV: an observational study
Simon M, Harbaum L, Oqueka T, Kluge S, Klose H
THER ADV RESPIR DIS. 2018;12:1-10.
Right Ventricular Index for Risk Stratification of Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Sinning C, Harbaum L, Schrage B, Rübsamen N, Magnussen C, Waschki B, Kleemann W, Baaske K, Kögler M, Ojeda F, Fischer C, Benjamin N, Westermann D, Zengin E, Schäfer U, Egenlauf B, Klose H, Blankenberg S, Grünig E
RESPIRATION. 2018;96(3):249-258.
Recent advances in pulmonary arterial hypertension
Wilkins M, Aman J, Harbaum L, Ulrich A, Wharton J, Rhodes C
F1000 Research. 2018;7:.
Lymph node retrieval in colorectal cancer: determining factors and prognostic significance
Betge J, Harbaum L, Pollheimer M, Lindtner R, Kornprat P, Ebert M, Langner C
INT J COLORECTAL DIS. 2017;32(7):991-998.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension - progress in understanding the disease and prioritizing strategies for drug development
Ghataorhe P, Rhodes C, Harbaum L, Attard M, Wharton J, Wilkins M
J INTERN MED. 2017;282(2):129-141.
Exploratory analysis of the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
Harbaum L, Baaske K, Simon M, Oqueka T, Sinning C, Glatzel A, Lüneburg N, Sydow K, Bokemeyer C, Klose H
BMC PULM MED. 2017;17(1):72.
Monitoring und Individualisierung von körperlichem Training bei Patienten mit pulmonaler Hypertonie
Harbaum L, Grimminger J, Galow S, Grünig E, Klose H, Hennigs J
PNEUMOLOGE. 2017;14(4):237-243.
Tumor size, tumor location, and antitumor inflammatory response are associated with lymph node size in colorectal cancer patients
Rössler O, Betge J, Harbaum L, Mrak K, Tschmelitsch J, Langner C
MODERN PATHOL. 2017;30(6):897-904.
Endoscopic lung volume reduction coil treatment in patients with chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure: an observational study
Simon M, Harbaum L, Oqueka T, Kluge S, Klose H
THER ADV RESPIR DIS. 2017;11(1):9-19.
MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC6 in colorectal cancer: expression profiles and clinical significance
Betge J, Schneider N, Harbaum L, Pollheimer M, Lindtner R, Kornprat P, Ebert M, Langner C
VIRCHOWS ARCH. 2016;469(3):255-65.
Acute effects of exercise on the inflammatory state in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
Harbaum L, Renk E, Yousef S, Glatzel A, Lüneburg N, Hennigs J, Oqueka T, Baumann H, Atanackovic D, Grünig E, Böger R, Bokemeyer C, Klose H
BMC PULM MED. 2016;16(1):145.
Aktuelle Evidenz bei pulmonal arterieller Hypertonie: Diagnose- und Therapieleitfaden
Klose H, Hennigs J, Harbaum L, Simon M, Oqueka T, Sydow K
2016. Aktuelle Evidenz bei pulmonal arterieller Hypertonie . Klose H (eds.). 3. ed. 1-68.
Tumour budding with and without admixed inflammation: two different sides of the same coin?
Max N, Harbaum L, Pollheimer M, Lindtner R, Kornprat P, Langner C
BRIT J CANCER. 2016;114(4):368-71.
Pathobiologie, Pathologie und Genetik der pulmonalen Hypertonie: Empfehlungen der Kölner Konsensus-Konferenz 2016
Olschewski A, Berghausen E, Eichstaedt C, Fleischmann B, Grünig E, Grünig G, Hansmann G, Harbaum L, Hennigs J, Jonigk D, Kübler W, Kwapiszewska G, Pullamsetti S, Stacher E, Weissmann N, Wenzel D, Schermuly R
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2016;141(S 01):S4-S9.
Inclusion of cytological features in tumor grading improves prognostic stratification of patients with colorectal cancer
Resch A, Harbaum L, Pollheimer M, Kornprat P, Lindtner R, Langner C
INT J COLORECTAL DIS. 2016;31(3):535-41.
Bleeding Complications After Endoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Coil Treatment: A Retrospective Observational Study
Simon M, Ittrich H, Harbaum L, Oqueka T, Kluge S, Klose H
ARCH BRONCONEUMOL. 2016;52(12):590-595.
Medikamentöse Therapie der pulmonal arteriellen Hypertonie
Harbaum L, Olschewski H, Klose H
PNEUMOLOGE. 2015;12(5):390-400.
Does Circulating IL-17 Identify a Subset of Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension?
Harbaum L, Oqueka T, Glatzel A, Hennigs J, Lüneburg N, Klose H
CHEST. 2015;148(4):e131-2.
Peritumoral eosinophils predict recurrence in colorectal cancer
Harbaum L, Pollheimer M, Kornprat P, Lindtner R, Bokemeyer C, Langner C
MODERN PATHOL. 2015;28(3):403-13.
Therapie der pulmonal arteriellen Hypertonie
Klose H, Harbaum L, Oqueka T, Simon M, Grünig E
PNEUMOLOGIE. 2015;69(8):483-93; quiz 494-5.
Grading lymph node metastasis: a feasible approach for prognostication of patients with stage III colorectal cancer
Resch A, Harbaum L, Pollheimer M, Kornprat P, Lindtner R, Langner C
J CLIN PATHOL. 2015;68(9):742-5.
Intrinsic BMP Antagonist Gremlin-1 as a Novel Circulating Marker in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Wellbrock J, Harbaum L, Stamm H, Hennigs J, Schulz B, Klose H, Bokemeyer C, Fiedler W, Lüneburg N
LUNG. 2015.
Complete resolution of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension following chemotherapy
Harbaum L, Hennigs J, Baumann H, Bokemeyer C, Olschewski H, Klose H
EUR RESPIR J. 2014;43(5):1513-5.
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic Peptide is a useful prognostic marker in patients with pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension and renal insufficiency
Harbaum L, Hennigs J, Baumann H, Lüneburg N, Griesch E, Bokemeyer C, Grünig E, Klose H
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(4):e94263.
Treatment with dasatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia following imatinib-induced hepatotoxicity
Harbaum L, Marx A, Goekkurt E, Schafhausen P, Atanackovic D
INT J HEMATOL. 2014;99(1):91-4.
Fibrinogen plasma concentration is an independent marker of haemodynamic impairment in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Hennigs J, Baumann H, Lüneburg N, Quast G, Harbaum L, Heyckendorf J, Sydow K, Schulte-Hubbert B, Halank M, Klose H
SCI REP-UK. 2014;4:4808.
Gezielte Therapie der pulmonal arteriellen Hypertonie (PAH)
Klose H, Opitz C, Bremer H, Ewert R, Bonderman D, Rosenkranz S, Seeger W, Schmeißer A, Harbaum L, Buerke M, Ghofrani H, Borst M, Leuchte H, Lange T, Behr J, Ulrich S, Lang I, Olschewski H, Gall H, Kabitz H, Kleber F, Held M, Hoeper M, Grünig E
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2014;139 Suppl 4:S142-50.
The endothelial ADMA/NO pathway in hypoxia-related chronic respiratory diseases
Lüneburg N, Harbaum L, Hennigs J
BIOMED RES INT . 2014;2014:501612.
40-jähriger Patient mit Dyspnoe ein Jahr nach Lungentransplantation
Fuchs A, Klose H, Harbaum L, Kreuz J, Wilhelm K, Nickenig G, Skowasch D
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2013;138(21):1107-8.
Hamburger Netzwerk Pulmonale Hypertonie
Harbaum L, Hennigs J, Baumann H, Lüneburg N, Kluge S, Weil J, Sydow K, Klose H
Hamb Ärztebl. 2013;(10):26-28.
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