Dirk Heider
Dr. rer. medic. Dipl.-Soz.
Dirk Heider
  • Head of working group
Working area


W37 , 6th Floor, Room number 6027
German (Mother tongue)


  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • 2011

Using a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, case management and eHealth components for patients with depression or panic disorders in primary care practices in Hesse, Germany: an exploration of healthcare professionals’ lived experiences
Hanf M, Körner C, Lukaschek K, Gensichen J, Lezius S, Zapf A, Heider D, König H, Hansen S, van den Akker M
BMC Digital Health. 2024;2:.

The effect of telephone health coaching and remote exercise monitoring for peripheral artery disease (TeGeCoach) on health care cost and utilization: results of a randomized controlled trial
Heider D, Rezvani F, Matschinger H, Dirmaier J, Härter M, Herbarth L, Steinisch P, Böbinger H, Schuhmann F, Krack G, Korth T, Thomsen L, Chase D, Schreiber R, Alscher M, Finger B, König H
EUR J HEALTH ECON. 2024;25(4):615-629.

Development and implementation of a treatment pathway to reduce coronary angiograms - lessons from a failure
Jung-Henrich J, Schlößler K, Uebel T, Chikhradze N, Suslow A, Lindner N, Fahrenkrog S, Kraft J, Hummers E, Vollmar H, Gágyor I, Heider D, König H, Donner-Banzhoff N
BMC HEALTH SERV RES. 2024;24:527.

Telephone Health Coaching and Remote Exercise Monitoring (TeGeCoach) in Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Rezvani F, Heider D, König H, Herbarth L, Steinisch P, Schuhmann F, Böbinger H, Krack G, Korth T, Thomsen L, Chase D, Schreiber R, Alscher M, Finger B, Härter M, Dirmaier J
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2024;121(10):323-330.

Gender-specific association of loneliness and health care use in community-dwelling older adults
Boehlen F, Heider D, Schellberg D, Hohls J, Schöttker B, Brenner H, Friederich H, König H, Wild B
BMC GERIATR. 2023;23:502.

CBT-Based and eHealth-Supported Case Management for Patients with Panic Disorder or Depression in Primary Care: Results of a Proof of Concept
Lukaschek K, Lezius S, van den Akker M, Hanf M, Zapf A, Heider D, König H, Gensichen J
INT J COGN THER. 2023;17:369–387.

Prehabilitation in older patients prior to elective cardiac procedures (PRECOVERY): study protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Steinmetz C, Heinemann S, Kutschka I, Hasenfuß G, Asendorf T, Remppis B, Knoglinger E, Grefe C, Albes J, Baraki H, Baumbach C, Brunner S, Ernst S, Harringer W, Heider D, Heidkamp D, Herrmann-Lingen C, Hummers E, Kocar T, König H, Krieger S, Liebold A, Martens A, Matzeder M, Mellert F, Müller C, Puls M, Reiss N, Schikora M, Schmidt T, Vestweber M, Sadlonova M, von Arnim C
TRIALS. 2023;24:533.

A Comparison of Matching and Weighting Methods for Causal Inference Based on Routine Health Insurance Data, or What to do If an RCT is Impossible
Matschinger H, Heider D, König H
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2020;82(S 02):S139-S150.

Telephone health coaching with exercise monitoring using wearable activity trackers (TeGeCoach) for improving walking impairment in peripheral artery disease: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation
Rezvani F, Heider D, Härter M, König H, Bienert F, Brinkmann J, Herbarth L, Kramer E, Steinisch P, Freudenstein F, Terhalle R, Grosse Y, Bock S, Posselt J, Beutel C, Reif F, Kirchhoff F, Neuschwander C, Löffler F, Brunner L, Dickmeis P, Heidenthal T, Schmitz L, Chase D, Seelenmeyer C, Alscher M, Tegtbur U, Dirmaier J
BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(6):e032146.

Longitudinal association between panic disorder and health care costs in older adults
Hohls J, König H, Heider D, Brenner H, Böhlen F, Matschinger H, Saum K, Schöttker B, Haefeli W, Hajek A, Wild B
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2019;36(12):1135-1142.

Association of generalized anxiety symptoms and panic with health care costs in older age—Results from the ESTHER cohort study
Hohls J, Wild B, Heider D, Brenner H, Böhlen F, Saum K, Schöttker B, Matschinger H, Haefeli W, König H, Hajek A
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2019;245:978-986.

eHealth-supported case management for patients with panic disorder or depression in primary care: Study protocol for a cRCT (PREMA)
Lukaschek K, Mergenthal K, Heider D, Hanke A, Munski K, Moschner A, Emig M, van den Akker M, Zapf A, Wegscheider K, König H, Gensichen J
TRIALS. 2019;20(1):662.

Caring for the elderly: A person-centered segmentation approach for exploring the association between health care needs, mental health care use, and costs in Germany
Wild B, Heider D, Schellberg D, Böhlen F, Schöttker B, Muhlack D, König H, Slaets J
PLOS ONE. 2019;14(12):e0226510.

Frailty and healthcare costs—longitudinal results of a prospective cohort study
Hajek A, Bock J, Saum K, Matschinger H, Brenner H, Holleczek B, Haefeli W, Heider D, König H
AGE AGEING. 2018;47(2):233-241.

Unterschiede in der Morbidität nach Krankenversichertenstatus im Alter
Hajek A, Bock J, Saum K, Schöttker B, Brenner H, Heider D, König H
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2018;80(6):551-556.

The impact of potentially inappropriate medication on the development of health care costs and its moderation by the number of prescribed substances. Results of a retrospective matched cohort study
Heider D, Matschinger H, Meid A, Quinzler R, Adler J, Günster C, Haefeli W, König H
PLOS ONE. 2018;13(7):e0198004.

Prediction of Drug-Related Risks Using Clinical Context Information in Longitudinal Claims Data
Meid A, Groll A, Heider D, Mächler S, Adler J, Günster C, König H, Haefeli W
VALUE HEALTH. 2018;21(12):1390-1398.

A Longitudinal Investigation of Willingness to Pay for Health Insurance in Germany
Bock J, Hajek A, Brenner H, Saum K, Matschinger H, Haefeli W, Schöttker B, Quinzler R, Heider D, König H
HEALTH SERV RES. 2017;53(3):1099-1117.

Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die privaten Zuzahlungen zu Gesundheitsleistungen im Alter? Ergebnisse einer Längsschnittstudie: Ergebnisse einer Längsschnittstudie
Hajek A, Bock J, Brenner H, Saum K, Matschinger H, Haefeli W, Quinzler R, Heider D, König H
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2017;79(2):e18-e25.

Health Service Use, Costs, and Adverse Events Associated with Potentially Inappropriate Medication in Old Age in Germany: Retrospective Matched Cohort Study
Heider D, Matschinger H, Meid A, Quinzler R, Adler J, Günster C, Haefeli W, König H
DRUG AGING. 2017;34(4):289-301.

Investigating the Additive Interaction of QT-Prolonging Drugs in Older People Using Claims Data
Meid A, von Medem A, Heider D, Adler J, Günster C, Seidling H, Quinzler R, König H, Haefeli W
DRUG SAFETY. 2017;40(2):133-144.

Willingness to pay for health insurance among the elderly population in Germany
Bock J, Heider D, Matschinger H, Brenner H, Saum K, Haefeli W, König H
EUR J HEALTH ECON. 2016;17(2):149-158.

Associations of frailty with health care costs - results of the ESTHER cohort study
Bock J, König H, Brenner H, Haefeli W, Quinzler R, Matschinger H, Saum K, Schöttker B, Heider D
BMC HEALTH SERV RES. 2016;16(1):128.

Effectiveness of Telephone-Based Health Coaching for Patients with Chronic Conditions: A Randomised Controlled Trial: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Härter M, Dirmaier J, Dwinger S, Kriston L, Herbarth L, Siegmund-Schultze E, Bermejo I, Matschinger H, Heider D, König H
PLOS ONE. 2016;11(9):e0161269.

Comparative evaluation of methods approximating drug prescription durations in claims data: modeling, simulation, and application to real data
Meid A, Heider D, Adler J, Quinzler R, Brenner H, Günster C, König H, Haefeli W
PHARMACOEPIDEM DR S. 2016;25(12):1434-1442.

Longitudinal evaluation of medication underuse in older outpatients and its association with quality of life
Meid A, Quinzler R, Groll A, Wild B, Saum K, Schöttker B, Heider D, König H, Brenner H, Haefeli W
EUR J CLIN PHARMACOL. 2016;72(7):877-885.

Health service use and costs associated with excess weight in older adults in Germany
König H, Lehnert T, Brenner H, Schöttker B, Quinzler R, Haefeli W, Matschinger H, Heider D
AGE AGEING. 2015;44(4):616-23.

Medication Underuse in Aging Outpatients with Cardiovascular Disease: Prevalence, Determinants, and Outcomes in a Prospective Cohort Study
Meid A, Quinzler R, Freigofas J, Saum K, Schöttker B, Holleczek B, Heider D, König H, Brenner H, Haefeli W
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(8):e0136339.

Inequalities in out-of-pocket payments for health care services among elderly Germans--results of a population-based cross-sectional study
Bock J, Matschinger H, Brenner H, Wild B, Haefeli W, Quinzler R, Saum K, Heider D, König H

Health care costs in the elderly in Germany: an analysis applying Andersen's behavioral model of health care utilization
Heider D, Matschinger H, Müller H, Saum K, Quinzler R, Haefeli W, Wild B, Lehnert T, Brenner H, König H
BMC HEALTH SERV RES. 2014;14:71.

Significance and costs of complex biopsychosocial health care needs in elderly people: results of a population-based study
Wild B, Heider D, Maatouk I, Slaets J, König H, Niehoff D, Saum K, Brenner H, Söllner W, Herzog W
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2014;76(7):497-502.

School-based prevention programs for depression and anxiety in adolescence: a systematic review
Corrieri S, Heider D, Conrad I, Blume A, König H, Riedel-Heller S

Cost-effectiveness of depression case management in small practices
Gensichen J, Petersen J, Von Korff M, Heider D, Baron S, König J, Freytag A, Krauth C, Gerlach F, König H
BRIT J PSYCHIAT. 2013;202:441-6.

Wie wirkt das Regionale Psychiatriebudget (RPB) in einer Region mit initial niedriger Bettenmessziffer?: Evaluation des RPB in Rendsburg-Eckernförde
König H, Heider D, Rechlin T, Hoffmann P, Birker T, Heinrich S, Brettschneider C, Hierholzer C, Riedel-Heller S, Roick C
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2013;40(8):430-8.

Association of costs with somatic symptom severity in patients with medically unexplained symptoms
Konnopka A, Kaufmann C, König H, Heider D, Wild B, Szecsenyi J, Herzog W, Heinrich S, Schaefert R
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2013;75(4):370-5.

Direct costs associated with depressive symptoms in late life: a 4.5-year prospective study
Luppa M, König H, Heider D, Leicht H, Motzek T, Schomerus G, Riedel-Heller S
INT PSYCHOGERIATR. 2013;25(2):292-302.

Mental health treatment seeking among patients with OCD: impact of age of onset.
Stengler K, Olbrich S, Heider D, Dietrich S, Riedel-Heller S, Jahn I
SOC PSYCH PSYCH EPID. 2013;48(5):813-819.

The lifetime and past-year prevalence of dual diagnosis in people with schizophrenia across Europe: findings from the European Schizophrenia Cohort (EuroSC).
Carrà G, Johnson S, Bebbington P, Angermeyer M, Heider D, Brugha T, Azorin J, Toumi M
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2012;262(7):607-616.

Mit Bildung und Einkommen assoziierte Ungleichheiten bei privaten Zuzahlungen zu Gesundheitsleistungen für Senioren in den USA
Corrieri S, Heider D, Matschinger H, Lehnert T, Raum E, Riedel-Heller S, König H
2012. Gesund und gebildet: Voraussetzungen für eine moderne Gesellschaft. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: 333-352.

Cost-effectiveness of 12-month therapeutic assertive community treatment as part of integrated care versus standard care in patients with schizophrenia treated with quetiapine immediate release (ACCESS trial).
Karow A, Reimer J, König H, Heider D, Bock T, Huber C, Schöttle D, Meister K, Rietschel L, Ohm G, Schulz H, Naber D, Schimmelmann B, Lambert M
J CLIN PSYCHIAT. 2012;73(3):402-408.

Psychiatric comorbidity as predictor of costs in back pain patients undergoing disc surgery: a longitudinal observational study.
Konnopka A, Löbner M, Luppa M, Heider D, Heinrich S, Riedel-Heller S, Meisel H, Günther L, Meixensberger J, König H

[Factors influencing the decision to establish a primary care practice: results from a postal survey of young physicians in Germany].
Roick C, Heider D, Günther O, Kürstein B, Riedel-Heller S, König H
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2012;74(1):12-20.

A prospective study of health care resource utilisation and selected costs of schizophrenia in France.
Sarlon E, Heider D, Millier A, Azorin J, König H, Hansen K, Angermeyer M, Aballéa S, Toumi M
BMC HEALTH SERV RES. 2012;12:269-276.

[Future medical specialists' objectives of further education and their decision to establish a practice. A gender-specific analysis].
Stengler K, Heider D, Roick C, Günther O, Riedel-Heller S, König H
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2012;55(1):121-128.

[Cost structure of a telephone-based case management in primary care depression therapy].
Baron S, Heider D, Gensichen J, Petersen J, Gerlach F, Krauth C, A'Walelu O, König H
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2011;38(7):342-344.

Cost-effectiveness of fall prevention programs based on home visits for seniors aged over 65 years: a systematic review.
Corrieri S, Heider D, Riedel-Heller S, Matschinger H, König H
INT PSYCHOGERIATR. 2011;23(5):711-723.

Net costs of dementia by disease stage.
Leicht H, Heinrich S, Heider D, Bachmann C, Bickel H, Bussche van den H, Fuchs A, Luppa M, Maier W, Mösch E, Pentzek M, Rieder-Heller S, Tebarth F, Werle J, Weyerer S, Wiese B, Zimmermann T, König H, Group A
ACTA PSYCHIAT SCAND. 2011;124(5):384-395.

[Factors influencing the decision of future psychiatrists to practice establishment. Results from a survey of young physicians in Germany].
Roick C, Heider D, Günther O, Riedel-Heller S, König H
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2011;38(8):397-404.

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