Julia Nothacker
Julia Nothacker
M. Sc.
  • Research fellow
Working area


W37 , 5th Floor
German (Mother tongue)



Integrating general practitioners’ and patients’ perspectives in the development of a digital tool supporting primary care for older patients with multimorbidity: a focus group study
Schäfer I, Jahns V, Paucke V, Lühmann D, Scherer M, Nothacker J
Frontiers in digital health. 2025.


Association Between Self-Reported Protective Behavior and Heat-Associated Health Complaints Among Patients With Chronic Diseases in Primary Care: Results of the CLIMATE Pilot Cohort Study
Jordan A, Nothacker J, Paucke V, Hager K, Hueber S, Karimzadeh A, Kötter T, Löffler C, Müller B, Tajdar D, Lühmann D, Scherer M, Schäfer I
JMIR PUBLIC HLTH SUR. 2024;10:e58711.

Clinical and methodological implications for research elements in systematic reviews on COVID-19 treatment were often unstructured and under-reported: a metaresearch study
Siemens W, Bantle G, Mahler S, Nothacker J, Stadelmaier J, Bitzer E, Schmucker C, Meerpohl J
J CLIN EPIDEMIOL. 2024;166:111236.


Women's attitudes towards a human papillomavirus-based cervical cancer screening strategy: a systematic review
Nothacker J, Nury O, Roebl Mathieu M, Raatz H, Meerpohl J, Schmucker C
BMJ SEX REPROD HEAL. 2022;48(4):295-306.

Letzte Aktualisierung aus dem FIS: 22.02.2025 - 06:18 Uhr