Die Lehrforschung spielt an der Medizinischen Fakultät Hamburg neben der Grundlagen- und der klinischen Forschung eine immer wichtigere Rolle.
Der Förderfonds aus der Kooperation zwischen dem UKE und der Hochschule für Musik und Theater (HfMT) unterstützt Lehrangebote, die die Fähigkeiten zur Interdisziplinarität und professioneller Persönlichkeitsbildung stärken. In diesem Rahmen soll die interdisziplinäre Lehrforschung in den Bereichen Musiktherapie und Medizin, Musiktherapie und Musikpädagogik sowie Lehrangebote der Arbeitsstelle Musik & Gesundheit gefördert werden. Weitere Informationen zur Zielsetzung und der Vergabe von Fördergeldern finden Sie in der Richtlinie Fonds UKE-HfMT , Call Fonds UKE-HfMT sowie dem Antragungsformular Fonds UKE-HfMT .
Zeitschriften mit Ausbildungsbezug
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Advances in Health Sciences Education
Publikationen zur medizinischen Ausbildung
Folgende Publikationen zur medizinischen Ausbildung sind an der Medizinischen Fakultät Hamburg bislang erschienen:
Friederich, C., Schulte-Unetrop, L., Cenaj, D., Kröger, L. F., Küllmei, J., Zöllner, C., & Moll-Khosrawi, P. (2025).
The Creation of Shared Mental Models in Simulation Training Enhances Quality of Resuscitation: A Randomized Controlled Study.
Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 12, 23821205251316749.
Harendza S.
Dealing with uncertainty.
GMS J Med Educ. 41(1):Doc13, 2024Jebram L, Harendza S.
Relationships between self-efficacy beliefs and personal factors in final-year medical students.
BMC Med Educ. 24(1):1104, 2024.Wittmann H, Prediger S, Harendza S.
"Do you smoke?" - content and linguistic analysis of students' substance histories in simulated patient interviews.
GMS J Med Educ. 41(4):Doc43, 2024.Gärtner J, Bußenius, Prediger S, Harendza S.
Unnecessary diagnostic imaging requested by medical students during a first day of residency simulation: an explorative study.
BMC Med Educ. 24(1):1187, 2024.Ogurek B, Harendza S.
Medical students' leadership competence in health care: development of a self-assessment scale.
BMC Med Educ. 24(1):1275, 2024.Gärtner J, Jebram L, Harendza S.
Personality traits predict the need for cognitive closure in advanced undergraduate medical students.
BMC Med Educ. 24(1):1280, 2024Prediger S, Rastetter D, Harendza S.
Change in postgraduate medical education - how much didactic shaping is possible at all? A document analysis of the guideline regulations on specialty training 1992-2018 with a focus on surgery.
GMS J Med Educ. 41(5):Doc68, 2024.Hopf L, Doerry K, Grzybowski A, Hermann K, Johannsen J, Stadlhofer A, Krumm M, van der Meer F, Paul K, Leal N, Muntau A, Gersting S
Designing structured postgraduate training programs using agile methods
GMS J MED EDU.;41(5):, 2024Agricola CA, Juschka ML, Mohr S, Neumann FA, Zyriax BC.
Interprofessionelles Lernen (IPL) – Kompetenzen verbinden.
Deutsche Hebammenzeitschrift. 02/2024Juschka ML, Agricola CJ, Neumann FA, Mohr S, Zyriax BC.
Status quo of interprofessional education for midwifery and medical students in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
GMS J Med Educ. 2024 Jun 17;41(3):Doc31. doi: 10.3205/zma001686. eCollection 2024.Plappert CF, Bauer NH, Dietze-Schwonberg K, Grieshop M, Kluge-Bischoff A, Zyriax BC, Striebich S.
Academic education of midwives in Germany (part 1): Requirements for bachelor of science programmes in midwifery education. Position paper of the Midwifery Science Committee (AHW) in the DACH Association for Medical Education (GMA).
GMS J Med Educ. 2024 Jun 17;41(3):Doc33. doi: 10.3205/zma001688. eCollection 2024.Striebich S, Bauer NH, Dietze-Schwonberg K, Grieshop M, Kluge-Bischoff A, Zyriax BC, Plappert CF.
Academic education of midwives in Germany (part 2): Opportunities and challenges for the further development of the profession of midwifery. Position paper of the Midwifery Science Committee (AHW) in the DACH Association for Medical Education (GMA).
GMS J Med Educ. 2024 Jun 17;41(3):Doc32. doi: 10.3205/zma001687. eCollection 2024.Moll-Khosrawi, P., Küllmei, J., Chindris, V., Ganzhorn, A., Haus, J. M., Zöllner, C., & Schulte-Uentrop, L. (2024).
Medical student´ s motivational changes during the COVID-19 university lockdown: a mixed-method study.
BMC Medical Education, 24(1), 226.Kröger, L., Haus, J. M., Schulte-Uentrop, L., Zöllner, C., & Moll-Khosrawi, P. (2024). „WeiterbildungPLUS “: eLogbuch, Entrustable Professional Activities & Co.
AINS-Anästhesiologie· Intensivmedizin· Notfallmedizin· Schmerztherapie, 59(10), 559-568.Kröger, L., Haus, J. M., Schulte-Uentrop, L., Zöllner, C., & Moll-Khosrawi, P. (2024).
Postgraduate Training: eLogbook, Entrustable Professional Activities & Co.
Anasthesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie: AINS, 59(10), 559-568.
Bußenius L, Harendza S.
A simulation-based OSCE with case presentation and remote rating - development of a prototype.
GMS J Med Educ. 40(1):Doc12, 2023.Harendza S, Bacher HJ, Berberat PO, Kadmon M, Gärtner J.
Implicit expression of uncertainty in medical students during different sequences of clinical reasoning in simulated patient handovers.
GMS J Med Educ. 40(1):Doc7, 2023.Harendza S, Bußenius L, Gärtner J, Heuser M, Ahles J, Prediger S.
"Fit for the finals" - project report on a telemedical training with simulated patients, peers, and assessors for the licensing exam.
GMS J Med Educ. 40(2):Doc 17, 2023.Bußenius L, Harendza S.
Development of an instrument for medical students' self-assessment of facets of competence for patient-centred care.
Patient Educ Couns. 115:107926, 2023.Jebram L, Prediger S, Oubaid V, Harendza S.
Matching of advanced undergraduate medical students' competence profiles with the required competence profiles of their specialty of choice for postgraduate training.
BMC Med Educ. 23(19):647, 2023Anders S, Steen A, Müller T, Krause W, Sanwald A, Raupach T, Ondruschka B, Krebs O
Adventure Legal Medicine – A free online serious game for supplementary use in undergraduate medical education.
Int J Legal Med 137:545–549, 2023Ganzhorn, A., Schulte-Uentrop, L., Küllmei, J., Zöllner, C., & Moll-Khosrawi, P. (2023).
National consensus on entrustable professional activities for competency-based training in anaesthesiology.
PLoS One, 18(7), e0288197.Mehrzai, P., Höfeler, T., Ebenebe, C. U., Moll-Khosrawi, P., Demirakça, S., Vettorazzi, E., & Deindl, P. (2023).
Pilot study of an interprofessional pediatric mechanical ventilation educational initiative in two intensive care units.
BMC Medical Education, 23(1), 610Moll-Khosrawi, P., Küllmei, J., Zöllner, C., & Schulte-Uentrop, L. (2023).
Efficacy of an integrated simulation-based education approach to train non-technical skills in medical undergraduate students.
Education Sciences, 13(9), 853.Ganzhorn, A., Zöllner, C., Baumann, D., Küllmei, J., Boutchkova, K., Schulte-Uentrop, L., & Moll-Khosrawi, P. (2023).
AnaesthesioLOGbook ICinnovative curriculum Entwicklung eines innovativen und kompetenzbasierten Weiterbildungscurriculums in der Anästhesiologie am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf.
Anaesthesiologie & Intensivmedizin, 64(2)
Gärtner J, Bußenius L, Schick K, Prediger S, Kadmon M, Berberat PO, Harendza S.
Validation of the ComCare index for rater-based assessment of medical communication and interpersonal skills.
Patient Educ. Couns, 105(4):1004-1008, 2022.Bußenius L, Kadmon M, Berberat PO, Harendza S.
Evaluating the Global Rating scale’s psychometric properties to assess communication skills of undergraduate medical students in video-recorded simulated patient encounters.
Patient Educ. Couns. 105(3):750-755, 2022.Brätz J, Bußenius L, Brätz I, Grahn H, Prediger S, Harendza S.
Assessment of final-year medical students' entrustable professional activities after education on an interprofessional training ward: A case-control study.
Perspect Med Educ. 11(5):266-272, 2022.Gärtner J, Prediger S, Berberat PO, Kadmon M, Harendza S.
Frequency of medical students' language expressing implicit uncertainty in simulated handovers .Int J Med Educ. 13:28-34, 2022.Harendza S, Herzog C.
Intuitive concepts in internal medicine and their occurrence in undergraduate medical students in different semesters.
GMS J Med Educ. 39(1):Doc11, 2022.Harendza S.
Taking responsibility.
GMS J Med Educ. 39(2):Doc27, 2022.Hennel EK, Trachsel A, Subotic U, Lörwald AC, Harendza S, Huwendiek S.
How does multisource feedback influence residency training? A qualitative case study .
Med Educ. 56(6):660-669, 2022.Kowalski C, Boulesteix AL, Harendza S.
Effective methods to enhance medical students' cardioversion and transcutaneous cardiac pacing skills retention - a prospective controlled study.
BMC Med Educ. 22(1):417, 2022.Zelesniack E, Oubaid V, Harendza S.
Advanced undergraduate medical students' perceptions of basic medical competences and specific competences for different medical specialties - a qualitative study.
BMC Med Educ. 22(1):590, 2022.Berens M, Becker T, Anders S, Sam AH, Raupach T
Effects of elaboration and instructor feedback on retention of clinical reasoning competence – A randomised education trial.
JAMA Netw Open 5(12):e2245491, 2022Seer M, Kampsen C, Becker T, Hobert S, Anders S, Raupach T
Use of digital teaching resources and predictors of medical student performance during the pandemic: a prospective study.
PLOS One, 17(5):e0268331, 2022Moll-Khosrawi, P., Falb, A., Pinnschmidt, H., Zöllner, C., & Issleib, M. (2022).
Virtual reality as a teaching method for resuscitation training in undergraduate first year medical students during COVID-19 pandemic: a randomised controlled trial.
BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 483.Moll-Khosrawi, P., Hampe, W., Schulte-Uentrop, L., Zöllner, C., Zimmermann, S., & Huelmann, T. (2022, December).
Can Different Admissions to Medical School Predict Performance of Non-Technical Skill Performance in Simulated Clinical Settings?
In Healthcare (Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 46). MDPI.
Bußenius L, Kadmon M, Berberat PO, Harendza S.
Evaluating the Global Rating scale’s psychometric properties to assess communication skills of undergraduate medical students in video-recorded simulated patient encounters.
Patient Educ. Couns., online ahead of print, 2021.Harendza S.
The "new" normal.
GMS J. Med. Educ. 38(2):Doc48, 2021.Harendza S, Münter A, Bußenius L, Bittner A.
General population’s knowledge about the anatomical locations of organs and medical terms today and 50 years ago: a replication study.
GMS J. Med. Educ. 38(5):Doc94, 2021.Prediger S, Harendza S.
Perspective matters: assessment of medical students' communication and interpersonal skills by simulated patients from the internal and external patient perspective.
GMS J. Med. Educ. 38(4):Doc82, 2021.Rotthoff T, Kadmon M, Harendza S.
It does not have to be either or! Assessing competence in medicine should be a continuum between an analytic and a holistic approach.
Adv. Health Sci. Educ. Theory Pract. 26(5):1659-1673, 2021.Zelesniack E, Oubaid V, Harendza S.
Final-year medical students' competence profiles according to the modified requirement tracking questionnaire.
BMC Med. Educ. 21(1):319, 2021.Zelesniack E, Oubaid V, Harendza S.
Defining competence profiles of different medical specialties with the requirement-tracking questionnaire – a pilot study to provide a framework for medial students’ choice of postgraduate .
BMC Med. Educ. 21:46, 2021.Nold S, Heide S, Bajanowski T, Anders S
Studentische Ausbildung im Fach Rechtsmedizin in Deutschland: Prüfungen und Evaluation.
Rechtsmedizin, 2021Grebener BL, Barth J, Anders S, Beißbarth T, Raupach T
A prediction-based method to estimate student learning outcome: impact of response rate and gender differences on evaluation results.
Med Teach, 43:524-530, 2021Raupach T, Frisch I, Middeke A, Anders S, Morton E, Schuelper N
Effectiveness of a serious game addressing guideline adherence: Cohort study with 1.5-year follow-up.
BMC Med Educ, 21:189, 2021Moll-Khosrawi, P., Cronje, J. S., Zöllner, C., Kubitz, J. C., & Schulte-Uentrop, L. (2021).
Understanding how the motivational dimension of learning is influenced by clinical teaching in medical education: A prospective cohort study.
Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 65, 102366.Moll-Khosrawi, P., Zöllner, C., Cencin, N., & Schulte-Uentrop, L. (2021).
Flipped learning enhances non-technical skill performance in simulation-based education: a randomised controlled trial.
BMC Medical Education, 21(1), 353.Moll-Khosrawi, P., Zöllner, C., Cronje, J. S., & Schulte-Uentrop, L. (2021).
The effects of simulation-based education on medical students' motivation.
International journal of medical education, 12, 130.
Harendza S, Gärtner J, Zelesniack E, Prediger S.
Evaluation of a telemedicine-based training for final-year medical students including simulated patient consultations, documentation, and case presentation.
GMS J. Med. Educ. 37: Doc94, 2020.
https://www.egms.de/static/en/journals/zma/2020-37/zma001387.shtmlPrediger S, Schick K, Fincke F, Fürstenberg S, Oubaid V, Kadmon M, Berberat PO, Harendza S.
Validation of a competence-based assessment of medical students’ performance in the physician’s role.
BMC Med. Educ. 20: 6, 2020.
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-019-1919-xWaschwill A, Bittner A, Harendza S.
Assessment of medical students’ shared decision-making skills in simulated physician-patient encounters.
Patient Educ. Couns. 103: 500-504, 2020.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31543355/Fürstenberg S, Helm T, Prediger S, Kadmon M, Berberat PO, Harendza S.
Assessing clinical reasoning in undergraduate medical students during history taking with an empirically derived scale for clinical reasoning indicators.
BMC Med. Educ. 20: 368, 2020.
https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-020-02260-9Hennel EK, Subotic U, Berendonk C, STricker D, Harendza S, Huwendiek S.
A German-language competency-based multisource feedback instrument for residents: development and validity evidence
BMC Med. Educ. 20: 357, 2020.
https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-020-02259-2Harendza S.
Improvisation – a new strategy in medical education?
GMS J. Med. Educ. 37: Doc44, 2020.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7346286/Fincke F, Prediger S, Schick K, Fürstenberg S, Spychalla N, Berberat PO, Harendza S, Kadmon M.
Entrustable professional activities and facets of competence in a simulated workplace-based assessment for advanced medical students.
Med. Teach. 42: 1019-1026, 2020.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32579039/Gärtner J, Bußenius L, Prediger S, Vogel D, Harendza S.
Need for cognitive closure, tolerance for ambiguity, and perfectionism in medical school applicants.
BMC Med. Educ. 20: 132, 2020.
https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-020-02043-2Gärtner J, Berberat PO, Kadmon M, Harendza S.
Implicit expression of uncertainty – suggestion of an empirically derived framework.
BMC Med. Educ. 20: 83, 2020.
https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-020-1990-3Mohr S, Grahn H, Krohne C, Brätz J, Guse AH
A two-week interprofessional teamwork simulation with real cardiac patients
Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 19, 100319, 2020
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2020.100319Mohr S, Grahn H, Krohne C, Brätz J, Guse AH
Academic emotions during an interprofessional learning episode in a clinical context: assessing within- and between-variation
Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2020
https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2020.1721445Kouz K, Eisenbarth S, Bergholz A, Mohr S
Presentation and evaluation of the teaching concept “ENHANCE” for basic sciences in medical education
PLoS ONE 15(9): e0239928, 2020
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0239928Nold S, Anders S, Bajanowski T, Heide S
Inhaltliche und strukturelle Änderungen der rechtsmedizinischen Lehre in Deutschland.
Rechtsmedizin, 30:225-232, 2020Middeke A, Anders S, Raupach T, Schuelper N
Transfer of clinical reasoning trained with a serious game to comparable clinical problems: a prospective randomised study.
Simul Healthc, 15:75-81, 2020Moll-Khosrawi, P., Ganzhorn, A., Zöllner, C., & Schulte-Uentrop, L. (2020).
Development and validation of a postgraduate anaesthesiology core curriculum based on Entrustable Professional Activities: a Delphi study.
GMS journal for medical education, 37(5), Doc52.Schulte-Uentrop, L., Cronje, J. S., Zöllner, C., Kubitz, J. C., Sehner, S., & Moll-Khosrawi, P. (2020).
Correlation of medical students' situational motivation and performance of non-technical skills during simulation-based emergency training.
BMC Medical Education, 20, 1-7.Moll-Khosrawi, P., Schubert, A. M., Kamphausen, A., Schmeck, J., Zöllner, C., & Schulte-Uentrop, L. (2020).
E’Lyte. Entwicklung und Validierung eines strukturierten Lehr-und Weiterbildungscurriculums der Anästhesiologie am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), 09-2020.
Klinge A, Müller J, Harendza S.
Wie Denkfehler die ärztliche Diagnose beeinflussen.
Hamburger Ärzteblatt 12: 30-33, 2019.
https://www.aerztekammer-hamburg.org/funktionen/aebonline/haeb_12_2019/index.html#0Fürstenberg S, Oubaid V, Berberat PO, Kadmon M, Harendza S.
Medical knowledge and teamwork predict the quality of case summary statements as an indicator of clinical reasoning in undergraduate medical students.
GMS J Med Educ 36(6): Doc83, 2019
https://www.egms.de/static/pdf/journals/zma/2019-36/zma001291.pdfGärtner J, Egidi G, Bahrs O.
Der Bilanzierungsdialog in der hausärztlichen Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz – ein Pilotprojekt.
Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin 95(12): 501-505, 2019
https://www.online-zfa.de/archiv/ausgabe/artikel/zfa-12-2019/49764-103238-zfa20190501-0505-der-bilanzierungsdialog-in-der-hausaerztlichen-versorgung-von-mensch/Bußenius L, Harendza S.
The relationship between perfectionism and symptoms of depression in medical school applicants.
BMC Med Educ 19(1): 370, 2019.
https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12909-019-1823-4Harendza S.
When strategy must follow structure… .
GMS J Med Educ 36(4): Doc47, 2019.
https://www.egms.de/static/pdf/journals/zma/2019-36/zma001255.pdfVogel D, Seeliger H, Harendza S.
Longitudinal development of different dimensions of perfectionism in undergraduate medical students with respect to their medical school admission procedure.
GMS J Med Educ 36(4): Doc44, 2019.
https://www.egms.de/static/pdf/journals/zma/2019-36/zma001252.pdfFritze-Büttner F, Schlosser K, Prediger S.
Chirurgie und Familie – wie kann es gehen?
Zentralbl Chir 144(4): 329-332, 2019.
https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/a-0758-1999Waschwill A, Bittner A, Harendza S.
Assessment of medical students' shared decision-making skills in simulated physician-patient encounters.
Patient Educ Couns Sep 13: doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2019.09.013. [Epub ahead of print], 2019.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0738399119304197?via%3DihubSchick K, Berberat PO, Kadmon M, Harendza S, Gartmeier M.
German Language Adaptation of the Kalamazoo Communication Skills Assessment Form (KCSAF): A Multi-Method Study of Two Cohorts of Medical Students
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 33: 135-147, 2019
https://econtent.hogrefe.com/doi/10.1024/1010-0652/a000241Kamp R, Möltner A, Harendza S.
"Princess and the pea" - an assessment tool for palpation skills in postgraduate education.
BMC Med Educ 19(1): 177, 2019.
https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12909-019-1619-6Prediger S, Fürstenberg S, Berberat PO, Kadmon M, Harendza S.
Interprofessional assessment of medical students' competences with an instrument suitable for physicians and nurses.
BMC Med Educ 19(1): 46, 2019.
https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12909-019-1619-6Harendza S, Soll H, Prediger S, Kadmon M, Berberat PO, Oubaid V.
Assessing core competences of medical students with a test for flight school applicants.
BMC Med Educ 19(1): 9, 2019.
https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12909-018-1438-1Schuelper N, Ludwig S, Anders S, Raupach T (2019)
Medical students´ individual teaching format choice impacts on learning outcome regarding clinical reasoning.
J Med Internet Res Med Educ, 22: e13386Moll-Khosrawi, P., Kamphausen, A., Hampe, W., Schulte-Uentrop, L., Zimmermann, S., & Kubitz, J. C. (2019).
Anaesthesiology students’ Non-Technical skills: development and evaluation of a behavioural marker system for students (AS-NTS).
BMC medical education, 19, 1-11.
Fürstenberg S, Prediger S, Kadmon M, Berberat PO, Harendza S.
Perceived strain of undergraduate medical students during a simulated first day of residency.
BMC Med Educ. 2018 ;18(1):322.Harendza S.
To trust? Or to verify?
GMS J Med Educ. 2018;35(4):Doc52.Rausch N, Harendza S.
Successful completion of clinical electives - Identification of significant factors of influence on self-organized learning during clinical electives with student focus groups.
GMS J Med Educ. 2018;35(3):Doc39.Vogel D, Meyer M, Harendza S.
Verbal and non-verbal communication skills including empathy during history taking of undergraduate medical students.
BMC Med Educ. 2018;18(1):157.Humbert A, Schmage P, Harendza S.
Internal diseases encountered by dental students while treating dental patients during undergraduate training.
BMC Med Educ. 2018;18(1):149.Marion Eisele, Hendrik van den Bussche, Thomas Kloppe, Marischa Broermann, Anne Messemaker, Jan Hendrik Oltrogge, Maren Ehrhardt, Martin Scherer.
Erfolgskriterien zur Evaluation der Mentoringprogramme der Kompetenzzentren Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin - Überlegungen am Beispiel Hamburg.
Z Allg Med. 2018; 94 (10).van den Busche H, Scherer M, Nehls S, Siegert S, Ziegler S.
Was wissen wir über Dauer und Effektivität der gebietsärztlichen Weiterbildung?
Deutsch Med Wochenschr 2018; 143:152-158.Koch-Gromus U, Guse A, van den Bussche H (Hrsg.).
Medizinische Ausbildung in Bewegung.
Bundesgesundheitsbl 2018;61:129-131.Hendrik van den Bussche, Detlef Niemann, Bernt-Peter Robra, Udo Schagen, Beate Schücking, Nobert Schmacke, Claudia Spies, Alf Trojan, Uwe Koch-Gromus.
Zuständigkeiten und Konzepte der ärztlichen Ausbildung und Weiterbildung – Ein Plädoyer für eine Neuorientierung.
Bundesgesundheitsbl 2018; 61:163-69.Hanna Kaduszkiewicz, Ute Teichert und Hendrik van den Bussche.
Ursachen und Abhilfestrategien für den Mangel an Hausärzten und Amtsärzten in unterversorgten Gebieten - Eine kritische Analyse der Evidenz bezüglich der Aus- und Weiterbildung.
Bundesgesundheitsbl 2018; 61:187-94W. Hampe, M. Kadmon, P.J. Chabiera, L. Salhöfer (2018)
Numerus clausus – Quo vadis.
Dtsch. Arztebl. 115: A378-A379S.G. Gassner, V. Oubaid, W. Hampe, C. Zöllner, J.C. Kubitz (2018)
Questionnaire-based Requirement Analysis for the Job Profile of Anaesthetists.
Anästhes. Intensivmed. 59:1-7A. Schwibbe, J. Lackamp, M. Knorr, J. Hissbach, M. Kadmon, W.Hampe (2018)
Selection of medical students – Measurement of cognitive abilities and psychosocial competencies. Bundesgesundheitsbl.
Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 61:178-186Middeke A, Anders S, Schuelper M, Raupach T, Schuelper N (2018)
Training of clinical reasoning with a Serious Game versus small-group problem-based learning: a prospective study.
Plos One, 13(9):e0203851Ludwig S, Schuelper N, Brown J, Anders S, Raupach T (2018)
How can we teach medical students to choose wisely? A randomized controlled cross-over trial of video-versus text-based case scenarios.
BMC Med, 6:107
S. Zimmermann, D. Klusmann, W. Hampe (2017)
Correcting the predictive validity of a selection test for the effect of indirect range restriction.
BMC Med Educ. 17:246W. Hampe, J. Hissbach, M. Kadmon (2017)
Medizinstudium: Sozial kompetente Bewerber.
Dtsch. Arztebl. 114: A1478-A1479W. Hampe (2017)
eFit furs Studium.
Synergie, Sonderband “HOOU content Projekte der Vorprojektphase 2015/16 der Hamburg open online university”: 86-89J. Hissbach, S. Zimmermann, W. Hampe (2017)
Student selection cannot resolve the lack of general practitioners and country doctors.
GMS J Med Educ.34: Doc 16Bachmann C, Roschlaub S, Harendza S, Keim R, Scherer M.
Medical students' communication skills in clinical education: Results from a cohort study.
Patient Educ Couns. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2017.05.030, 2017. [Epub ahead of print]Dybowski C, Sehner S, Harendza S.
Influence of motivation, self-efficacy and situational factors on the teaching quality of clinical educators.
BMC Med Educ 17: 84, 2017.Fürstenberg S, Harendza S.
Differences between medical student and faculty perceptions of the competencies needed for the first year of residency.
BMC Med Educ 17: 198. 2017.Fürstenberg S, Schick K, Deppermann J, Prediger S, Berberat PO, Kadmon M, Harendza S.
Competencies for first year residents - physicians' views from medical schools with different undergraduate curricula.
BMC Med Educ 17: 154, 2017.Harendza S, Berberat PO, Kadmon M.
Assessing Competences in Medical Students with a Newly Designed 360-Degree Examination of a Simulated First Day of Residency: A Feasibility Study.
J Community Med Health Educ 7: 550, 2017.Harendza S, Krenz I, Klinge A, Wendt U, Janneck M.
Implementation of a Clinical Reasoning Course in the Internal Medicine trimester of the final year of undergraduate medical training and its effect on students' case presentation and differential diagnostic skills.
GMS J Med Educ 34(5):Doc66, 2017.Harendza S, Pyra M.
Just fun or a prejudice? - physician stereotypes in common jokes and their attribution to medical specialties by undergraduate medical students.
BMC Med Educ 17: 128, 2017.Kadmon M, Ten Cate O, Harendza S, Berberat P.
Postgraduate Medical Education - an increasingly important focus of study and innovation.
GMS J Med Educ 34(5):Doc70, 2017Seeliger H, Harendza S.
Is perfect good? - Dimensions of perfectionism in newly admitted medical students.
BMC Med Educ 17: 206, 2017.Schiekirka-Schwake S, Dreiling K, Anders S, Pyka K, Raupach T
Improving evaluation at two medical schools.
Clin Teach, 14:1-5Dreiling K, Montano D, Poinstingl H, Müller T, Schiekirka S, Anders S, von Steinbüchel N, Raupach T
Evaluation in undergraduate medical education: Conceptualizing and validating a novel questionnaire for assessing the quality of bedside teaching.
Med Teach, 39:820-827Müller T, Montano D, Pointstingl H, Dreiling K, Schiekirka-Schwake S, Anders S, Raupach T, von Steinbüchel N
Evaluation of large-group lectures in medicine – Development of the SETMED-L (Student evaluation of teaching in medical lectures) questionnaire.
BMC Med Educ, 17:137-146Schiekirka-Schwake S, Anders S, von Steinbüchel N, Meyer K, Becker J, Raupach T
Facilitators of high-quality teaching in medical schools: Findings from a nationwide survey among medical teachers.
BMC Med Edu, 17: 178
van den Bussche H, Plümer L, Zöllner C, Krause-Solberg L, Scherer M, Ziegler S.
Betrachtungen zur aktuell hohen Attraktivität der Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin als Disziplin der fachärztlichen Weiterbildung und der ärztlichen Berufstätigkeit.
Anästh Intensivmed 2017; 85: 662-671. DOI 10.19224/ai2017.662van den Bussche H, Krause-Solberg L, Scherer M, Ziegler S.
Lernprozesse in der fachärztlichen Weiterbildung.
GMS Z Med Ausbild 2017; 34(5):Doc54Ziegler S, Zimmermann T, Krause-Solberg L, Scherer M, van den Bussche H.
Ärzte und Ärztinnen in der fachärztlichen Weiterbildung – Eine Analyse der geschlechtsspezifischen Karriereunterschiede.
GMS Z Med Ausbild 2017; 34(5):Doc55Römer F, Ziegler S, Scherer M, van den Bussche H.
Die Berufsverlaufszufriedenheit von Assistenzärzten und Assistenzärztinnen nach vierjähriger Weiterbildung.
Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualitätssicherung (ZEFQ) 2017;120:47-53.W. Hampe (2016)
eFit furs Studium.
Synergie – Fachmagazin für Digitalisierung in der Lehre 2: 54-55J. Heidmann, A. Schwibbe, M. Kadmon, W. Hampe (2016)
Warten aufs Medizinstudium – Sieben lange Jahre.
Deutsches Ärzteblatt 113: A1636-A1637S. Zimmermann, D. Klusmann, W. Hampe (2016)
Are exam questions known in advance? Using local dependence to detect cheating.
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Acquisition of dental skills in preclinical technique courses - Influence of spatial and manual abilities.
Adv. Health Sci. educ. 21:841-857Beck S, Meier-Klages V, Michaelis M, Sehner S, Harendza S, Zöllner C, Kubitz JC.
Teaching school children basic life support improves teaching and basic life support skills of medical students: A randomised, controlled trial.
Resuscitation 108: 1-7, 2016.Beck S, Ruhnke B, Issleib M, Daubmann A, Harendza S, Zöllner C.
Analyses of inter-rater reliability between professionals, medical students and trained school children as assessors of basic life support skills.
BMC Med Educ 16: 263, 2016.Bittner A, Bittner J, Jonietz A, Dybowski C, Harendza S.
Translating medical documents improves students' communication skills in simulated physician-patient encounters.
BMC Med Educ 16: 72, 2016.Dybowski C, Kriston L, Harendza S.
Psychometric properties of the newly developed Physician Teaching Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PTSQ).
BMC Med Educ 16: 247, 2016.Harendza S, Fischer MR, Fabry G.
Quo vadis? - Medical education 2020 between politics and science.
GMS J Med Educ 33(1): Doc12, 2016.Prediger S, Harendza S.
Analysis of educational research at a medical faculty in Germany and suggestions for strategic development – a case study.
GMS J Med Educ. 33(5): Doc71, 2016.Vogel D, Harendza S.
Basic practical skills teaching and learning in undergraduate medical education – a review on methodological evidence.
GMS J Med Educ 33(4): Doc64, 2016.Raupach T, Andresen JC, Meyer K, Strobel L, Koziolek M, Jung W, Brown J, Anders S
Test-enhanced learning of clinical reasoning skills: a cross-over randomized trial.
Med Educ, 50: 711-720Buenting M, Mueller T, Raupach T. Luers G, Wehrenberg U, Gehl A, Anders S
Post mortem CT scans as a supplementary teaching method in gross anatomy.
Ann Anat, 208:165-169Anders S, Pyka K, Mueller T, von Steinbuechel N, Raupach T
Influence of the wording of evaluation items on outcome-based evaluation results for large-group teaching in Anatomy, Biochemistry and Legal Medicine.
Ann Anat, 208:222-227
B. Stahn, S. Harendza:
Role models play the greatest role – a qualitative study on choosing postgraduate training at a university hospital.
GMS Med. Ausbild. 31 (4): Doc45, 2014A. Kunde, S. Harendza:
Topics of internal medicine for undergraduate dental education: a qualitative study.
Eur. J. Dent. Educ. (Epub) Aug 19, 2014C. Dybowski, S. Harendza:
“Teaching is like night shifts…” – a focus group study on the teaching motivations of clinicians.
Teach. Learn. Med. 26: 393-400, 2014T. Freiwald, M. Salimi, E. Khaljani, S. Harendza:
Pattern recognition as concept for multiple-choice questions in a national licensing exam.
BMC Med. Educ. 14: 232, 2014F. Jäger, M. Riemer, M. Abendroth, S. Harendza:
Virtual patients: the influence of case design and teamwork on students' perception and knowledge - a pilot study
<ft_cite>BMC Med. Educ. </ft_cite> 14: 137, 2014J. Hissbach, S. Sehner, S. Harendza, W. Hampe:
Cutting costs of multiple mini-interviews – changes in reliability and efficiency of the Hamburg medical school admission test between two applications
BMC Med. Educ. 14: 54, 2014Kothe C, Hissbach J, Hampe W:
Prediction of practical performance in preclinical laboratory courses – the return of wire bending for admission of dental students in Hamburg.
GMS Z Med. Ausbild. 31 (2): Doc22, 2014Schiekirka S, Anders S, RaupachT
Assessment of two different types of bias affecting the results of outcome-based evaluation in undergraduate medical education. BMC Med Educ 14:149-157, doi 10.1186/1472-6920-14-149
Wehlers A, Schäfer I, Sehner S, Kahl-Nieke B, Kuhnigk O.
Homepages of German dental schools - a target group-oriented evaluation.
PMID: 24283462 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]Hofmann M, Harendza S, Meyer J, Drabik A, Reimer J, Kuhnigk O.
Effect of Medical Education on Students' Attitudes Toward Psychiatry and Individuals With Mental Disorders.
Acad Psychiatry. 2013 Oct 4. doi: 10.1176/appi.ap.11090172. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 24097098 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]Dybowski C, Harendza S.
Bedside Teaching: general and discipline-specific teacher characteristics, criteria for patient selection and difficulties.
GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung 2013 ; 30 (2): Doc23Harendza S, Alofs L, Huiskes J, Wijnen-Meijer M
Ordering patterns for laboratory and radiology tests by students from different undergraduate medical curricula.
BMC Medical Education 2013 ; 13 (1): 109Raupach T, Vogel D, Schiekirka S, Keijsers C, Ten Cate O, Harendza S
Wissenszuwachs im Praktischen Jahr des Medizinstudiums in Deutschland
<ft_cite> GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung</ft_cite> 2013; 30(3):Doc33Harendza S.
Der Ars legendi-Fakultätenpreis für exzellente Lehre in der Medizin: Würdigung und Karrieresprungbrett
<ft_cite><ft_samp> GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung</ft_samp></ft_cite> 2013; 30(3):Doc30Kuhnigk O, Schreiner J, Harendza S.
Sustained change in didactic skills - does teacher training last?
GMS Z Med Ausbild. 2013;30(3):Doc37.
DOI: 10.3205/zma000880, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-zma0008803
This article is freely available from
http://www.egms.de/en/journals/zma/2013-30/zma000880.shtmlOhm F, Vogel D, Sehner S, Wijnen-Meijer M, Harendza S
History-taking and empathetic communication – two sides of the same coin?
BMC Medical Education 2013 ; 13: 67Abendroth M, Harendza S, Riemer M
Clinical decision-making: a pilot e-learning study.
The clinical teacher 2013; 10: 51-55Wijnen-Meijer M, van der Schaaf M, Nillesen K, Harendza S, ten Cate O
Essential facets of competence that enable trust in graduates: A Delphi study among physician educators in the Netherlands.
Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2013; 5: 46-5Raupach T, Brown J, Anders S, Hasenfuss G, Harendza S
Summative assessments are more powerful drivers of student learning than resource intensive teaching formats.
BMC Medicine 2013; 11: 61Wijnen-Meijer M, ten Cate O, van der Schaaf M, Harendza S
Postgraduate supervisors value graduates from a vertically integrated and a non-vertically integrated undergraduate curriculum.
The Clinical Teacher 2013 ; 10: 155-159Anders S, Strobel L, Krampe H, Raupach T
Wissen Studierende im Praktischen Jahr genug über die Behandlung der Alkohol- und Tabak-Abhängigkeit? Dtsch Med Wochenschr 138:23-27Schiekirka S, Reinhardt D, Beißbarth T, Anders S, Pukrop T, Raupach T
Estimating learning outcome from pre- and post-test student self-assessments – a longitudinal study. Acad Med 88:369-375Krampe H, Strobel L, Beard E, Anders S, West R, Raupach T
German medical students’ beliefs about how best to treat alcohol use disorder. Eur Addict Res 19:245-25Raupach T, Brown J, Anders S, Hassenfuss G, Harendza S
Summative assessments are more powerful drivers of student learning than resource intensive teaching formats. BMC Med 11:61-70 doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-61Raupach T, Strobel L, Beard E, Krampe H, Anders S, West R
German medical students' beliefs about the effectiveness of different methods of stopping smoking. Nicotine Tob Res 15:1892-1901Raupach T, Brown J, Wieland A, Anders S, Harendza S
Should we pay the student? A randomised trial of financial incentives in medical education. Med Teach 35:760-766
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Haben Frauen am Ende des Medizinstudiums andere Vorstellungen uber Berufstatigkeit und Arbeitszeit als ihre männlichen Kollegen?
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 2012; 137: 1242-47.Gierk B, Harendza S
Patient selection for bedside teaching: inclusion and exclusion criteria used by teachers.
Medical Education 2012; 46: 228-233Harendza S, Kuhnigk O, Puttnies F, Anders S
PBL-tutorials in a hybrid curriculum: chances and risks.
In: Researching Problem-based Learning in Clinical Education: The Next
Generation. S. Bridges, C. McGrath, T. Whitehill (Hrsg), Springer , 2012,
S. 207 – 222Kuhnigk O, Schreiner J, Reimer J, Emami R, Naber D, Harendza S
Cinemeducation in psychiatry – a seminar in undergraduate medical education combining movie, lecture, and patient interview.
Academic Psychiatry 2012; 36: 205-210Kuhnigk O, Tiller DK, Harendza S, Hampe W
Homepages of German medical faculties – an overview.
GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung 2012; 29 (4): Doc59Schiekirka S, Reinhardt D, Heim S, Fabry G, Pukrop T, Anders S, Raupach T
Student perceptions of evaluation in undergraduate medical education: A qualitative study from one medical school. BMC Med Educ 12:45 doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-12-45Strobel L, Schneider NK, Krampe H, Beißbarth T, Pukrop T, Anders S, West R, Aveyard P, Raupach T German medical students lack knowledge of how to treat smoking and problem drinking. Addiction 107:1878-1882
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Integration and health-related quality of life of undergraduate medical students with migration backgrounds – Results of a survey.
GMS Psychosoc Med 2011;8:Doc07Kuhnigk O, Weidtmann K, Anders S, Hüneke B, Santer R, Harendza S
Leitsymptomvorlesungen im klinischen Studienabschnitt - Effekte evaluationsbasierter Interventionen auf eine Großgruppen-Lehrveranstaltung
GMS Z Med Ausbild 2011; 28(1):Doc15 (20110204)Anders S, Fischer-Brügge D, Fabian M, Raupach T, Petersen-Ewert C, Harendza S
Teaching post-mortem external examination in undergraduate medical education – The formal and the informal curriculum. Forensic Sci Int 210(1-3):1-3
van den Bussche H.
Background, objectives and design of the project Career entry and career course of medical graduates in OECD countries - a comparative study.
In: van den Bussche H (guest editor): Career entry and career perspectives of young medical graduates in selected OECD countries. Cahiers de Sociologie et de Démographie Médicales 2010 (numéro special), 15-22.Kuhnigk O, Reissner V, Böthern AM, Biegler A, Jüptner M, Schäfer I, Harendza S,
Criteria for the successful completion of medical dissertations - A multicenter study
GMS Z Med Ausbild 2010; 27(3):Doc45 (20100517)Raupach T, Muenscher C, Pukrop T, Anders S, Harendza S
Significant increase in factual knowledge with web-assisted problem-based learning as part of an undergraduate cardio-respiratory curriculum. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 15(3):349-356Raupach T, Hanneforth N, Anders S, Pukrop T, ten Cate O, Harendza S
Impact of teaching and assessment format on ECG interpretation skills. Med Educ 44(7):731-740
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Ärztliche Arbeitsplätze im Krankenhaus – Organisations-, Personal- und Weiterbildungsprobleme.
Das Krankenhaus 2015; 107(5): 435-443.Scherer M, Hansen H, Gensichen J, Mergenthal K, Riedel-Heller S, Weyerer S, Maier W, Fuchs A, Bickel H, Schön G, Wiese B, König HH, van den Bussche H, Schäfer I.
Association between comorbidity clusters and chronic pain in primary care patients with multimorbidity.
BMC Family practice 2016; 17: 68.Dahlgaard K, van den Bussche H.
Ärztliche Arbeitsplätze im Krankenhaus – Perspektiven für eine Erhöhung der Attraktivität.
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The trouble with validity: What is part of it and what not?
Med. Educ. 49: 550-552K. Werwick, K. Winkler-Stuck, W. Hampe, P. Albrecht & B.-P. Robra (2015)
Introduction of the HAM-Nat examination – applicants and students admitted to the Medical Faculty in 2012-2014.
GMS Z. Med. Ausbild. 32:Doc53W. Hampe, O. Kuhnigk (2015)
Annual conference of the GMA, Hamburg.
GMS Z. Med. Ausbild. 32:Doc16Banas M, Harendza S.
Mentoring in der nephrologischen Weiterbildung.
Der Nephrologe 10: 499-500, 2015 .Bittner A, Jonietz A, Bittner J, Beickert L, Harendza S.
Translating medical documents into plain language enhances communication skills in medical students – a pilot study.
Patient Educ Couns 98(9): 1137-1141, 2015.Dybowski C, Harendza S.
Validation of the Physician Teaching Motivation Questionnaire (PTMQ).
BMC Med Educ 15(1): 166, 2015.Harendza S, Rösch FM.
Nephrologischer Unterricht – Aktueller Stand an deutschen Fakultäten.
Der Nephrologe 10: 223-226, 2015.Kunde A, Harendza S.
Topics of internal medicine for undergraduate dental education: a qualitative study.
Eur J Dent Educ 19(3): 156-160, 2015.Melderis S, Gutowski P, Harendza S.
Overspecialized and undertrained? – Patient diversity encountered by medical students during their internal medicine clerkship at a university hospital.
BMC Med Educ 15: 62, 2015.Wijnen-Meijer M, Ten Cate O, van der Schaaf M, Burgers C, Borleffs J, Harendza S
Vertically integrated medical education and the readiness for practice of graduates.
BMC Med Educ 15: 229, 2015.Raupach T, Grefe C, Brown J, Meyer K, Schuelper N, Anders S
Moving knowledge acquisition from the lecture theatre to the student home: A prospective intervention study.
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How can we improve teaching of ECG interpretation skills? Findings from a prospective randomized trial.
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Petersen-Ewert C, Kurré J, Scholl J, Guse AH, Bullinger M
Einführung eines Mentorenprogramms für den Ersten Abschnitt des Studiums der Humanmedizin: Ergebnisse eines Pilotprojektes
GMS Z Med Ausbild 2009; 26(3):Doc32O. Kuhnigk, M. Hofmann, A. M. Böthern, C. Haufs, M. Bullinger, S. Harendza
Influence of educational programs on attitudes of medical students towards psychiatry: Effects of psychiatric experience, gender, and personality dimensions.
Medical Teacher Volume 31, Issue 7 July 2009 , pages e303 - e310Raupach T, Anders S, Pukrop T, Hasenfuss G, Harendza S
Effects of “minimally invasive curricular surgery” - A pilot intervention study to improve the quality of bedside teaching in medical education. Med Teach 31: e425-e430Raupach T, Muenscher C, Anders S, Steinbach R, Pukrop T, Hege I, Tullius M
Web-based collaborative training of clinical reasoning: A randomized trial. Med Teach 31: e431-e437
Quantz S, Beelman K, Stracke R, Schwoon D, Quellmann C, van den Bussche H.
Substanzmissbrauch bei jungen Ärzten und Ärztinnen in Hamburg.
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Berufs(nicht)einstieg bei Ärzten und Ärztinnen: Wo liegt das Problem?
In: Brähler E. et al. (Hrsg.). Karriereentwicklung und berufliche Belastung im Arztberuf. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht 2008, S. 117-128.
Kuhnigk O, Böthern AM, Schoder V, Bullinger M, Harendza S
Evidence based medicine at medical school: a three week course on the basis of problem based learning.
GMS Z Med AusbildAnders S., Schwenn A., Püschel K.
Studentische Ausbildung im Fach Rechtsmedizin in Deutschland.
Springer Medizin Verlag 2007 (Online Publikation)Weidtmann K, Harendza S, Dietsche S, Guse AH, Middendorf R, Schultz JH, Mihalache I, Frost M, Kuhnigk O
Konzept und studentische Evaluation der Integrierten Seminare im Studienabschnitt "Medizin I" der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Hamburg.
GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung 2007;24(2):Doc105.
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Der Ausbildungserfolg im Vergleich (III).
Deutsches Ärzteblatt 103 (47), A3170-6, 2006.Trojan A, Schulz T, Weidtmann K, Frost M, Döhner J, Albrecht NJ, von dem Knesebeck O
Patientenkontakte im ersten Abschnitt der ärztlichen Ausbildung: Der Hamburger Kurs in Medizinischer Soziologie.
GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung 2006;23(4):Doc62.Gijselaers WH, Harendza S
Dynamics of planned change: when participants talk back.
In: Realities of Educational Change: Interventions to Promote Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. A. Bromage, L. Hunt, B. Tomkinson (Hrsg), Routledge Falmer, 2006.Zimmermann T, Wegscheider K, van den Bussche H
Der Ausbildungserfolg im Vergleich (II).
Deutsches Ärzteblatt 103 (34-35), A2225-8, 2006Kothe R, Sommerfeldt D, Morfeld M, Quellmann C, Weidtmann K, Fuhrhop I, van den Bussche H, Gawad K
Studentische Ausbildung in der operativen Medizin - Konzept für eine integrierte Ausbildung im Rahmen der neuen Approbationsordnung.
Der Chirurg 77, 622-629, 2006.Kuhnigk O, Weidtmann K, Dietsche S, Guse AH, Mihalache I, Schultz JH, Middendorff R, Kadula H, Harendza S
Vom "vorklinischen Studienabschnitt" zu "Medizin I" Umstellung auf die neue ÄAppO an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Hamburg.
GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung 23, 30-35, 2006.Neuber K, Weidtmann K, Coors E, Harendza S
Die neue Approbationsordnung für Ärzte: Das Hamburger Konzept im Fach Dermatologie und Venerologie.
Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 4, 198-204, 2006.van den Bussche H, Weidtmann K, Kohler N, Frost M, Kaduskiewicz H
Evaluation der ärztlichen Ausbildung: Methodische Probleme der Durchführung und der Interpretation von Ergebnissen.
GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung 23, 23-29, 2006.Zimmermann T, Wegscheider K, van den Bussche H
Der Ausbildungserfolg im Vergleich (I).
Deutsches Ärzteblatt 25, B1480- B1485, 2006.
Anders S, Sperhake J, Andresen H, Weidtmann K, Püschel K
Das Fach Rechtsmedizin und die neue Approbationsordnung für Ärzte - das Hamburger Konzept.
Rechtsmedizin 15, 167-172, 2005.van den Bussche H, Anders S, Ehrhardt M, Göttsche T, Hüneke B, Kohlschütter A, Kothe R, Kuhnigk O, Neuber K, Rijntjes M, Quellmann C, Harendza S
Lohnt sich eine Reform der klinischen Ausbildung? Die Qualität des Hamburger Curriculums unter der alten und der neuen Approbationsordnung im Vergleich.
Zeitschrift für Ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualitätssicherung 99, 419-423, 2005.van den Bussche H, Kreysing M
Die leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe in der Lehre an den medizinischen Fakultäten - Eine Beschreibung von Konzept und Praxis an der Hamburger Medizinischen Fakultät.
Wissenschaftsmanagement 11, 27-33, 2005.
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Lehren und Lernen am UKE - Die Umsetzung der neuen Approbationsordnung für Ärzte in Hamburg.
Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin 80, 431-437, 2004.Harendza S, Anders S, Ehrhardt M, Göttsche T, Harren W, Hüneke B, Kellner M, Kohlschütter A, Kothe R, Neuber K, Quellmann C, Rijntjes M, van den Bussche H, Stahl R
KliniCum: Das neue klinische Curriculum am UKE.
Hamburger Ärzteblatt 6, 298-299, 2004.
Anders S, Püschel K
Die neue Approbationsordnung für Ärzte - Chance für die Lehre im Fach Rechtsmedizin?
Rechtsmedizin 13, 68, 2003.