- Fachärztin für Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Infektionsepidemiologie
Präsenz und Persistenz Carbapenemase-produzierender Enterobacterales in Abwasser von Krankenhäusern
Carlsen L, Knobling B, Franke G, Niesen J, Knobloch J
Hygiene & Medizin. 2024;49(11):D72-D79.
Long time persistence and evolution of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in the wastewater of a tertiary care hospital in Germany
Carlsen L, Büttner H, Christner M, Cordts L, Franke G, Hoffmann A, Knobling B, Lütgehetmann M, Nakel J, Werner T, Knobloch J
J INFECT PUBLIC HEAL. 2023;16(8):1142-1148.
Activity of antimicrobial examination gloves under realistic conditions:challenge not fulfilled
Klupp E, Knobling B, Franke G, Belmar Campos C, Maurer P, Knobloch J
Tolerance of clinical vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isolates against UV-C light from a mobile source
Knobling B, Franke G, Belmar Campos C, Büttner H, Christner M, Klupp E, Maurer P, Knobloch J
Phenotypic Variation in Clinical S. aureus Isolates Did Not Affect Disinfection Efficacy Using Short-Term UV-C Radiation
Knobling B, Franke G, Carlsen L, Campos C, Büttner H, Klupp E, Maurer P, Knobloch J
MICROORGANISMS. 2023;11(5):.
Superiority of manual disinfection using pre-soaked wipes over automatic UV-C radiation without prior cleaning
Knobling B, Ulatowski A, Franke G, Belmar Campos C, Büttner H, Klupp E, Maurer P, Brill F, Knobloch J
J HOSP INFECT. 2023;140:72-78.
Overview of tight fit and infection prevention benefits of respirators (filtering face pieces)
Knobloch J, Franke G, Knobloch M, Knobling B, Kampf G
J HOSP INFECT. 2023;134:89-96.
Population dynamics in colonizing vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isolated from immunosuppressed patients
Both A, Kruse F, Mirwald N, Franke G, Christner M, Huang J, Hansen J, Kröger N, Berneking L, Lellek H, Aepfelbacher M, Rohde H
J GLOB ANTIMICROB RE. 2022;28:267-273.
High burden and diversity of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales observed in wastewater of a tertiary care hospital in Germany
Carlsen L, Büttner H, Christner M, Franke G, Indenbirken D, Knobling B, Lütgehetmann M, Knobloch J
INT J HYG ENVIR HEAL. 2022;242:.
Reading the Score of the Air-Change in Airborne Microbial Load in Contrast to Particulate Matter during Music Making
Knobling B, Franke G, Beike L, Dickhuth T, Knobloch J
INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2022;19(16):.
Infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 on Inanimate Surfaces: Don't Trust Ct Value
Knobloch J, Pfefferle S, Lütgehetmann M, Nörz D, Klupp E, Belmar Campos C, Kluge S, Aepfelbacher M, Knobling B, Franke G
INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2022;19(24):.
Evidence of surface contamination in hospital rooms occupied by patients infected with monkeypox, Germany, June 2022
Nörz D, Pfefferle S, Brehm T, Franke G, Grewe I, Knobling B, Aepfelbacher M, Huber S, Klupp E, Jordan S, Addo M, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Schmiedel S, Lütgehetmann M, Knobloch J
An automated room disinfection system using ozone is highly active against surrogates for SARS-CoV-2
Franke G, Knobling B, Brill F, Becker B, Klupp E, Belmar Campos C, Pfefferle S, Lütgehetmann M, Knobloch J
J HOSP INFECT. 2021;112:108-113.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Two Automated Room Decontamination Devices Under Real-Life Conditions
Knobling B, Franke G, Klupp E, Belmar Campos C, Knobloch J
Two-tier approach combining molecular and culture-based techniques for optimized detection of vancomycin-resistant enterococci
Both A, Franke G, Mirwald N, Lütgehetmann M, Christner M, Klupp E, Belmar Campos C, Büttner H, Aepfelbacher M, Rohde H
DIAGN MICR INFEC DIS. 2017;89(4):253-257.
An 18 kDa Scaffold Protein Is Critical for Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm Formation
Decker R, Burdelski C, Zobiak M, Büttner H, Franke G, Christner M, Saß K, Zobiak B, Henke H, Horswill A, Bischoff M, Bur S, Hartmann T, Schaeffer C, Fey P, Rohde H
PLOS PATHOG. 2015;11(3):e1004735.
Emergence of daptomycin non-susceptibility in colonizing vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isolates during daptomycin therapy
Lellek H, Franke G, Ruckert C, Wolters M, Wolschke C, Christner M, Büttner H, Alawi M, Kröger N, Rohde H
INT J MED MICROBIOL. 2015;305(8):902-909.
Improved Detection of Bacterial Central Nervous System Infections by Use of a Broad-Range PCR Assay
Meyer T, Franke G, Polywka S, Lütgehetmann M, Gbadamosi J, Magnus T, Aepfelbacher M
J CLIN MICROBIOL. 2014;52(5):1751-3.
sarA negatively regulates Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm formation by modulating expression of 1 MDa extracellular matrix binding protein and autolysis-dependent release of eDNA.
Christner M, Heinze C, Busch M, Franke G, Hentschke M, Sara B, Büttner H, Kotasinska M, Wischnewski V, Kroll G, Buck F, Molin S, Otto M, Rohde H
MOL MICROBIOL. 2012;86(2):394-410.
MALDI-TOF MS fingerprinting allows for discrimination of major methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus lineages.
Wolters M, Rohde H, Maier T, Belmar Campos C, Franke G, Scherpe S, Aepfelbacher M, Christner M
INT J MED MICROBIOL. 2011;301(1):64-68.
The giant extracellular matrix-binding protein of Staphylococcus epidermidis mediates biofilm accumulation and attachment to fibronectin.
Christner M, Franke G, Schommer N, Wendt U, Wegert K, Pehle P, Kroll G, Schulze C, Buck F, Mack D, Aepfelbacher M, Rohde H
MOL MICROBIOL. 2010;75(1):187-207.
Epidemiology, variable genetic organisation and regulation of the EDIN-B toxin in Staphylococcus aureus from bacteraemic patients.
Franke G, Böckenholt A, Sugai M, Rohde H, Aepfelbacher M
MICROBIOL-SGM. 2010;156:860-872.
Molecular characterisation of linezolid resistance in two vancomycin-resistant (VanB) Enterococcus faecium isolates using Pyrosequencing.
Saager B, Rohde H, Timmerbeil B, Franke G, Pothmann W, Dahlke J, Scherpe S, Sobottka I, Heisig P, Horstkotte M
EUR J CLIN MICROBIOL. 2008;27(9):873-878.
Expression and functional characterization of gfpmut3.1 and its unstable variants in Staphylococcus epidermidis.
Franke G, Dobinsky S, Mack D, Wang C, Sobottka I, Christner M, Knobloch J, Horstkotte M, Aepfelbacher M, Rohde H
J MICROBIOL METH. 2007;71(2):123-132.
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