Michael Nentwich
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med.
Michael F. Nentwich
  • Facharzt für Viszeralchirurgie
  • Zusatzweiterbildung Spezielle Chirurgische Intensivmedizin
  • 1.Arbeitsbereich
Deutsch (Muttersprache)





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Oesophageal cancer: Surgery
Stüben B, Karstens K, Nentwich M, Izbicki J, Reeh M
2023. Oesophagus and Stomach. Reeh M, Izbicki J (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Oxford University Press, Pages 137–154.

Patient Characteristics and Clinical Course of COVID-19 Patients Treated at a German Tertiary Center during the First and Second Waves in the Year 2020
Brehm T, Heyer A, Roedl K, Jarczak D, Nierhaus A, Nentwich M, van der Meirschen M, Schultze A, Christner M, Fiedler W, Kröger N, Huber T, Klose H, Sterneck M, Jordan S, Kreuels B, Schmiedel S, Addo M, Huber S, Lohse A, Kluge S, Schulze Zur Wiesch J
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(11):.

Genome-wide scan of long noncoding RNA single nucleotide polymorphisms and pancreatic cancer susceptibility
Corradi C, Gentiluomo M, Gajdán L, Cavestro G, Kreivenaite E, Di Franco G, Sperti C, Giaccherini M, Petrone M, Tavano F, Gioffreda D, Morelli L, Soucek P, Andriulli A, Izbicki J, Napoli N, Małecka-Panas E, Hegyi P, Neoptolemos J, Landi S, Vashist Y, Pasquali C, Lu Y, Cervena K, Theodoropoulos G, Moz S, Capurso G, Strobel O, Carrara S, Hackert T, Hlavac V, Archibugi L, Oliverius M, Vanella G, Vodicka P, Arcidiacono P, Pezzilli R, Milanetto A, Lawlor R, Ivanauskas A, Szentesi A, Kupcinskas J, Testoni S, Lovecek M, Nentwich M, Gazouli M, Luchini C, Zuppardo R, Darvasi E, Brenner H, Gheorghe C, Jamroziak K, Canzian F, Campa D
INT J CANCER. 2021;148(11):2779-2788.

Polygenic and multifactorial scores for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk prediction
Galeotti A, Gentiluomo M, Rizzato C, Obazee O, Neoptolemos J, Pasquali C, Nentwich M, Cavestro G, Pezzilli R, Greenhalf W, Holleczek B, Schroeder C, Schöttker B, Ivanauskas A, Ginocchi L, Key T, Hegyi P, Archibugi L, Darvasi E, Basso D, Sperti C, Bijlsma M, Palmieri O, Hlavac V, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Hackert T, Vashist Y, Strouhal O, van Laarhoven H, Tavano F, Lovecek M, Dervenis C, Izbéki F, Padoan A, Małecka-Panas E, Maiello E, Vanella G, Capurso G, Izbicki J, Theodoropoulos G, Jamroziak K, Katzke V, Kaaks R, Mambrini A, Papanikolaou I, Szmola R, Szentesi A, Kupcinskas J, Bursi S, Costello E, Boggi U, Milanetto A, Landi S, Gazouli M, Vodickova L, Soucek P, Gioffreda D, Gemignani F, Brenner H, Strobel O, Büchler M, Vodicka P, Paiella S, Canzian F, Campa D
J MED GENET. 2021;58(6):369-377.

SARS-CoV-2 Blood RNA Load Predicts Outcome in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients
Heinrich F, Nentwich M, Bibiza-Freiwald E, Nörz D, Roedl K, Christner M, Hoffmann A, Olearo F, Kluge S, Aepfelbacher M, Wichmann D, Lütgehetmann M, Pfefferle S
OPEN FORUM INFECT DI. 2021;8(11):.

Prognostic value of positive histological margins in patients with pancreatic head ductal adenocarcinoma and lymph node involvement: an international multicentric study
Joliat G, Allemann P, Labgaa I, Sulzer J, Vrochides D, Zerbi A, Nappo G, Perinel J, Adham M, Nentwich M, Izbicki J, Demartines N, Schäfer M
HPB. 2021;23(3):379-386.

Associations between pancreatic expression quantitative traits and risk of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Pistoni L, Gentiluomo M, Lu Y, López de Maturana E, Hlavac V, Vanella G, Darvasi E, Milanetto A, Oliverius M, Vashist Y, Di Leo M, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Gheorghe C, Petrone M, Strobel O, Arcidiacono P, Vodickova L, Szentesi A, Capurso G, Gajdán L, Malleo G, Theodoropoulos G, Basso D, Soucek P, Brenner H, Lawlor R, Morelli L, Ivanauskas A, Kauffmann E, Macauda A, Gazouli M, Archibugi L, Nentwich M, Loveček M, Cavestro G, Vodicka P, Landi S, Tavano F, Sperti C, Hackert T, Kupcinskas J, Pezzilli R, Andriulli A, Pollina L, Kreivenaite E, Gioffreda D, Jamroziak K, Hegyi P, Izbicki J, Testoni S, Zuppardo R, Bozzato D, Neoptolemos J, Malats N, Canzian F, Campa D
CARCINOGENESIS. 2021;42(8):1037-1045.

Genome-wide association study identifies an early onset pancreatic cancer risk locus
Campa D, Gentiluomo M, Obazee O, Ballerini A, Vodickova L, Hegyi P, Soucek P, Brenner H, Milanetto A, Landi S, Gao X, Bozzato D, Capurso G, Tavano F, Vashist Y, Hackert T, Bambi F, Bursi S, Oliverius M, Gioffreda D, Schöttker B, Ivanauskas A, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Darvasi E, Pezzilli R, Małecka-Panas E, Strobel O, Gazouli M, Katzke V, Szentesi A, Cavestro G, Farkas G, Izbicki J, Moz S, Archibugi L, Hlavac V, Vincze Á, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Rusev B, Kupcinskas J, Greenhalf B, Dijk F, Giese N, Boggi U, Andriulli A, Busch O, Vanella G, Vodicka P, Nentwich M, Lawlor R, Theodoropoulos G, Jamroziak K, Zuppardo R, Moletta L, Ginocchi L, Kaaks R, Neoptolemos J, Lucchesi M, Canzian F
INT J CANCER. 2020;147(8):2065-2074.

Chronic Pancreatitis: Small Duct Disease with Uncontrolled Pain
Nentwich M, Izbicki J
2020. Dilemmas in Abdominal Surgery: A Case-Based Approach. 1. Aufl. CRC Press, 236-240.

Kontroversen bei COVID-19
Nentwich M, Nierhaus A, Jarczak D, Kluge S
Intensiv News. 2020;24(3):1-5.

Intensivmedizinisches Back-up bei infektiologischen Katastrophen
Wichmann D, Matthews H, Nentwich M, Schmiedel S, Kluge S
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2020;115(8):641-648.

Oligometastases in pancreatic cancer (Synchronous resections of hepatic oligometastatic pancreatic cancer: Disputing a principle in a time of safe pancreatic operations in a retrospective multicenter analysis)
Voss N, Izbicki J, Nentwich M
ANN GASTROENT SURG. 2019;3(4):373-377.

Expression of ICAM-1, E-cadherin, periostin and midkine in metastases of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas
Grupp K, Melling N, Bogoevska V, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, El Gammal A, Nentwich M, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
EXP MOL PATHOL. 2018;104(2):109-113.

FOXO1 overexpression and loss of pSerine256-FOXO1 expression predicts clinical outcome in esophageal adenocarcinomas
Grupp K, Uzunoglu F, Melling N, Hofmann B, El Gammal A, Grotelüschen R, Heumann A, Bellon E, Reeh M, Wolters-Eisfeld G, Ghabdan T, Nentwich M, Bachmann K, Bockhorn M, Bogoevski D, Izbicki J, Kutup A
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):17370.

Totale Pankreatektomie
Nentwich M, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J
2017. Expertise Pankreas. Izbicki J, Perez D (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 78-82.

Blood fibrinogen levels discriminate low- and high-risk intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs)
Nentwich M, Menzel K, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Ghadban T, Bachmann K, Schrader J, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Perez D
EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC. 2017;43(4):758-762.

Allogenic Blood Transfusion is Associated with Poor Perioperative and Long-Term Outcome in Esophageal Cancer
Reeh M, Ghadban T, Dedow J, Vettorazzi E, Uzunoglu F, Nentwich M, Kluge S, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
WORLD J SURG. 2017;41(1):208-215.

Hamburg-Glasgow classification: preoperative staging by combination of disseminated tumour load and systemic inflammation in oesophageal carcinoma
Reeh M, Ghadban T, Uzunoglu F, Nentwich M, Bockhorn M, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
BRIT J CANCER. 2017;117(5):612-618.

Prognostic Significant or Not? The Positive Circumferential Resection Margin in Esophageal Cancer: Impact on Local Recurrence and Overall Survival in Patients Without Neoadjuvant Treatment
Ghadban T, Reeh M, Koenig A, Nentwich M, Bellon E, Izbicki J, Vashist Y, Kutup A
ANN SURG. 2016;266(6):988-994.

Glasgow Prognostic Score may be a prognostic index for overall and perioperative survival in gastric cancer without perioperative treatment
Melling N, Grüning A, Tachezy M, Nentwich M, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Vashist Y, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
SURGERY. 2016;159(6):1548-56.

Abdominothoracic Esophagohemigastrectomy
Nentwich M, Bogoevski D
2016. Atlas of Upper Gastrointestinal and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery. Clavien P, Sarr M, Fong Y, Miyazaki M (Hrsg.). 2. Aufl. Springer, 209-214.

Subtotal Esophagectomy: Abdominothoracic Approach
Nentwich M, Kutup A
2016. Atlas of Upper Gastrointestinal and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery. Clavien P, Sarr M, Fong Y, Miyazaki M (Hrsg.). 2. Aufl. Springer, 89-98.

Non-trauma Emergency Pancreatoduodenectomies: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis
Nentwich M, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Bachmann K, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
WORLD J SURG. 2016;40(9):2261-6.

The PER (Preoperative Esophagectomy Risk) Score: A Simple Risk Score to Predict Short-Term and Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Surgically Treated Esophageal Cancer
Reeh M, Metze J, Uzunoglu F, Nentwich M, Ghadban T, Wellner U, Bockhorn M, Kluge S, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
MEDICINE. 2016;95(7):e2724.

Cyclin D1 is a strong prognostic factor for survival in pancreatic cancer: analysis of CD G870A polymorphism, FISH and immunohistochemistry
Bachmann K, Neumann A, Hinsch A, Nentwich M, El Gammal A, Vashist Y, Perez D, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Mann O
J SURG ONCOL. 2015;111(3):316-23.

Salvage Completion Pancreatectomies as Damage Control for Post-pancreatic Surgery Complications: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis
Nentwich M, El Gammal A, Lemcke T, Ghadban T, Bellon E, Melling N, Bachmann K, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M
WORLD J SURG. 2015;39(6):1550-6.

Locally advanced esophageal carcinoma: is there still a role of surgery alone without neoadjuvant treatment?
Reeh M, Nentwich M, Asani S, Uzunoglu F, Bockhorn M, Sauter G, Rösch T, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
J GASTROINTEST SURG. 2015;19(4):587-93.

What should be the gold standard for the surgical component in the treatment of locally advanced esophageal cancer: transthoracic versus transhiatal esophagectomy
Kutup A, Nentwich M, Bollschweiler E, Bogoevski D, Izbicki J, Hölscher A
ANN SURG. 2014;260(6):1016-1022.

Limits of surgery for pancreatic cancer
Nentwich M, König A, Izbicki J
Rozhledy v chirurgii : měsíčník Československé chirurgické společnosti. 2014;93(9):445-449.

Pankreaskarzinome und periampulläre Karzinome
Nentwich M, König A, Izbicki J
Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie up2date. 2014;8(5):319-337.

Depth of submucosal tumor infiltration and its relevance in lymphatic metastasis formation for T1b squamous cell and adenocarcinomas of the esophagus
Nentwich M, Loga K, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Marx A, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
J GASTROINTEST SURG. 2014;18(2):242-9.

Preoperative Pancreatic Resection (PREPARE) score: a prospective multicenter-based morbidity risk score
Uzunoglu F, Reeh M, Vettorazzi E, Ruschke T, Hannah P, Nentwich M, Vashist Y, Bogoevski D, König A, Janot M, Gavazzi F, Zerbi A, Todaro V, Malleo G, Uhl W, Montorsi M, Bassi C, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M
ANN SURG. 2014;260(5):857-64.

Selectin binding is essential for peritoneal carcinomatosis in a xenograft model of human pancreatic adenocarcinoma in pfp--/rag2-- mice
Gebauer F, Wicklein D, Stübke K, Nehmann N, Schmidt A, Salamon J, Peldschus K, Nentwich M, Adam G, Tolstonog G, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Wagener C, Schumacher U
GUT. 2013;62(5):741-50.

Lymphatic invasion predicts survival in patients with early node-negative non-small cell lung cancer
Nentwich M, Bohn B, Uzunoglu F, Reeh M, Quaas A, Grob T, Perez D, Kutup A, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
J THORAC CARDIOV SUR. 2013;146(4):781-7.

VEGFR-2, CXCR-2 and PAR-1 germline polymorphisms as predictors of survival in pancreatic carcinoma
Uzunoglu F, Kolbe J, Wikman H, Güngör C, Bohn B, Nentwich M, Reeh M, König A, Bockhorn M, Kutup A, Mann O, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
ANN ONCOL. 2013;24(5):1282-90.

C-X-C motif receptor 2, endostatin and proteinase-activated receptor 1 polymorphisms as prognostic factors in NSCLC
Uzunoglu F, Yavari N, Bohn B, Nentwich M, Reeh M, Pantel K, Perez D, Tsui T, Bockhorn M, Mann O, Izbicki J, Wikman H, Vashist Y
LUNG CANCER. 2013;81(1):123-9.

Human prostate cancer in a clinically relevant xenograft mouse model: identification of β(1,6)-branched oligosaccharides as a marker of tumor progression.
Lange T, Ullrich S, Müller I, Nentwich M, Stübke K, Feldhaus S, Knies C, Hellwinkel O, Vessella R, Abramjuk C, Anders M, Schröder-Schwarz J, Schlomm T, Huland H, Sauter G, Schumacher U
CLIN CANCER RES. 2012;18(5):1364-1373.

Surgery for advanced and metastatic pancreatic cancer--current state and trends
Nentwich M, Bockhorn M, König A, Izbicki J, Cataldegirmen G
ANTICANCER RES. 2012;32(5):1999-2002.

Staging and outcome depending on surgical treatment in adenocarcinomas of the oesophagogastric junction
Reeh M, Mina S, Bockhorn M, Kutup A, Nentwich M, Marx A, Sauter G, Rösch T, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
BRIT J SURG. 2012;99(10):1406-14.

An attempt at validation of the Seventh edition of the classification by the International Union Against Cancer for esophageal carcinoma.
Reeh M, Nentwich M, von Loga K, Schade J, Uzunoglu F, König A, Bockhorn M, Rösch T, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
ANN THORAC SURG. 2012;93(3):890-896.

Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 gene polymorphisms as predictors for tumor recurrence and overall survival in non-small-cell lung cancer.
Uzunoglu F, Kaufmann C, Wikman H, Güngör C, Bohn B, Nentwich M, Reeh M, Pantel K, Bockhorn M, Kutup A, Mann O, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
ANN SURG ONCOL. 2012;19(7):2159-2168.

Trastuzumab has anti-metastatic and anti-angiogenic activity in a spontaneous metastasis xenograft model of esophageal adenocarcinoma.
Lange T, Nentwich M, Lueth M, Yekebas E, Schumacher U
CANCER LETT. 2011;308(1):54-61.

High surgical morbidity following distal pancreatectomy: still an unsolved problem.
Reeh M, Nentwich M, Bogoevski D, König A, Gebauer F, Tachezy M, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M
WORLD J SURG. 2011;35(5):1110-1117.

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