- Fachärztin für Neurologie
Apheresis therapies in MOGAD: a retrospective study of 117 therapeutic interventions in 571 attacks
J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
Cognition in patients with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: a prospective, longitudinal, multicentre study of 113 patients (CogniMOG-Study)
J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
Real-world multicentre cohort study on choices and effectiveness of immunotherapies in NMOSD and MOGAD
J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
Exploring the therapeutic potential of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in progressive multiple sclerosis-a systematic review
Braun B, Fischbach F, Pfeffer L, Richter J, Janson D, Kröger N, Mariottini A, Heesen C, Häußler V
EUR J NEUROL. 2024;31(12):e16427.
Benefits of aHSCT over alemtuzumab in patients with multiple sclerosis besides disability and relapses: Sustained improvement in cognition and quality of life
Braun B, Fischbach F, Richter J, Pfeffer L, Fay H, Reinhardt S, Friese M, Stellmann J, Kröger N, Heesen C, Häußler V
MULT SCLER RELAT DIS. 2024;82:105414.
Time to disability milestones and annualized relapse rates in NMOSD and MOGAD
Duchow A, Bellmann-Strobl J, Friede T, Aktas O, Angstwurm K, Ayzenberg I, Berthele A, Dawin E, Engels D, Fischer K, Flaskamp M, Giglhuber K, Grothe M, Havla J, Hümmert M, Jarius S, Kaste M, Kern P, Kleiter I, Klotz L, Korporal-Kuhnke M, Kraemer M, Krumbholz M, Kümpfel T, Lohmann L, Ringelstein M, Rommer P, Schindler P, Schubert C, Schwake C, Senel M, Bergh F, Tkachenko D, Tumami H, Trebst C, Vardakas I, Walter A, Warnke C, Weber M, Wickel J, Wildemann B, Winkelmann A, Paul F, Stellmann J, Häußler V
ANN NEUROL. 2024;95(4):720-732.
Evolution of retinal degeneration and prediction of disease activity in relapsing and progressive multiple sclerosis
Krämer J, Balloff C, Weise M, Koska V, Uthmeier Y, Esderts I, Nguyen-Minh M, Zimmerhof M, Hartmann A, Dietrich M, Ingwersen J, Lee J, Havla J, Kümpfel T, Kerschensteiner M, Häußler V, Heesen C, Stellmann J, Zimmermann H, Oertel F, Ringelstein M, Brandt A, Paul F, Aktas O, Hartung H, Wiendl H, Meuth S, Albrecht P
NAT COMMUN. 2024;15(1):5243.
Correction to: Update on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) - revised recommendations of the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Part II: Attack therapy and long-term management
Kümpfel T, Giglhuber K, Aktas O, Ayzenberg I, Bellmann-Strobl J, Häußler V, Havla J, Hellwig K, Hümmert M, Jarius S, Kleiter I, Klotz L, Krumbholz M, Paul F, Ringelstein M, Ruprecht K, Senel M, Stellmann J, Bergh F, Trebst C, Tumani H, Warnke C, Wildemann B, Berthele A
J NEUROL. 2024;271(6):3702-3707.
Update on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) - revised recommendations of the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Part II. Attack therapy and long-term management
Kümpfel T, Giglhuber K, Aktas O, Ayzenberg I, Bellmann-Strobl J, Häußler V, Havla J, Hellwig K, Hümmert M, Jarius S, Kleiter I, Klotz L, Krumbholz M, Paul F, Ringelstein M, Ruprecht K, Senel M, Stellmann J, Bergh F, Trebst C, Tumani H, Warnke C, Wildemann B, Berthele A
J NEUROL. 2024;271(1):141-176.
Visual quality of life in NMOSD and MOGAD: profiles, dynamics and associations with ageing and vision
Nicolescu M, Häußler V, Paul F, Oertel F, Schindler P, Strobl J, Krumbholz M, Hümmert M, Bütow F, Tkachenko D, Trebst C, Schubert C, Ayzenberg I, Schwake C, Pakeerathan T, Fischer K, Aktas O, Ringelstein M, Kraemer M, Warnke C, Grothe M, Kaste M, Angstwurm K, Kern P, Kleiter I, Rommer P, Winkelmann A, Walter A, Weber M, Wickel J, Giglhuber K, Then Bergh F, Senel M, Tumani H, Vardakas I, Dawin E, Revie L, Klotz L, Korporal-Kuhnke M, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Gernert J, Kümpfel T, Engels D, Havla J, Stolowy N, Stellmann J
J NEUROL. 2024;272(1):86.
Eculizumab Use in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders: Routine Clinical Care Data From a European Cohort
Ringelstein M, Asseyer S, Lindenblatt G, Fischer K, Pul R, Skuljec J, Revie L, Giglhuber K, Häußler V, Karenfort M, Hellwig K, Paul F, Bellmann-Strobl J, Otto C, Ruprecht K, Ziemssen T, Emmer A, Rothhammer V, Nickel F, Angstwurm K, Linker R, Laurent S, Warnke C, Jarius S, Korporal-Kuhnke M, Wildemann B, Wolff S, Seipelt M, Yalachkov Y, Retzlaff N, Zettl U, Rommer P, Kowarik M, Wickel J, Geis C, Hümmert M, Trebst C, Senel M, Gold R, Klotz L, Kleinschnitz C, Meuth S, Aktas O, Berthele A, Ayzenberg I
NEUROLOGY. 2024;103(9):e209888.
Autoantigen-specific CD4 + T cells acquire an exhausted phenotype and persist in human antigen-specific autoimmune diseases
Saggau C, Bacher P, Esser D, Rasa M, Meise S, Mohr N, Kohlstedt N, Hutloff A, Schacht S, Dargvainiene J, Martini G, Stürner K, Schröder I, Markewitz R, Hartl J, Hastermann M, Duchow A, Schindler P, Becker M, Bautista C, Gottfreund J, Walter J, Polansky J, Yang M, Naghavian R, Wendorff M, Schuster E, Dahl A, Petzold A, Reinhardt S, Franke A, Wieczorek M, Henschel L, Berger D, Heine G, Holtsche M, Häußler V, Peters C, Schmidt E, Fillatreau S, Busch D, Wandinger K, Schober K, Martin R, Paul F, Leypoldt F, Scheffold A
IMMUNITY. 2024;57(10):2416-2432.e8.
"A second birthday"? Experiences of persons with multiple sclerosis treated with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-a qualitative interview study
Volz T, Sippel A, Fischbach F, Richter J, Willison A, Häußler V, Heesen C
FRONT NEUROL. 2024;15:1384551.
Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis: a position paper and registry outline
Bayas A, Berthele A, Blank N, Dreger P, Faissner S, Friese M, Gerdes L, Grauer O, Häussler V, Heesen C, Janson D, Korporal-Kuhnke M, Kowarik M, Kröger N, Lünemann J, Martin R, Meier U, Meuth S, Muraro P, Platten M, Schirmer L, Stürner K, Stellmann J, Scheid C, Bergh F, Warnke C, Wildemann B, Ziemssen T
THER ADV NEUROL DISO. 2023;16:17562864231180730.
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients With NMO Spectrum Disorders and MOG-Antibody-Associated Diseases: COPANMO(G)-Study
Hümmert M, Bütow F, Tkachenko D, Ayzenberg I, Pakeerathan T, Hellwig K, Klotz L, Häußler V, Stellmann J, Warnke C, Goereci Y, Etgen T, Luessi F, Bronzlik P, Gingele S, Lauenstein A, Kleiter I, Rommer P, Paul F, Bellmann-Strobl J, Duchow A, Then Bergh F, Pul R, Walter A, Pellkofer H, Kümpfel T, Pompsch M, Kraemer M, Albrecht P, Aktas O, Ringelstein M, Senel M, Giglhuber K, Berthele A, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Trebst C
Cognition in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders: A prospective multicentre study of 217 patients (CogniNMO-Study)
Hümmert M, Stern C, Paul F, Duchow A, Bellmann-Strobl J, Ayzenberg I, Schwake C, Kleiter I, Hellwig K, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Senel M, Berthele A, Giglhuber K, Luessi F, Grothe M, Klotz L, Schülke R, Gingele S, Faiss J, Walter A, Warnke C, Then Bergh F, Aktas O, Ringelstein M, Stellmann J, Häußler V, Havla J, Pellkofer H, Kümpfel T, Kopp B, Trebst C
MULT SCLER J. 2023;29(7):819-831.
Update on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromyelits optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) - revised recommendations of the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Part I: Diagnosis and differential diagnosis
Jarius S, Aktas O, Ayzenberg I, Bellmann-Strobl J, Berthele A, Giglhuber K, Häußler V, Havla J, Hellwig K, Hümmert M, Kleiter I, Klotz L, Krumbholz M, Kümpfel T, Paul F, Ringelstein M, Ruprecht K, Senel M, Stellmann J, Bergh F, Tumani H, Wildemann B, Trebst C
J NEUROL. 2023;270(7):3341-3368.
Visual function resists early neurodegeneration in the visual system in primary progressive multiple sclerosis
Rosenkranz S, Gutmann L, Has Silemek A, Dorr M, Häußler V, Lüpke M, Mönch A, Reinhardt S, Kuhle J, Tilsley P, Heesen C, Friese M, Brandt A, Paul F, Zimmermann H, Stellmann J
J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS. 2023;94(11):924-933.
Costs and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With NMO Spectrum Disorders and MOG-Antibody-Associated Disease: CHANCENMO Study
Hümmert M, Schöppe L, Bellmann-Strobl J, Siebert N, Paul F, Duchow A, Pellkofer H, Kümpfel T, Havla J, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Berthele A, Bergh F, Pawlitzki M, Klotz L, Kleiter I, Stangel M, Gingele S, Weber M, Faiss J, Pul R, Walter A, Zettl U, Senel M, Stellmann J, Häußler V, Hellwig K, Ayzenberg I, Aktas O, Ringelstein M, Schreiber-Katz O, Trebst C
NEUROLOGY. 2022;98(11):e1184-e1196.
Interleukin-6 Receptor Blockade in Treatment-Refractory MOG-IgG-Associated Disease and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders
Ringelstein M, Ayzenberg I, Lindenblatt G, Fischer K, Gahlen A, Novi G, Hayward-Könnecke H, Schippling S, Rommer P, Kornek B, Zrzavy T, Biotti D, Ciron J, Audoin B, Berthele A, Giglhuber K, Zephir H, Kümpfel T, Berger R, Röther J, Häußler V, Stellmann J, Whittam D, Jacob A, Kraemer M, Gueguen A, Deschamps R, Bayas A, Hümmert M, Trebst C, Haarmann A, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Grothe M, Siebert N, Ruprecht K, Paul F, Collongues N, Marignier R, Levy M, Karenfort M, Deppe M, Albrecht P, Hellwig K, Gold R, Hartung H, Meuth S, Kleiter I, Aktas O
Treating sarcoidosis-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with infliximab
Rosenkranz S, Häußler V, Kolster M, Willing A, Matschke J, Röcken C, Stürner K, Leypoldt F, Tolosa E, Friese M
BRAIN COMMUN. 2022;4(1):.
Brain grey matter perfusion in primary progressive multiple sclerosis: Mild decrease over years and regional associations with cognition and hand function
Testud B, Delacour C, El Ahmadi A, Brun G, Girard N, Duhamel G, Heesen C, Häußler V, Thaler C, Has Silemek A, Stellmann J
EUR J NEUROL. 2022;29(6):1741-1752.
Pain, depression and quality of life in adults with MOG-antibody associated disease
Asseyer S, Henke E, Trebst C, Hümmert M, Wildemann B, Jarius S, Ringelstein M, Aktas O, Pawlitzki M, Korsen M, Klotz L, Siebert N, Ruprecht K, Bellmann-Strobl J, Wernecke K, Häußler V, Havla J, Gahlen A, Gold R, Paul F, Kleiter I, Ayzenberg I
EUR J NEUROL. 2021;28(5):1645-1658.
Pain, Depression, and Quality of Life in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Study of 166 AQP4 Antibody-Seropositive Patients
Ayzenberg I, Richter D, Henke E, Asseyer S, Paul F, Trebst C, Hümmert M, Havla J, Kümpfel T, Ringelstein M, Aktas O, Wildemann B, Jarius S, Häußler V, Stellmann J, Senel M, Klotz L, Pellkofer H, Weber M, Pawlitzki M, Rommer P, Berthele A, Wernecke K, Hellwig K, Gold R, Kleiter I
aHSCT is superior to alemtuzumab in maintaining NEDA and improving cognition in multiple sclerosis
Häußler V, Ufer F, Pöttgen J, Wolschke C, Friese M, Kröger N, Heesen C, Stellmann J
ANN CLIN TRANSL NEUR. 2021;8(6):1269-1278.
Control of SARS-CoV-2 infection in rituximab-treated neuroimmunological patients
Woo M, Steins D, Häußler V, Kohsar M, Haag F, Elias-Hamp B, Heesen C, Lütgehetmann M, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Friese M
J NEUROL. 2021;268(1):5-7.
Circulating Endothelial Cells as Promising Biomarkers in the Differential Diagnosis of Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System
Deb-Chatterji M, Pinnschmidt H, Duan Y, Haeussler V, Rissiek B, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Magnus T
FRONT NEUROL. 2020;11:205.
Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) Induce a Protective Phenotype in Microglia Preventing Neuronal Cell Death in Ischaemic Stroke
Häußler V, Daehn T, Rissiek B, Roth V, Gerloff C, Arumugam T, Magnus T, Gelderblom M
NEUROMOL MED. 2020;22(1):121-132.
Assessing the effect of an evidence-based patient online educational tool for people with multiple sclerosis called UMIMS-understanding magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis: study protocol for a double-blind, randomized controlled trial
Schiffmann I, Freund M, Vettorazzi E, Stellmann J, Heyer-Borchelt S, D'Hooghe M, Häußler V, Rahn A, Heesen C
TRIALS. 2020;21(1):1008.
Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System: New Potential Imaging Techniques and Biomarkers in Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Deb-Chatterji M, Schuster S, Haeussler V, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Magnus T
FRONT NEUROL. 2019;10:568.
Relapse rates and long-term outcome in primary angiitis of the central nervous system
Schuster S, Ozga A, Stellmann J, Deb-Chatterji M, Häußler V, Matschke J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Magnus T
J NEUROL. 2019;266(6):1481-1489.
IL-23 (Interleukin-23)-Producing Conventional Dendritic Cells Control the Detrimental IL-17 (Interleukin-17) Response in Stroke
Gelderblom M, Gallizioli M, Ludewig P, Thom V, Arunachalam P, Rissiek B, Bernreuther C, Glatzel M, Korn T, Arumugam T, Sedlacik J, Gerloff C, Tolosa E, Planas A, Magnus T
STROKE. 2018;49(1):155-164.
Subtypes of primary angiitis of the CNS identified by MRI patterns reflect the size of affected vessels
Schuster S, Bachmann H, Thom V, Kaufmann-Buehler A, Matschke J, Siemonsen S, Glatzel M, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Magnus T, Thomalla G
J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS. 2017;88(9):749-755.
Therapeutic Potential of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Acute Brain Injury
Thom V, Arumugam T, Magnus T, Gelderblom M
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2017;8:875.
IL-17 production by CSF lymphocytes as a biomarker for cerebral vasculitis
Thom V, Schmidt S, Gelderblom M, Hackbusch R, Kolster M, Schuster S, Thomalla G, Keminer O, Pleß O, Bernreuther C, Glatzel M, Wegscheider K, Gerloff C, Magnus T, Tolosa E
NEUROL-NEUROIMMUNOL. 2016;3(2):e214.
Neutralization of the IL-17 axis diminishes neutrophil invasion and protects from ischemic stroke.
Gelderblom M, Weymar A, Bernreuther C, Velden J, Arunachalam P, Steinbach K, Orthey E, Arumugam T, Leypoldt F, Simova O, Thom V, Friese M, Prinz I, Hölscher C, Glatzel M, Korn T, Gerloff C, Tolosa E, Magnus T
BLOOD. 2012;120(18):3793-3802.
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