- Oberarzt
- Gerätebeauftragter
- Facharzt für Anästhesiologie
- Zusatzweiterbildung Spezielle Anästhesiologische Intensivmedizin
Spezielle Anästhesiologische Intensivmedizin
Unlocking opportunities to transform patient care: an expert insight on limitations and opportunities in patient monitoring
Cecconi M, Hutanu A, Beard J, Gonzalez-Pizarro P, Ostermann M, Batchelor A, Latour J, Grensemann J, Mondino M, Caballero J, Blobner M, Radtke F
INTENS CARE MED EXP. 2025;13(1):24.
Dose-dependent association of hyperoxia and decreased favorable outcomes in mechanically ventilated patients with traumatic brain injury, a retrospective cohort study
Lalla L, Czorlich P, Fischer M, Schweingruber N, Cramer C, Frosch K, Gempt J, Kluge S, Grensemann J
EUR J TRAUMA EMERG S. 2025;51(1):75.
Association Between Dyscapnia, Ventilatory Variables, and Mortality in Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome-A Retrospective Cohort Study
Braunsteiner J, Castro L, Wiessner C, Grensemann J, Schroeder M, Burdelski C, Sensen B, Kluge S, Fischer M
J INTENSIVE CARE MED. 2024;39(11):1099-1108.
Energy Expenditure in Critically Ill Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, and Traumatic Brain Injury-A Prospective Observational Study
de Heer G, Doliwa A, Hilbert P, Fischer M, Czorlich P, Schweingruber N, Kluge S, Burdelski C, Grensemann J
NUTRIENTS. 2024;16(20):.
In reply: Parallel intubation technique with the Vie Scope® laryngoscope
Petzoldt M, Grün C, Wünsch V, Bauer M, Hardel T, Grensemann J
CAN J ANESTH. 2024;71(3):437-438.
In reply: Comparing devices for managing the difficult airway
Petzoldt M, Grün C, Wünsch V, Bauer M, Hardel T, Grensemann J
CAN J ANESTH. 2024;71(1):156-157.
Fluid excess on intensive care unit after mechanical thrombectomy after acute ischemic stroke is associated with unfavorable neurological and functional outcomes: An observational cohort study
Schell M, Mayer C, Woo M, Leischner H, Fischer M, Grensemann J, Kluge S, Czorlich P, Gerloff C, Fiehler J, Thomalla G, Flottmann F, Schweingruber N
EUR STROKE J. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];10(1):23969873241271642.
Early prediction of ventricular peritoneal shunt dependency in aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage patients by recurrent neural network-based machine learning using routine intensive care unit data
Schweingruber N, Bremer J, Wiehe A, Mader M, Mayer C, Woo M, Kluge S, Grensemann J, Quandt F, Gempt J, Fischer M, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, Sauvigny J, Czorlich P
J CLIN MONIT COMPUT. 2024;38(5):1175-1186.
Incidence of Hypoxic Hepatitis in Patients with Cardiogenic Shock and Association with Mortality
Beer B, Besch L, Weimann J, Surendra K, Roedl K, Grensemann J, Sundermeyer J, Dettling A, Kluge S, Kirchhof P, Blankenberg S, Scherer C, Schrage B
EUR HEART J-ACUTE CA. 2023;12(10):663-670.
Terson Syndrome in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage - A 10-Year Single-Center Experience
Göttsche J, Knospe V, Sauvigny T, Schweingruber N, Grensemann J, Spitzer M, Westphal M, Skevas C, Czorlich P
NEUROCRIT CARE. 2023;39(1):155-161.
Comparison of nasotracheal versus orotracheal intubation for sedation, assisted spontaneous breathing, mobilization, and outcome in critically ill patients: an exploratory retrospective analysis
Grensemann J, Gilmour S, Tariparast P, Petzoldt M, Kluge S
SCI REP-UK. 2023;13(1):12616.
Tracheale Intubation auf der Intensivstation und in der Notaufnahme: Ein Vergleich zwischen direkter Laryngoskopie und Videolaryngoskopie
Grensemann J, Petzoldt M
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2023;118(8):674-675.
Endotracheale Intubation mit dem VieScope versus Intubation mit dem Videolaryngoskop bei Patienten mit erwartetem schwierigem Atemweg zur elektiven Operation – eine prospektive randomisierte Studie
Grün C, Grensemann J, Wünsch V, Bauer M, Hardel T, Petzoldt M
ANASTH INTENSIVMED. 2023;64(Suppl 7):S183-S184.
High-Flow-Sauerstofftherapie – Schritt für Schritt
Hardel T, Grensemann J, Kluge S
PNEUMOLOGIE. 2023;77(7):435-439.
Cerebrospinal fluid penetration of fosfomycin in patients with ventriculitis: an observational study
König C, Martens-Lobenhoffer J, Czorlich P, Westphal M, Bode-Böger S, Kluge S, Grensemann J
ANN CLIN MICROB ANTI. 2023;22(1):29.
Impact of COVID-19 on Sedation Requirements during Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Paparoupa M, Fischer M, Pinnschmidt H, Grensemann J, Roedl K, Kluge S, Jarczak D
J CLIN MED. 2023;12(10):.
Vie Scope® versus videolaryngoscopy in expected difficult airways: a randomized controlled trial
Petzoldt M, Grün C, Wünsch V, Bauer M, Hardel T, Grensemann J
CAN J ANESTH. 2023;70(9):1486-1494.
Glidescope Video Laryngoscopy in Patients with Severely Restricted Mouth Opening—A Pilot Study
Popal Z, Dankert A, Hilz P, Wünsch V, Grensemann J, Plümer L, Nawrath L, Krause L, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
J CLIN MED. 2023;12(15):.
Acute-on-chronic liver failure alters linezolid pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients with continuous hemodialysis: an observational study
Tikiso T, Fuhrmann V, König C, Jarczak D, Iwersen-Bergmann S, Kluge S, Wicha S, Grensemann J
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2023;13(1):83.
Endotracheale Intubation mit VieScope versus Macintosh-Laryngoskopie – Eine prospektive randomisierte Studie (VieScOP-Studie)
Engels Y, Grensemann J, Popal Z, Tariparast A, Sasu P, Brockmann A, Punke M, Petzoldt M
ANASTH INTENSIVMED. 2022;2021(62):S145.
Hyperoxia is Dose-Dependently Associated with an Increase of Unfavorable Outcomes in Ventilated Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Grensemann J, Mader M, Westphal M, Kluge S, Czorlich P
NEUROCRIT CARE. 2022;37(2):523-530.
High-Flow-Sauerstofftherapie – Chancen und Risiken
Grensemann J, Simon M, Wachs C, Kluge S
PNEUMOLOGE. 2022;19(1):21-26.
Maschinelle Beatmung – Schritt für Schritt
Hardel T, Grensemann J
PNEUMOLOGIE. 2022;76(7):506-511.
A dosing nomograph for cerebrospinal fluid penetration of meropenem applied by continuous infusion in patients with nosocomial ventriculitis
König C, Grensemann J, Czorlich P, Schlemm E, Kluge S, Wicha S
CLIN MICROBIOL INFEC. 2022;28(7):1022.e9-1022.e16.
VivaSight Single-Lumen Tube Combined With Hyperangulated Videolaryngoscopy to Rescue Failed Tracheal Intubation in a Patient With Goldenhar Syndrome: A Case Report
Möhlenkamp E, Kohse E, Sasu P, Peters T, Grensemann J, Breitfeld P, Petzoldt M
A&A practice. 2022;16(9):.
Elective Tracheal Intubation With the VieScope-A Prospective Randomized Non-inferiority Pilot Study (VieScOP-Trial)
Petzoldt M, Engels Y, Popal Z, Tariparast P, Sasu P, Brockmann A, Punke M, Grensemann J
FRONT MED-LAUSANNE. 2022;9:820847.
Comparison of four diagnostic criteria for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis - a diagnostic accuracy study in critically ill patients
Schroeder M, Giese M, Wijaya C, Winterland S, Nuechtern A, Grensemann J, Matthews H, Wichmann D, Stamm J, Rohde H, Christner M, Ozga A, Steurer S, Heinemann A, Simon M, Fischer M, Kluge S
MYCOSES. 2022;65(8):824-833.
Akute Intoxikationen auf der Intensivstation: Eine 10-Jahres-Analyse
Siedler S, Trageser H, Grensemann J, Hilgarth H, Simon M, Kluge S
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2022;117(2):129-136.
Percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy with single use bronchoscopes versus reusable bronchoscopes - a prospective randomized trial (TraSUB)
Tariparast P, Brockmann A, Hartwig R, Kluge S, Grensemann J
BMC ANESTHESIOL. 2022;22(1):90.
Tracheal Tube-Mounted Camera Assisted Intubation vs. Videolaryngoscopy in Expected Difficult Airway: A Prospective, Randomized Trial (VivaOP Trial).
Grensemann J, Möhlenkamp E, Breitfeld P, Tariparast P, Peters T, Punke M, Kluge S, Petzoldt M
Voriconazole Pharmacokinetics Are Not Altered in Critically Ill Patients with Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: An Observational Study
Grensemann J, Pfaffendorf C, Wicha S, Koenig C, Roedl K, Jarczak D, Iwersen-Bergmann S, Manthey C, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
MICROORGANISMS. 2021;9(10):2087.
Oxygen Therapy in Intensive Care Medicine
Grensemann J, Sakka S
ICU Management & Practice. 2021;21(3):122-125.
Sauerstofftherapie in der Notfall– und Intensivmedizin
Grensemann J, Wachs C, Kluge S
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2021;146(02):108-120.
Hämodynamisches Monitoring mittels transpulmonaler Thermodilution bei Patienten mit zytoreduktiver Chirurgie und hyperthermer intraperitonealer Chemotherapie
Sakka S, Grensemann J, Harte M, Defosse J, Wappler F, Heiss M, Ströhlein M
ANASTH INTENSIVMED. 2021;2021(62):101-110.
High estradiol and low testosterone levels are associated with critical illness in male but not in female COVID-19 patients: a retrospective cohort study
Schroeder M, Schaumburg B, Mueller Z, Parplys A, Jarczak D, Roedl K, Nierhaus A, Heer G, Grensemann J, Schneider B, Stoll F, Bai T, Jacobsen H, Zickler M, Stanelle-Bertram S, Klaetschke K, Renné T, Meinhardt A, Aberle J, Hiller J, Peine S, Kreienbrock L, Klingel K, Kluge S, Gabriel G
EMERG MICROBES INFEC. 2021;10(1):1807-1818.
Die kontinuierliche laterale Rotationstherapie bei Patienten mit Thoraxtrauma: Eine Analyse aus dem TraumaRegister DGU®
Defosse J, Grensemann J, Gerbershagen M, Paffrath T, Böhmer A, Joppich R, Lefering R, Wappler F, Schieren M
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2020;115(3):222-227.
Acute-on-chronic liver failure alters meropenem pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients with continuous hemodialysis: an observational study
Grensemann J, Busse D, König C, Roedl K, Jäger W, Jarczak D, Iwersen-Bergmann S, Manthey C, Kluge S, Kloft C, Fuhrmann V
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2020;10(1):48.
Aerosole von COVID-19-Patienten
Grensemann J, Kluge S
Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 2020;117(31-32):1498-1503.
Gefahren der Aerosolbildung bei Sauerstoff- und Beatmungstherapie von COVID-19-Intensivpatienten – Fakten statt Mythen
Grensemann J, Kluge S, Schönhofer B
2020. DIVI-Jahrbuch 2020/2021. Kluge S, Heringlake M, Janssens U, Rickels E (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 11-22.
High-Flow-Sauerstofftherapie – Schritt für Schritt
Wachs C, Grensemann J, Kluge S
PNEUMOLOGIE. 2020;74(12):842-846.
High-Flow-Sauerstofftherapie – Schritt für Schritt
Wachs C, Grensemann J, Kluge S
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2020;145(10):693-697.
Differenzierte Ernährungskonzepte bei schwerverbrannten Patienten
Grensemann J
2019. Intensivmedizin. Eckart J, Weigand M, Briegel J (Hrsg.). 94. Aufl. Landsberg am Lech: ecomed-Storck GmbH, .
Atemwegssicherung in der Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin: Was gibt es Neues?
Grensemann J, Simon M, Kluge S
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2019;114(4):334-341.
Retrospective analysis of central venous catheters in elective intracranial surgery - Is there any benefit?
Löser B, Recio Ariza O, März A, Löser A, Grensemann J, Petzoldt M, Reuter D, Weber F, Glass Ä, Haas S
PLOS ONE. 2019;14(12):e0226641.
Funktionsprüfung des Narkosegerätes zur Gewährleistung der Patientensicherheit: Empfehlung der Kommission für Normung und technische Sicherheit der DGAI
Prien T, Bürkle H, Czaplik M, Hölzl M, Hönemann C, Grensemann J, Muders T, Sattler R, Schädler D, Krauß T
ANASTH INTENSIVMED. 2019;2019(60):75-83.
Rate and risk factors for a hyperactivity delirium in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
Sauvigny T, Mohme M, Grensemann J, Dührsen L, Regelsberger J, Kluge S, Schmidt N, Westphal M, Czorlich P
NEUROSURG REV. 2019;42(2):481-488.
Lung aeration and ventilation after percutaneous tracheotomy measured by electrical impedance tomography in non-hypoxemic critically ill patients: a prospective observational study
Eichler L, Mueller J, Grensemann J, Frerichs I, Zöllner C, Kluge S
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2018;8(1):110.
Nicht im Ernst, GRC: Betreuung nach Reanimation ohne Intensivmediziner?
Fuhrmann V, Grensemann J, Beutel G, Braun G, Söffker G
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2018;113(1):73-74.
Cardiac Output Monitoring by Pulse Contour Analysis, the Technical Basics of Less-Invasive Techniques
Grensemann J
Comparing fiberoptic bronchoscopy and a tracheal tube-mounted camera-guided percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy: authors reply
Grensemann J, Eichler L, Kähler S, Jarczak D, Simon M, Pinnschmidt H, Kluge S
CRIT CARE. 2018;22(1):84.
Endotracheal tube-mounted camera-assisted intubation versus conventional intubation in intensive care: a prospective, randomised trial (VivalTN)
Grensemann J, Eichler L, Wang N, Jarczak D, Simon M, Kluge S
CRIT CARE. 2018;22(1):235.
In Reply
Grensemann J, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2018;115(41):685-686.
Oxygen Treatment in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
Grensemann J, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2018;115(27-28):455-462.
Intrathecal penetration of meropenem and vancomycin administered by continuous infusion in patients suffering from ventriculitis-a retrospective analysis
Mader M, Czorlich P, König C, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S, Westphal M, Grensemann J
ACTA NEUROCHIR. 2018;160(11):2099-2105.
Rate and impact of multidrug-resistant organisms in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Mader M, Grensemann J, Kluge S, Westphal M, Czorlich P
ACTA NEUROCHIR. 2018;160(10):2049-2054.
Validation of radial artery-based uncalibrated pulse contour method (PulsioFlex) in an unselected cohort of critically ill patients
Grensemann J, Defosse J, Willms M, Schiller U, Wappler F, Sakka S
EUR J ANAESTH. 2017;34(11):723-731.
Feasibility of an endotracheal tube-mounted camera for percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy
Grensemann J, Eichler L, Hopf S, Jarczak D, Simon M, Kluge S
ACTA ANAESTH SCAND. 2017;61(6):660-667.
Bronchoscopy versus an endotracheal tube mounted camera for the peri-interventional visualization of percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy - a prospective, randomized trial (VivaPDT)
Grensemann J, Eichler L, Kähler S, Jarczak D, Simon M, Pinnschmidt H, Kluge S
CRIT CARE. 2017;21(1):330.
Irreversible Total Loss of Brain Function and Organ Donation in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Mohme M, Sauvigny T, Grensemann J, Söffker G, Kluge S, Westphal M, Czorlich P
WORLD NEUROSURG. 2017;105:492-497.
High-Flow-Sauerstofftherapie in der Intensivmedizin
Simon M, Grensemann J, Kluge S
Intensivmed up2date. 2017;13(3):259-267.
Comparison of PulsioFlex® uncalibrated pulse contour method and a modified Fick principle with transpulmonary thermodilution measurements in critically ill patients
Grensemann J, Defosse J, Wieland C, Wild U, Wappler F, Sakka S
ANAESTH INTENS CARE. 2016;44(4):484-90.
Sauerstofftherapie: Ein zweischneidiges Schwert!
Grensemann J, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S
Intensiv News. 2016;20(5):1-5.
Sauerstofftherapie beim akuten Myokardinfarkt
Grensemann J, Fuhrmann V, Sydow K, Kluge S
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2016;112(1):50-52.
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