- Facharzt für Innere Medizin
- Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie
Komplikationen der Leberzirrhose
Akut-auf-chronisches Leberversagen
Allgemeine Hepatologie und Gastroenterologie
Identification of optimal portal pressure decrease to control ascites while minimizing HE after TIPS: A multicenter study
Kabelitz M, Hartl L, Schaub G, Tiede A, Rieland H, Kornfehl A, Hübener P, Jachs M, Hinrichs J, Schütte S, Riedel C, Mauz J, Tergast T, Meyer B, Bannas P, Kappel J, Wedemeyer H, Kluwe J, Piecha F, Reiberger T, Sandmann L, Maasoumy B
HEPATOLOGY. 2025 [Epub ahead of print].
Intestinal epithelia and myeloid immune cells shape colitis severity and colorectal carcinogenesis via High-mobility group box protein 1
Foelsch K, Pelczar P, Zierz E, Kondratowicz S, Qi M, Müller C, Alawi M, Huebener S, Clauditz T, Gagliani N, Huber S, Huebener P
J CROHNS COLITIS. 2024;18(7):1122-1133.
Visceral Medicine:The View of GI
Huebener P, Amin T, Lohse A
VISC MED. 2024;39(6):163-165.
Preoperative TIPS and in-hospital mortality in patients with cirrhosis undergoing surgery
Piecha F, Vonderlin J, Frühhaber F, Graß J, Ozga A, Harberts A, Benten D, Hübener P, Reeh M, Riedel C, Bannas P, Izbicki J, Adam G, Huber S, Lohse A, Kluwe J
JHEP REP. 2024;6(1):100914.
High vaccination coverage and infection rate result in a robust SARS-CoV-2-specific immunity in the majority of liver cirrhosis and transplant patients: A single-center cross-sectional study
von der Schulenburg P, Herting A, Harberts A, Lütgehetmann M, Jahnke-Triankowski J, Pischke S, Piecha F, Drolz A, Jörg V, Hübener P, Wehmeyer M, Addo M, Fischer L, Lohse A, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Sterneck M
UNITED EUR GASTROENT. 2024;12(3):339-351.
Fettleber, Fettleberhepatitis oder doch etwas anderes?
Bockmann J, Hübener P, Lohse A
Hamb Ärztebl. 2023;77(9/23):12-17.
Mini-laparoscopy as a diagnostic tool for abdominal tuberculosis: a retrospective series of 29 cases
Brehm T, Ndzedzeka-Völz N, Wehmeyer M, Christner M, Clauditz T, Hübener P, Addo M, Lohse A, Schmiedel S
SURG ENDOSC. 2023;37(3):1830-1837.
A prospective pilot study of a gluten-free diet for primary sclerosing cholangitis and associated colitis
Liwinski T, Hübener S, Henze L, Hübener P, Heinemann M, Tetzlaff M, Hiller M, Jagemann B, Surabattula R, Leeming D, Karsdal M, Monguzzi E, Schachschal G, Rösch T, Bang C, Franke A, Lohse A, Schuppan D, Schramm C
ALIMENT PHARM THER. 2023;57(2):224-236.
High incidence of periodontitis in patients with ascitic decompensated cirrhosis
Pischke S, Ashouri M, Peters U, Shiprov A, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Sterneck M, Fischer F, Huebener P, Mader M, Fischer L, Fründt T, Aarabi G, Beikler T
WORLD J HEPATOL. 2023;15(12):1325-1332.
Green tea extract-associated acute liver injury: Case report and review
Grajecki D, Ogica A, Boenisch O, Hübener P, Kluge S
Clin Liver Dis (Hoboken). 2022;20(6):181-187.
High risk of complications and acute-on-chronic liver failure in cirrhosis patients with acute pancreatitis
Vogel M, Ehlken H, Kluge S, Roesch T, Lohse A, Huber S, Sterneck M, Hübener P
EUR J INTERN MED. 2022;102:54-62.
Liver transplantation for acute‐on‐chronic liver failure predicts post‐transplant mortality and impaired long‐term quality of life
Goosmann L, Buchholz A, Bangert K, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S, Lohse A, Huber S, Fischer L, Sterneck M, Hübener P
LIVER INT. 2021;41(3):574-584.
Improvement of renal function prior to liver transplantation is not associated with better long-term renal outcome or survival
Horvatits T, Hübener P, Touma M, Horvatits K, Fischer L, Lohse A, Sterneck M
ANN HEPATOL. 2021;26:.
Leukocyte-Derived High-Mobility Group Box 1 Governs Hepatic Immune Responses to Listeria monocytogenes
Volmari A, Foelsch K, Zierz E, Yan K, Qi M, Bartels K, Kondratowicz S, Boettcher M, Reimers D, Nishibori M, Liu K, Schwabe R, Lohse A, Huber S, Mittruecker H, Hübener P
HEPATOL COMMUN. 2021;5(12):2104-2120.
Epithelial HMGB1 Delays Skin Wound Healing and Drives Tumor Initiation by Priming Neutrophils for NET Formation
Hoste E, Maueröder C, van Hove L, Catrysse L, Vikkula H, Sze M, Maes B, Karjosukarso D, Martens L, Gonçalves A, Parthoens E, Roelandt R, Declercq W, Fuentes I, Palisson F, Gonzalez S, Salas-Alanis J, Boon L, Huebener P, Mulder K, Ravichandran K, Saeys Y, Schwabe R, van Loo G
CELL REP. 2019;29(9):2689-2701.e4.
HMGB1 links chronic liver injury to progenitor responses and hepatocarcinogenesis.
Hernandez C, Huebener P, Pradere J, Antoine D, Friedman R, Schwabe R
J CLIN INVEST. 2018;128(6):2436-2451.
Das akut-auf-chronische Leberversagen als diagnostische und therapeutische Herausforderung der Intensivmedizin
Hübener P, Braun G, Fuhrmann V
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2018;113(8):649-657.
Stabilisation of acute-on-chronic liver failure patients before liver transplantation predicts post-transplant survival
Hübener P, Sterneck M, Bangert K, Drolz A, Lohse A, Kluge S, Fischer L, Fuhrmann V
ALIMENT PHARM THER. 2018;47(11):1502-1510.
Editorial: transplantation in the setting of acute-on-chronic liver failure-calculating chances. Authors' reply
Huebener P, Sterneck M, Fuhrmann V
ALIMENT PHARM THER. 2018;48(1):100-101.
A Protective Function of IL-22BP in Ischemia Reperfusion and Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Injury
Kleinschmidt D, Giannou A, McGee H, Kempski J, Steglich B, Huber F, Ernst T, Shiri A, Wegscheid C, Tasika E, Hübener P, Huber P, Bedke T, Steffens N, Agalioti T, Fuchs T, Noll J, Lotter H, Tiegs G, Lohse A, Axelrod J, Galun E, Flavell R, Gagliani N, Huber S
J IMMUNOL. 2017;199(12):4078-4090.
Validation of Transient Elastography and Comparison with Spleen Length Measurement for Staging of Fibrosis and Clinical Prognosis in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Ehlken H, Wroblewski R, Corpechot C, Arrivé L, Rieger T, Hartl J, Lezius S, Hübener P, Schulze K, Zenouzi R, Sebode M, Peiseler M, Denzer U, Quaas A, Weiler-Normann C, Lohse A, Chazouilleres O, Schramm C
PLOS ONE. 2016;11(10):e0164224.
Damage-associated molecular patterns in cancer a double-edged sword
Hernandez C, Hübener P, Schwabe R
ONCOGENE. 2016;35(46):5931-5941.
Efficacy of 6-Mercaptopurine as Second-Line Treatment for Patients With Autoimmune Hepatitis and Azathioprine Intolerance
Hübener S, Oo Y, Than N, Hübener P, Weiler-Normann C, Lohse A, Schramm C
CLIN GASTROENTEROL H. 2016;14(3):445-453.
No Evidence That Azathioprine Increases Risk of Cholangiocarcinoma in Patients With Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Zenouzi R, Weismüller T, Jørgensen K, Bubenheim M, Lenzen H, Hübener P, Schulze K, Weiler-Normann C, Sebode M, Ehlken H, Pannicke N, Hartl J, Peiseler M, Hübener S, Karlsen T, Boberg K, Manns M, Lohse A, Schramm C
CLIN GASTROENTEROL H. 2016;14(12):1806-1812.
Comment on: HMGB1-dependent and -independent autophagy
Hübener P, Gwak G, Schwabe R
AUTOPHAGY. 2015;11(7):1187-1188.
HMGB1 and injury amplification
Hübener P, Hernandez C, Schwabe R
ONCOTARGET. 2015;6(27):23048-9.
The HMGB1/RAGE axis triggers neutrophil-mediated injury amplification following necrosis
Hübener P, Pradere J, Hernandez C, Gwak G, Caviglia J, Mu X, Loike J, Jenkins R, Antoine D, Schwabe R
J CLIN INVEST. 2015;125(2):539-50.
Prenatal acetaminophen induces liver toxicity in dams, reduces fetal liver stem cells, and increases airway inflammation in adult offspring
Karimi K, Keßler T, Thiele K, Ramisch K, Erhardt A, Hübener P, Barikbin R, Arck P, Tiegs G
J HEPATOL. 2015;62(5):1085-91.
Criteria Used in Clinical Practice to Guide Immunosuppressive Treatment in Patients with PrimarCortico-Cerebellar Structural Connectivity Is Related to Residual Motor Output in Chronic Strokey Sclerosing Cholangitis
Schulze K, Weismüller T, Bubenheim M, Hübener P, Zenouzi R, Lenzen H, Rupp C, Gotthardt D, de Leuw P, Teufel A, Zimmer V, Reiter F, Rust C, Tharun L, Quaas A, Weidemann S, Lammert F, Sarrazin C, Manns M, Lohse A, Schramm C
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(10):Art. e0140525.
Cardioprotective effects of osteopontin-1 during development of murine ischemic cardiomyopathy
Duerr G, Mesenholl B, Heinemann J, Zoerlein M, Hübener P, Schneider P, Feisst A, Ghanem A, Tiemann K, Dewald D, Welz A, Dewald O
BIOMED RES INT . 2014;2014:124063.
High-mobility group box 1 is dispensable for autophagy, mitochondrial quality control, and organ function in vivo
Hübener P, Gwak G, Pradere J, Quinzii C, Friedman R, Lin C, Trent C, Mederacke I, Zhao E, Dapito D, Lin Y, Goldberg I, Czaja M, Schwabe R
CELL METAB. 2014;19(3):539-47.
Low Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis With Cirrhosis
Zenouzi R, Weismüller T, Hübener P, Schulze K, Bubenheim M, Pannicke N, Weiler-Normann C, Lenzen H, Manns M, Lohse A, Schramm C
Regulation of wound healing and organ fibrosis by toll-like receptors
Hübener P, Schwabe R
BBA-MOL BASIS DIS. 2013;1832(7):1005-17.
Fate tracing reveals hepatic stellate cells as dominant contributors to liver fibrosis independent of its aetiology
Mederacke I, Hsu C, Troeger J, Hübener P, Mu X, Dapito D, Pradere J, Schwabe R
NAT COMMUN. 2013;4:2823.
CD44 is critically involved in infarct healing by regulating the inflammatory and fibrotic response
Hübener P, Abou-Khamis T, Zymek P, Bujak M, Ying X, Chatila K, Haudek S, Thakker G, Frangogiannis N
J IMMUNOL. 2008;180(4):2625-33.
The role of the thrombospondins in healing myocardial infarcts
Chatila K, Ren G, Xia Y, Hübener P, Bujak M, Frangogiannis N
Cardiovascular & hematological agents in medicinal chemistry. 2007;5(1):21-7.
Interleukin-10 is not a critical regulator of infarct healing and left ventricular remodeling
Zymek P, Nah D, Bujak M, Ren G, Koerting A, Leucker T, Hübener P, Taffet G, Entman M, Frangogiannis N
CARDIOVASC RES. 2007;74(2):313-22.
Bone marrow-derived fibroblast precursors mediate ischemic cardiomyopathy in mice
Haudek S, Xia Y, Hübener P, Lee J, Carlson S, Crawford J, Pilling D, Gomer R, Trial J, Frangogiannis N, Entman M
P NATL ACAD SCI USA. 2006;103(48):18284-9.
Matricellular proteins in myocardial infarction
Hübener P, Frangogiannis N
CURR CARDIOL REV. 2006;2(3):163-171 (9).
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