Current EU Funding Opportunities
Here you can find the EU calls that are most relevant for UKE.
For further information and advice, contact us
ERC (European Research Council) - Excellence Grants
ERC - Excellence Grants
The European Research Council (ERC) supports excellent researchers at different stages in their careers for groundbreaking and visionary research.
Starting Grants provide support for promising early career scientists from 2-7 years after PhD defence or 4-9 years after MD*.
Consolidator Grants provide support for excellent researchers from 7-12 years after PhD defence or 9-14 years after MD*.
Advanced Grants are aimed at leading and established researchers who have achieved excellent scientific results in the last 10 years.
Synergy Grants provide support to a group of 2 to 4 excellent researchers regardless of their career stage. The ambitious research project can only be implemented through the specific expertise of the group.
*Reference date to calculate the eligibility window is the 1 January of the year of the call. Exceptions regarding the funding eligibility window can be made under certain conditions.
The following apply to all ERC Research Grants:
- Pioneering research is funded
- There are no prescribed priorities or topics for project ideas: bottom up
- The only selection criteria is scientific excellence
Open and forthcoming:
Call 2025 Call opens Deadline ERC Advanced Grant 22 May 2025 28 August 2025 For further information, follow the links and/or contact us
ERC (European Research Council) - Proof of Concept Grants
ERC - Proof of Concept Grants
ERC Proof of Concept Grants allow for verification of innovative potential of ERC project results.
ERC Proof of Concept Grants 2025
The ERC has already announced the expected call dates for the 2025 Call.
The Call opens on 13 November 2024, the deadlines are 13 March 2025 | 18 September 2025.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) -Support for researcher mobility
Support for researcher mobility (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks, Postdoctoral Fellowships, Staff Exchanges)
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme provides funding to support international, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral mobility in research.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Postdoctoral Fellowships provide funding for postdoctoral career development through international, cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility.
You can apply for a postdoctoral fellowship:
- As a scientific supervisor together with a postdoctoral fellow from abroad for a project in your working group at the UKE, or ·
- If you have recently begun a postdoctoral position at the UKE after having worked or lived abroad for a long time, or
- If you are planning a stay abroad
Depending on the destination country, there are two types of postdoctoral fellowship:
- European Postdoctoral Fellowships for a 12 to 24-month research stay in an EU member state or associated country.
- Global Postdoctoral Fellowships for a 12 to 24-month research stay outside of Europe, after which you are obliged to complete a 12-month return phase in a research institution in an EU member state or associated country.
Main points of the call:
- The target group is researchers who hold a PhD and have a maximum of 8 years‘ research experience since completion (extensions can be made under certain conditions).
- The mobility rule applies: Applicants cannot have lived or worked in the country of the host institution for longer than twelve months within the last three years before the deadline for submission.
- The applicant is free to choose the research topic of the proposal.
- The EU funding includes unit costs for the salary of the researchers and for research, training and networking costs in addition to management and indirect costs.
For further information click here and/or contact us .
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks
The Doctoral Networks provide funding to develop an international, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral graduate training programme.
You can apply for three different types:
- Standard Doctoral Networks (DN)
- Industrial Doctorates (ID)
- Joint Doctorates (JD)
Main points of the call:
- To be eligible, a consortium needs to have at least three institutions, at least one of which is from an EU member state and two others from different member states or associated countries. For Industrial Doctorates and Joint Doctorates there are further specific requirements.
- The applicants are free to choose the research topic of the proposal.
- The duration for the Doctoral Networks and the Industrial Doctorates can be a maximum of four years and for Joint Doctorates five.
- The EU-funding includes fixed rates for the salary of the PhD students and for training, research, networking and management and indirect costs.
The next deadline is on 25 November 2025.
Horizon Europe Cluster 1 – Health
Cluster 1 – Health: Information
Regarding further opportunities for collaborative research projects within Pillar II in the Horizon Europe Programme, the second Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025 to 2027 was published in March 2024 and provides the basis for the Work Programme 2025.
This Work Programme will contain the content for the topics for Research and Innovation actions from 2025 and is expected to be published in April 2025.
If you would like to receive more information, please contact us .
For further information, contact us . -
Mission Cancer
Mission Cancer
One novelty of Horizon Europe is it ambitious missions with the aim of finding solutions to greater challenges.
EU Mission: Cancer addresses the topic of cancer and it objectives are understanding, prevention and early detection, diagnosis and treatment, and quality of life of cancer patients and their families.
We will keep you posted on upcoming calls.
For further information, follow the links and/or contact us .
IHI (Innovative Health Initiative)
Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) JU Calls
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a private-public partnership that offers funding for health research and innovation. Projects include both academic and industry partners and should address public health needs, improve the lives of patients and boost the competitiveness of Europe’s health industries.
IHI Call 9 | Deadline 29 April 2025
IHI Call 9 is scheduled to launch in January 2025 as a one-stage procedure. Unlike previous calls, it does not provide predefined topics, but it will pilot proposals which are to be driven by applicants.
The finalised information on the applicant-driven call topics is now available for IHI Call 9 .
The project must address one of the five specific objectives set out in the IHI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA ). For more information on the call or the brokerage tool to find partners, visit: Info session recording and/ or Find partners . You are also welcome to contact us .
IHI Call 10 | Deadline first stage 23 April 2025
IHI Call 10 there are currently three finalised topics for standard two-stage proposals:
- Digital label: one source of comprehensive information for medical technology products
- Enabling and safeguarding innovation in secondary use of health data in the European Health Data Space (EHDS)
- Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) exposure, emissions and end of life management in the healthcare sector
For further information, contact us .
EU4Health Programme
EU4Health Programme
The EU4Health Programme complements measures taken by the member states to make health systems stronger, more resilient and more accessible.
There are currently six open topics.
Open- Deadline 22 January 2025
- Supporting a comprehensive, prevention-oriented approach to mental health in the Union
- Health promotion and prevention of non-communicable and communicable diseases, including vaccine-preventable and other cancers caused by infections, and on smoke- and aerosol-free environments
- Radiation safety and quality of computed tomography imaging of children and young adults
- Personalised cancer medicine
- Supporting the establishment of new networks of expertise on cancer and cancer conditions
- Advancing the adoption of artificial intelligence in health
For further information, the European Health and Digital Executive Agency has published a tentative calendar for further upcoming grant calls in 2024 and 2025 . Topics include vaccine development, respiratory protection, medicines production, cancer screening programmes and health literacy. More detailed information on the topics is available in the Work Programme 2024 .For further information contact us .
ERA4HEALTH: Partnership Fostering a European Research Area for Health
ERA4HEALTH: Partnership Fostering a European Research Area for Health
The Partnership “Fostering a European Research Area for Health” (ERA4Health) aims at establishing a flexible and effective coordination between funding organisations in the European Research Area (ERA) in priority areas addressing European Public Health Needs.
Open call:
EffecTrial: Fostering Pragmatic Comparative-Effectiveness Trials in Non-communicable Diseases
- Pragmatic comparative-effectiveness multi-country Investigator-Initiated Clinical Studies (IICS)
- Transnational collaboration between clinical/public health research teams
- Proposals need to address one of the following diseases/conditions: cardiovascular diseases; metabolic disorders; nutrition and lifestyle-related diseases; and non-communicable respiratory diseases
- For more information on the call and the topics, visit the call page
The deadline for the first stage of the proposal is planned for 28 January 2025.
For further information, follow the above links and/or contact us .
EIC (European Innovation Council)
European Innovation Council (EIC)
The EIC supports breakthrough innovations throughout the lifecycle from early stage research, to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of start-ups and small and medium sized enterprises.
The EIC Work Programme 2025 is now published and the EIC held an Online Info Day, the recording and slides of which are now available.
EIC Pathfinder Open; Deadline foreseen: 21 May 2025
The EIC Pathfinder Open has no predefined topics and funds consortia to perform breakthrough research from any field of science or technology. EIC Pathfinder Open supports early stage development of such future technologies (e.g., various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 1 to 4).
Main points:
- Consortia can apply: at least three independent legal entities from three different Member States or Associated Countries
- The recommended budget per proposal is up to EUR 3 million (larger if justified)
- Bottom up approach
- Application procedure is one stage
EIC Pathfinder Challenges; Deadline foreseen: 29 October 2025
The EIC Pathfinder Challenges funds cutting edge projects that address one of the four challenges in predefined areas of emerging and strategic technologies.
The four challenges 2025 are:
- Generative-AI based Agents to Revolutionize Medical Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer;
- Biotech for Climate Resilient Crops and Plant-Based Biomanufacturing;
- Towards autonomous robot collectives delivering collaborative tasks in dynamic unstructured construction environments;
- Waste-to-value devices: Circular production of renewable fuels, chemicals and materials.
Main points:
- Single applicants or consortia
- The recommended budget per proposal is up to EUR 4 million (larger if justified)
- The application procedure is one-stage
EIC Transition programme; Deadline foreseen: 17 September 2025
The EIC Transition programme funds innovation activities that go beyond experimental proof of principle. Both maturation and validation of novel technologies from laboratory to application in the relevant environment, and the development of a business case and business model towards the innovation’s future commercialisation are supported.
Main points:
- Proposals must build on the results of EU-funded projects (e.g. EIC Pathfinder, ERC Proof of concept Grants, Horizon 2020 Societal challenges and Leadership in Industrial Technologies, Horizon Europe pillar II) at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 or 4
- Single applicants or multi-beneficiary small consortia (maximum 5 partners) can apply
- Open call without any predefined thematic priorities
- The recommended budget range per proposal is EUR 0.5 to 2.5 million (larger if justified)
- Project duration of 1 to 3 years
- The application procedure is one-stage, the evaluation process two-stage: evaluation by EIC expert evaluators and, if successful, an interview with the EIC jury members.
For further information, follow the links and/or contact us .
Other clusters and programme parts with health aspects
Other clusters and programme parts with health aspects
In addition to the topics under Cluster Health, there are topics among the other clusters and programme parts of Horizon Europe that relate to health and that are thence relevant to the UKE.
We will keep you updated.
Digital Europe Programme: Health-related topics
Digital Europe Programme: health-related topics
The Digital Europe Programme aims to advance the digital transformation of Europe and to increase access to digital technologies for businesses, citizens and public administrations.
Within the programme there are a number of health related topics and we will keep you posted on upcoming and open calls. For further information, visit the Work Programme 2023-2024.
For further information, follow the above link or contact us.
European Rare Disease Alliance (ERDERA)
European Rare Disease Alliance (ERDERA)
The European Rare Disease Research Alliance (ERDERA) kicked off in September 2024 and integrates over 170 organisations. The aim is to advance research in rare disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment and to build on the results of other EU-funded projects such as the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases . The first transnational call has now been published, please find details below.
Main points:
- A consortia must be made up of 4 to 6 partners (eight in certain cases)
- Patient advocacy should be included
- Two stage proposal
- Projects will focus on a group of rare diseases or a single rare disease
- Projects must cover one of five areas
- Please also note the list of excluded approaches and topics
The deadline for the preproposal is on 13 February 2025.
For further information, contact us .
COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology
COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology
COST actions support networks for innovative research activities in Europe.
The main points of the call:
- Funding for network activities regarding research topics that you are free to choose
- To be eligible, a consortium needs to be comprised of at least seven COST members or cooperating members, at least 50% of which need to be from Inclusiveness Target Countries. Participants from non-EU countries are eligible
- The duration of a COST-Action is 4 years
- One-stage application
- The next application collection date is expected in Autumn 2025.
For further information, follow the links and/or contact us .
EP PerMed: European Partnership on personalized medicine
EP PerMed Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2025
The European Partnership on personalised medicine is a platform to support research, innovation and implementation and to foster strategic alignment and dialogue.
The joint transnational call, EP PerMed JTC2025 has now been launched.
The call entitled, “ Pharmacogenomic Strategies for Personalised Medicine (PGxPM2025)
Main points
- The aim is to support multinational, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research teams
- Two-stage proposal open to partners from the eligible countries and each partner will be funded at national/regional level
- Proposals should address one or more of the three aspects outlined in the “Overall Objectives”
- Participatory research is expected to be established and projects in all disease areas are welcome.
Recordings are available from an information event on the call.
The deadline foreseen for the preproposal is 18 February 2025. For further information, contact us .
Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND)
Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND)
The Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) is the largest global research initiative aimed at tackling the challenge of neurodegenerative diseases.
The 2025 call has now been launched:
Main points
- Innovative, multidisciplinary and multinational projects
- Consortia made up of at least three and a maximum of six (or seven, in certain cases) partners from eligible countries
- External collaborators can participate if they secure their own funding
The preproposal deadline is 4 March 2025. For further information, contact us .
Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking
Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking
The Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking was created in 2021 and Established in 2021, Global Health EDCTP3 is a partnership between the European Commission, representing the European Union, and the EDCTP Association, representing the governments of 15 European and 30 sub-Saharan African countries.
The EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking Work Programme 2025 has been published and it contains four calls with a total of seven two-stage proposals, expected to open at the end of January with the first-stage deadlines expected in March 2025.
Research and Innovation actions
- Vaccines for reducing the disease burden of tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa
- Malaria therapeutics and clinical development of new antimalarial candidates
- Accelerating the development of prophylactic vaccines against neglected tropical diseases.
Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)
- Strategic training hubs for fellowships in public health
- Strengthening the regional networks of excellence and epidemic preparedness consortia.
Research and Innovation (RIA) actions addressing the growing climate and health challenges
- Tackling diarrhoeal diseases in the context of climate and health transformative innovations
- Transformative innovations in global health.
For further information, contact us .
ERA-NET Neuron
ERA-NET Neuron
ERA NET Neuron is made up of 35 research funding organizations and ministries from 28 countries as a network to support basic, clinical and translational research in the diverse field of research into the brain and its diseases. ERA-NET NEURON has launched its 2025 joint transnational call entitled “ interdisciplinary approaches to the neuroscience of pain ”
Main points
- The proposal consists of two stages
- Multinational research projects that use preclinical and clinical approaches
- Consortium of a minimum of three partners and a maximum of five partners (or six in certain cases) from at least three eligible countries
- Patient engagement and early research career support is highly encouraged
- The proposal should include one of the following two areas:
1) Fundamental research on neuroscientific aspects of the pathogenesis, aetiology, prevention, progression, and treatment of chronic pain. This may include the development of innovative or shared resources and technologies considered of relevance in the context of this call;
2) Clinical research to develop new strategies for prevention, diagnosis, patient stratification, therapy, and rehabilitation procedures for chronic pain syndromes.
The deadline for the first of two stages is on 6 March 2025. For further information, contact us .