The KINDLR is a generic instrument for assessing Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 years. The original version of the questionnaire, the KINDL, was developed by Prof. Monika Bullinger in 1994. Prof. Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer and Prof. Monika Bullinger revised the KINDL by developing the KINDLR in 1998.
The KINDLR has been translated into various languages by now and it has been used in numerous German and international studies. Norm values are given based on representative data from the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS). The KiGGS study is a broad survey realized by the German Robert-Koch-Institute.
The KINDLR provides 24 items and thus is a short psychometrically sound and flexible measure of HRQoL in children and adolescents. Different versions of the instrument suitable for different age groups and developmental stages exist (versions for 3- to 6-, 7- to 13-, and 14- to 17- year olds). Furthermore, each version of the questionnaire can be completed by children or adolescents as well as by their parents. Additionally each age-version of the KINDLR exists in a self-report as well as in a proxy version.
As a generic questionnaire the KINDLR can be used to assess HRQoL in healthy as well as in ill children and adolescents. However, in order to additionally enable the assessment of HRQoL due to chronic diseases, several modules were developed to be used in addition to the core instrument. One module focuses on the HRQoL of chronically ill children or children who are actually in hospital. Other modules aim to assess disease-/condition-specific HRQoL (for asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, neurodermatitis, obesity and spina bifida). Information about application, analyzing, and interpretation of the KINDLR can be found on the KINDL-website . The KINDL-questionnaires in all current translations as children and parent version (if existing) are available as download for co-operation partners. Additionally, syntaxes for evaluation can be find there.
Contact: Office of Quality of Life Measures ( )
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