- Facharzt für Neurologie
Web-Admin der Neurologie und Psychosomatik
Förderpreis für Schmerzforschung (2. Platz) 2018
Functional Lesion Network Mapping of Sensory Deficits After Ischemic Stroke
Schlemm E, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Kessner S
STROKE. 2023;54(11):2918-2922.
Clinical Judgment vs Triage Scales for Detecting Large Vessel Occlusions in Suspected Acute Stroke
Schlemm E, Piepke M, Kessner S, Meyer L, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
JAMA NETW OPEN. 2023;6(9):e2332894.
Atraumatic spinal needle indicates correct CSF opening pressure
Woo M, Kessner S, Schlemm E, Gerloff C
SCI REP-UK. 2023;12(1):21089.
Association of Carotid Plaque and Flow Velocity With White Matter Integrity in a Middle-aged to Elderly Population
Rimmele D, Petersen E, Schlemm E, Kessner S, Petersen M, Mayer C, Cheng B, Zeller T, Waldeyer C, Behrendt C, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
NEUROLOGY. 2022;99(24):e2699-e2707.
Recurrent amnesia caused by early seizures after hippocampal infarction: A case report
Schlemm E, Magnus T, Rimmele L, Münsterberg J, Bester M, Kessner S, Gelderblom M, Gerloff C
BMC NEUROL. 2022;22(1):.
Grey and white matter network disruption is associated with sensory deficits after stroke
Kessner S, Schlemm E, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Cheng B
NEUROIMAGE-CLIN. 2021;31:102698.
Meta-analysis of neural systems underlying placebo analgesia from individual participant fMRI data
Zunhammer M, Spisák T, Wager T, Bingel U
NAT COMMUN. 2021;12(1):.
Normalization of reduced functional connectivity after revascularization of asymptomatic carotid stenosis
Quandt F, Fischer F, Schröder J, Heinze M, Kessner S, Malherbe C, Schulz R, Cheng B, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2020;40(9):1838-1848.
Higher white matter hyperintensity lesion load is associated with reduced long-range functional connectivity
Quandt F, Fischer F, Schröder J, Heinze M, Lettow I, Frey B, Kessner S, Schulz M, Higgen F, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
BRAIN COMMUN. 2020;2(2):fcaa111.
Premotor dorsal white matter integrity for the prediction of upper limb motor impairment after stroke
Boccuni L, Meyer S, D'cruz N, Kessner S, Marinelli L, Trompetto C, Peeters A, Van Pesch V, Duprez T, Sunaert S, Feys H, Thijs V, Nieuwboer A, Verheyden G
SCI REP-UK. 2019;9(1):.
Somatosensory Deficits After Ischemic Stroke: Time Course and Association With Infarct Location
Kessner S, Schlemm E, Cheng B, Bingel U, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
STROKE. 2019;50(5):1116-1123.
Cortical thickness and cognitive performance in asymptomatic unilateral carotid artery stenosis
Nickel A, Kessner S, Niebuhr A, Schröder J, Malherbe C, Fischer F, Heinze M, Cheng B, Fiehler J, Pinnschmidt H, Larena-Avellaneda A, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
BMC CARDIOVASC DISOR. 2019;19(1):154.
Dynamics of brain perfusion and cognitive performance in revascularization of carotid artery stenosis
Schröder J, Heinze M, Günther M, Cheng B, Nickel A, Schröder T, Fischer F, Kessner S, Magnus T, Fiehler J, Larena-Avellaneda A, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
NEUROIMAGE-CLIN. 2019;22:101779.
Structural connectivity changes within the basal ganglia after 8 weeks of sensory-motor training in individuals with chronic stroke
Zastron T, Kessner S, Hollander K, Thomalla G, Welman K
ANN PHYS REHABIL MED. 2019;62(3):193-197.
Is There Full or Proportional Somatosensory Recovery in the Upper Limb After Stroke: Investigating Behavioral Outcome and Neural Correlates
Boccuni L, Meyer S, Kessner S, De Bruyn N, Essers B, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Peeters A, Sunaert S, Duprez T, Marinelli L, Trompetto C, Thijs V, Verheyden G
NEUROREHAB NEURAL RE. 2018;32(8):691-700.
Functional network connectivity is altered in patients with upper limb somatosensory impairments in the acute phase post stroke: A cross-sectional study
De Bruyn N, Meyer S, Kessner S, Essers B, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Peeters A, Sunaert S, Duprez T, Thijs V, Feys H, Alaerts K, Verheyden G
PLOS ONE. 2018;13(10):e0205693.
Placebo Effects on the Neurologic Pain Signature: A Meta-analysis of Individual Participant Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
Zunhammer M, Bingel U, Wager T
JAMA NEUROL. 2018;75(11):1321-1330.
The effects of treatment failure generalize across different routes of drug administration
Zunhammer M, Ploner M, Engelbrecht C, Bock J, Kessner S, Bingel U
SCI TRANSL MED. 2017;9(393):.
Somatosensory deficits after stroke: a scoping review
Kessner S, Bingel U, Thomalla G
TOP STROKE REHABIL. 2016;23(2):136-146.
Medikamente ohne Wirkstoff - Wie wirken Placebos und Nocebos?
Keßner S, Schedlowski M, Bingel U
Hochdruckliga Druckpunkt. 2016;23(1):12-16.
Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping of stroke lesions underlying somatosensory deficits
Meyer S, Kessner S, Cheng B, Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Hummel F, De Bruyn N, Peeters A, Van Pesch V, Duprez T, Sunaert S, Schrooten M, Feys H, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Thijs V, Verheyden G
NEUROIMAGE-CLIN. 2016;10:257-66.
Minimizing Carry-Over Effects After Treatment Failure and Maximizing Therapeutic Outcome. Can Changing the Route of Administration Mitigate the Influence of Treatment History?
Hofmann M, Wrobel N, Keßner S, Bingel U
Z PSYCHOL. 2014;222(3):171-178.
The Effect of Treatment History on Therapeutic Outcome: Psychological and Neurobiological Underpinnings
Kessner S, Forkmann K, Ritter C, Wiech K, Ploner M, Bingel U
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(10):e109014.
Effect of oxytocin on placebo analgesia: a randomized study
Kessner S, Sprenger C, Wrobel N, Wiech K, Bingel U
JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC. 2013;310(16):1733-5.
The effect of treatment history on therapeutic outcome: an experimental approach
Kessner S, Wiech K, Forkmann K, Ploner M, Bingel U
JAMA INTERN MED. 2013;173(15):1468-9.
Experience with analgesic agents shapes the efficacy of unrelated subsequent analgesic treatment
Kessner S, Forkmann K, Ritter C, Wiech K, Bingel U
European Journal of Pain Supplements. 2011;5(1):117-117.
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