- Geschäftsführender Oberarzt
- Facharzt für Anästhesiologie
- Zusatzweiterbildung Spezielle Anästhesiologische Intensivmedizin
Spezielle Anästhesiologische Intensivmedizin
klinische Sepsisforschung
Septic shock due to Capnocytophaga canimorsus treated with IgM-enriched immunoglobulin as adjuvant therapy in an immunocompetent woman
Braunsteiner J, Siedler S, Jarczak D, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
Journal of Intensive Medicine. 2024;4(2):265-268.
Septic Hyperinflammation-Is There a Role for Extracorporeal Blood Purification Techniques?
Jarczak D, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
INT J MOL SCI. 2024;25(6):.
Serum cytokine dysregulation signatures associated with COVID-19 outcomes in high mortality intensive care unit cohorts across pandemic waves and variants
Maaß H, Ynga-Durand M, Milošević M, Krstanović F, Matešić M, Žuža I, Jonjić S, Brizić I, Šustić A, Bloos F, Protić A, Čičin-Šain L
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):13605.
Vorsicht Abstract-Leser: Ist das 1-Stunden-Sepsis-Bündel wirklich ohne Wirkung?
Nierhaus A, Ko L, Kluge S
Intensiv News. 2024;28(6):7-9.
Rapid determination of sphingosine 1-phosphate association with carrier molecules by flow-induced dispersion analysis to predict sepsis outcome
Seidita I, Ziegler A, Qalaj A, Winkler M, Nierhaus A, Kluge S, Levkau B, Gräler M
ISCIENCE. 2024;27(11):111168.
Kortikosteroide in der Intensivmedizin
Sensen B, Nierhaus A, Kluge S
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2024;149(12):714-718.
Long-term (180-Day) Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 in the REMAP-CAP Randomized Clinical Trial
Higgins A, Berry L, Lorenzi E, Murthy S, McQuilten Z, Mouncey P, Al-Beidh F, Annane D, Arabi Y, Beane A, van Bentum-Puijk W, Bhimani Z, Bonten M, Bradbury C, Brunkhorst F, Burrell A, Buzgau A, Buxton M, Charles W, Cove M, Detry M, Estcourt L, Fagbodun E, Fitzgerald M, Girard T, Goligher E, Goossens H, Haniffa R, Hills T, Horvat C, Huang D, Ichihara N, Lamontagne F, Marshall J, McAuley D, McGlothlin A, McGuinness S, McVerry B, Neal M, Nichol A, Parke R, Parker J, Parry-Billings K, Peters S, Reyes L, Rowan K, Saito H, Santos M, Saunders C, Serpa-Neto A, Seymour C, Shankar-Hari M, Stronach L, Turgeon A, Turner A, van de Veerdonk F, Zarychanski R, Green C, Lewis R, Angus D, McArthur C, Berry S, Derde L, Gordon A, Webb S, Lawler P
JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC. 2023;329(1):39-51.
Effect of Hemadsorption Therapy in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 (CYTOCOV-19): A Prospective Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial
Jarczak D, Roedl K, Fischer M, Heer G, Burdelski C, Frings D, Sensen B, Boenisch O, Tariparast A, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
BLOOD PURIFICAT. 2023;52(2):183-192.
Adjunctive Hemoadsorption Therapy with CytoSorb in Patients with Septic/Vasoplegic Shock: A Best Practice Consensus Statement
Mitzner S, Kogelmann K, Ince C, Molnár Z, Ferrer R, Nierhaus A
J CLIN MED. 2023;12(23):.
CYP19A1 mediates severe SARS-CoV-2 disease outcome in males
Stanelle-Bertram S, Beck S, Mounogou N, Schaumburg B, Stoll F, Al Jawazneh A, Schmal Z, Bai T, Zickler M, Beythien G, Becker K, de la Roi M, Heinrich F, Schulz C, Sauter M, Krasemann S, Lange P, Heinemann A, van Riel D, Leijten L, Bauer L, van den Bosch T, Lopuhaä B, Busche T, Wibberg D, Schaudien D, Goldmann T, Lüttjohann A, Ruschinski J, Jania H, Müller Z, Pinho Dos Reis V, Krupp-Buzimkic V, Wolff M, Fallerini C, Baldassarri M, Furini S, Norwood K, Käufer C, Schützenmeister N, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Schroeder M, Jarczak D, Nierhaus A, Welte T, Kluge S, McHardy A, Sommer F, Kalinowski J, Krauss-Etschmann S, Richter F, von der Thüsen J, Baumgärtner W, Klingel K, Ondruschka B, Renieri A, Gabriel G
CELL REP MED. 2023;4(9):101152.
Outcomes of critically ill coronavirus disease 2019 patients requiring kidney replacement therapy: A retrospective cohort study
Braunsteiner J, Kluge S, Schmidt-Lauber C, Boenisch O, de Heer G, Burdelski C, Frings D, Sensen B, Nierhaus A, Hoxha E, Huber T, Wichmann D, Kluge S, Fischer M, Roedl K
Impaired Degradation of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps: A Possible Severity Factor of Elderly Male COVID-19 Patients
de Buhr N, Parplys A, Schroeder M, Henneck T, Schaumburg B, Stanelle-Bertram S, Jarczak D, Nierhaus A, Hiller J, Peine S, Kluge S, Klingel K, Gabriel G, von Köckritz-Blickwede M
J INNATE IMMUN. 2022;14(5):461-476.
Correction to: Effect of therapeutic drug monitoring-based dose optimization of piperacillin/tazobactam on sepsis-related organ dysfunction in patients with sepsis: a randomized controlled trial
Hagel S, Bach F, Brenner T, Bracht H, Brinkmann A, Annecke T, Hohn A, Weigand M, Michels G, Kluge S, Nierhaus A, Jarczak D, König C, Weismann D, Frey O, Witzke D, Müller C, Bauer M, Kiehntopf M, Neugebauer S, Lehmann T, Roberts J, Pletz M
INTENS CARE MED. 2022;48(5):646-647.
Effect of therapeutic drug monitoring-based dose optimization of piperacillin/tazobactam on sepsis-related organ dysfunction in patients with sepsis: a randomized controlled trial
Hagel S, Bach F, Brenner T, Bracht H, Brinkmann A, Annecke T, Hohn A, Weigand M, Michels G, Kluge S, Nierhaus A, Jarczak D, König C, Weismann D, Frey O, Witzke D, Müller C, Bauer M, Kiehntopf M, Neugebauer S, Lehmann T, Roberts J, Pletz M
INTENS CARE MED. 2022;48(3):311-321.
Hemoadsorption in the critically ill-Final results of the International CytoSorb Registry
Hawchar F, Tomescu D, Träger K, Joskowiak D, Kogelmann K, Soukup J, Friesecke S, Jacob D, Gummert J, Faltlhauser A, Aucella F, van Tellingen M, Malbrain M, Bogdanski R, Weiss G, Herbrich A, Utzolino S, Nierhaus A, Baumann A, Hartjes A, Henzler D, Grigoryev E, Fritz H, Bach F, Schröder S, Weyland A, Gottschaldt U, Menzel M, Zachariae O, Novak R, Berden J, Haake H, Quintel M, Kloesel S, Kortgen A, Stecher S, Torti P, Nestler F, Nitsch M, Olboeter D, Muck P, Findeisen M, Bitzinger D, Kraßler J, Benad M, Schott M, Schumacher U, Molnar Z, Brunkhorst F
PLOS ONE. 2022;17(10):.
Cytokine Storm - Definition, Causes, and Implications
Jarczak D, Nierhaus A
INT J MOL SCI. 2022;23(19):.
Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction Is Not Associated With Pulmonary Edema in Septic Patients. A Prospective Observational Cohort Study
Kahl U, Schirren L, Yu Y, Lezius S, Fischer M, Menke M, Sinning C, Nierhaus A, Vens M, Zöllner C, Kluge S, Goepfert M, Roeher K
Single-dose of adrecizumab versus placebo in acute cardiogenic shock (ACCOST-HH): an investigator-initiated, randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial
Karakas M, Akin I, Burdelski C, Clemmensen P, Grahn H, Jarczak D, Keßler M, Kirchhof P, Landmesser U, Lezius S, Lindner D, Mebazaa A, Nierhaus A, Ocak A, Rottbauer W, Sinning C, Skurk C, Söffker G, Westermann D, Zapf A, Zengin E, Zeller T, Kluge S
LANCET RESP MED. 2022;10(3):247-254.
Sepsis ≠ Sepsis! - Infektionsfokus und Wirtsantwort machen einen Unterschied
Nierhaus A, Kluge S
Intensiv News. 2022;26(4):14-15.
Comparison of the CytoSorb® 300 mL and Jafron HA380 hemoadsorption devices: an in vitro study
Nierhaus A, Morales J, Wendt D, Scheier J, Gutzler D, Jarczak D, Born F, Hagl C, Deliargyris E, Mehta Y
MINIM INVASIV THER. 2022;31(7):1058-1065.
Intravenous IgM-enriched immunoglobulins in critical COVID-19: a multicentre propensity-weighted cohort study
Rahmel T, Kraft F, Haberl H, Achtzehn U, Brandenburger T, Neb H, Jarczak D, Dietrich M, Magunia H, Zimmer F, Basten J, Landgraf C, Koch T, Zacharowski K, Weigand M, Rosenberger P, Ullrich R, Meybohm P, Nierhaus A, Kindgen-Milles D, Timmesfeld N, Adamzik M
CRIT CARE. 2022;26(1):.
Chronic Critical Illness in Patients with COVID-19: Characteristics and Outcome of Prolonged Intensive Care Therapy
Roedl K, Jarczak D, Boenisch O, de Heer G, Burdelski C, Frings D, Sensen B, Nierhaus A, Kluge S, Wichmann D
J CLIN MED. 2022;11(4):.
Replication of SARS-CoV-2 in adipose tissue determines organ and systemic lipid metabolism in hamsters and humans
Zickler M, Stanelle-Bertram S, Ehret S, Heinrich F, Lange P, Schaumburg B, Kouassi N, Beck S, Jaeckstein M, Mann O, Krasemann S, Schroeder M, Jarczak D, Nierhaus A, Kluge S, Peschka M, Schlüter H, Renné T, Pueschel K, Kloetgen A, Scheja L, Ondruschka B, Heeren J, Gabriel G
CELL METAB. 2022;34(1):1-2.
Efficacy and Safety of Vilobelimab (IFX-1), a Novel Monoclonal Anti-C5a Antibody, in Patients With Early Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock - A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Phase IIa Trial (SCIENS Study)
Bauer M, Weyland A, Marx G, Bloos F, Weber S, Weiler N, Kluge S, Diers A, Simon T, Lautenschläger I, Gründling M, Jaschinski U, Simon P, Nierhaus A, Moerer O, Reill L, Jörres A, Guo R, Loeffler M, Reinhart K, Riedemann N
Critical care explorations. 2021;3(11):.
Patient Characteristics and Clinical Course of COVID-19 Patients Treated at a German Tertiary Center during the First and Second Waves in the Year 2020
Brehm T, Heyer A, Roedl K, Jarczak D, Nierhaus A, Nentwich M, van der Meirschen M, Schultze A, Christner M, Fiedler W, Kröger N, Huber T, Klose H, Sterneck M, Jordan S, Kreuels B, Schmiedel S, Addo M, Huber S, Lohse A, Kluge S, Schulze Zur Wiesch J
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(11):.
Comparison of clinical characteristics and disease outcome of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza
Brehm T, van der Meirschen M, Hennigs A, Roedl K, Jarczak D, Wichmann D, Frings D, Nierhaus A, Oqueka T, Fiedler W, Christopeit M, Kraef C, Schultze A, Lütgehetmann M, Addo M, Schmiedel S, Kluge S, Schulze Zur Wiesch J
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.
Dynamics of Vascular Protective and Immune Supportive Sphingosine-1-Phosphate During Cardiac Surgery
Greiwe G, Moritz E, Amschler K, Poppe A, Sarwari H, Nierhaus A, Kluge S, Reichenspurner H, Zoellner C, Schwedhelm E, Daum G, Tampe B, Winkler M
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2021;12:761475.
Sepsis-Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Concepts
Jarczak D, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
FRONT MED-LAUSANNE. 2021;8:628302.
Cerebrovascular autoregulation and arterial carbon dioxide in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective observational cohort study
Kahl U, Yu Y, Nierhaus A, Frings D, Sensen B, Daubmann A, Kluge S, Fischer M
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2021;11(1):47.
Hepatic vasculopathy and regenerative responses of the liver in fatal cases of COVID-19
Kaltschmidt B, Fitzek A, Schaedler J, Förster C, Kaltschmidt C, Hansen T, Steinfurth F, Windmöller B, Pilger C, Kong C, Singh K, Nierhaus A, Wichmann D, Sperhake J, Püschel K, Huser T, Krüger M, Robson S, Wilkens L, Schulte Am Esch J
CLIN GASTROENTEROL H. 2021;19(8):1726-1729.e3.
Severe liver dysfunction complicating course of COVID-19 in the critically ill: multifactorial cause or direct viral effect?
Roedl K, Jarczak D, Drolz A, Wichmann D, Boenisch O, de Heer G, Burdelski C, Frings D, Sensen B, Nierhaus A, Lütgehetmann M, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2021;11(1):.
MR-proAdrenomedullin as a predictor of renal replacement therapy in a cohort of critically ill patients with COVID-19
Roedl K, Jarczak D, Fischer M, Haddad M, Boenisch O, de Heer G, Burdelski C, Frings D, Sensen B, Karakas M, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
BIOMARKERS. 2021;26(5):417-424.
Mechanical ventilation and mortality among 223 critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019: A multicentric study in Germany
Roedl K, Jarczak D, Thasler L, Bachmann M, Schulte F, Bein B, Weber C, Schäfer U, Veit C, Hauber H, Kopp S, Sydow K, de Weerth A, Bota M, Schreiber R, Detsch O, Rogmann J, Frings D, Sensen B, Burdelski C, Boenisch O, Nierhaus A, de Heer G, Kluge S
AUST CRIT CARE. 2021;34(2):167-175.
Clinical Characteristics, Complications and Outcomes of Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Related to COVID-19 or Influenza Requiring Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation—A Retrospective Cohort Study
Roedl K, Kahn A, Jarczak D, Fischer M, Boenisch O, Heer G, Burdelski C, Frings D, Sensen B, Nierhaus A, Braune S, Yildirim Y, Bernhardt A, Reichenspurner H, Kluge S, Wichmann D
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(22):.
Characteristics and Risk Factors for Intensive Care Unit Cardiac Arrest in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19—A Retrospective Study
Roedl K, Söffker G, Wichmann D, Boenisch O, de Heer G, Burdelski C, Frings D, Sensen B, Nierhaus A, Westermann D, Kluge S, Jarczak D
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(10):.
Temporal changes in the epidemiology, management, and outcome from acute respiratory distress syndrome in European intensive care units: a comparison of two large cohorts
Sakr Y, François B, Solé-Violan J, Kotfis K, Jaschinski U, Estella A, Leone M, Jakob S, Wittebole X, Fontes L, de Melo Gurgel M, Midega T, Vincent J, Ranieri V
CRIT CARE. 2021;25(1):87.
High estradiol and low testosterone levels are associated with critical illness in male but not in female COVID-19 patients: a retrospective cohort study
Schroeder M, Schaumburg B, Mueller Z, Parplys A, Jarczak D, Roedl K, Nierhaus A, Heer G, Grensemann J, Schneider B, Stoll F, Bai T, Jacobsen H, Zickler M, Stanelle-Bertram S, Klaetschke K, Renné T, Meinhardt A, Aberle J, Hiller J, Peine S, Kreienbrock L, Klingel K, Kluge S, Gabriel G
EMERG MICROBES INFEC. 2021;10(1):1807-1818.
Multi-dimensional and longitudinal systems profiling reveals predictive pattern of severe COVID-19
Woo M, Haag F, Nierhaus A, Jarczak D, Roedl K, Mayer C, Brehm T, van der Meirschen M, Hennigs A, Christopeit M, Fiedler W, Karagiannis P, Burdelski C, Schultze A, Huber S, Addo M, Schmiedel S, Friese M, Kluge S, Schulze Zur Wiesch J
ISCIENCE. 2021;24(7):102752.
Effect of Hydrocortisone on Mortality and Organ Support in Patients With Severe COVID-19: The REMAP-CAP COVID-19 Corticosteroid Domain Randomized Clinical Trial
Angus D, Derde L, Al-Beidh F, Annane D, Arabi Y, Beane A, van Bentum-Puijk W, Berry L, Bhimani Z, Bonten M, Bradbury C, Brunkhorst F, Buxton M, Buzgau A, Cheng A, de Jong M, Detry M, Estcourt L, Fitzgerald M, Goossens H, Green C, Haniffa R, Higgins A, Horvat C, Hullegie S, Kruger P, Lamontagne F, Lawler P, Linstrum K, Litton E, Lorenzi E, Marshall J, McAuley D, McGlothin A, McGuinness S, McVerry B, Montgomery S, Mouncey P, Murthy S, Nichol A, Parke R, Parker J, Rowan K, Sanil A, Santos M, Saunders C, Seymour C, Turner A, van de Veerdonk F, Venkatesh B, Zarychanski R, Berry S, Lewis R, McArthur C, Webb S, Gordon A
JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC. 2020;324(13):1317-1329.
Use of Intravenous Immunoglobulins in Sepsis Therapy - A Clinical View
Jarczak D, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
INT J MOL SCI. 2020;21(15):.
Targeting Endothelial Dysfunction in Eight Extreme-Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 Using the Anti-Adrenomedullin Antibody Adrecizumab (HAM8101)
Karakas M, Jarczak D, Becker M, Roedl K, Addo M, Hein F, Bergmann A, Zimmermann J, Simon T, Marx G, Lütgehetmann M, Nierhaus A, Kluge S
BIOMOLECULES. 2020;10(8):.
Nekrotisierende Ösophagitis bei Stresskardiomyopathie mit Rechtsherzversagen
Müller-Engelmann J, Paparoupa M, Nierhaus A, Wittig A, Möller M, Gradaus R, Schuppert F
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2020;115(3):249-252.
Kontroversen bei COVID-19
Nentwich M, Nierhaus A, Jarczak D, Kluge S
Intensiv News. 2020;24(3):1-5.
Best-practice IgM- and IgA-enriched immunoglobulin use in patients with sepsis
Nierhaus A, Berlot G, Kindgen-Milles D, Müller E, Girardis M
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2020;10(1):132.
Perforation of the ascending colon during implantation of an indwelling peritoneal catheter: a case report
Paparoupa M, Wege H, Creutzfeldt A, Sebode M, Uzunoglu F, Boenisch O, Nierhaus A, Izbicki J, Kluge S
BMC GASTROENTEROL. 2020;20(1):345.
Randomized controlled multicentre study of albumin replacement therapy in septic shock (ARISS): protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Sakr Y, Bauer M, Nierhaus A, Kluge S, Schumacher U, Putensen C, Fichtner F, Petros S, Scheer C, Jaschinski U, Tanev I, Jacob D, Weiler N, Schulze P, Fiedler F, Kapfer B, Brunkhorst F, Lautenschlaeger I, Wartenberg K, Utzolino S, Briegel J, Moerer O, Bischoff P, Zarbock A, Quintel M, Gattinoni L
TRIALS. 2020;21(1):1002.
S1P lyase inhibition protects against sepsis by promoting disease tolerance via the S1P/S1PR3 axis
Weigel C, Hüttner S, Ludwig K, Krieg N, Hofmann S, Schröder N, Robbe L, Kluge S, Nierhaus A, Winkler M, Rubio I, von Maltzahn J, Spiegel S, Gräler M
EBIOMEDICINE. 2020;58:102898.
Autopsy Findings and Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With COVID-19: A Prospective Cohort Study
Wichmann D, Sperhake J, Lütgehetmann M, Steurer S, Edler C, Heinemann A, Heinrich F, Mushumba H, Kniep I, Schröder A, Burdelski C, de Heer G, Nierhaus A, Frings D, Pfefferle S, Becker H, Bredereke-Wiedling H, de Weerth A, Paschen H, Sheikhzadeh-Eggers S, Stang A, Schmiedel S, Bokemeyer C, Addo M, Aepfelbacher M, Püschel K, Kluge S
ANN INTERN MED. 2020;173(4):268-277.
International registry on the use of the CytoSorb® adsorber in ICU patients: Study protocol and preliminary results
Friesecke S, Träger K, Schittek G, Molnar Z, Bach F, Kogelmann K, Bogdanski R, Weyland A, Nierhaus A, Nestler F, Olboeter D, Tomescu D, Jacob D, Haake H, Grigoryev E, Nitsch M, Baumann A, Quintel M, Schott M, Kielstein J, Meier-Hellmann A, Born F, Schumacher U, Singer M, Kellum J, Brunkhorst F
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2019;114(8):699-707.
Advances in Sepsis Treatment
Jarczak D, Nierhaus A
2019. Endotoxin Detection and Control in Pharma, Limulus, and Mammalian Systems. Williams K (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Springer Nature Switzerland, 837-854.
Personalized medicine with IgGAM compared with standard of care for treatment of peritonitis after infectious source control (the PEPPER trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Kalvelage C, Zacharowski K, Bauhofer A, Gockel U, Adamzik M, Nierhaus A, Kujath P, Eckmann C, Pletz M, Bracht H, Simon T, Winkler M, Kindgen-Milles D, Albertsmeier M, Weigand M, Ellger B, Ragaller M, Ullrich R, Marx G
TRIALS. 2019;20(1):156.
In vitro removal of anti-infective agents by a novel cytokine adsorbent system
König C, Röhr A, Frey O, Brinkmann A, Roberts J, Wichmann D, Braune S, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
INT J ARTIF ORGANS. 2019;42(2):57-64.
Invasive Beatmung bei COPD-Exazerbation
Paparoupa M, Nierhaus A
Atemwegs LungenKh. 2019;45(11):525-532.
Loss of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) in septic shock is predominantly caused by decreased levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL)
Winkler M, Märtz K, Nierhaus A, Daum G, Schwedhelm E, Kluge S, Gräler M
J INTENSIVE CARE. 2019;7:23.
Predicting the requirement for renal replacement therapy in intensive care patients with sepsis
CRIT CARE. 2018;22(1):201.
Pharmacokinetics of meropenem in septic patients on sustained low-efficiency dialysis: a population pharamcokinetic study
Braune S, König C, Roberts J, Nierhaus A, Steinmetz O, Baehr M, Kluge S, Langebrake C
CRIT CARE. 2018;22(1):25-34.
The use of mid-regional proadrenomedullin to identify disease severity and Treatment response to sepsis - a secondary analysis of a large randomised controlled trial
Elke G, Bloos F, Wilson D, Brunkhorst F, Briegel J, Reinhart K, Loeffler M, Kluge S, Nierhaus A, Jaschinski U, Moerer O, Weyland A, Meybohm P
CRIT CARE. 2018;22(1):79.
Laktatazidose – Update 2018
Kluge S, de Heer G, Jarczak D, Nierhaus A, Fuhrmann V
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2018;143(15):1082-1085.
Correction to: Incidence of severe sepsis and septic shock in German intensive care units: the prospective, multicentre INSEP study
Marx G
INTENS CARE MED. 2018;44(1):153-156.
Intensivmedizin: Organisatorische Modelle innerhalb der Krankenhausstruktur
Nierhaus A, Heer G, Kluge S
2018. Management in der Intensivmedizin: Führung, Organisation, Planung und Steuerung. Kluge S, G, Janssens U, Zacharowski K (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 213-218.
A rare case of septic shock due to Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B infection despite prior vaccination in a young adult with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria receiving eculizumab
Reher D, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
VACCINE. 2018;36(19):2507-2509.
Symmetrical (SDMA) and asymmetrical dimethylarginine (ADMA) in sepsis: high plasma levels as combined risk markers for sepsis survival
Winkler M, Nierhaus A, Rösler G, Lezius S, Harlandt O, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Kluge S
CRIT CARE. 2018;22(1):216.
Impact of dexamethasone in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
Czorlich P, Sauvigny T, Ricklefs F, Abboud T, Nierhaus A, Vettorazzi E, Reuter D, Regelsberger J, Westphal M, Schmidt N
EUR J NEUROL. 2017;24(4):645-651.
Extracorporeal cytokine elimination as rescue therapy in refractory septic shock: a prospective single-center study
Friesecke S, Stecher S, Gross S, Felix S, Nierhaus A
J ARTIF ORGANS. 2017;20(3):252-259.
Population pharmacokinetics and dosing simulations of ceftazidime in critically ill patients receiving sustained low-efficiency dialysis
König C, Braune S, Roberts J, Nierhaus A, Steinmetz O, Baehr M, Frey O, Langebrake C, Kluge S
J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH. 2017;72(5):1433-1440.
The Effects of Ex Vivo Administration of Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor and Endotoxin on Cytokine Release of Whole Blood Are Determined by Priming Conditions
Nierhaus A, Linssen J, Winkler M, Frings D, Kluge S
BIOMED RES INT . 2017;2017:9834512.
Markers of nitric oxide are associated with sepsis severity: an observational study
Winkler M, Kluge S, Holzmann M, Moritz E, Robbe L, Bauer A, Zahrte C, Priefler M, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Goetz A, Nierhaus A, Zoellner C
CRIT CARE. 2017;21(1):189.
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P): A Potential Biomarker and Therapeutic Target for Endothelial Dysfunction and Sepsis?
Winkler M, Nierhaus A, Poppe A, Greiwe G, Gräler M, Daum G
SHOCK. 2017;47(6):666-672.
Human leucocyte antigen (HLA-DR) gene expression is reduced in sepsis and correlates with impaired TNFα response: A diagnostic tool for immunosuppression?
Winkler M, Rissiek A, Priefler M, Schwedhelm E, Robbe L, Bauer A, Zahrte C, Zoellner C, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(8):e0182427.
Incidence of severe sepsis and septic shock in German intensive care Units: the prospective, multicentre INSEP study
INTENS CARE MED. 2016;42(12):1980-1989.
Effect of Sodium Selenite Administration and Procalcitonin-Guided Therapy on Mortality in Patients With Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Bloos F, Trips E, Nierhaus A, Briegel J, Heyland D, Jaschinski U, Moerer O, Weyland A, Marx G, Gründling M, Kluge S, Kaufmann I, Ott K, Quintel M, Jelschen F, Meybohm P, Rademacher S, Meier-Hellmann A, Utzolino S, Kaisers U, Putensen C, Elke G, Ragaller M, Gerlach H, Ludewig K, Kiehntopf M, Bogatsch H, Engel C, Brunkhorst F, Loeffler M, Reinhart K
JAMA INTERN MED. 2016;176(9):1266-1276.
The feasibility and safety of extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal to avoid intubation in patients with COPD unresponsive to noninvasive ventilation for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure (ECLAIR study): multicentre case-control study
Braune S, Sieweke A, Brettner F, Staudinger T, Joannidis M, Verbrugge S, Frings D, Nierhaus A, Wegscheider K, Kluge S
INTENS CARE MED. 2016;42(9):1437-1444.
Effect of Hydrocortisone on Development of Shock Among Patients With Severe Sepsis: The HYPRESS Randomized Clinical Trial
Keh D, Trips E, Marx G, Wirtz S, Abduljawwad E, Bercker S, Bogatsch H, Briegel J, Engel C, Gerlach H, Goldmann A, Kuhn S, Hüter L, Meier-Hellmann A, Nierhaus A, Kluge S, Lehmke J, Loeffler M, Oppert M, Resener K, Schädler D, Schuerholz T, Simon P, Weiler N, Weyland A, Reinhart K, Brunkhorst F
JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC. 2016;316(17):1775-1785.
Sepsis: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges
Molnár Z, Giamarellos-Bourboulis E, Kumar A, Nierhaus A
BIOMED RES INT . 2016;2016:5786182.
Advanced Hemodynamic Management in Patients with Septic Shock
Saugel B, Huber W, Nierhaus A, Kluge S, Reuter D, Wagner J
BIOMED RES INT . 2016;2016:8268569.
The use of extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal to avoid intubation in patients failing non-invasive ventilation--a cost analysis
Braune S, Burchardi H, Engel M, Nierhaus A, Ebelt H, Metschke M, Rosseau S, Kluge S
BMC ANESTHESIOL. 2015;15:160.
Decreased serum concentrations of sphingosine-1-phosphate in sepsis
Winkler M, Nierhaus A, Holzmann M, Mudersbach E, Bauer A, Robbe L, Zahrte C, Geffken M, Peine S, Schwedhelm E, Daum G, Kluge S, Zoellner C
CRIT CARE. 2015;19(1):372.
Konzept einer Klinik für Intensivmedizin
Nierhaus A, Heer G, Kluge S
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2014;109(7):509-15.
Rescue bedside laparotomy in the intensive care unit in patients too unstable for transport to the operating room
Schreiber J, Nierhaus A, Vettorazzi E, Braune S, Frings D, Vashist Y, Izbicki J, Kluge S
CRIT CARE. 2014;18(3):R123.
Safety of percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy in patients on extracorporeal lung support
Braune S, Kienast S, Hadem J, Wiesner O, Wichmann D, Nierhaus A, Simon M, Welte T, Kluge S
INTENS CARE MED. 2013;39(10):1792-9.
Clinical features of critically ill patients with Shiga toxin-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome
Braune S, Wichmann D, Heinz M, Nierhaus A, Becker H, Meyer T, Meyer G, Müller-Schulz M, Fricke J, de Weerth A, Höpker W, Fiehler J, Magnus T, Gerloff C, Panzer U, Stahl R, Wegscheider K, Kluge S
CRIT CARE MED. 2013;41(7):1702-10.
Prospective comparison of three risk score models at three different surgical intensive care units
Goertz O, Wolff E, Nierhaus A, Gharagozlou A, Hirsch T, Kolbenschlag J, Lehnhardt M, Stachon A
SHOCK. 2013;40(2):95-100.
Revisiting the white blood cell count: immature granulocytes count as a diagnostic marker to discriminate between SIRS and sepsis--a prospective, observational study
Nierhaus A, Klatte S, Linssen J, Eismann N, Wichmann D, Hedke J, Braune S, Kluge S
BMC IMMUNOL. 2013;14:8.
Sepsis - vermeidbare Fehler in der Klinik?
Nierhaus A, Kluge S
Intensiv News. 2013;(4):21-22.
Comparison of three different commercial PCR assays for the detection of pathogens in critically ill sepsis patients
Schreiber J, Nierhaus A, Braune S, Heer G, Kluge S
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2013;108(4):311-318.
Effect of empirical treatment with moxifloxacin and meropenem vs meropenem on sepsis-related organ dysfunction in patients with severe sepsis: a randomized trial.
Brunkhorst F, Oppert M, Marx G, Bloos F, Ludewig K, Putensen C, Nierhaus A, Jaschinski U, Meier-Hellmann A, Weyland A, Gründling M, Moerer O, Riessen R, Seibel A, Ragaller M, Büchler M, John S, Bach F, Spies C, Reill L, Fritz H, Kiehntopf M, Kuhnt E, Bogatsch H, Engel C, Loeffler M, Kollef M, Reinhart K, Welte T, Sepsis G
JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC. 2012;307(22):2390-2399.
Ein Qualitätsvergleich von parenteralen Zubereitungen. Können in der Apotheke vorgefertigte Infusionslösungen eine verlässlichere Wirkstoffkonzentration erzielen als Lösungen die auf Station hergestellt werden?
Dehmel C, Braune S, Kreymann K, Baehr M, Langebrake C, Hilgarth H, Nierhaus A, Dartsch D, Kluge S
Krankenhauspharmazie. 2012;33(4):157-162.
Avoiding invasive mechanical ventilation by extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal in patients failing noninvasive ventilation.
Kluge S, Braune S, Engel M, Nierhaus A, Frings D, Ebelt H, Uhrig A, Metschke M, Wegscheider K, Suttorp N, Rousseau S
INTENS CARE MED. 2012;38(10):1632-1639.
Diagnostic value of positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography for evaluating patients with septic shock of unknown origin.
Kluge S, Braune S, Nierhaus A, Wichmann D, Derlin T, Mester J, Klutmann S
J CRIT CARE. 2012;27(3):1-7.
Use of a weighted, automated analysis of the differential blood count to differentiate sepsis from non-infectious systemic inflammation: the intensive care infection score (ICIS).
Nierhaus A, Linssen J, Wichmann D, Braune S, Kluge S
Virtual autopsy as an alternative to traditional medical autopsy in the intensive care unit: a prospective cohort study.
Wichmann D, Obbelode F, Vogel H, Hoepker W, Nierhaus A, Braune S, Sauter G, Püschel K, Kluge S
ANN INTERN MED. 2012;156(2):123-130.
Do centrally pre-prepared solutions achieve more reliable drug concentrations than solutions prepared on the ward?
Dehmel C, Braune S, Kreymann K, Baehr M, Langebrake C, Hilgarth H, Nierhaus A, Dartsch D, Kluge S
INTENS CARE MED. 2011;37(8):1311-1316.
Coronary angiography and intervention during hypothermia can be performed safely without cardiac arrhythmia or vasospasm
Koester R, Kaehler J, Barmeyer A, Müllerleile K, Priefler M, Soeffker G, Braune S, Nierhaus A, Meinertz T, Kluge S
CLIN RES CARDIOL. 2011;100(11):1013-1019.
Interventional lung assist enables lung protective mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Nierhaus A, Frings D, Braune S, Baumann H, Schneider C, Wittenburg B, Kluge S
MINERVA ANESTESIOL. 2011;77(8):797-801.
Anal angina--pelvic sepsis and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome after rectoscopy and mucosal biopsy.
Kastl S, Horstkotte M, Schäfer H, Izbicki J, Scherpe S, Nierhaus A
INT J COLORECTAL DIS. 2008;23(2):225-226.
Tracheostomy in the intensive care unit: a nationwide survey.
Kluge S, Baumann H, Maier C, Klose H, Meyer A, Nierhaus A, Kreymann K
ANESTH ANALG. 2008;107(5):1639-1643.
Safety of percutaneous dilational tracheostomy in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients requiring long-term mechanical ventilation.
Kluge S, Baumann H, Nierhaus A, Kröger N, Meyer A, Kreymann K
J CRIT CARE. 2008;23(3):394-398.
Automation and validation of a rapid method to assess neutrophil and monocyte activation by routine fluorescence flow cytometry in vitro.
Linssen J, Aderhold S, Nierhaus A, Frings D, Kaltschmidt C, Zänker K
CYTOM PART B-CLIN CY. 2008;74(5):295-309.
Predictive value of intrathecal interleukin-6 for ventriculostomy-related Infection.
Schoch B, Regel J, Nierhaus A, Wichert M, Mueller O, Sandalcioglu I, Mann K, Stolke D
ZBL NEUROCHIR. 2008;69(2):80-86.
Monitoring of whole-body hyperthermia with transesophageal echocardiography (TEE).
Fippel A, Von Sandersleben A, Bangert K, Horn J, Nierhaus A, Wappler F
INT J HYPERTHER. 2007;23(5):457-466.
[Immunoglobulins in primary antibody deficiency: should they also be used in sepsis and other indications?]
Kluge S, de Heer G, Nierhaus A, Kreymann G
INTERNIST. 2007;48(11):1297-1302, 1304.
[Nutritional concepts for patients under intensive care]
Kreymann K, de Heer G, Felbinger T, Kluge S, Nierhaus A, Suchner U, Meier R
PNEUMOLOGIE. 2007;61(9):574-580.
[Nutrition of critically ill patients in intensive care]
Kreymann K, de Heer G, Felbinger T, Kluge S, Nierhaus A, Suchner U, Meier R
INTERNIST. 2007;48(10):1084-1092.
Use of polyclonal immunoglobulins as adjunctive therapy for sepsis or septic shock*
Kreymann K, de Heer G, Nierhaus A, Kluge S
Use of polyclonal immunoglobulins as adjunctive therapy for sepsis or septic shock.
Kreymann K, de Heer G, Nierhaus A, Kluge S
CRIT CARE MED. 2007;35(12):2677-2685.
Identification and quantification of high fluorescence-stained lymphocytes as antibody synthesizing/secreting cells using the automated routine hematology analyzer XE-2100.
Linssen J, Jennissen V, Hildmann J, Reisinger E, Schindler J, Malchau G, Nierhaus A, Wielckens K
CYTOM PART B-CLIN CY. 2007;72(3):157-166.
Patients with solid tumors treated with high-temperature whole body hyperthermia show a redistribution of naive/memory T-cell subtypes.
Atanackovic D, Pollok K, Faltz C, Boeters I, Jung R, Nierhaus A, Braumann K, Hossfeld D, Hegewisch-Becker S
AM J PHYSIOL-REG I. 2006;290(3):585-594.
Current status of radiant whole-body hyperthermia at temperatures >41.5 degrees C and practical guidelines for the treatment of adults. The German 'Interdisciplinary Working Group on Hyperthermia'.
Hildebrandt B, Hegewisch-Becker S, Kerner T, Nierhaus A, Bakhshandeh-Bath A, Janni W, Zumschlinge R, Sommer H, Riess H, Wust P
INT J HYPERTHER. 2005;21(2):169-183.
Serial monitoring of interleukin-1beta, soluble interleukin-2 receptor and lipopolysaccharide binding protein levels after death A comparative evaluation of potential postmortem markers of sepsis.
Reichelt U, Jung R, Nierhaus A, Tsokos M
INT J LEGAL MED. 2005;119(2):80-87.
Evolution of donor morbidity in living related liver transplantation: a single-center analysis of 165 cases.
Broering D, Wilms C, Bok P, Fischer L, Mueller L, Hillert C, Lenk C, Kim J, Sterneck M, Schulz K, Krupski G, Nierhaus A, Ameis D, Burdelski M, Rogiers X
ANN SURG. 2004;240(6):1013-1016.
[Systematics, didactics and evaluation of anesthesia simulation scenes].
Nierhaus A, Frings D, Bartz H, Jensen K, Agarwal K, Bremer K, Schulte Am Esch J
ANASTH INTENSIV NOTF. 2004;39(4):234-237.
Effects of whole body hyperthermia (41.8 degrees C) on the frequency of tumor cells in the peripheral blood of patients with advanced malignancies.
Hegewisch-Becker S, Braun K, Otte M, Corovic A, Atanackovic D, Nierhaus A, Hossfeld D, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2003;9(6):2079-2084.
Reversal of immunoparalysis by recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in patients with severe sepsis.
Nierhaus A, Montag B, Timmler N, Frings D, Gutensohn K, Jung R, Schneider C, Pothmann W, Brassel A, Jochen S
INTENS CARE MED. 2003;29(4):646-651.
Ventilation performance of a mixed group of operators using a new rescue breathing device-the glossopalatinal tube.
Reissmann H, Birkholz S, Ohnesorge H, Jensen K, Eckert S, Nierhaus A, Jochen S
RESUSCITATION. 2003;59(2):197-202.
41.8 degrees C whole body hyperthermia as an adjunct to chemotherapy induces prolonged T cell activation in patients with various malignant diseases.
Atanackovic D, Nierhaus A, Neumeier M, Hossfeld D, Hegewisch-Becker S
CANCER IMMUNOL IMMUN. 2002;51(11-12):603-613.
Total vascular isolation and in situ cold perfusion for management of severe liver trauma.
Broering D, Al-Shurafa H, Mueller L, Pothmann W, Nierhaus A, Rogiers X
J TRAUMA. 2002;53(3):564-567.
[Severe mediastinal emphysema after temporal gunshot with a gas revolver]
Burmeister M, Eckert S, Koops E, Pothmann W, Nierhaus A
ANASTH INTENSIV NOTF. 2002;37(4):222-224.
Whole-body hyperthermia (41.8 degrees C) combined with bimonthly oxaliplatin, high-dose leucovorin and 5-fluorouracil 48-hour continuous infusion in pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer: a phase II study.
Hegewisch-Becker S, Gruber Y, Corovic A, Pichlmeier U, Atanackovic D, Nierhaus A, Hossfeld D
ANN ONCOL. 2002;13(8):1197-1204.
Tumor oxygenation under combined whole-body-hyperthermia and polychemotherapy in a case of recurrent carcinoma of the oral cavity.
Sagowski C, Jaehne M, Kehrl W, Hegewisch-Becker S, Wenzel S, Panse J, Nierhaus A
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2002;259(1):27-31.
Human antibody deposition, complement activation, and DNA fragmentation are observed for porcine hepatocytes in a clinically applied bioartificial liver assist system.
Schulte Arn Esch J, Hamann D, Soltau M, Zante B, Jungbluth M, Sputtek A, Nierhaus A, Hillert C, Broering D, Rogiers X
TRANSPL P. 2002;34(6):2321.
Interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein serum levels in sepsis-related fatalities during the early postmortem period.
Tsokos M, Reichelt U, Jung R, Nierhaus A, Püschel K
FORENSIC SCI INT. 2001;119(1):47-56.
Serum procalcitonin (PCT): a valuable biochemical parameter for the post-mortem diagnosis of sepsis.
Tsokos M, Reichelt U, Nierhaus A, Püschel K
INT J LEGAL MED. 2001;114(4-5):237-243.
[Tumor oxygenation in combined whole body hyperthermia and polychemotherapy. Studies exemplified by recurrent carcinoma of the mouth cavity]
Sagowski C, Kehrl W, Hegewisch-Becker S, Wenzel S, Jaehne M, Panse J, Nierhaus A
HNO. 2000;48(12):949-954.
[Complicated amebic liver abscess--course and therapy]
Nierhaus A, Pothmann W, Pollok J, Schäfer P, Mack D
ANASTH INTENSIV NOTF. 1997;32(8):518-521.
Effect of flunarizine on cerebral blood flow in baboons with or without focal cerebral ischaemia.
Hartmann A, Rommel T, Reddelien R, Dettmers C, Nierhaus A, Tsuda Y, Brassel F
NEUROL RES. 1990;12(1):60-62.
An intravascular technique to occlude the middle cerebral artery in baboons.
Brassel F, Dettmers C, Nierhaus A, Hartmann A, Solymosi L
NEURORADIOLOGY. 1989;31(5):418-424.
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