Christos Skevas
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med.
Christos Skevas
  • Personaloberarzt
  • Facharzt für Augenheilkunde


W40 , EG
Griechisch (Muttersprache)





Performance of the MOLES and TFSOM-DIM scores in classifying choroidal nevi and melanoma
Jahnke D, Grohmann C, Fuisting B, Skevas C, Spitzer M, Birtel J
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):28534.

Anterior segment optical coherence tomography for the detection of silicone oil emulsification on the iris surface
Karsten M, Morello M, Lau I, Druchkiv V, Lopes I, Dulz S, Skevas C, Spitzer M, Mautone L
EYE. 2024;38(16):3175-3179.

Erratum zu: Medizinische Hologramme für die Lehre und Weiterbildung in der Augenheilkunde
Lau I, Spitzer M, Skevas C
OPHTHALMOLOGIE. 2024;121(Suppl 1):65.

Treated Cases of Retinopathy of Prematurity in Germany: 10-Year Data from the Retinopathy of Prematurity Registry
Pfeil J, Barth T, Lagrèze W, Lorenz B, Hufendiek K, Liegl R, Breuss H, Bemme S, Aisenbrey S, Glitz B, Süsskind D, Gabel-Pfisterer A, Skevas C, Krohne T, Kakkassery V, Bründer M, Engelmann K, Guthoff R, Walter P, Choritz L, Stahl A
OPHTHALMOL RETINA. 2024;8(6):579-589.

Implementing and evaluating a fully functional AI-enabled model for chronic eye disease screening in a real clinical environment
Skevas C, de Olaguer N, Lleó A, Thiwa D, Schroeter U, Lopes I, Mautone L, Linke S, Spitzer M, Yap D, Xiao D
BMC OPHTHALMOL. 2024;24(1):51.

Comparability of input parameters in the German ROP registry and the EU-ROP registry - An exemplary comparison between 2011 and 2021
Winter K, Pfeil J, Engmann H, Aisenbrey S, Lorenz B, Hufendiek K, Breuss H, Khattab M, Süsskind D, Kakkassery V, Lagrèze W, Barth T, Liegl R, Bründer M, Skevas C, Goldammer I, Glitz B, Michalewicz E, Krohne T, Bartmann I, Stahl A
ACTA OPHTHALMOL. 2024;102(3):e314-e321.


Terson Syndrome in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage - A 10-Year Single-Center Experience
Göttsche J, Knospe V, Sauvigny T, Schweingruber N, Grensemann J, Spitzer M, Westphal M, Skevas C, Czorlich P
NEUROCRIT CARE. 2023;39(1):155-161.

Medizinische Hologramme für die Lehre und Weiterbildung in der Augenheilkunde
Lau I, Spitzer M, Skevas C
OPHTHALMOLOGIE. 2023;120(1):102-104.

Pupillotonia after endolaser retinopexy during vitrectomy for retinal detachment: a prospective cohort study comparing circumferential and focal retinopexy
Skevas C, Thiwa D, Bartz-Schmidt K, Katz T, Spitzer M, Dimopoulos S
BRIT J OPHTHALMOL. 2023;107(12):1900-1906.

Comparison of treatment outcomes of 360° intraoperative laser retinopexy and focal laser retinopexy with pars plans vitrectomy in patients with primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
Zheng Y, Schindler P, Druchkiv V, Schulz J, Spitzer S, Skevas C
BMC OPHTHALMOL. 2023;23(1):73.


Pandemiebedingtes Verkaufsverbot von Feuerwerkskörpern in Deutschland führt zu einer deutlichen Abnahme der Augenverletzungen
Gabel-Pfisterer A, Böhringer D, Agostini H
OPHTHALMOLOGIE. 2022;119(12):1257-1266.

Retinal Tacks for Complicated Retinal Detachment: Retinal Tacks in the Times of Modern Small-Gauge Vitrectomy
Mautone L, Dulz S, Skevas C, Schultheiss M, Spitzer M
J OPHTHALMOL. 2022;2022:.

Predicting speed of progression of lens opacification after pars plana vitrectomy with silicone oil
Schindler P, Mautone L, Druchkiv V, Katz T, Spitzer M, Skevas C
PLOS ONE. 2022;17(5):.

Simultaneous screening and classification of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration based on fundus photos-a prospective analysis of the RetCAD system
Skevas C, Weindler H, Levering M, Engelberts J, van Grinsven M, Katz T
INT J OPHTHALMOL-CHI. 2022;15(12):1985-1993.

Correction to: Analysis of retinal detachment resulted from post-operative endophthalmitis treated with 23G pars Plana Vitrectomy
Zheng Y, Casagrande M, Dimopoulos S, Bartz-Schmidt K, Spitzer M, Skevas C
BMC OPHTHALMOL. 2022;22(1):.


Reliability of the ocular trauma score for the predictability of traumatic and post-traumatic retinal detachment after open globe injury
Dulz S, Dimopoulos V, Katz T, Kromer R, Bigdon E, Spitzer M, Skevas C
INT J OPHTHALMOL-CHI. 2021;14(10):1589-1594.

Prediction model of free flaps in microkeratome-assisted LASIK
Katz T, Druckiv V, Siebelmann S, Frings A, Skevas C
PLOS ONE. 2021;16(9):.

Therapie der postoperativen Endophthalmitis: Operieren oder nur injizieren?
Mautone L, Skevas C, Spitzer M
OPHTHALMOLOGE. 2021;118(3):219-229.

Lens densitometry for assessment and prediction of cataract progression after pars plana vitrectomy with C3F8-gas for retinal detachment
Schindler P, Mautone L, Bigdon E, Druchkiv V, Spitzer M, Skevas C
PLOS ONE. 2021;16(7):e0254370.

A novel temporary keratoprosthesis technique for vitreoretinal surgery
Skevas C, Bigdon E, Steinhorst A, Katz T, Schindler P, Kromer R, Spitzer M
INT J OPHTHALMOL-CHI. 2021;14(11):1791-1795.

Analysis of retinal detachment resulted from post-operative endophthalmitis treated with 23G pars Plana Vitrectomy
Zheng Y, Casagrande M, Dimopoulos S, Bartz-Schmidt K, Spitzer M, Skevas C
BMC OPHTHALMOL. 2021;21(1):414.


Surgical management of submacular hemorrhage due to n-AMD: a comparison of three surgical methods
Grohmann C, Dimopoulos S, Bartz-Schmidt K, Schindler P, Katz T, Spitzer M, Skevas C
INT J RETINA VITR. 2020;6:27.

Bevacizumab as a treatment option for choroidal neovascularisation due to large optic nerve drusen in a 14-year-old girl
Steinhorst N, Spitzer M, Skevas C
GMS Ophthalmol Cases. 2020;10:Doc33.


Intraocular pressure during neurosurgical procedures in context of head position and loss of cerebrospinal fluid
Czorlich P, Krätzig T, Kluge N, Skevas C, Knospe V, Spitzer M, Dreimann M, Mende K, Westphal M, Eicker S
J NEUROSURG. 2018;131(1):271-280.

Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy and macular drusen: evidence for coincidence?
Matthaei M, Elsner E, Caramoy A, Adler W, Siebelmann S, Schaub F, Skevas C, Liakopoulos S, Bachmann B, Cursiefen C, Heindl L
EYE. 2018;32(4):840-841.

Safety and complications after three different surface ablation techniques with mitomycin C: a retrospective analysis of 2757 eyes
Mehlan J, Linke S, Skevas C, Steinberg J, Giannakakis K, Katz T


Terson's syndrome - Pathophysiologic considerations of an underestimated concomitant disease in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Czorlich P, Skevas C, Knospe V, Vettorazzi E, Westphal M, Regelsberger J
J CLIN NEUROSCI. 2016;33:182-186.

Visual recovery after retinal detachment with macula-off: is surgery within the first 72 h better than after?
Frings A, Markau N, Katz T, Stemplewitz B, Skevas C, Druchkiv V, Wagenfeld L
BRIT J OPHTHALMOL. 2016;100(11):1466-1469.


Postoperative refractive error after phacovitrectomy for epiretinal membrane with and without macular oedema
Frings A, Dulz S, Skevas C, Stemplewitz B, Linke S, Richard G, Wagenfeld L
GRAEF ARCH CLIN EXP. 2015;253(7):1097-1104.

LASIK for Spherical Refractive Myopia: Effect of Topographic Astigmatism (Ocular Residual Astigmatism, ORA) on Refractive Outcome
Frings A, Richard G, Steinberg J, Skevas C, Druchkiv V, Katz T, Linke S
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(4):e0124313.

Sustained Neural Stem Cell-Based Intraocular Delivery of CNTF Attenuates Photoreceptor Loss in the nclf Mouse Model of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
Jankowiak W, Kruszewski K, Flachsbarth K, Skevas C, Richard G, Rüther K, Braulke T, Bartsch U
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(5):e0127204.

Scanning laser polarimetry and spectral domain optical coherence tomography for the detection of retinal changes in Parkinson's disease
Stemplewitz B, Keserü M, Bittersohl D, Buhmann C, Skevas C, Richard G, Hassenstein A
ACTA OPHTHALMOL. 2015;93(8):e672-7.


Ocular ultrasound as an easy applicable tool for detection of Terson's syndrome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Czorlich P, Burkhardt T, Knospe V, Richard G, Vettorazzi E, Wagenfeld L, Westphal M, Regelsberger J, Skevas C
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(12):e114907.

Terson syndrome in subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, and traumatic brain injury
Czorlich P, Skevas C, Knospe V, Vettorazzi E, Richard G, Wagenfeld L, Westphal M, Regelsberger J
NEUROSURG REV. 2014;38(1):129-136.

Terson's Syndrome-Rate and Surgical Approach in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Prospective Interdisciplinary Study
Skevas C, Czorlich P, Knospe V, Stemplewitz B, Richard G, Westphal M, Regelsberger J, Wagenfeld L
OPHTHALMOLOGY. 2014;121(8):1628-1633.

Dose-response-relationship between number of laser burns and IOP reduction in cyclophotocoagulation: an animal study
Wagenfeld L, Schwarzer H, Roessler G, Klemm M, Skevas C, Richard G, Zeitz O
BIOMED RES INT . 2014;2014:983102.


Depression, anxiety, and disturbed sleep in glaucoma
Agorastos A, Skevas C, Matthaei M, Otte C, Klemm M, Richard G, Huber C
J NEUROPSYCH CLIN N. 2013;25(3):205-13.

Genetically modified neural stem cells for a local and sustained delivery of neuroprotective factors to the dystrophic mouse retina
Jung G, Sun J, Petrowitz B, Riecken K, Kruszewski K, Jankowiak W, Kunst F, Skevas C, Richard G, Fehse B, Bartsch U
STEM CELL TRANSL MED. 2013;2(12):1001-10.

Falx Meningeoma Induced Optic Neuropathy- Clinical Manifestation and Differential Diagnosis: a case report
Skevas C, Görsch I, Richard G, Linke S
Open J Ophthalmol. 2013;3(3):87-89.

Subjective pain, visual recovery and visual quality after LASIK, EpiLASIK (flap off) and APRK - a consecutive, non-randomized study
Skevas C, Katz T, Wagenfeld L, Richard G, Linke S
GRAEF ARCH CLIN EXP. 2013;251(4):1175-83.


Radial optic neurotomy in central retinal vein occlusion does not influence ocular hemodynamics.
Skevas C, Wagenfeld L, Feucht M, Galambos P, Richard G, Zeitz O
OPHTHALMOLOGICA. 2011;225(1):41-46.

Functional and morphological long-term results after arteriovenous crossing sheathotomy
Skevas C, Wagenfeld L, Feucht M, Richard G, Zeitz O
ACTA OPHTHALMOL. 2011;89(4):e374-5.


Bilateral Achromobacter xylosoxidans keratitis after laser in situ keratomileusis
Linke S, Skevas C, Richard G, Katz T
J CATARACT REFR SURG. 2010;36(6):1045-7.

Long-lasting endotamponades in vitreoretinal surgery.
Wagenfeld L, Zeitz O, Skevas C, Richard G
OPHTHALMOLOGICA. 2010;224(5):291-300.


Nachweis von Bewegungsartefakten bei der optischen Kohärenztomographie mit dem Fundus-Enhancement-System
Skevas C, Schaudig U

Letzte Aktualisierung aus dem FIS: 27.03.2025 - 00:36 Uhr