Sarah Maier
  • Assistenzärztin


Deutsch (Muttersprache)



  • 2024
  • 2022
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Overview of Neuro-Ophthalmic Findings in Leukodystrophies
Bettinger C, Dulz S, Atiskova Y, Guerreiro H, Schön G, Guder P, Maier S, Denecke J, Bley A
J CLIN MED. 2024;13(17):.

Correction: Patients and mice with deficiency in the SNARE protein SYNTAXIN-11 have a secondary B cell defect
Kögl T, Chang H, Staniek J, Chiang S, Thoulass G, Lao J, Weißert K, Dettmer-Monaco V, Geiger K, Manna P, Beziat V, Momenilandi M, Tu S, Keppler S, Pattu V, Wolf P, Kupferschmid L, Tholen S, Covill L, Ebert K, Straub T, Groß M, Gather R, Engel H, Salzer U, Schell C, Maier S, Lehmberg K, Cornu T, Pircher H, Shahrooei M, Parvaneh N, Elling R, Rizzi M, Bryceson Y, Ehl S, Aichele P, Ammann S
J EXP MED. 2024;221(7):.

Patients and mice with deficiency in the SNARE protein SYNTAXIN-11 have a secondary B cell defect
Kögl T, Chang H, Staniek J, Chiang S, Thoulass G, Lao J, Weißert K, Dettmer-Monaco V, Geiger K, Manna P, Beziat V, Momenilandi M, Tu S, Keppler S, Pattu V, Wolf P, Kupferschmid L, Tholen S, Covill L, Ebert K, Straub T, Groß M, Gather R, Engel H, Salzer U, Schell C, Maier S, Lehmberg K, Cornu T, Pircher H, Shahrooei M, Parvaneh N, Elling R, Rizzi M, Bryceson Y, Ehl S, Aichele P, Ammann S
J EXP MED. 2024;221(7):.

Quantification of N-acetyl-L-aspartate in dried blood spots: A simple and fast LC-MS/MS neonatal screening method for the diagnosis of Canavan disease
Posern C, Dreyer B, Maier S, Eichler F, Gelb M, Santer R, Bley A, Murko S
MOL GENET METAB. 2024;142(2):108489.

Rubella vaccine-induced granulomas are a novel phenotype with incomplete penetrance of genetic defects in cytotoxicity
Groß M, Speckmann C, May A, Gajardo-Carrasco T, Wustrau K, Maier S, Panning M, Huzly D, Agaimy A, Bryceson Y, Choo S, Chow C, Dückers G, Fasth A, Fraitag S, Gräwe K, Haxelmans S, Holzinger D, Hudowenz O, Hübschen J, Khurana C, Kienle K, Klifa R, Korn K, Kutzner H, Lämmermann T, Ledig S, Lipsker D, Meeths M, Naumann-Bartsch N, Rascon J, Schänzer A, Seidl M, Tesi B, Vauloup-Fellous C, Vollmer-Kary B, Warnatz K, Wehr C, Neven B, Vargas P, Sepulveda F, Lehmberg K, Schmitt-Graeff A, Ehl S
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN. 2022;149(1):388-399.e4.

HSCT is effective in patients with PSTPIP1-associated myeloid-related proteinemia inflammatory (PAMI) syndrome
Laberko A, Burlakov V, Maier S, Abinun M, Skinner R, Kozlova A, Suri D, Lehmberg K, Müller I, Balashov D, Novichkova G, Holzinger D, Gennery A, Shcherbina A
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN. 2021;148(1):250-255.e1.

Neuroinflammatory Disease as an Isolated Manifestation of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
Blincoe A, Heeg M, Campbell P, Hines M, Khojah A, Klein-Gitelman M, Talano J, Speckmann C, Touzot F, Lankester A, Legger G, Rivière J, Garcia-Prat M, Alonso L, Putti M, Lehmberg K, Maier S, El Chazli Y, Elmaksoud M, Astigarraga I, Kurjane N, Bulina I, Kenina V, Bryceson Y, Rascon J, Lortie A, Goldstein G, Booth C, Worth A, Wassmer E, Schmitt E, Warren J, Bednarski J, Ali S, Chiang K, Krueger J, Henry M, Holland S, Marsh R, Ehl S, Haddad E
J CLIN IMMUNOL. 2020;40(6):901-916.

Reduced circulating B cells and plasma IgM levels are associated with decreased survival in sepsis - A meta-analysis
Krautz C, Maier S, Brunner M, Langheinrich M, Giamarellos-Bourboulis E, Gogos C, Armaganidis A, Kunath F, Grützmann R, Weber G
J CRIT CARE. 2018;45:71-75.

Hypereosinophilia as Presenting Symptom of a Pre-B-ALL
Maier S, Zoghbi A, Escherich G, Winkler B
KLIN PADIATR. 2018;230(3):160-161.

Retrospective analysis on thermal injuries in children-Demographic, etiological and clinical data of German and Austrian pediatric hospitals 2006-2015-Approaching the new German burn registry
Tegtmeyer L, Herrnstadt G, Maier S, Thamm O, Klinke M, Reinshagen K, Koenigs I
BURNS. 2018;44(1):150-157.

Adverse Effects of Antidepressants for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Riediger C, Schuster T, Barlinn K, Maier S, Weitz J, Siepmann T
FRONT NEUROL. 2017;8:307.

Interleukin-3 amplifies acute inflammation and is a potential therapeutic target in sepsis
Weber G, Chousterman B, He S, Fenn A, Nairz M, Anzai A, Brenner T, Uhle F, Iwamoto Y, Robbins C, Noiret L, Maier S, Zönnchen T, Rahbari N, Schölch S, Klotzsche-von Ameln A, Chavakis T, Weitz J, Hofer S, Weigand M, Nahrendorf M, Weissleder R, Swirski F
SCIENCE. 2015;347(6227):1260-5.

Analysis of circulating plasmacytoid dendritic cells during the course of sepsis
Weber G, Maier S, Zönnchen T, Breucha M, Seidlitz T, Kutschick I, Weitz J
SURGERY. 2015;158(1):248-54.

Therapie traumatischer Pankreasverletzungen im Kindesalter
Maier S, Reinshagen K, Kähler G, Wessel L
ZBL CHIR. 2014;139(3):266-70.

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits hepatoblastoma growth by reactivating the Wnt inhibitor SFRP1
Gödeke J, Maier S, Eichenmüller M, Müller-Höcker J, von Schweinitz D, Kappler R
NUTR CANCER. 2013;65(8):1200-7.

Letzte Aktualisierung aus dem FIS: 14.03.2025 - 00:47 Uhr