Lena Jelinek
Prof. Dr. phil.
Lena Jelinek
  • Leitung Forschungsbereich Neuropsychologie und Psychotherapie
  • Leitung Arbeitsgruppe Angst- und Zwangsstörungen



W37 , 4. Etage, Raumnummer 04.06.1
Deutsch (Muttersprache)


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Towards the DSM-6: The intersection of OCD and psychosis. Expert perspectives on insight in the diagnosis of OCD
Moritz S, Leucht S, Hoyer L, Schmotz S, Abramovitch A, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT RES. 2025;344:116306.

Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT) für Arabisch sprechende Patient*innen mit Fluchterfahrung: Kulturelle Adaptation und Pilotierung
Alkailani H, Metzner F, Uhr C, Jelinek L, Dietrichkeit M, Pawils S
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2024;51(8):426-433.

MESSAGE – Entwicklung und Pilotierung eines Konzepts für Gruppenmusiktherapie bei Patient:innen mit Angst- und Zwangsstörung
Antink M, Yiselyurt , Yassari A, Jelinek-Van Quaquebeke L, Mallon T
Musiktherapeutische Umschau. 2024;45(4):395-399.

Therapieresistente Zwangsstörungen
Endres D, Jelinek L, Domschke K, Voderholzer U
NERVENARZT. 2024;95(5):432-439.

Implicit aggressive self-concept in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: Results from an approach-avoidance task
Gehlenborg J, Miegel F, Moritz S, Scheunemann J, Yassari A, Jelinek L

Körperbezogene repetitive Verhaltensstörungen: Ein unterdiagnostiziertes und unterbehandeltes Störungsbild – Diagnostik, Klassifikation und Behandlung.
Hoyer L, Schmotz S, Jelinek L, Moritz S
VERHALTENSTHERAPIE. 2024;34(3-4):152–160.

Exposure therapy in patients with harm-related obsessive-compulsive disorder: The theory-practice gap and its relation to experiential avoidance and negative beliefs about exposure
Jelinek L, Balzar A, Moritz S, Liebherz S, Yassari A

Too much of a good thing? Hand hygiene and the long-term course of contamination-related obsessive-compulsive symptoms
Jelinek L, Göritz A, Miegel F, Schuurmans L, Moritz S, Yassari A, Müller J
FRONT PSYCHOL. 2024;15:1279639.

Exploring the Peaks and Potholes: Understanding Positive and Negative Effects of Concentrated Exposure Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Jelinek L, Serve A, Pampuch S, Scheunemann J, Schultz J, Miegel-Heyckendorf F, Hansen B, Hagen K, Bohnsack F, Gallinat J, Yassari A
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2024;43:100913.

Exploring mechanisms of change in two sequential studies evaluating the metacognitive training for depression using lasso regression
Miegel F, Rubel J, Dietrichkeit M, Hagemann-Goebel M, Yassari A, Balzar A, Scheunemann J, Jelinek L
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2024;274(3):739-753.

Körperbezogene repetitive Verhaltensstörungen: Klassifikation, Diagnostik und Therapie
Moritz S, Jelinek L, Schmotz S, Hoyer L
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2024;74(12):519-532.

Prevalence of body-focused repetitive behaviors in a diverse population sample - rates across age, gender, race and education
Moritz S, Scheunemann J, Jelinek L, Penney D, Schmotz S, Hoyer L, Grudzień D, Aleksandrowicz A
PSYCHOL MED. 2024;54(8):1552-1558.

Mediation analyses of longitudinal data investigating temporal associations between inflated sense of responsibility, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and anger suppression
Müller C, Jelinek L, Schmidt A, Mannsfeld A, Miegel F, Cludius B
J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2024;80(10):2163-2184.

Zwangsstörungen: Expositionsbehandlung und Besonderheiten des 4-Tage Kompaktformates.
Schäfer M, Yassari A, Hansen B, Jelinek L
Psych Up2Date. 2024;18(1):17-35.

Efficacy and moderators of metacognitive training for depression in older adults (MCT-Silver): A randomized controlled trial
Schneider B, Veckenstedt R, Karamatskos E, Ahlf-Schumacher J, Gehlenborg J, Schultz J, Moritz S, Jelinek L
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2024;345:320-334.

Change in negative mental filter is associated with depression reduction in metacognitive training for depression in older adults (MCT-Silver)
Schneider B, Veckenstedt R, Karamatskos E, Scheunemann J, Moritz S, Jelinek L, Miegel F
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):17120.

Konzentrierte Expositionsbehandlung für Zwangsstörungen – das Bergen 4-Day Treatment Hamburg.
Tegtmeier L, Yassari A, Schäfer M, Scheunemann J, Jelinek L
Psychotherapie Aktuell. 2024;4:14-18.

Zwangsstörungen: Expositionsbehandlung und Besonderheiten des 4-Tage Kompaktformates.
Yassari A, Schäfer M, Hansen B, Jelinek L
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2024;92(12):509–524.

Effects of inpatient, residential, and day-patient treatment on obsessive-compulsive symptoms in persons with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Zisler E, Meule A, Endres D, Schennach R, Jelinek L, Voderholzer U
J PSYCHIATR RES. 2024;176:182-197.

Perfectionism as Possible Predictor for Treatment Success in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Metacognitive Training as Third-Wave Treatments for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Claus N, Miegel-Heyckendorf F, Jelinek L, Landmann S, Moritz S, Külz A, Rubel J, Cludius B
COGNITIVE THER RES. 2023;47:439–453 .

Psychische Belastungen bei Angehörigen von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen während der COVID-19 Pandemie
Jahn I, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Stengler K
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2023;50(5):241-249.

Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT) [2. Auflage]
Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Moritz S

Improving adherence to unguided Internet-based therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial
Jelinek L, Schröder J, Bücker L, Miegel F, Baumeister A, Moritz S, Sibilis A, Schultz J
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2023;338:472-481.

Efficacy of exposure and response prevention therapy in mixed reality for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Lohse L, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Blömer J, Bücker L, Miegel F
BMC PSYCHOL. 2023;11(1):113.

Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Dimensions and Their Relationships with Obsessive Beliefs: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis
Miegel F, Daubmann A, Moritz S, Balzar A, Yassari A, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT QUART. 2023;94(3):345-360.

Mixed results for exposure and response prevention therapy in mixed reality for patients with contamination-related obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled pilot study
Miegel F, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Lohse L, Yassari A, Bücker L
J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2023;79(10):2317-2336.

Session-Specific Effects on Suicidality in Group Therapy: No Evidence for Contagion
Miegel F, Peth J, Rubel J, Runde A, Arlt S, Gallinat J, Jelinek L
ARCH SUICIDE RES. 2023;27(2):540-553.

How to assess and analyse session-specific effects and predictors: An example with the Metacognitive Training for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder intervention
Miegel F, Rubel J, Ching T, Yassari A, Bohnsack F, Duwe M, Jelinek L
CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. 2023;30(5):1158-1169.

Expected increase in health competence improves over modules of an unguided internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder
Miegel F, Schröder J, Schultz J, Müller J, Jelinek L
INT J PSYCHOL. 2023;58(5):443-448.

Metakognitives Training bei Zwangsstörungen (Z-MKT)
Miegel-Heyckendorf F, Jelinek L
2023. Praxishandbuch Zwangsstörung und verwandte Störungen. Voderholzer U, Kathmann N, Reuter B (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier (Verlag), 154-157.

Core dysfunctional beliefs in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder are shared with patients with anxiety disorder according to the revised Beliefs Questionnaire
Miegel-Heyckendorf F, Jelinek L, Yassari A, Balzar A, Moritz S
CURR PSYCHOL. 2023;42:23788–23799.

Behavioral and location-related antecedents of train suicides
Moritz S, Nguyen C, Jelinek L, Borsutzky S, Scheunemann J, Hegerl U, Püschel K, Gallinat J
SUICIDE LIFE-THREAT. 2023;53(2):303-311.

A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of metacognitive training for older adults with depression (MCT-Silver) in Portugal: study protocol
Pinho L, Silva C, Fonseca C, Morgado B, Lopes M, Moritz S, Jelinek L, Schneider B
FRONT PSYCHOL. 2023;14:1167860.

Can you trust this source? Advice taking in borderline personality disorder
Scheunemann J, Jelinek L, Biedermann S, Lipp M, Yassari A, Kühn S, Gallinat J, Moritz S
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2023;273(4):875-885.

Implicit cognitions on self-injurious and suicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder
Scheunemann J, Kühn S, Biedermann S, Lipp M, Peth J, Gallinat J, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2023;79(1018369):1018369.

Negative cognitive beliefs, positive metacognitive beliefs, and rumination as mediators of metacognitive training for depression in older adults (MCT-Silver)
Schneider B, Veckenstedt R, Karamatskos E, Pinho L, Morgado B, Fonseca C, Moritz S, Jelinek L
FRONT PSYCHOL. 2023;14:1153377.

Efficacy of an Internet-based intervention with self-applied exposure therapy in virtual reality for people with panic disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Schultz J, Baumeister A, Schmotz S, Moritz S, Jelinek L
TRIALS. 2023;24(1):521.

Internetbasierte Angebote
Schultz J, Jelinek L, Voderholzer U
2023. Praxishandbuch Zwangsstörung und verwandte Störungen. Voderholzer U, Kathmann N, Reuter B (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier (Verlag), 175–181.

Depression in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
Silva C, Fonseca C, Ferreira R, Weidner A, Morgado B, Lopes M, Moritz S, Jelinek L, Schneider B, Pinho L
J AM GERIATR SOC. 2023;71(7):2308-2325.

Long-COVID or long before? Neurocognitive deficits in people with COVID-19
Baumeister A, Göritz A, Benoy C, Jelinek L, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2022;317:114822.

Direct and indirect assessment of perfectionism in patients with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder
Cludius B, Landmann S, Külz A, Takano K, Moritz S, Jelinek L
PLOS ONE. 2022;17(10):.

Efficacy of metacognitive training for depression as add-on intervention for patients with depression in acute intensive psychiatric inpatient care: A randomized controlled trial
Hauschildt M, Arlt S, Moritz S, Yassari A, Jelinek L
CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. 2022;29(5):1542-1555.

Therapists’ thought-action fusion beliefs predict utilization of exposure in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Jelinek L, Balzar A, Moritz S, Reininger K, Miegel F
BEHAV THER. 2022;53(1):23-33.

Unrealistic pessimism and obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: Two longitudinal studies
Jelinek L, Röhrig G, Moritz S, Göritz A, Voderholzer U, Riesel A, Yassari A, Miegel F
BRIT J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2022;61(3):816-835.

Die norwegische viertägige Kompaktbehandlung für Zwangserkrankungen erstmals in Deutschland durchgeführt
Jelinek L, Scheunemann J, Yassari A
Z aktuell : die Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft Zwangserkrankungen e.V.. 2022;4:8-8.

Mit Objekten aus der virtuellen Realität reale Gefühle auslösen Exposition in der gemischten Realität bei Waschzwang
Lohse A, Jelinek L, Bücker L, Schultz J, Moritz S, Yassari A, Miegel F
Z aktuell : die Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft Zwangserkrankungen e.V.. 2022;107:8-9.

Exposure and Response Prevention in Virtual Reality for Patients with Contamination-Related Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: a Case Series
Miegel F, Bücker L, Kühn S, Mostajeran F, Moritz S, Baumeister A, Lohse L, Blömer J, Grzella K, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT QUART. 2022;93(3):861-882.

The Metacognitive Training for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A pilot study
Miegel F, Demiralay C, Sure A, Moritz S, Hottenrott B, Cludius B, Jelinek L
CURR PSYCHOL. 2022;41:7114–7124.

Social Anxiety in Digital Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Müller J, Jacobs L, Miegel-Heyckendorf F, Yassari A, Jelinek L
Social Science Research Network. 2022.

Internetbasierte Psychotherapie für Zwangsstörungen: Eine Möglichkeit Behandlungsbarrieren zu überwinden
Schultz J, Bücker L, Miegel F, Lohse A, Moritz S, Jelinek L
Z aktuell : die Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft Zwangserkrankungen e.V.. 2022;107:3-4.

Anger and aggressiveness in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the mediating role of responsibility, non-acceptance of emotions, and social desirability
Cludius B, Mannsfeld A, Schmidt A, Jelinek L
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2021;271(6):1179-1191.

Side effects of the metacognitive training for depression compared to a cognitive remediation training in patients with depression
Dietrichkeit M, Hagemann-Goebel M, Nestoriuc Y, Moritz S, Jelinek L
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.

Metakognitives Training
Jelinek L
2021. Verhaltenstherapiemanual – Erwachsene. Linden M, Hautzinger M (Hrsg.). 9. Aufl. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg New York, 371-376.

Predictors of trajectories of obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in the general population in Germany
Jelinek L, Göritz A, Miegel F, Moritz S, Kriston L
TRANSL PSYCHIAT. 2021;11(1):323.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder during COVID-19: Turning a problem into an opportunity?
Jelinek L, Moritz S, Miegel F, Voderholzer U
J ANXIETY DISORD. 2021;77:102329.

Metacognitive Training for Depression: Feasibility, safety and acceptability of two new treatment modules to reduce suicidality
Jelinek L, Peth J, Runde A, Arlt S, Scheunemann J, Gallinat J
CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. 2021;28(3):669-681.

When a nightmare comes true: Change in obsessive-compulsive disorder over the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic
Jelinek L, Voderholzer U, Moritz S, Carsten H, Riesel A, Miegel F
J ANXIETY DISORD. 2021;84:102493.

Aggressiveness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder as assessed by the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure
Michnevich T, Schmidt A, Scheunemann J, Moritz S, Miegel F, Jelinek L
J CONTEXT BEHAV SCI. 2021;21:176-186.

Metacognitive Training for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A randomized controlled trial
Miegel F, Moritz S, Hottenrott B, Demiralay C, Jelinek L

Impaired test performance yet spared neurocognitive functioning in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder: the role of performance mediators
Moritz S, Xie J, Lion D, Penney D, Jelinek L
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2021;26(6):394-407.

Die Rolle von Verhaltensexperimenten in der Behandlung von Zwangsstörungen: Ein Update zur effektiven Gestaltung und Durchführung in der Praxis
P H, Jelinek L

Do implicit measures improve suicide risk prediction? An 18-month prospective study using different tasks
Scheunemann J, Jelinek L, Peth J, Runde A, Arlt S, Gallinat J, Kühn S
SUICIDE LIFE-THREAT. 2021;51(5):993-1004.

Changes in Processing Speed, Cognitive Flexibility, and Selective Attention over a Four-Week Treatment Period in Inpatients with Moderate to Severe Depression
Schneider B, Diedrich S, Hauschildt M, Biedermann S, Arlt S, Moritz S, Jelinek L
Z NEUROPSYCHOL. 2021;32(3):129-140.

Negative self-conscious emotions in women with borderline personality disorder as assessed by an Implicit Association Test
Spitzer C, Jelinek L, Baumann E, Benecke C, Schmidt A
PERSONAL DISORD. 2021;12(5):456-465.

Implicitly measured aggressiveness self-concepts in women with borderline personality disorder as assessed by an Implicit Association Test
Baumann E, Schmidt A, Jelinek L, Benecke C, Spitzer C
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2020;66:101513.

The rates of co-occurring behavioural addictions in treatment-seeking individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A preliminary report
Brakoulias V, Starcevic V, Albert U, Arumugham S, Bailey B, Belloch A, Borda T, Dell'Osso L, Elias J, Falkenstein M, Ferrao Y, Fontenelle L, Jelinek L, Kay B, Lochner C, Maina G, Marazziti D, Matsunaga H, Miguel E, Morgado P, Pasquini M, Perez-Rivera , Potluri S, Reddy J, Riemann B, do Rosario M, Shavitt R, Stein D, Viswasam , Fineberg N
INT J PSYCHIAT CLIN. 2020;24(2):173-175.

Association splitting for obessive-compulsive disorder: a systematic review
Ching T, Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Williams M
CURR PSYCHIATRY REV. 2020;15:248-260.

Long-term effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and residual symptoms after cognitive behavioral therapy: Twelve-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial
Cludius B, Landmann S, Rose N, Heidenreich T, Hottenrott B, Schröder J, Jelinek L, Voderholzer U, Külz A, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2020;291:113119.

Die Behandlung psychischer Störungen mittels metakognitiver Interventionen am Beispiel des Metakognitiven Trainings für Depression (D-MKT) [The treatment of mental disorders with metacognitive interventions using the example of the metacognitive training for depression (D-MCT)]
Dietrichkeit M, Moritz S, Jelinek L
Z PSYCHIATR PSYCH PS. 2020;68(3):160-170.

Brief Web-Based Intervention for Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial on Behavioral Activation
Jelinek L, Arlt S, Moritz S, Schröder J, Westermann S, Cludius B
J MED INTERNET RES. 2020;22(3):e15312.

Kognitiv, kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutisch, metakognitiv. Wer blickt da noch durch? Ein Update zu kognitiven Psychotherapieansätzen [Cognitive, cognitive-behavioral, metacognitive: How to stay on top of things? An update on cognitive interventions]
Jelinek L, Moritz S
Z PSYCHIATR PSYCH PS. 2020;68(3):147-149.

Cortisol, DHEA and DHEA-S during exposure therapy in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder – secretion patterns and prediction of treatment response
Kellner M, Yassouridis A, Adel F, Muhtz C, Jelinek L, Wiedemann K
PSYCHIAT RES. 2020;291:113288.

Session-specific effects of the Metacognitive Group Training for Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder: significant results for thought control
Miegel F, Cludius B, Hottenrott B, Demiralay C, Jelinek L
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):17816.

Session-specific effects of the Metacognitive Training for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Miegel F, Cludius B, Hottenrott B, Demiralay C, Sure A, Jelinek L
PSYCHOTHER RES. 2020;2020(30):474-486.

Metacognitive Training for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Miegel F, Demiralay C, Moritz S, Wirtz J, Hottenrott B, Jelinek L
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2020;20(1):350.

Self-esteem mediates the relationship between perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive symptoms
Miegel F, Moritz S, Wagener F, Cludius B, Jelinek L

Prenatal sex hormones and finger length: Digit ratio (2D:4D) as a biological marker of early developmental processes in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Nitsche K, Moritz S, Jelinek L
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2020;2020(25):100525.

Advice weighting as a novel measure for belief flexibility in people with psychotic-like experiences
Scheunemann J, Gawęda Ł, Reininger K, Jelinek L, Hildebrandt H, Moritz S
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2020;216:129-137.

Unguided internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial
Schröder J, Werkle N, Cludius B, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Westermann S
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2020;37(12):.

Treatments used for obsessive-compulsive disorder-An international perspective
Brakoulias V, Starcevic V, Albert U, Arumugham S, Bailey B, Belloch A, Borda T, Dell'Osso L, Elias J, Falkenstein M, Ferrao Y, Fontenelle L, Jelinek L, Kalogeraki L, Kay B, Laurito L, Lochner C, Maina G, Marazziti D, Martin A, Matsunaga H, Miguel E, Morgado P, Mourikis I, Pasquini M, Perez Rivera R, Potluri S, Reddy J, Riemann B, do Rosario M, Shavitt R, Stein D, Viswasam K, Wang Z, Fineberg N
HUM PSYCHOPHARM CLIN. 2019;34(1):e2686.

Association splitting - A cognitive technique for reducing obsessions
Ching T, Moritz S, Jelinek L
2019. Sexual Obsessions in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Step-by-Step, Definitive Guide to Understanding, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Williams M, Wetterneck C (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. New York: OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 172-205.

Corrigendum to "Implicit aggressiveness self-concepts in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder as assessed by an implicit associations test" [Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 55 (June 2017) 106-112]
Cludius B, Schmidt A, Moritz S, Banse R, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2019;62:154.

Long-term efficacy of Metacognitive Training for Depression (D-MCT): A randomized controlled trial
Jelinek L, Faissner M, Moritz S, Kriston L
BRIT J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2019;58(3):245-259.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and residual symptoms after cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): a randomized controlled trial
Külz A, Landmann S, Cludius B, Rose N, Heidenreich T, Jelinek L, Alsleben H, Wahl K, Philipsen A, Voderholzer U, Maier J, Moritz S
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2019;269(2):223-233.

Dysfunctional beliefs in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression as assessed with the Beliefs Questionnaire (BQ)
Miegel F, Jelinek L, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2019;272:265-274.

"Phobie à deux" and other reasons why clinicians do not apply exposure with response prevention in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Moritz S, Külz A, Voderholzer U, Hillebrand T, McKay D, Jelinek L
COGN BEHAV THERAPY. 2019;48(2):162-176.

It can’t hurt, right? Adverse effects of psychotherapy in patients with depression
Moritz S, Nestoriuc Y, Rief W, Klein J, Jelinek L, Peth J
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2019;269(5):577-586.

Letter to the Editor: Metacognitive training and metacognitive therapy. A reply to Lora Capobianco and Adrian Wells
Andreou C, Balzan R, Jelinek L, Moritz S
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2018;59:162-163.

Course and stability of cognitive and metacognitive beliefs in depression
Faissner M, Kriston L, Moritz S, Jelinek L
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2018;35(12):1239-1246.

"Association splitting" versus cognitive remediation in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial
Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Hottenrott B, Kellner M, Moritz S
J ANXIETY DISORD. 2018;56:17-25.

Patients’ Perspectives on Treatment with Metacognitive Training for OCD: Feasibility and Acceptability
Jelinek L, Zielke L, Hottenrott B, Miegel F, Cludius B, Sure A, Demiralay C
Z NEUROPSYCHOL. 2018;29(1):20-28.

We cannot change the past, but we can change its meaning. A randomized controlled trial on the effects of self-help imagery rescripting on depression
Moritz S, Ahlf-Schumacher J, Hottenrott B, Peter U, Franck S, Schnell T, Peter H, Schneider B, Jelinek L
BEHAV RES THER. 2018;104:74-83.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by a lack of adaptive coping rather than an excess of maladaptive coping
Moritz S, Fink J, Miegel F, Nitsche K, Kraft V, Tonn P, Jelinek L
COGNITIVE THER RES. 2018;42(5):650–660.

New wine in an old bottle? Evaluation of myMCT as an integrative bibliotherapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder
Moritz S, Hauschildt M, Murray S, Pedersen A, Krausz M, Jelinek L
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2018;16:88-97.

Editorial zum Themenheft "Metakognitive Trainingsverfahren"
Moritz S, Jelinek L
Z NEUROPSYCHOL. 2018;29:5-6.

If it is absurd, then why do you do it? The richer the obsessional experience, the more compelling the compulsion
Moritz S, Purdon C, Jelinek L, Chiang B, Hauschildt M
CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. 2018;25(2):210-216.

Metacognitive Training for Depression (D-MCT) reduces false memories in depression. A randomized controlled trial
Moritz S, Schneider B, Peth J, Arlt S, Jelinek L
EUR PSYCHIAT. 2018;53:46-51.

Unerwünschte Effekte von Psychotherapie bei depressiven Patienten – Erste Anwendung der Positive and Negative Effects of Psychotherapy Scale (PANEPS)
Peth J, Jelinek L, Nestoriuc Y, Moritz S
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2018;68(9/10):391-398.

A Pilot Study of Metacognitive Training (D-MCT) for Older Adults with Depression
Schneider B, Bücker L, Riker S, Karamatskos E, Jelinek L
Z NEUROPSYCHOL. 2018;29(1):7–19.

Implicit aggressiveness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder as assessed by an Implicit Association Test
Cludius B, Schmidt A, Moritz S, Banse R, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2017;55:106-112.

Depression und Zwang: Ausweg aus Denkverzerrungen mit metakognitivem Training
Hauschildt M, Jelinek L
Neurotransmitter. 2017;28(1):44-50.

Patients' perspectives on treatment with Metacognitive Training for Depression (D-MCT): Results on acceptability
Jelinek L, Moritz S, Hauschildt M
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2017;221:17-24.

Cognitive and metacognitive mechanisms of change in Metacognitive Training for Depression.
Jelinek L, Van Quaquebeke N, Moritz S
SCI REP-UK. 2017;7(1):3449.

Metakognitives Training. „Denkfallen“ erkennen und hinterfragen
Kolbeck K, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Peth J
PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2017;62(6):575-589.

Does impairment in neuropsychological tests equal neuropsychological impairment in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Momentary influences, testing attitude, and motivation are related to neuropsychological performance in OCD
Moritz S, Hauschildt M, Saathoff K, Jelinek L
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2017;14:99-105.

Are we exaggerating neuropsychological impairment in depression? Reopening a closed chapter
Moritz S, Stöckert K, Hauschildt M, Lill H, Jelinek L, Beblo T, Diedrich S, Arlt S
EXPERT REV NEUROTHER. 2017;17(8):839-846.

A randomized controlled trial of a transdiagnostic Internet intervention for individuals with panic and phobias - One size fits all
Schröder J, Jelinek L, Moritz S
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2017;54:17-24.

Age effect on autobiographical memory specificity: A study on autobiographical memory specificity in elderly survivors of childhood trauma
Wittekind C, Jelinek L, Kleim B, Muhtz C, Moritz S, Berna F
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2017;54:247-253.

Investigation of implicit avoidance of displacement-related stimuli in offspring of trauma exposed, forcibly-displaced individuals
Wittekind C, Muhtz C, Moritz S, Jelinek L
J ANXIETY DISORD. 2017;47:21-28.

Performance in a blocked versus randomized emotional Stroop task in an aged, early traumatized group with and without posttraumatic stress symptoms
Wittekind C, Muhtz C, Moritz S, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2017;54:35-43.

Emotion recognition in depression: An investigation of performance and response confidence in adult female patients with depression
Fieker M, Moritz S, Köther U, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT RES. 2016;242:226-32.

Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT)
Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Moritz S
2016. Entwicklungen in der Integrativen KVT . Stavemann H (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Weinheim: Beltz, 175-200.

Efficacy of Metacognitive Training for Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Wittekind C, Schneider B, Kriston L, Moritz S
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2016;85(4):231-4.

Erkennen und modifzieren von Denkverzerrungen. Metakognitives Training bei Psychose und Depression
Jelinek L, Kolbeck K, Moritz S
Der Neurologe & Psychiater : DNP. 2016;17(9):26-32.

Mental Health in Offspring of Traumatized Refugees with and without Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Muhtz C, Wittekind C, Godemann K, von Alm C, Jelinek L, Yassouridis A, Kellner M
STRESS HEALTH. 2016;32(4):367-373.

Prädiktion des Behandlungserfolges bei Zwang unter Berücksichtigung von Persönlichkeitsakzentuierungen
Nitsche K, Moritz S, Jelinek L
Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin. 2016;37:317-333.

Association Splitting: A randomized controlled trial of a new method to reduce craving among inpatients with alcohol dependence
Schneider B, Moritz S, Hottenrott B, Reimer J, Andreou C, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT RES. 2016;238:310-7.

Metakognitives Training für Menschen mit Bipolaren Störungen
Sondergeld L, Quinlivan E, Haffner P, Fiebig J, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Stamm T
2016. Therapie-Tool Bipolare Störungen. Schäfer M, Reif A, Juckel G (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Weinheim: Beltz, 207-228.

Autobiographical memory in adult offspring of traumatized parents with and without posttraumatic stress symptoms
Wittekind C, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Muhtz C, Berna F
PSYCHIAT RES. 2016;242:311-314.

Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT) [Buch]
Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Moritz S
2015. Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT). 1. Aufl. Beltz, .

Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT). Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie und mehr!
Jelinek L, Moritz S
Info Neurol Psych. 2015;17(1):38-44.

Versorgung Zwangserkrankter mit kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie als Behandlungsmethode erster Wahl
Voderholzer U, Schlegl S, Dietrich A, Külz A, Thiel N, Hertenstein E, Schwartz C, Rufer M, Herbst N, Nissen C, Hillebrand T, Osen B, Stengler K, Jelinek L, Moritz S
VERHALTENSTHERAPIE. 2015;25:183–190.

Investigation of automatic avoidance in displaced individuals with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Wittekind C, Behmer F, Muhtz C, Fritzsche A, Jelinek L, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2015;228(3):887-893.

Depression, not PTSD, is associated with attentional biases for emotional visual cues in early traumatized individuals with PTSD
Wittekind C, Muhtz C, Jelinek L, Moritz S
FRONT PSYCHOL. 2015;5(1474):.

Further evidence for biased semantic networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): when knives are no longer associated with buttering bread but only with stabbing people
Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Hottenrott B, Kellner M, Moritz S
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2014;45(4):427-434.

Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrungen gegenüber traumarelevanten Reizen bei vertriebenen Personen mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTBS) und ihren Angehörigen
Wittekind C, Muhtz C, Moritz S, Jelinek L
Trauma & Gewalt. 2014;(164):.

Mood-congruent memory in depression - the influence of personal relevance and emotional context
Wittekind C, Terfehr K, Otte C, Jelinek L, Hinkelmann K, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2014;215(3):606-613.

Attentional bias for affective visual stimuli in posttraumatic stress disorder and the role of depression
Hauschildt M, Wittekind C, Moritz S, Kellner M, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT RES. 2013;207(1-2):73-9.

Denkverzerrungen erkennen und korrigieren: Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zum Metakognitiven Training bei Depressionen (D-MKT)
Jelinek L, Otte C, Arlt S, Hauschildt M
Z PSYCHIATR PSYCH PS. 2013;61(4):247–254.

(Meta)cognitive beliefs in posttraumatic stress disorder following forced displacement at the end of the Second World War in older adults and their offspring
Jelinek L, Wittekind C, Kellner M, Moritz S, Muhtz C
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2013;18(5):452-62.

Neuropsychological functioning in posttraumatic stress disorder following forced displacement in older adults and their offspring
Jelinek L, Wittekind C, Moritz S, Kellner M, Muhtz C
PSYCHIAT RES. 2013;210(2):584-9.

Impact of emotionality on memory and meta-memory in schizophrenia using video sequences.
Peters M, Hauschildt M, Moritz S, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2013;44(1):77-83.

Assessing the Boundaries of Symptom Over-Reporting Using the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology in a Clinical Schizophrenia Sample: Its Relation to Symptomatology and Neurocognitive Dysfunctions
Peters M, Jelicic M, Moritz S, Hauschildt M, Jelinek L
J EXP PSYCHOPATHOL. 2013;4(1):64-77.

Subjective well-being, but not subjective mental functioning shows positive associations with neuropsychological performance in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders
Schroeder K, Huber C, Jelinek L, Moritz S
COMPR PSYCHIAT. 2013;54(7):824-30.

Risk recognition and sensation seeking in revictimization and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Volkert J, Randjbar S, Moritz S, Jelinek L
BEHAV MODIF. 2013;37(1):39-61.

Religiosity, magical ideation, and paranormal beliefs in anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder: a cross-sectional study.
Agorastos A, Metscher T, Huber C, Jelinek L, Vitzthum F, Muhtz C, Kellner M, Moritz S
J NERV MENT DIS. 2012;200(10):876-884.

Veridical and false memory for scenic material in posttraumatic stress disorder.
Hauschildt M, Peters M, Jelinek L, Moritz S
CONSCIOUS COGN. 2012;21(1):80-89.

The effect of practice on the recall of salient information in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Jelinek L, Rietschel L, Kellner M, Muhtz C, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2012;198(1):89-93.

Effects of obsessive-compulsive symptoms on neuropsychological test performance: complicating an already complicated story.
Moritz S, Hottenrott B, Jelinek L, Brooks A, Scheurich A
CLIN NEUROPSYCHOL. 2012;26(1):31-44.

Good news for allegedly bad studies. Assessment of psychometric properties may help to elucidate deception in online studies on OCD
Moritz S, Niels V, Hauschildt M, Jelinek L, Gönner S
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2012;1(4):331-335.

Heart rate variability in response to affective scenes in posttraumatic stress disorder.
Hauschildt M, Peters M, Moritz S, Jelinek L
BIOL PSYCHOL. 2011;88(2-3):215-222.

Assoziationsspaltung als Zusatzintervention für Patienten mit Zwangsstörung: Eine Fallbeschreibung
Hottenrott B, Jelinek L, Kellner M, Moritz S
VERHALTENSTHERAPIE. 2011;21(2):109-115.

Larger than life: overestimation of object size is moderated by personal relevance in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Moritz S, Alpers G, Schilling L, Jelinek L, Brooks A, Willenborg B, Nagel M
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2011;42(4):481-487.

Knock, and it will be opened to you? An evaluation of meridian-tapping in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Moritz S, Carrillo Aravena S, Guczka S, Schilling L, Eichenberg C, Raubart G, Seebeck A, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2011;42(1):81-88.

Further evidence for the efficacy of association splitting as a self-help technique for reducing obsessive thoughts.
Moritz S, Jelinek L
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2011;28(7):574-581.

Was Freud partly right on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Investigation of latent aggression in OCD.
Moritz S, Kempke S, Luyten P, Randjbar S, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT RES. 2011;187(1-2):180-184.

Are patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder generally more doubtful? Doubt is warranted!
Moritz S, Rietschel L, Jelinek L, Bäuml K
PSYCHIAT RES. 2011;189(2):265-269.

The Attention Training Technique as an Attempt to Decrease Intrusive Thoughts in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): From Cognitive Theory to Practice and Back
Moritz S, Wess N, Treszl A, Jelinek L
J CONTEMP PSYCHOTHER. 2011;41(3):135-143.

[Long-term consequences of flight and expulsion in former refugee children].
Muhtz C, von Alm C, Godemann K, Wittekind C, Jelinek L, Yassouridis A, Kellner M
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2011;61(5):233-238.

What happened to the voices? A fine-grained analysis of how hallucinations and delusions change under psychiatric treatment.
Schneider S, Jelinek L, Lincoln T, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2011;188(1):13-17.

Befragung zur Versorgungssituation bei Zwangsstörungen
Voderholzer U, Hertenstein E, Schlegl S, Külz A, Stelzer N, Rufer M, Hillebrand T, Osen B, Stengler K, Jelinek L, Moritz S
Z aktuell : die Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft Zwangserkrankungen e.V.. 2011;3:3-5.

Generic and illness-specific quality of life in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Hauschildt M, Jelinek L, Randjbar S, Hottenrott B, Moritz S
BEHAV COGN PSYCHOTH. 2010;38(4):417-436.

Intrusive memories and modality-specific mental imagery in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Jelinek L, Randjbar S, Kellner M, Untiedt A, Volkert J, Muhtz C, Moritz S
Z PSYCHOL. 2010;218(2):64-70.

Characteristics and organization of the worst moment of trauma memories in posttraumatic stress disorder.
Jelinek L, Stockbauer C, Randjbar S, Kellner M, Ehring T, Moritz S
BEHAV RES THER. 2010;48(7):680-685.

How to treat the untreated: effectiveness of a self-help metacognitive training program (myMCT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Moritz S, Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Naber D
DIALOGUES CLIN NEURO. 2010;12(2):209-220.

Negative priming (cognitive inhibition) in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Moritz S, Kloss M, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2010;41(1):1-5.

Intergenerational transmission of biased information processing in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following displacement after World War II.
Wittekind C, Jelinek L, Kellner M, Moritz S, Muhtz C
J ANXIETY DISORD. 2010;24(8):953-957.

Assoziationsspaltung - eine neue Intervention zur Behandlung von Zwangsgedanken
Jelinek L, Hottenrott B, Moritz S
Notfall & Hausarztmed. 2009;35(2):86-89.

When cancer is associated with illness but no longer with animal or zodiac sign: investigation of biased semantic networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Jelinek L, Hottenrott B, Moritz S

Visual false memories in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Jelinek L, Hottenrott B, Randjbar S, Peters M, Moritz S
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2009;40(2):374-383.

The organization of autobiographical and nonautobiographical memory in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Jelinek L, Randjbar S, Seifert D, Kellner M, Moritz S
J ABNORM PSYCHOL. 2009;118(2):288-298.

Evidence for an attentional bias for washing- and checking-relevant stimuli in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Moritz S, Adrian V, Randjbar S, Fricke S, Jelinek L
J INT NEUROPSYCH SOC. 2009;15(3):365-371.

Perseveration and not strategic deficits underlie delayed alternation impairment in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Moritz S, Hottenrott B, Randjbar S, Klinge R, Eckstaedt V, Vitzthum F, Jelinek L, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT RES. 2009;170(1):66-69.

Inversion of the "unrealistic optimism" bias contributes to overestimation of threat in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Moritz S, Jelinek L
BEHAV COGN PSYCHOTH. 2009;37(2):179-193.

No evidence for object alternation impairment in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Moritz S, Jelinek L, Hottenrott B, Klinge R, Randjbar S
BRAIN COGNITION. 2009;69(1):176-179.

Comparable performance of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and healthy controls for verbal and nonverbal memory accuracy and confidence: time to forget the forgetfulness hypothesis of OCD?
Moritz S, Kloss M, Eckstaedt v, Jelinek L, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT RES. 2009;166(2-3):247-253.

No deficits in nonverbal memory, metamemory and internal as well as external source memory in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Moritz S, Ruhe C, Jelinek L, Naber D
BEHAV RES THER. 2009;47(4):308-315.

Decision making under uncertainty and mood induction: further evidence for liberal acceptance in schizophrenia.
Moritz S, Veckenstedt R, Randjbar S, Hottenrott B, Woodward T, von Eckstaedt F, Schmidt C, Jelinek L, Lincoln T
PSYCHOL MED. 2009;39(11):1821-1829.

Neither saints nor wolves in disguise: ambivalent interpersonal attitudes and behaviors in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Moritz S, Wahl K, Ertle A, Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Klinge R, Hand I
BEHAV MODIF. 2009;33(2):274-292.

Does the evocation of traumatic memories confound subsequent working memory performance in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
Jelinek L, Moritz S, Randjbar S, Sommerfeldt D, Püschel K, Seifert D
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2008;25(2):175-179.

Words may not be enough! No increased emotional Stroop effect in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Moritz S, Fischer B, Hottenrott B, Kellner M, Fricke S, Randjbar S, Jelinek L
BEHAV RES THER. 2008;46(9):1101-1104.

No disadvantage for the processing of global visual features in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Moritz S, Wendt M, Jelinek L, Ruhe C, Arzola G
J INT NEUROPSYCH SOC. 2008;14(3):489-493.

Memory and metamemory in schizophrenia: a liberal acceptance account of psychosis.
Moritz S, Woodward T, Jelinek L, Klinge R
PSYCHOL MED. 2008;38(6):825-832.

Enhanced perceived responsibility decreases metamemory but not memory accuracy in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Moritz S, Wahl K, Zurowski B, Jelinek L, Hand I, Fricke S
BEHAV RES THER. 2007;45(9):2044-2052.

Verbal and nonverbal memory functioning in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Jelinek L, Jacobsen D, Kellner M, Larbig F, Biesold K, Barre K, Moritz S
J CLIN EXP NEUROPSYC. 2006;28(6):940-948.

Everyday memory functioning in obsessive- compulsive disorder.
Jelinek L, Moritz S, Heeren D, Naber D
J INT NEUROPSYCH SOC. 2006;12(5):746-749.

A check on the memory deficit hypothesis of obsessive-compulsive checking.
Moritz S, Jacobsen D, Willenborg B, Jelinek L, Fricke S
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2006;256(2):82-86.

Quality of life in obsessive-compulsive disorder before and after treatment.
Moritz S, Rufer M, Fricke S, Karow A, Morfeld M, Jelinek L, Jacobsen D
COMPR PSYCHIAT. 2005;46(6):453-459.

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