Experimental Electrophysiology and Neuroimaging (xENi)
Stroke recovery
SFB 936 C1 - 1st period: A longitudinal study of multi-site communication during recovery of hand motor function after stroke
This project is geared to understand dynamic changes of multi-site communication, especially of ‘small-world network’ properties of the sensorimotor system, in the course of hand motor recovery after stroke. In a longitudinal design, connectivity will be measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in 60 patients. It is the project’s goal to create a statistical model of stroke recovery which can predict functional outcome, e.g., providing odds ratios for good recovery of dexterity. Beyond this, a computational model of the neural network serves motor control will be designed to simulate prospectively the effects of focal brain lesions on neural activity and behavior.
FundingSonderforschungsbereich 936 “Multi-Site Communication in the Brain“
PublicationsBönstrup M, Schulz R, Cheng B, Feldheim J, Zimerman M, Thomalla G, Hummel FC, Gerloff C (2015) Evolution of brain activation after stroke in a constant-effort versus constant-output motor task. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2015;33(6):845-64. doi: 10.3233/RNN-150527.
Schulz R, Frey BM, Koch P, Zimerman M, Bönstrup M, Feldheim J, Timmermann JE, Schön G, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2015) Cortico-Cerebellar Structural Connectivity Is Related to Residual Motor Output in Chronic Stroke. Cereb Cortex. 2015 Oct 27. pii: bhv251. [Epub ahead of print]
Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Feldheim J, Hummel FC, Gerloff C (2015) Dynamic causal modelling of EEG and fMRI to characterize network architectures in a simple motor task. Neuroimage. 2016 Jan 1;124(Pt A):498-508. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.08.052.
Schulz R, Braass H, Liuzzi G, Hoerniss V, Lechner P, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2015) White matter integrity of premotor-motor connections is associated with motor output in chronic stroke patients. Neuroimage Clin. 2014 Nov 18;7:82-6. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2014.11.006.
Zavaglia M, Forkert ND, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Hilgetag CC (2015) Mapping causal functional contributions derived from the clinical assessment of brain damage after stroke. Neuroimage Clin. 2015 Aug 1;9:83-94. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2015.07.009.
Boenstrup M, Feldheim J, Heise K, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2014) The control of complex finger movements by directional information flow between mesial frontocentral areas and the primary motor cortex. Eur J Neurosci. 2014 Sep;40(6):2888-97. doi: 10.1111/ejn.12657.
Cheng B, Forkert ND, Zavaglia M, Hilgetag CC, Golsari A, Siemonsen S, Fiehler J, Pedraza S, Puig J, Cho TH, Alawneh J, Baron JC, Ostergaard L, Gerloff C, Thomalla G (2014) Influence of stroke infarct location on functional outcome measured by the modified Rankin Scale. Stroke. 2014 Jun;45(6):1695-702. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.005152.
Liuzzi G, Hörniß V, Lechner P, Hoppe J, Heise K, Zimerman M, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2014) Development of movement-related intracortical inhibition in acute to chronic subcortical stroke. Neurology. 2014 Jan 21;82(3):198-205. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000028.
Schröder J, Cheng B, Ebinger M, Köhrmann M, Wu O, Kang DW, Liebeskind DS, Tourdias T, Singer OC, Christensen S, Campbell B, Luby M, Warach S, Fiehler J, Fiebach JB, Gerloff C, Thomalla G (2014) Validity of acute stroke lesion volume estimation by diffusion-weighted imaging-Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomographic Score depends on lesion location in 496 patients with middle cerebral artery stroke. Stroke. 2014 Dec;45(12):3583-8. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.006694.
Engel AK, Gerloff C, Hilgetag CC, Nolte G (2013) Intrinsic coupling modes: multiscale interactions in ongoing brain activity. Neuron. 2013 Nov 20;80(4):867-86. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.09.038
Schulz R, Park CH, Boudrias MH, Gerloff C, Hummel FC, Ward NS (2012) Assessing the integrity of corticospinal pathways from primary and secondary cortical motor areas after stroke. Stroke. 2012 Aug;43(8):2248-51. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.112.662619.
Thomalla G, Cheng B, Ebinger M, Hao Q, Tourdias T, Wu O, Kim JS, Breuer L, Singer OC, Warach S, Christensen S, Treszl A, Forkert ND, Galinovic I, Rosenkranz M, Engelhorn T, Köhrmann M, Endres M, Kang DW, Dousset V, Sorensen AG, Liebeskind DS, Fiebach JB, Fiehler J, Gerloff C (2011). DWIFLAIR mismatch for the identification of patients with acute ischaemic stroke within 4·5 h of symptom onset (PRE-FLAIR): a multicentre observational study. Lancet Neurol. 2011 Nov;10(11):978-86. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(11)70192-2.
SFB 936 C1 - 2nd period: Analysis, modeling, and modulation of the human motor network during recovery from motor stroke
The overall goal of this project is to understand adaptive changes of the cerebral motor network after stroke. In the first funding period, a central multimodal stroke database has been created and various network analyses have been implemented (DCM for fMRI/EEG, graph and game theory, machine learning, oscillator models). In the second funding period, different types of network characterization will be compared and related to clinical parameters. To move on towards causal relations between network dynamics and behavior, we will modulate networks with non-invasive brain stimulation, measure the effects, and apply modeling to predict them. With this thematic continuation and extension into modeling, modulation, and simulation, the project will move towards network-based, individualized outcome prediction and therapeutical applications.
FundingSonderforschungsbereich 931 “Multi-Site Interactions in the Brain“
PublicationsSchulz R, Buchholz A, Frey BM, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Hummel FC, Gerloff C (2016) Enhanced Effective Connectivity Between Primary Motor Cortex and Intraparietal Sulcus in Well-Recovered Stroke Patients. Stroke. 2016 Feb;47(2):482-9. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.011641.
Finger H, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Messé A, Hilgetag C, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, König P (2016) Modeling of Large-Scale Functional Brain Networks Based on Structural Connectivity from DTI: Comparison with EEG Derived Phase Coupling Networks and Evaluation of Alternative Methods along the Modeling Path. PLoS Comput Biol. 2016 Aug 9;12(8):e1005025. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005025.
Zavaglia M, Forkert ND, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Hilgetag CC (2016) Technical considerations of a game-theoretical approach for lesion symptom mapping. BMC Neurosci. 2016 Jun 27;17(1):40. doi: 10.1186/s12868-016-0275-6.
NETS - Neuroregeneration Enhanced by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in Stroke
We aim to optimize the functional outcome after ischemic lesion affecting the upper extremity. Based on previous studies showing a beneficial effect of tDCS on hand motor function in chronic stroke patients we initiated a European multicentre, randomized controlled clinical trial (NETS). The double-blind interventional trial investigates the hypothesis that tDCS combined with functional training will enhance upper limb recovery in subacute stroke patients after their first-ever stroke. Eight centres are cooperating including centres in Northern and Southern Germany, as well as in Italy, Rome.
FundingDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00909714
PublicationsParietofrontal network upregulation after motor stroke. Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Schön G, Cheng B, Feldheim J, Thomalla G, Gerloff C.Neuroimage Clin. 2018 Mar 7;18:720-729. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.03.006. eCollection 2018.PMID: 29876261 Free PMC article.
Effects of tDCS on motor learning and memory formation: A consensus and critical position paper. Buch ER, Santarnecchi E, Antal A, Born J, Celnik PA, Classen J, Gerloff C, Hallett M, Hummel FC, Nitsche MA, Pascual-Leone A, Paulus WJ, Reis J, Robertson EM, Rothwell JC, Sandrini M, Schambra HM, Wassermann EM, Ziemann U, Cohen LG.Clin Neurophysiol. 2017 Apr;128(4):589-603. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2017.01.004. Epub 2017 Jan 29. PMID: 28231477 Review.
Enhanced Effective Connectivity Between Primary Motor Cortex and Intraparietal Sulcus in Well-Recovered Stroke Patients. Schulz R, Buchholz A, Frey BM, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Hummel FC, Gerloff C.Stroke. 2016 Feb;47(2):482-9. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.011641. Epub 2016 Jan 7.PMID: 26742802
ImPRoVe – Interdisziplinäre Plattform für Rehabilitationsforschung und innovative Versorgung von Schlaganfallpatienten
Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, Erkenntnisse über Neuroplastizität und die Mechanismen des Wiedererlernens von Funktionen nach einem Schlaganfall aus dem Labor in die Praxis zu transferieren. In Kooperation mit den Rehabilitationskliniken RehaCentrum Hamburg, dem Klinikum Bad Bramstedt, dem MediClin Klinikum Soltau sowie der Helios Klinik Geesthacht findet zunächst eine Evaluation der aktuellen Praxis der Neurorehabilitation statt. In einem zweiten Schritt werden wir neurophysiologische und Imaging-basierte Biomarker für die Prognose des Rehabilitationsergebnisses mit Fokus auf der Handfunktion untersuchen. Im Weiteren soll der Einfluss evidenzbasierter Patienteninformation auf das Rehabilitationsergebnis analysiert werden. Auf Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse sollen neue therapeutische Ansätze wie nicht-invasive Hirnstimulation und Eigentraining zu Hause erforscht und Algorithmen für personalisierte Therapiepfade für Schlaganfallpatienten entwickelt werden.
This project aimsat tranferring knowledge and expertise about neuroplasticity and recovery mechanisms after stroke from an experimental level into clinical practice. In a cooperation with the rehabilitation clinics RehaCentrum Hamburg, Klinikum Bad Bramstedt, Klinikum Soltau and Helios Klinik Geesthacht an evaluation of the current practice of rehabilitation of stroke patients in the post-acute phase is undertaken. As a second step we will investigate neurophysiological and imaging-based biomarkers for the prognosis of rehabilitation outcome with a focus on hand function. Furthermore, the influence of evidence-based patient information on the rehabilitation outcome will be studied. Based on these results new therapeutic approaches like non-invasive brain stimulation and home-based training will be investigated to develop algorithms of personalised therapy protocols for stroke patients.
FundingDeutsche Rentenversicherung Nord
Multisensory integration and motor learning in the aging brain
Multisensory integration in the aging brain — mechanisms and facilitation
In this project, we examine the neural dynamics of crossmodal learning in healthy elderly individuals. We analyze neural signals associated with visuo-tactile integration and learning using EEG and MEG. Furthermore, we employ non-invasive brain stimulation to modulate related brain areas in attempt to enhance performance and aim to build computational models accounting for age-related differences. Our investigations will focus specifically on oscillatory neural activity and large-scale dynamic coupling between brain regions.
FundingThe Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TRR169 “Crossmodal Learning: Adaptivity, Prediction and Interaction” is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
PublicationsQuandt, F., Bönstrup, M., Schulz, R., Timmermann, J., Zimerman, M., Nolte, G., Hummel, F., 2016. Spectral Variability in the Aged Brain during Fine Motor Control. Front Aging Neurosci 8, 305. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2016.00305
Engel A K, Gerloff C, Hilgetag, CC, Nolte G (2013) Intrinsic coupling modes: multiscale interactions in ongoing brain activity. Neuron. 2013 Nov 20;80(4):867-86. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.09.038.
Heise, KF, Zimerman M, Hoppe J, Gerloff C, Wegscheider K,Hummel FC (2013) The aging motor system as a model for plastic changes of GABA-mediated intracortical inhibition and their behavioral relevance. J Neurosci. 2013 May 22;33(21):9039-49. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4094-12.2013.
Hummel F, Celnik P, Giraux P, Floel A, Wu WH, Gerloff C,Cohen LG (2005) Effects of non-invasive cortical stimulation on skilled motor function in chronic stroke. Brain. 2005 Mar;128(Pt 3):490-9.
Hummel F,Gerloff C (2005) Larger interregional synchrony is associated with greater behavioral success in a complex sensory integration task in humans. Cereb Cortex. 2005 May;15(5):670-8.
Hummel FC, Heise K, Celnik P, Floel A, Gerloff C,Cohen LG (2010) Facilitating skilled right hand motor function in older subjects by anodal polarization over the left primary motor cortex. Neurobiol Aging. 2010 Dec;31(12):2160-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2008.12.008.
Krawinkel L.A, Engel AK.,Hummel FC (2015) Modulating pathological oscillations by rhythmic non-invasive brain stimulation-a therapeutic concept? Front Syst Neurosci. 2015 Mar 17;9:33. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2015.00033.
Sailer A, Dichgans J, Gerloff C (2000) The influence of normal aging on the cortical processing of a simple motor task [In Process Citation]. Neurology. 2000 Oct 10;55(7):979-85.
Schulz R, Zimerman M, Timmermann J E, Wessel MJ, Gerloff, C,Hummel FC (2014) White matter integrity of motor connections related to training gains in healthy aging. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Jun;35(6):1404-11. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2013.11.024.
Zimerman M, Heise KF, Gerloff C, Cohen LG,Hummel FC (2014) Disrupting the ipsilateral motor cortex interferes with training of a complex motor task in older adults. Cereb Cortex. 2014 Apr;24(4):1030-6. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs385.
Zimerman M,Hummel FC(2010) Non-invasive brain stimulation: enhancing motor and cognitive functions in healthy old subjects. Front Aging Neurosci. 2010 Dec 1;2:149. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2010.00149.
Zimerman M, Nitsch M, Giraux P, Gerloff C, Cohen LG,Hummel FC(2013) Neuroenhancement of the aging brain: restoring skill acquisition in old subjects. Ann Neurol. 2013 Jan;73(1):10-5. doi: 10.1002/ana.23761.
Motor learning in healthy aging
As age-related declines in motor performance and skill acquisition affect healthy older people to pursue normal daily activities, the goal of this project is to get a better understanding of procedural learning in the form of fine motor skills over an intensive training period. A group of very old (>65 years) and a control group of young participants perform a sequential finger tapping task. The training is accompanied with extensive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) protocols to examine intracortical changes.
In a second study arm, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is applied sham-controlled in healthy older participants. The aim of tDCS application is to alter membrane potential with the potential to achieve cortical changes after stimulation has ended. In an attempt to optimize motor learning older participants receive stimulation during the task.
PublicationsSchulz R, Zimerman M, Timmermann J, Wessel MJ, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2014) White matter integrity of motor connections related to training gains in healthy aging. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Jun;35(6):1404-11. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2013.11.024.
Liuzzi G, Hoerniss V, Zimerman M, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2011) Coordination of uncoupled bimanual movements by strictly timed interhemispheric connectivity. J Neurosci. 2011 Jun 22;31(25):9111-7. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0046-11.2011.
Gerloff C, Andres FG (2002) Bimanual coordination and interhemispheric interaction. Acta Psychol (Amst). 2002 Jun;110(2-3):161-86.
Andres FG, Mima T, Schulman AE, Dichgans J, Hallett M, Gerloff C (1999) Functional coupling of human cortical sensorimotor areas during bimanual skill acquisition. Brain 122, 855-70.
Atrophy of cerebellar lobule VI and primary motor cortex in cervical dystonia - a region of interest-based study
Grimm K, Sadeghi F, Schön G, Okar A, Gelderblom M, Schulz R, Zittel S
J NEURAL TRANSM. 2025;132(2):257-264.
Efficacy and safety of transcranial direct current stimulation to the ipsilesional motor cortex in subacute stroke (NETS): a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
LANCET REG HEALTH-EU. 2024;38:100825.
Dopaminergic mesolimbic structural reserve is positively linked to better outcome after severe stroke
Asmussen L, Frey B, Frontzkowski L, Wróbel P, Grigutsch L, Choe C, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Quandt F, Gerloff C, Schulz R
BRAIN COMMUN. 2024;6(3):.
A translational roadmap for transcranial magnetic and direct current stimulation in stroke rehabilitation: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third stroke recovery and rehabilitation roundtable
Edwards J, Dominguez-Vargas A, Rosso C, Branscheidt M, Sheehy L, Quandt F, Zamora S, Fleming M, Azzollini V, Mooney R, Stagg C, Gerloff C, Rossi S, Cohen L, Celnik P, Nitsche M, Buetefisch C, Dancause N
INT J STROKE. 2024;19(2):145-157.
Differential effects of theta-gamma tACS on motor skill acquisition in young individuals and stroke survivors: A double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled study
Grigutsch L, Haverland B, Timmsen L, Asmussen L, Braaß H, Wolf S, Luu T, Stagg C, Schulz R, Quandt F, Schwab B
BRAIN STIMUL. 2024;17(5):1076-1085.
Longitudinal microstructural alterations surrounding subcortical ischemic stroke lesions detected by free-water imaging
Nägele F, Petersen M, Mayer C, Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Cheng B
HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2024;45(8):e26722.
Smaller Cerebellar Lobule VIIb is Associated with Tremor Severity in Parkinson's Disease
Sadeghi F, Pötter-Nerger M, Grimm K, Gerloff C, Schulz R, Zittel S
CEREBELLUM. 2024;23(2):355-362.
Association between activity in the ventral premotor cortex and spinal cord activation during force generation—A combined cortico-spinal fMRI study
Braaß H, Feldheim J, Chu Y, Tinnermann A, Finsterbusch J, Büchel C, Schulz R, Gerloff C
HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2023;44(18):6471-6483.
Early functional connectivity alterations in contralesional motor networks influence outcome after severe stroke: a preliminary analysis
Braaß H, Gutgesell L, Backhaus W, Higgen F, Quandt F, Choe C, Gerloff C, Schulz R
SCI REP-UK. 2023;13(1):11010.
Association of the time of day of EVT with clinical outcomes and benefit from successful recanalization after stroke
Burbano V, Wölfer T, Vlegels N, Quandt F, Zimmermann H, Wischmann J, Kellert L, Liebig T, Dimitriadis K, Saver J, Tiedt S
ANN CLIN TRANSL NEUR. 2023;10(10):1917-1923.
Disability and persistent motor deficits are linked to structural crossed cerebellar diaschisis in chronic stroke
Guder S, Sadeghi F, Zittel S, Quandt F, Choe C, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, Schulz R
HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2023;44(16):5336-5345.
Preserved Corticospinal Tract Revealed by Acute Perfusion Imaging Relates to Better Outcome After Thrombectomy in Stroke
Koch P, Rudolf L, Schramm P, Frontzkowski L, Marburg M, Matthis C, Schacht H, Fiehler J, Thomalla G, Hummel F, Neumann A, Münte T, Royl G, Machner B, Schulz R
STROKE. 2023;54(12):3081-3089.
Machine Learning-Based Identification of Target Groups for Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke
Quandt F, Flottmann F, Madai V, Alegiani A, Küpper C, Kellert L, Hilbert A, Frey D, Liebig T, Fiehler J, Goyal M, Saver J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Tiedt S
TRANSL STROKE RES. 2023;14(3):311-321.
RCT versus real-world cohorts: Differences in patient characteristics drive associations with outcome after EVT
Quandt F, Meißner N, Wölfer T, Flottmann F, Deb-Chatterji M, Kellert L, Fiehler J, Goyal M, Saver J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Tiedt S
EUR STROKE J. 2023;8(1):231-240.
Posterior parietal cortical areas and recovery after motor stroke: a scoping review
Reibelt A, Quandt F, Schulz R
BRAIN COMMUN. 2023;5(5):fcad250.
Homoarginine Associates with Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Atrial Fibrillation and Predicts Adverse Events after Stroke
Schwieren L, Jensen M, Schulz R, Lezius S, Laxy E, Milatz M, Thomalla G, Böger R, Gerloff C, Magnus T, Schwedhelm E, Choe C
LIFE-BASEL. 2023;13(7):.
A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to test efficacy and safety of transcranial direct current stimulation to the motor cortex after stroke (NETS): study protocol
NEUROL RES PRACT. 2022;4(1):14.
Association of White Blood Cell Count With Clinical Outcome Independent of Treatment With Alteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Barow E, Quandt F, Cheng B, Gelderblom M, Jensen M, Königsberg A, Boutitie F, Nighoghossian N, Ebinger M, Endres M, Fiebach J, Thijs V, Lemmens R, Muir K, Pedraza S, Simonsen C, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
FRONT NEUROL. 2022;13:.
Relationship Between Cortical Excitability Changes and Cortical Thickness in Subcortical Chronic Stroke
Graterol Pérez J, Guder S, Choe C, Gerloff C, Schulz R
FRONT NEUROL. 2022;13:.
Impact of interhemispheric inhibition on bimanual movement control in young and old
Morishita T, Timmermann J, Schulz R, Hummel F
EXP BRAIN RES. 2022;240(2):687-701.
Brain network topology early after stroke relates to recovery
Nemati P, Backhaus W, Feldheim J, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, Schulz R
BRAIN COMMUN. 2022;4(2):.
Serum neurofilament light chain and postural instability/gait difficulty (PIGD) subtypes of Parkinson's disease in the MARK-PD study
Pötter-Nerger M, Dutke J, Lezius S, Buhmann C, Schulz R, Gerloff C, Kuhle J, Choe C
J NEURAL TRANSM. 2022;129(3):295-300.
Cortical thickness of contralesional cortices positively relates to future outcome after severe stroke
Rojas Albert A, Backhaus W, Graterol Pérez J, Braaβ H, Schön G, Choe C, Feldheim J, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, Schulz R
CEREB CORTEX. 2022;32(24):5622-5627.
Structural cerebellar reserve positively influences outcome after severe stroke
Sadeghihassanabadi F, Frey B, Backhaus W, Choe C, Zittel S, Schön G, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, Schulz R
BRAIN COMMUN. 2022;4(6):fcac203.
Effective high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is associated with carotid intima-media thickness and vascular events after acute ischemic stroke
Schwedhelm E, Tiedt S, Lezius S, Wölfer T, Jensen M, Schulz R, Böger R, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Choe C
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2022;357:9-13.
Diabetes, Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c), and Neuroaxonal Damage in Parkinson's Disease (MARK-PD Study)
Uyar M, Lezius S, Buhmann C, Pötter-Nerger M, Schulz R, Meier S, Gerloff C, Kuhle J, Choe C
MOVEMENT DISORD. 2022;37(6):1299-1304.
Pre-stroke socioeconomic status predicts upper limb motor recovery after inpatient neurorehabilitation
Wolf S, Holm S, Ingwersen T, Bartling C, Bender G, Birke G, Meyer A, Nolte A, Ottes K, Pade O, Peller M, Steinmetz J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
ANN MED. 2022;54(1):1265-1276.
Early parietofrontal network upregulation relates to future persistent deficits after severe stroke—a prospective cohort study
Backhaus W, Braaß H, Higgen F, Gerloff C, Schulz R
BRAIN COMMUN. 2021;3(2):fcab097.
White matter degeneration revealed by fiber-specific analysis relates to recovery of hand function after stroke
Cheng B, Petersen M, Schulz R, Boenstrup M, Krawinkel L, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2021;42(16):5423-5432.
Intact procedural learning and motor intracortical inhibition in adult neurofibromatosis type 1 gene carriers
Germanidis E, Schulz R, Quandt F, Mautner V, Gerloff C, Timmermann J
CLIN NEUROPHYSIOL. 2021;132(9):2037-2045.
Strengthened structure-function relationships of the corticospinal tract by free water correction after stroke
Guder S, Pasternak O, Gerloff C, Schulz R
BRAIN COMMUN. 2021;3(2):.
Reduced frontal white matter microstructure in healthy older adults with low tactile recognition performance
Higgen F, Braaß H, Backhaus W, Schulz R, Xue G, Gerloff C
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.
Long-term recovery of upper limb motor function and self-reported health: Results from a multicenter observational study 1 year after discharge from rehabilitation
Ingwersen T, Wolf S, Birke G, Schlemm E, Bartling C, Bender G, Meyer A, Nolte A, Ottes K, Pade O, Peller M, Steinmetz J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
NEUROL RES PRACT. 2021;3(1):.
Serious Adverse Events and Their Impact on Functional Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke in the WAKE-UP Trial
Lettow I, Jensen M, Schlemm E, Boutitie F, Quandt F, Cheng B, Ebinger M, Endres M, Fiebach J, Thijs V, Lemmens R, Muir K, Nighoghossian N, Pedraza S, Simonsen C, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
STROKE. 2021;2021(52):3768–3776.
Black-box testing in motor sequence learning
Maceira-Elvira P, Timmermann J, Popa T, Schmid A, Krakauer J, Morishita T, Wessel M, Hummel F
bioRxiv. 2021.
Imaging-Based Outcome Prediction of Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Nawabi J, Kniep H, Elsayed S, Friedrich C, Sporns P, Rusche T, Böhmer M, Morotti A, Schlunk F, Dührsen L, Broocks G, Schön G, Quandt F, Thomalla G, Fiehler J, Hanning U
TRANSL STROKE RES. 2021;12(6):958-967.
Corticospinal Tract Microstructure Correlates With Beta Oscillatory Activity in the Primary Motor Cortex After Stroke
Schulz R, Bönstrup M, Guder S, Liu J, Frey B, Quandt F, Krawinkel L, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Gerloff C
STROKE. 2021;52(12):3839-3847.
Multifocal stimulation of the cerebro-cerebellar loop during the acquisition of a novel motor skill
Wessel M, Park C, Beanato E, Cuttaz E, Timmermann J, Schulz R, Morishita T, Koch P, Hummel F
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.
Predictive Value of Upper Extremity Outcome Measures After Stroke-A Systematic Review and Metaregression Analysis
Wolf S, Gerloff C, Backhaus W
FRONT NEUROL. 2021;12:675255.
Protocol for a multicenter observational prospective study of functional recovery from stroke beyond inpatient rehabilitation - The Interdisciplinary Platform for Rehabilitation Research and Innovative Care of Stroke Patients (IMPROVE)
Birke G, Wolf S, Ingwersen T, Bartling C, Bender G, Meyer A, Nolte A, Ottes K, Pade O, Peller M, Steinmetz J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
NEUROL RES PRACT. 2020;2:10.
Cortical atrophy and transcallosal diaschisis following isolated subcortical stroke
Cheng B, Dietzmann P, Schulz R, Boenstrup M, Krawinkel L, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2020;40(3):611-621.
The Influence of Cortico-Cerebellar Structural Connectivity on Cortical Excitability in Chronic Stroke
Guder S, Frey B, Backhaus W, Braass H, Timmermann J, Gerloff C, Schulz R
CEREB CORTEX. 2020;30(3):1330-1344.
Crossmodal Congruency Enhances Performance of Healthy Older Adults in Visual-Tactile Pattern Matching
Higgen F, Heine C, Krawinkel L, Göschl F, Engel A, Hummel F, Xue G, Gerloff C
Crossmodal Pattern Discrimination in Humans and Robots: A Visuo-Tactile Case Study
Higgen F, Ruppel P, Michael G, Matthias K, Norman H, Feldheim J, Stefan W, Jianwei Z, Gerloff C
FRONT ROBOT AI. 2020;7:540565.
Clinical characteristics and outcome of patients with hemorrhagic transformation after intravenous thrombolysis in the WAKE-UP trial
Jensen M, Schlemm E, Cheng B, Lettow I, Quandt F, Boutitie F, Ebinger M, Endres M, Fiebach J, Fiehler J, Galinovic I, Thijs V, Lemmens R, Muir K, Nighoghossian N, Pedraza S, Simonsen C, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
FRONT NEUROL. 2020;11:957.
Sensory capability and information integration independently explain the cognitive status of healthy older adults
Misselhorn J, Göschl F, Higgen F, Hummel F, Gerloff C, Engel A
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):22437.
Normalization of reduced functional connectivity after revascularization of asymptomatic carotid stenosis
Quandt F, Fischer F, Schröder J, Heinze M, Kessner S, Malherbe C, Schulz R, Cheng B, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2020;40(9):1838-1848.
Higher white matter hyperintensity lesion load is associated with reduced long-range functional connectivity
Quandt F, Fischer F, Schröder J, Heinze M, Lettow I, Frey B, Kessner S, Schulz M, Higgen F, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
BRAIN COMMUN. 2020;2(2):fcaa111.
Structural brain networks and functional motor outcome after stroke—a prospective cohort study
Schlemm E, Schulz R, Bönstrup M, Krawinkel L, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Cheng B
BRAIN COMMUN. 2020;2(1):fcaa001.
Low-Frequency Brain Oscillations Track Motor Recovery in Human Stroke
Bönstrup M, Krawinkel L, Schulz R, Cheng B, Feldheim J, Thomalla G, Cohen L, Gerloff C
ANN NEUROL. 2019;86(6):853-865.
Altered topology of large-scale structural brain networks in chronic stroke
Cheng B, Schlemm E, Schulz R, Bönstrup M, Messe A, Hilgetag C, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
BRAIN COMMUN. 2019;2019(1):1-13.
The functional role of beta-oscillations in the supplementary motor area during reaching and grasping after stroke: A question of structural damage to the corticospinal tract
Quandt F, Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Timmermann J, Mund M, Wessel M, Hummel F
HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2019;40(10):3091-3101.
Prefrontal-Premotor Pathways and Motor Output in Well-Recovered Stroke Patients
Schulz R, Runge C, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Hummel F
FRONT NEUROL. 2019;10:105.
Can Daytime Napping Assist the Process of Skills Acquisition After Stroke?
Backhaus W, Braaß H, Gerloff C, Hummel F
FRONT NEUROL. 2018;9:1002.
Parietofrontal network upregulation after motor stroke
Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Schön G, Cheng B, Feldheim J, Thomalla G, Gerloff C
NEUROIMAGE-CLIN. 2018;18:720-729.
White Matter Microstructure of the Human Mirror Neuron System is Related to Symptom Severity in Adults with Autism
Fründt O, Schulz R, Schöttle D, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Braaß H, Ganos C, David N, Peiker I, Engel A, Bäumer T, Münchau A
J AUTISM DEV DISORD. 2018;48(2):417-429.
Association of Extrapyramidal Tracts' Integrity With Performance in Fine Motor Skills After Stroke
Rimmele D, Frey B, Cheng B, Schulz R, Krawinkel L, Bönstrup M, Braass H, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
STROKE. 2018;49(12):2928-2932.
Mid-Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials Differentially Predict Sedation and Drug Level Under Opioid and Hypnotic Agents
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FRONT PHARMACOL. 2018;9:1427.
Cortico-Cerebellar Structural Connectivity Is Related to Residual Motor Output in Chronic Stroke
Schulz R, Frey B, Koch P, Zimerman M, Bönstrup M, Feldheim J, Timmermann J, Schön G, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, Hummel F
CEREB CORTEX. 2017;27(1):635-645.
Interactions Between the Corticospinal Tract and Premotor-Motor Pathways for Residual Motor Output After Stroke
Schulz R, Park E, Lee J, Chang W, Lee A, Kim Y, Hummel F
STROKE. 2017;48(10):2805-2811.
Synergistic but Independent: The role of corticospinal and alternate motor fibers for residual motor output after stroke
Schulz R, Park E, Lee J, Chang W, Lee A, Kim Y, Hummel F
NEUROIMAGE-CLIN. 2017;15:118-124.
Motor Performance Is not Enhanced by Daytime Naps in Older Adults
Backhaus W, Braass H, Renné T, Gerloff C, Hummel F
Daytime sleep has no effect on the time course of motor sequence and visuomotor adaptation learning
Backhaus W, Braaß H, Renné T, Krüger C, Gerloff C, Hummel F
NEUROBIOL LEARN MEM. 2016;131:147-54.
Structural connectivity analyses in motor recovery research after stroke
Koch P, Schulz R, Hummel F
ANN CLIN TRANSL NEUR. 2016;3(3):233-44.
A flexible standalone system with integrated sensor feedback for multi-pad electrode FES of the hand
Loitz J, Reinert A, Neumann A, Quandt F, Schroeder D, Krautschneider W
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 2016;2(1):391-394.
Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping of stroke lesions underlying somatosensory deficits
Meyer S, Kessner S, Cheng B, Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Hummel F, De Bruyn N, Peeters A, Van Pesch V, Duprez T, Sunaert S, Schrooten M, Feys H, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Thijs V, Verheyden G
NEUROIMAGE-CLIN. 2016;10:257-66.
Spectral Variability in the Aged Brain during Fine Motor Control
Quandt F, Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Timmermann J, Zimerman M, Nolte G, Hummel F
Smart control for functional electrical stimulation with optimal pulse intensity
Reinert A, Loitz J, Quandt F, Schroeder D, Krautschneider W
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 2016;2(1):395-398.
Enhanced Effective Connectivity Between Primary Motor Cortex and Intraparietal Sulcus in Well-Recovered Stroke Patients
Schulz R, Buchholz A, Frey B, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Hummel F, Gerloff C
STROKE. 2016;47(2):482-489.
Evolution of brain activation after stroke in a constant-effort versus constant-output motor task
Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Cheng B, Feldheim J, Zimerman M, Thomalla G, Hummel F, Gerloff C
RESTOR NEUROL NEUROS. 2015;33(6):845-64.
Dynamic causal modelling of EEG and fMRI to characterize network architectures in a simple motor task
Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Feldheim J, Hummel F, Gerloff C
NEUROIMAGE. 2015;124(Pt A):498-508.
Structural plasticity of remote cortical brain regions is determined by connectivity to the primary lesion in subcortical stroke
Cheng B, Schulz R, Bönstrup M, Hummel F, Sedlacik J, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2015;35(9):1507-14.
Parietofrontal motor pathways and their association with motor function after stroke
Schulz R, Koch P, Zimerman M, Wessel M, Bönstrup M, Thomalla G, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Hummel F
BRAIN. 2015;138(Pt 7):1949-60.
White Matter Integrity of Specific Dentato-Thalamo-Cortical Pathways is Associated with Learning Gains in Precise Movement Timing
Schulz R, Wessel M, Zimerman M, Timmermann J, Gerloff C, Hummel F
Oscillatory dynamics track motor performance improvement in human cortex
Dürschmid S, Quandt F, Krämer U, Hinrichs H, Heinze H, Schulz R, Pannek H, Chang E, Knight R
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(2):e89576.
The influence of functional electrical stimulation on hand motor recovery in stroke patients: a review
Quandt F, Hummel F
Exp Transl Stroke Med. 2014;6:9.
White matter integrity of premotor-motor connections is associated with motor output in chronic stroke patients
Schulz R, Braass H, Liuzzi G, Hoerniss V, Lechner P, Gerloff C, Hummel F
NEUROIMAGE-CLIN. 2014;7:82-6.
White matter integrity of motor connections related to training gains in healthy aging
Schulz R, Zimerman M, Timmermann J, Wessel M, Gerloff C, Hummel F
NEUROBIOL AGING. 2014;35(6):1404-1411.
Non-invasive brain stimulation in neurological diseases.
Schulz R, Gerloff C, Hummel F
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY. 2013;64:579-587.
Single trial discrimination of individual finger movements on one hand: a combined MEG and EEG study
Quandt F, Reichert C, Hinrichs H, Heinze H, Knight R, Rieger J
NEUROIMAGE. 2012;59(4):3316-3324.
Grundlagen und Anwendung von Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI)
Quandt F, Reichert C, Schneider B, Dürschmid S, Richter D, Hinrichs H, Rieger J
KLIN NEUROPHYSIOL. 2012;43(02):158-167.
Assessing the integrity of corticospinal pathways from primary and secondary cortical motor areas after stroke.
Schulz R, Park C, Boudrias M, Gerloff C, Hummel F, Ward N
STROKE. 2012;43(8):2248-2251.
Letzte Aktualisierung aus dem FIS: 25.03.2025 - 00:32 Uhr
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HC, Doehner W, Endres M, Gerloff C, Huttner HB, Kaps M, Kirchhof P, Nabavi DG,
Nolte CH, Pfeilschifter W, Pieske B, Poli S, Schäbitz WR, Thomalla G, Veltkamp R,
Steiner T, Laufs U, Röther J, Wachter R, Schnabel R. Expert opinion paper on
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Fründt O, Schulz R, Schöttle D, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Braaß H, Ganos C, David N, Peiker I, Engel AK, Bäumer T, Münchau A. White Matter Microstructure of the Human Mirror Neuron System is Related to Symptom Severity in Adults with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2017 Oct 12. (Epub)
Schulz R, Frey BM, Koch P, Zimerman M, Bönstrup M, Feldheim J, Timmermann JE, Schön G, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, Hummel FC. Cortico-Cerebellar Structural Connectivity Is Related to Residual Motor Output in Chronic Stroke. Cereb Cortex. 2017 Jan 1;27(1):635-645.
Finger H, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Messé A, Hilgetag C, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, König P. Modeling of Large-Scale Functional Brain Networks Based on Structural Connectivity from DTI: Comparison with EEG Derived Phase Coupling Networks and Evaluation of Alternative Methods along the Modeling Path. PLoS Comput Biol. 2016 Aug 9;12(8):e1005025.
Backhaus W, Braass H, Renné T, Gerloff C, Hummel FC. Motor Performance Is not Enhanced by Daytime Naps in Older Adults. Front Aging Neurosci. 2016 May 31;8:125.
Backhaus W, Braaß H, Renné T, Krüger C, Gerloff C, Hummel FC. Daytime sleep has no effect on the time course of motor sequence and visuomotor adaptation learning. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2016 May;131:147-54.
Schulz R, Buchholz A, Frey BM, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Hummel FC, Gerloff C. Enhanced Effective Connectivity Between Primary Motor Cortex and Intraparietal Sulcus in Well-Recovered Stroke Patients. Stroke. 2016 Feb;47(2):482-9.
Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Feldheim J, Hummel FC, Gerloff C. Dynamic causal modelling of EEG and fMRI to characterize network architectures in a simple motor task. Neuroimage. 2016 Jan 1;124(Pt A):498-508.
Zimerman M, Wessel MJ, Timmermann JE, Granström S, Gerloff C, Mautner VF, Hummel FC. Impairment of Procedural Learning and Motor Intracortical Inhibition in Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Patients. EBioMedicine. 2015 Sep 1;2(10):1430-7.
Wessel MJ, Zimerman M, Timmermann JE, Heise KF, Gerloff C, Hummel FC. Enhancing Consolidation of a New Temporal Motor Skill by Cerebellar Noninvasive Stimulation. Cereb Cortex. 2016 Apr;26(4):1660-7.
Meyer S*, Keßner SS*, Cheng B, Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Hummel FC, De Bruyn N, Peeters A, Van Pesch V, Duprez T, Sunaert S, Schrooten M, Feys H, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Thijs V, Verheyden G. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping of stroke lesions underlying somatosensory deficits. Neuroimage Clin. 2015 Dec 11;10:257-66.
Bönstrup M, Schulz R, Cheng B, Feldheim J, Zimerman M, Thomalla G, Hummel FC, Gerloff C. Evolution of brain activation after stroke in a constant-effort versus constant-output motor task. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2015;33(6):845-64.
Bönstrup M, Hagemann J, Gerloff C, Sauseng P, Hummel FC. Alpha oscillatory correlates of motor inhibition in the aged brain. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015 Oct 13;7:193.
Schulz R, Koch P, Zimerman M, Wessel M, Bönstrup M, Thomalla G, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Hummel FC. Parietofrontal motor pathways and their association with motor function after stroke. Brain. 2015 Jul;138(Pt 7):1949-60.
Cheng B, Schulz R, Bönstrup M, Hummel FC, Sedlacik J, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G. Structural plasticity of remote cortical brain regions is determined by connectivity to the primary lesion in subcortical stroke. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2015 Sep;35(9):1507-14.
Schulz R, Wessel MJ, Zimerman M, Timmermann JE, Gerloff C, Hummel FC. White Matter Integrity of Specific Dentato-Thalamo-Cortical Pathways is Associated with Learning Gains in Precise Movement Timing. Cereb Cortex. 2015 Jul;25(7):1707-14.
Backhaus W, Kempe S, Hummel FC. The effect of sleep on motor learning in the aging and stroke population - a systematic review. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2015;34(1):153-64.
Freundlieb N, Backhaus W, Brüggemann N, Gerloff C, Klein C, Pinnschmidt HO, Hummel FC. Differential effects of BDNF val(66)met in repetitive associative learning paradigms. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2015 Sep;123:11-7.
Krawinkel L; Engel AK; Hummel FC. Modulating pathological oscillations by rhythmic non-invasive brain stimulation - a therapeutic concept? Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2015 Mar 17;9:33.
Schulz R, Braaß H, Liuzzi GP, Hörniß V, Lechner P, Gerloff C, Hummel FC. White matter integrity of premotor-motor connections is associated with motor impairment in chronic stroke patients. NeuroImage Clin 2015 Nov 18;7:82-6.
Freundlieb N, Philipp S, Drabik A, Gerloff C, Forkert N, Hummel FC (2014) Ipsilesional motor area size correlates with functional recovery after stroke: Results from a 6-month follow-up longitudinal TMS motor mapping study. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience Dec 12.
Quandt F & Hummel FC (2014) The influence of functional electrical stimulation on hand motor recovery in stroke patients: A review. Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine Aug 21;6:9.
Hamann J, Dayan E, Hummel FC & Cohen LG (2014) Baseline frontostriatal-limbic connectivity predicts reward-based memory formation. Human Brain Mapping Dec;35(12):5921-31.
Heise K, Niehoff M, Feldheim J, Liuzzi G, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2014) Differential effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation in healthy adults of younger and older age: inhibitory neurotransmission and behavior. Frontiers in Ageing Neuroscience. 6:146.
Berger B, Minarik T, Liuzzi GP, Hummel FC, Sauseng P (2014) EEG oscillatory phase-dependent markers for cortico-spinal excitability in the resting brain. BioMed Research International 2014:936096.
Lefaucheur J-P, André-Obadia N, Antal A, Ayache SS, Baeken C, Benninger DH, Cantelloi RM, Cincotta M, De Carvalho M, De Ridder D, Devanne H, Di Lazzaro V, Filipovic SR, Hummel FC, Jääskeläinen SK, Kimiskidis VK, Koch G, Langguth G, Nyffeler T, Oliviero A, Padberg F, Pouletz E, Rossi S, Rossini PM, Rothwell JC, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Siebner HR, Slotema SW, Stagg CJ, Valls-Sole J, Ziemann U, Paulus W, Garcia-Larrea L (2014) Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Clinical Neurophysiology Jun 5. pii: S1388-2457(14)00296-X.
Boenstrup M, Feldheim J, Heise K, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2014) The control of complex finger movements by directional information flow between mesial frontocentral areas and the primary motor cortex. European J Neuroscience Sep;40(6):2888-97.
Hummel FC (2014) Kombination von TMS und MRT zum Verständnis neurologischer Erkrankungen [Combination of TMS and MRT to understand neurological diseases.] Nervenarzt. May 23. [Epub ahead of print].
Birbaumer N, Hummel FC. (2014) Habit learning and brain-machine interfaces (BMI): a tribute to Valentino Braitenberg's "Vehicles". Biol Cybern. [Epub ahead of print].
Schulz R, Wessel MJ, Zimerman M, Timmermann JE, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2014) White Matter Integrity of Specific Dentato-Thalamo-Cortical Pathways is Associated with Learning Gains in Precise Movement Timing. Cereb Cortex. [Epub ahead of print].
Schulz R, Zimerman M, Timmermann JE, Wessel MJ, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2014) White matter integrity of motor connections related to training gains in healthy aging. Neurobiol Aging.35(6):1404-11.
Cheng B, Braass H, Ganos C, Treszl A, Biermann-Ruben K, Hummel FC, Müller-Vahl K, Schnitzler A, Gerloff C, Münchau A, Thomalla G (2014) Altered intrahemispheric structural connectivity in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Neuroimage Clin.4:174-81.
Liuzzi G, Hörniß V, Lechner P, Hoppe J, Heise K, Zimerman M, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2014) Development of movement-related intracortical inhibition in acute to chronic subcortical stroke. Neurology. Jan 21;82(3):198-205
Thomalla G, Jonas M, Bäumer T, Siebner HR, Biermann-Ruben K, Ganos C, Orth M, Hummel FC, Gerloff C, Müller-Vahl K, Schnitzler A, Münchau A (2014) Costs of control: decreased motor cortex engagement during a Go/NoGo task in Tourette's syndrome. Brain. Jan;137(Pt 1):122-36.
Zimerman M, Heise KF, Gerloff C, Cohen LG, Hummel FC (2014) Disrupting the ipsilateral motor cortex interferes with training of a complex motor task in older adults.Cereb Cortex. Apr;24(4):1030-6. -
Zimerman M, Nitsch M, Giraux P, Gerloff C, Cohen LG, Hummel FC.(2013) Neuroenhancement of the aging brain: restoring skill acquisition in old subjects. Ann Neurol. Jan;73(1):10-5
Wessel M, Zimerman M, Timmermann JE, Hummel FC. (2013) Eyelid myokymia in an older subject after repetitive sessions of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation.Brain Stimul. May;6(3):463-5.
Heise KF, Zimerman M, Hoppe J, Gerloff C, Wegscheider K, Hummel FC (2013) The aging motor system as a model for plastic changes of GABA-mediated intracortical inhibition and their behavioral relevance. J Neurosci. May 22;33(21):9039-49.
Sauseng P, Gerloff C, Hummel FC.(2013) Two brakes are better than one: the neural bases of inhibitory control of motor memory traces. Neuroimage. Jan 15;65:52-8
Jaenecke, T.; Heise, K.-F.; Hummel, F.C. Orthesengestütztes Eigentraining im häuslichen Umfeld führt zu motorisch-funktioneller Verbesserung bei einem Patienten nach Schlaganfall. Physioscience
Freundlieb, N., Phillip, S.; Schneider, S.; Brüggemann, N.; Klein, C.; Gerloff, C.; Hummel, F.C. No association of the BDNF val66met polymorphism with short-term associative vocabulary and implicit motor learning. Plos One 7(11):e48327
Sauseng, P., Gerloff, C., Hummel, F.C. Cognitive control of memory traces: decoupling of interregional alpha activity during sustained inhibition of a motor memory trace. Neuroimage Sep 29;65C:52-58
Hummel, F.C. & Gerloff, C. (2012) Leitthema: Transkranielle Hirnstimulation nach Schlaganfall, Nervenarzt Aug;83(8):957-65
Schulz, R., Park, C.,Boudrias, M.-H., Gerloff, C., Hummel, F.C.*, Ward, N.* (2012) Corticospinal tracts originating in primary and secondary motor areas predict grip-strength in chronic stroke patients Stroke Aug;43(8):2248-51. *both authors contributed equally
Schulz R, Gerloff C, Hummel FC (2012) Non-invasive brain stimulation in neurological diseases, Neuropharmacology Jan;64(1):579-87
Zimerman, M., Heise, K., Hoppe, J., Cohen, L.G., Gerloff, C., Hummel, F.C. (2012) Modulation of Training by tDCS to the Intact Motor Cortex Enhances Motor Skill Acquisition of the Paretic Hand Stroke Aug;43(8):2185-91.
Freundlieb, N., Riddder, V., Dobel, C., Enriquez-Geppert, S., Baumgärtner, A.; Zwitserlood, P., Gerloff, C., Hummel, F.C.*; Liuzzi, G.P.* (2012) Associative vocabulary learning: Development and testing of two paradigms for the (re-) acquisition of action- and object-related words Plos One 7(6):e37033. *both authors contributed equally
Sitaram, R., Veit, R., Steven, B., Caria, A., Gerloff, C., Birbaumer, N., Hummel, F.C. (2012) Acquired control of ventral premotor cortex activity by feedback training: An exploratory real-time fMRI and TMS study. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair Mar-Apr;26(3):256-65 -
Sauseng P, Feldheim JF, Freunberger R, Hummel FC.(2011) Right Prefrontal TMS Disrupts Interregional Anticipatory EEG Alpha Activity during Shifting of Visuospatial Attention. Front Psychol. 2011;2:241
Ganos, C. & Hummel, F.C. (2011) My urge, my tic - a missing link between urges and tic inhibition Cognitive Neuroscience
Liuzzi, G.P., Hörniss, V., Zimerman, M., Gerloff, C., Hummel, F.C. (2011) Coordination of uncoupled bimanual movements by strictly timed interhemispheric connectivity Journal of Neuroscience Jun 22;31(25):9111-9117 -
Zimerman, M., Hummel, F.C. (2010) Non-invasive brain stimulation: enhancing declined motor and cognitive functions in healthy old subjects. Frontiers in Ageing Neuroscience Dec 1;2:149
Baumer, T.; Thomalla, G.; Kroeger, J.;Jonas, M.; Gerloff, C.; Hummel, F. C.; Muller-Vahl, K.; Schnitzler, A.; Siebner, H. R.; Orth, M.; Munchau, A. (2010) Interhemispheric motor networks are abnormal in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Movement Disorders Oct 19.
Liuzzi, G.P., Freundlieb, N., Riddder, V., Hoppe, J., Heise, K., Zimerman, M., Dobel, C., Enriquez-Geppert, S., Gerloff, C., Zwitserlood, P., Hummel, F.C. (2010) The Involvement of the Left Motor Cortex in Learning of a Novel Action Word Lexicon. Current Biology 2010 Oct 12;20(19):1745-51. Epub 2010 Sep 30.
Heise, K., Steven, B., Liuzzi, G.P., Thomalla G, Jonas M, Müller-Vahl K, Sauseng, P., Münchau A. Gerloff, C., Hummel, F.C. (2010) Altered modulation of intracortical excitability during movement preparation in Gilles de la Tourette. Brain 2010 133: 580-590, Brain Advance Access published on December 11, 2009
Liuzzi, G.P., Hörniß, V., Hoppe, J., Heise, K., Zimerman, M., Gerloff, C., Hummel, F.C. (2010) Distinct temporospatial interhemispheric interactions in the human primary and premotor cortex during movement preparation. Cerebral Cortex Jun;20(6):1323-31. Epub 2009 Nov 11.
Duque, J., Davare, M., Delaunay, L., Jacob, B., Saur, R., Hummel, F., Hermoye, L., Rossion, B., Olivier, E. (2010). Monitoring coordination during bimanual movements;where is the mastermind?. J. Cogn Neuroscience Mar;22(3):526-42.
Hummel FC, Heise K, Celnik P, Floel A, Gerloff C, Cohen LG (2010) Facilitating skilled right hand motor function in older subjects by anodal polarization over the left primary motor cortex. Neurobiol Aging, 2010. 31(12): p. 2160-8. -
Sauseng P, Klimesch W, Heise KF, Gruber WR, Holz E, Karim AA, Glennon M, Gerloff C, Birbaumer N, Hummel FC. (2009): Brain oscillatory substrates of visual short-term memory capacity. Curr Biol. 2009 Nov 17;19(21):1846-52.
Choe, C., Lewerenz, J., Fischer, G., Uliasz, T.F., Espey, M.G., Hummel, F.C., King, B., Schwedhelm, E., Böger, R.H., Gerloff, C., Hewett, S.J., Magnus, T., Donzelli, S. (2009): HNO exacerbates ischemic cerebral injury and oxidative neurotoxicity. Journal of Neurochemistry Jul 8.
Hummel, F.C. (2009). Transkranielle Stimulation in der Neurorehabilitation (Transcranial Stimulation in Neurological Rehabilitation). Klin Neurophys; 40: 134-141
Duque, J., Davare, M., Delaunay, L., Jacob, B., Saur, R., Hummel, F., Hermoye, L., Rossion, B., Olivier, E. (2009). Monitoring coordination during bimanual movements;where is the mastermind?. J. Cogn Neuroscience Mar 23.
Färber, M., Hummel, F., Gerloff, C., Handels, H. (2009). Virtual Reality Simulator for the Training of Lumbar Punctures. Methods Inf Med. May 15;48(4).
Hummel, F., Heise, K., Floel, A., Celnik, P., Gerloff, C., Cohen, L.G. (2009): Improvement of skilled motor functions in healthy elderly subjects by cortical stimulation Neurobiology of Aging Feb 5.
Hummel, F., Steven, B., Hoppe, J., Heise, K., Thomalla, G., Cohen, L.G., Gerloff, C., (2009) Deficient intracortical inhibition (SICI) during movement preparation after chronic stroke, Neurology 72(20):1766-72.
Thomalla G, Siebner HR, Jonas M, Bäumer T, Biermann-Ruben K, Hummel F, Gerloff C, Müller-Vahl K, Schnitzler A, Orth M, Münchau A. (2009) Structural changes in somatosensory pathways correlate with tic severity in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Brain 132(Pt 3):765-7
Sauseng, P., Klimesch, W., Gerloff, C., Hummel, F. (2009): Spontaneous locally restricted EEG alpha activity determines cortical excitability in the motor cortex. Neuropsychologica 47(1):284-8. Epub 2008 Aug 3.
Ruiz, M.H., Senghaas, P., Grossbach, M., Jabusch, H.-C., Bangert, M., Hummel, F.C., Gerloff, C., Altenmüller, E. (2009) ,Defective inhibition and inter-regional phase synchronization in pianists with musician's dystonia (MD): an EEG study. Human Brain Mapping Aug;30(8):2689-700. Dec 31. -
Jansen, A*, Liuzzi G*, Deppe M, Kanowski M, Ölschläger C, Albers JM, Knecht S (in press) Structural correlates of functional language dominance: A voxel based morphometry study. Journal of Neuroimaging (*shared first authors)
Liuzzi G., Ellger T., Floel A., Breitenstein C., Jansen A., Knecht S. (2008): Walking the Talk - Speech Activates the Leg Motor Cortex. Neuropsychologia 46(11):2824-30
Sauseng, P., Klimesch, W., Gerloff, C., Hummel, F. (2008): Spontaneous locally restricted EEG alpha activity determines cortical excitability in the motor cortex. Neuropsychologica 2008 Aug 3
Reis, J., Robertson, E., Marshall, L., Gerloff, C., Wassermann, E., Pascual-Leone, A., Krakauer, J., Hummel, F., Celnik, P., Classen, J., Floel, A., Ziemann, U., Paulus, W., Siebner, H., Rothwell, J., Born, J., Cohen L.G. (2008): Controversy: "Can tDCS and TMS enhance motor learning and memory formation?" Brain Stimulation. 1(4):363-369
Nitsche, M.A, Cohen, L.G., Wassermann, E., Priori, A., Lang, N., Antal, A., Paulus, W., Hummel, F., Boggio, P.S., Fregni, F., Pascual-Leone, A. (2008). Transcranial direct current stimulation: state of the art 2008. Brain Stimulation. 1(3):206-223
Hummel, F., Celnik, P., Pascual-Leone, A. Fregni, F., Byblow, W.D., Butefisch, C., Rothwell, J., Cohen, L.G., Gerloff, C. (2008) Controversy: Noninvasive and invasive cortical stimulation show efficacy in treating stroke patients. Brain Stimulation 1(4):370-382
Floel, A., Hummel, F., Duque, J., Knecht, S., Cohen, L.G. (2008) Influence of Somatosensory Input on Interhemispheric Interactions in Patients With Chronic Stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. Jul 21.
Färber, M., Hoeborn, E., Dalek, D., Hummel, F., Gerloff, C., Bohn, C.A., Handels, H. (2008). Training and evaluation of lumbar punctures in a VR-environment using a 6DOF haptic device. Stud Health Technol Inform;132:112-4.
Plewnia, C., Rilk, A., Soekadar, S., Huber, H., Sauseng, P., Hummel, F., Gerloff, C. (2008) Enhancement of long-range EEG coherence by synchronous bifocal transcranial magnetic stimulation. Eur J Neurosci Mar;27(6):1577-83.
Duque J, Mazzocchio R, Stefan K, Hummel F, Olivier E, Cohen LG (2008) Memory Formation in the Motor Cortex Ipsilateral to a Training Hand Cereb Cortex. Jun;18(6):1395-406.
Floel, A., Hummel, F., Duque, J., Knecht, S., Cohen, L.G. (2008) Influence of Somatosensory Input on Interhemispheric Interactions in Patients With Chronic Stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 22(5):477-85. Epub 2008 Jul 21. -
Celnik, P., Hummel, F., Harris-Love, M., Wolk, R., Cohen, L.G. (2007): Somatosensory Stimulation Enhances Learning of Functional Tasks after Stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Nov;88(11):1369-76.
Sauseng, P., Hoppe, J., Klimesch, W., Gerloff, C., Hummel, F. (2007): Dissociation of sustained attention from central executive functions: Local activity and interregional connectivity in the theta range. Eur J Neurosci. 25(2):587-93.
Duque, J., Murase, N., Celnik, P., Hummel, F., Harris-Love, M., Mazzocchio, R., Olivier, E., Cohen, L.G. (2007): Intermanual differences in movement-related interhemispheric inhibition. J Cogn Neurosci. 19(2):204-13.
Hummel, F., Voller, B., Celnik, P., Floel, A., Giraux, P., Gerloff,C., Cohen, L.G. (2006): Effects of cortical stimulation on primary motor cortex function after stroke. BMC Neuroscience Nov 3;7:73.
Hummel, F. (2006): Nicht invasive Hinrstimulation. Eine innovative Strategie zur Verbesserung der Erholung nach Schlaganfall. Neurodate Nov 20 (158), 28-33.
Hummel, F. & Gerloff, C. (2006). Chapter 15 Interregional long-range and short-range synchrony: a basis for complex sensorimotor processing. Prog Brain Res 159:223-36.
Hummel, F. & Cohen, L.G. (2006): Noninvasive brainstimulation: a novel strategy to enhance functional recovery? Lancet Neurology Aug;5(8):708-712.
Gandiga, P*., Hummel, F*., Cohen, L.G. (2006): Transcranial DC Stimulation (tDCS): a tool for double-blind sham-controlled clinical studies in brain stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology Apr;117(4):845-50. Epub 2006 Jan 19. *both authors contributed equally
Celnik, P., Stefan, K., Hummel, F., Duque, J., Cohen, L.G. (2006): Encoding a motor memory in the elder by action observation. NeuroImage 15;29(2):677-684. Epub 2005 Aug 24. -
Hummel, F. & Cohen, L.G. (2005): Drivers of brain plasticity. Current Opinion in Neurology 18(6):667-674.
Duque, J., Hummel, F., Murase, N., Celnik, P, Mazzocchio, R., Cohen, L.G. (2005) Transcallosal inhibition in chronic subcortical stroke. NeuroImage 28 (4): 940-946, Epub 2005 Aug 3.
Floel, A., Hummel, F., Breitenstein, C., Knecht, S., Cohen, L.G. (2005) Dopaminergic effects on encoding of a motor memory in chronic stroke. Neurology 65(3), 472-474.
Floel, A., Breitenstein, C., Hummel, F., Celnik, P., Gingert, C., Sawaki, L., Knecht, S., Cohen, L.G. (2005) Dopaminergic influence on formation of a motor memory. Ann Neurol 58, 121-130.
Hummel, F. & Gerloff, C. (2005): Larger interregional synchrony predicts greater behavioral success in a complex sensory integration task in humans. Cereb Cortex May;15(5):670-8. Epub 2004 Sep 1.
Hummel, F. & Cohen, L.G. (2005): Improvement of motor function with noninvasive cortical stimulation in a patient with chronic stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair Mar;19(1):14-9.
Hummel, F., Celnik, P., Giraux, P., Floel, A., Wu, W.-H., Gerloff, C., Cohen, L.G. (2005): Effects of noninvasive cortical stimulation on skilled motor function in chronic stroke. Brain Mar;128(Pt 3):490-9. Epub 2005 Jan 5. -
Hummel, F., Saur, R., Lasogga, S., Plewnia, C., Erb, M., Wildgruber, D., Grodd, W., Gerloff, C. (2004): To act or not to act. Neural correlates of executive control of learned motor behavior. NeuroImage 23(4), 1391-1401.
Hummel, F., Gerloff, C. & Cohen, L.G. (2004): Cross-modal plasticity in sighted and blind individuals. Cognitive Processing 5, 152-158.
Fridman, E., Hanakawa, T., Chung, M., Hummel, F., Leiguarda, R., Cohen, L.G. (2004): Reorganization of the human ipsilesional premotor cortex after stroke. Brain 127, 747-58.
Rau, C., Hummel, F., Gerloff, C. (2004). Cortical involvement in the generation of 'involuntary' movements in restless-legs syndrome. Neurology, 23, 62(6):998-1000. -
Gerloff, C. & Hummel, F. (2003): Inhibitory control of acquired motor programs in the human brain. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol 56:170-4.
Rau, C., Plewnia, C., Hummel, F., Gerloff, C. (2003): Event-related desynchronization and excitability of the ipsilateral motor cortex during simple self-paced finger movements. Clinical Neurophysiology 114, 1819-1826.
Hummel, F., Kirsammer, R., Gerloff, C. (2003): Ipsilateral cortical activation during finger sequences of increasing complexity: representation of movement difficulty or memory load? Clinical Neurophysiology 114, 605-613.
Hummel, F., Andres, F., Altenmüller, E., Dichgans, J., Gerloff, C. (2002): Inhibitory control of acquired motor programs in the human brain. Brain 125, 404-420.
Pulvermuller, F., Harle, M., Hummel, F. (2001): Walking or Talking? : Behavioral and Neurophysiological Correlates of Action Verb Processing. Brain Lang 78, 143-68.
Pulvermuller, F., Harle, M., Hummel, F. (2000): Neurophysiological distinction of verb categories. Neuroreport 11, 2789-93.
Books and book chapters
Zimerman, M. & Hummel, F.C. & Celnik, P. (2014) Chapter 12: Brain Stimulation and its Role in Neurological Diseases (page 333-370). The Stimulated Brain - Cognitive Enhancement using non-invasive brain stimulation. Edited by R.C.Kadosh. Academic Press
Hummel, F. (in press). Hirnstimulation in der Neurorehabilitation (Kapitel. 6) in Evidenzbasierte Therapie in der Neurorehabilitation.
Floel, A., Hummel, F. & Gerloff, C. (2008). Kapitel VIII Modulation von Hirnfunktionen - Therapeutische Ansätze. VIII 56 Schlaganfall. In Transkranielle Magnetstimulation. Edited by U. Ziemann, H.R. Siebner.
Hummel, F. & Cohen, L.G. (2008). Brain stimulation in neurorehabilitation. In Oxford Handbook of Transcranial Stimulation. Section VI. Therapeutic Applications of TMS. Edited by Sarah H. Lisanby.
Hummel, F. & Steinbach, J. (2007). H 9. Zerebrale Missbildungen. In Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen (5. Auflage). Edited by T. Brandt, J. Dichgans & H. Diener.
Gerloff, C. & Hummel, F. (2006). Role of inhibition in motor control of finger functions. In Music, Motor Control and the Brain. Edited by E. Altenmueller, J. Kesselring, M. Wiesendanger.
Hummel, F., Gerloff, C., Cohen, L.G. (2005). Modulation of cortical function and plasticity in the human brain. In Neural plasticity in adult somatic sensory-motor systems. Topic 3: Motor system plasticity due to experience or brain damage. Edited by Ford Ebner.